getting ready for the frolics 1964 1order to provide funds to purchas -e neu books li��xt�n� �ar>r� �� r'� f� North �'aloi Beach Iib�,rar'�'. The characterz. of fact or fanc% Will 1%7hirl like dervi�hc.: to music provided by the Palml- er '% hitneN Orehestra. i Tickc_t to the frolic Mav be J ZVI obtained b� contacting �f r John U. Turnbull_ 716 Pelican ay. North Palos Beach, A �' A" k' da, I Ar, i e 1 4 kD (_la�ImAtrae+vnturn— 9 r4 unlN a Fe" of the eulorfnl enVWM I'll t•5 Wight 1hp Frolic. !%ho7 j) here Hrr Mr;, 11. d ,. Lcnvp_ left. "ra. R. ­-at,-d- and )1r , Jame flarucwhvr r rivht J. oil a� IE CROwNI_` G tt,uch is adtlyd to the cu�_turne of Mfr_. Raiaw -NI- - 51ilton :Storrs. It ft. .A t righI is Mrs, Bill Bran, a4,jU!ting a I s*eaQc �Ov- V'-AM 3