06-07-1973 VC PH-MMINUTES VILLAGE COUNCIL OF OF PUBLIC HEARING OF THE NORTH PAIM BEACH, FLORIDA HELD THURSDAY, JUNE 7, 1973, ~_ Present: H. Mallory,Privett, Jr., Mayor Ronald B. Cadby, Vice Mayor Robert W. Martin, Councilman Robert F. Slater, Councilman Herbert L.~Gildan, Village Attorney Lawrence J Robbins, Village Manager Dolores R. ,Walker, Village Clerk Absent: Walter N. Colbath, Jr .,, Councilman comments of the public on Bill No. 179, which concerns PUBLIC HEARING the planned use of funds received under the .State and Local Fiscal Assistance Act of 1972 (Revenue, Sharing). Mayor Privett called the Public Hearing to order at ROLL CALL 8:03 p.m. All members of .the Council were present except Councilman Colbath. The purpose of this Public Hearing is to heir the PURPOSE OF Legal Notice of this Public Hearing was published in the Palm Beach Post Times on May 22, 1973-and posted as required by Village Charter. t Village Manager read Bill No. 179 entitled: '~ AN ORDINANCE OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, SETTING FORTH THE PLANNED USE 'OF FUNDS RECEIVED UNDER THE STATE AND LOCAL FISCAL ASSISTANCE ACT OF 1972, INCLUDING AN ESTIMATE OP INCOME TO BE RECEIVED AND THE SPECIFIC AMOUNTS AND PURPOSES FOR WHICH THE VILLAGE INTENDS TO SPEND THE FUNDS SVHICH IT EXPECTS TO RECEIVE in total. Councilman Slater stated that he would 1i.}ce `to see the $11,672..00 which has been proposed for a Civic Center spent for improvements to the dining ;room at the North Palm Beach Country Club. Mr. Ronald Heraghty, 131 Atlantic Road, President of the Yacht Club Point Association, spo}<e on be- half of the Association. He stated that the~Associ- ation was unanimously opposed to the. pedestrian bridge over the Earman River. They felt tha~ the $26,498 which has been proposed for the bridge should be used for improvements in the area ,, such as storm sewers, law enforcement, or a concrete fence in the service alley East of U: S. Highway Np. 1 which extends from the First Professional Building to the Flame restaurant. I Mr. C. E. Barnes, 443 Lighthouse Drive, stated he was not opposed to any of the purposes for which funds had been proposed. However, he felt that some money should be spent for equipping the Public Safety Department with at least one motorcycle and two additional Public Safety Officers to control,the LEGAL NOTICE BILL 179 READ IN TOTAL COT~IENTS FROM COUNCIL COMMENTS FROM~I PUBLIC . r 1 -, Minutes of Public Hearing ~ I Held Thursday, June 7, 1973 Page 2 i i speed and noise, particularly on Lighthouse~!Drive, but also on Northlalce Boulevard and Prosperity Farms Road. Mr. Arnold Noble, 760 Lakeside Drive, does not approve of the pedestrian bridge over the Earman River. He feels that a survey should be made to determine how many children would use this bridge before funds~~are actually spent on this project. Mr. & Mrs. William H. Teegardin, 37 Yacht Club Drive, were opposed to the pedestrian bridge over the Earman River. They would like to have money spent 'for additional street lights in the northern ends of Yacht Club Addition. Mr. Teegardin also stated that he felt some of these federal funds should be used to make the North Palm Beach Country Club moreiattractive so that all residents could enjoy it, not just those persons interested in golf and swimming. Mr. John Plimpton, 709 Waterway Drive, was opposed to the pedestrian bridge over the Earman River.!i He felt that this would not benefit enough peopile. Mrs. Peggy Enders, 726 Flamingo Way, stated 'she felt that the Village should take a seriousjlook at purchasing additional recreational land, and that perhaps some of these federal funds could be; used for that purpose. Mr. Jim Gill, 520 Gulf Road, stated he felt the pedestrian bridge over the Earman River would be a tremendous asset, not only for the children, but also for all persons living in this particular area of the Village. ... ; There being no further business to come before the Council, on motion of Vice Mayor Cadby, seconded by Councilman Martin, all present voting aye, the Public Hearing was adjourned at 9:10 p.m. ', Minutes recorded by ~"_` 1~• Dolores R._Walker, 1ag~ e~C ADJOURNMENT THE PALM BEACH POST . Published Every Weekday West Palm Beach, Palm Beach County, Florida '~ _--~ t PROOF OF PUBLICATION i STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH) '~, Before the undersigned authority personally appeazed U1~D _B0~2tt ___ who oa oath says that he is AdV2Y'_t].Slri,? D].Y'. of The Palm Beach Post, a daily newspaper published at Wese Palm Beach is Palm Beach Connty, Florida; that the attach .. _ ed copy of adverusmg, being a YNO,'t1C@ _of__~~Qlic ~j,Qs'~ri n~ __ __ _ in the matter of in the_- issues of Affiant further says that the Palm Beach Beach, in said Palm Beach County, Florida, continuously published in said Palm Beach C enxered as second class mail matter at the p Beach County, Florida, for a period of one the attached copy of advertisement; and affi promised any person, firm or corporation an the purpose of securing this advertisement f Sworn to and subscribed before me this _.. - , ~ ,_ ., Court was uublished in said aewsoaner in the