11-09-1972 VC REG-MMINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA HELD THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1972 Present: H. Mallory Privett, Jr., Mayor Ronald B. Cadby, Vice Mayor Robert W. Martin, Councilman Thomas B. Rhodes, Councilman Robert F. Slater, Councilman Herbert L. Gildan, Village Attorney Lawrence J. Robbins, Village Manager Dorman Goebel, Village Treasurer Dolores R. Walker, Village Clerk Mayor Privett called .the Regular Meeting to order at ROLL CALL 8:02 p.m. and asked the Clerk to call the roll, all members being present except Councilman Slater, who arrived at 8:10 p.m. Councilman Rhodes gave the invocation and Vice Mayor INVOCATION Cadby led the Council and the public in the Pledge of & PLEDGE OF Allegiance to the Flag. ALLEGIANCE On motion of Vice Mayor Cadby, seconded by Councilman APPROVAL OF Rhodes, all present voting aye, the minutes of Regular MINUTES Meeting held Thursday, October 26, 1972 were approved as written. On motion of Vice Mayor Cadby, seconded by Councilman ACCEPTANCE Martin, all present voting aye, the minutes of Community OF MINUTES Appearance Board meeting held October 24, 1972; the minutes of Beautification Committee meeting held Oct- __ obey 25, 1972; and the minutes of North Palm Beach Library Board meeting held October 19, 1972, were accepted. On motion of Vice Mayor Cadby, seconded by Councilman Rhodes, all present voting aye, the financial statements for the Village and for the North Palm Beach Country Club for the period ending September 30, 1972 were accepted. On motion of Councilman Martin, seconded by Councilman Rhodes - 3 to 2, Vice Mayor Cadby and Councilman Slater opposed - Bill No. 172 entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PAT~4 BEACH CODE BY ADDING THERETO CHAPTER 30, AUTHORIZING THE STORING OF CERTAIN RECREATIONAL BOATING AND CAMPING EQUIPMENT IN SINGLE FAMILY AND DUPLEX RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS, AND SETTING FORTH CON- DITIONS THEREFOR; PROVIDING PENALTY FOR VIOLATION OF THIS ORDINANCE ACCEPTANCE OF FINANCIAL STATEMENTS BILL 172 PLACED ON 2ND READING ' was placed on second reading and read by title alone. Councilman Martin moved that Bill No. 172 be adopted MOTION TO as Ordinance No. 26-72. The motion was seconded by ADOPT BILL Councilman Rhodes. 172 AS ORD. 26-72 Minutes of Regular Meeting Held Thursday, November 9, 1972 Page 2 Councilman Martin moved that Bill No. 172 be amendedMOTION TO as follows: AMEND BILL 172 PASSES That in Section 3 the effective date be changed 3 TO 2 to July 1, 1973 The motion was seconded by Councilman Rhodes. The motion passed 3 to 2 - Mayor Privett and Councilman Slater opposed. Councilman Rhodes moved that Bill No. 172 be_amended as MOTION TO follows: AMEND BILL 172 FAILS That Sec. 30-1, subparagraph (1) be modified to 5 - 0 add after the words T`truck trailersT` the words , "and motor travel homes"; and also in subparagraph (1) after the words "fourteen-day period" add the , words T`and provided further, however, that as to motor travel homes, such parking shall be permitted on any part of the site concerned for any period that does not exceed seventy-two (72) consecutive hours." The motion was seconded by Councilman Martin. The motion failed to pass 5 - 0. Vice Mayor Cadby moved that Bill No. 172 be amended by MOTION TO adding a paragraph under Section 30-1 as follows: AMEND BILL 172 FAILS "The area on the premises where the recreational 3 TO 2 equipment is kept (other than indoors) shall be reasonably screened from view of the public and of the nearest adjacent neighbors with a solid vertical wall, fence or hedge of a minimum height of the recreational vehicle measured from ground level, except for entrances and exits for the equipment. Such screening will allow recreational vehicle parking anywhere on site." The motion was seconded by Councilman Slater. The motion failed to pass 3 to 2 - Mayor Privett, Councilman Martin ' and Councilman Rhodes opposed. Vice Mayor Cadby moved that Bill No. 172 be amended MOTION TO as follows: AMEND BILL 172 PASSES That in subparagraph (2), starting in the third 4 TO 1 line, in place of the words that now say "furthest from the street", put in the words 'adjacent to the side yard where the equipment is located." The motion was seconded by Councilman Slater. The motion passed ~E to 1 - Councilman Rhodes opposed. ' Councilman Slater moved that Bill No. 172 be amended as MOTION TO AMEND follows: BILL 172 PASSES 3 TO 2 That a new subparagraph (9) be added to Sec. 30-1 as follows, and that the present subparagraph (9) shall become subparagraph (10): (9) "All such recreational vehicles when parked in the side yard shall be screened from the view of the nearest adjacent neighbor with an opaque, vertical wall, fence or hedge to the height and length of the recreational equipment." Minutes of Regular Meeting Held Thursday, November 9, 1972 Page 3 The motion was seconded by Vice Mayor Cadby. The motion passed 3 to 2 - Mayor Privett and Councilman Martin opposed. Councilman Slater moved that Bill No. 172 be amended as MOTION TO follows: AMEND BILL 172 PASSES That from Sec. 30-1, subparagraph (2), the following 5 - 0 words be stricken: "and set back to at least the rear building line wherever possible, but in no event in front of such front building line." The motion was seconded by Vice Mayor Cadby, and all present voted aye. Councilman Rhodes moved that Bill No. 172 be amended as MOTION TO follows: AMEND BILL 172 PASSES That we change the 25 feet to 30 feet in sub- 5 - 0 paragraph (7) . The motion was seconded by Vice Mayor Cadby, and all present voted aye. Thereafter Council voted on the main motion which passed BTr•?. 172 4 to 1 - Vice Mayor Cadby opposed. Therefore, Bill No. ADOPTED AS 172 was adopted as amended as Ordinance No. 26-72. AMENDED AS ORD. 26-72 On motion of Vice Mayor Cadby, seconded by Councilman RECESS Rhodes, all present voting aye, that we take a three minute recess. The meeting recessed at 11:20 p.m. and reconvened at 11:23 p.m. On motion of Vice Mayor Cadby, seconded by 'Councilman RES. 44-72 Rhodes, all present voting aye, proposed Resolution No. ADOPTED 44-72 entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, APPOINTING MEMBER TO THE VILLAGE BEAUTIFICATION COMMITTEE was read in full and adopted as read as Resolution No. 44-72. On motion of Vice Mayor Cadby, seconded by ,Councilman RES. 45-72 Slater, all present voting aye, proposed Resolution ADOPTED No. 45-72 entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, APPOINTING MEMBER TO THE NORTH PALM BEACH COUNTRY CLUB BOARD OF GOVERNORS TO FILL THE UNEXPIRED TERM OF GEORGE R. KANE was read in full and adopted as read as Resolution No. 45-72. On motion of Vice Mayor Cadby, seconded by Councilman PROPOSED GOLF Martin, all present voting aye, that approval be given to SCHEDULES FOR the proposed golf schedules for the MGA, WGA and Village MGA, WGA & Golf Tournament per the sheets attached to .the minutes VILLAGE GOLF of this meeting. TOURN. APPROVED ~ r M ~.-T ~ - Minutes of Regular Meeting Held Thursday, November 9, 1972 Page 4 On motion of Councilman Rhodes, seconded by Vice AUTHORIZATION Mayor Cadby, all present voting aye, that authority TO PURCHASE be given to spend up to $400.00 from the Contingent DICTATING Account to purchase dictating equipment. EQUIPMENT On motion of Councilman Rhodes, seconded by Vice Mayor AWARD OF Cadby, all present voting aye, that coe accept the bid BID FOR 3 of Palm Beach Dodge to purchase three 1973 Dodge Polara POLICE CARS Police Specials in the amount of $10,238.91. On motion of Councilman Rhodes, seconded b~ Vice Mayor APPROVAL OF Cadby, all present voting aye, that we approve the bid BID FOR for Asphalt Roller with Sprinkler. Assembly per the ASPHALT memo from C. R. OTMeilia dated November 9, 1972, and ROLLER WITH that the Treasurer be authorized to take money from SPRINKLER the Contingent Account to cover the $125.00 that the ASSEMBLY bid is over the budgeted amount. On motion of Councilman Martin, seconded by Vice Mayor AWARD OE BID Cadby, all present voting aye, that we award the bid. to FOR 2 ECONIX~IY the lowest bidder, Smitty's Service Shop, for two MOWING TRACTORS Economy Mowing Tractors per the memo from C. R. O'Meilia - dated November 9, 1972. On motion of Vice Mayor Cadby, seconded by Councilman AWARD OF BID FOR Martin, all present voting aye,-that we award the bid 3 WESTCOASTER _ to Kenyon Sales Corporation for the purchase of three UTILITY DUMPS Westcoaster Utility Dumps in accordance with the memo _ from C. R. O'Meilia dated November 9, 1972. On motion of Vice Mayor Cadby, seconded by Councilman AWARD OF BID FOR Martin, all present voting aye, that we award the bid to 2 WESTCOASTER Kenyon Sales Corporation for two Westcoaster Cargo Bodies CARGO BODIES in accordance with the memo £rom C. R. O'Meilia dated November 9, 1972, and that the Treasurer be authorized to take $140.00 from Account No. 13-401 to cover the over budget amount. - On motion of Councilman Slater, seconded by Vice Mayor Cadby, all present voting aye, that the Treasurer be authorized to transfer the remaining $3,000.00 from the Country Club 1970-71 operating surplus to the,Reserve Operation Fund. TREASURER AUTHOR- IZED TO TRANSFER FROM CC 1970-71 OPERATING SURPLUS TO ROE__AMT. OF $3,000 On motion of Councilman Martin, seconded by Vice Mayor AWARD OF BID FOR- ~- Cadby, all present voting aye, that we award the bid 1 WESTCDASTER to Kenyon Sales Corporation for one Westcoaster Cargo CARGO BODY WITH Body with Turf Tires from the Reserve Operation Fund TURF TIRES per the memo from C. R. OTMeilia dated November 9, 1972. On motion of Vice Mayor Cadby, seconded by Councilman ll/23/72 REG Martin, all present voting aye, that we cancel our . .MEETING CANCELLED Regular Meeting of November 23, 1972, There being no further business to come before: the Council, on motion of Vice Mayor Cadby, seconded by ADJOURNPfENT Councilman Rhodes, all present voting aye, the.mee'ring was adjourned at 12:10 a. m - / ~ ~Ji-C~x.w ~• ~l~-G.~e~ Minutes recorded by: Dolores R. Walker, Village Clerk VILLAGE OF ORTH - AT.M EACH VILLAGE HALL . NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33408 . 848-3474 November 9, 1972 T0: Lawrence J, Robbins -- FROM:. C , R, 0 iMeilia SUBJECT: Bid Awards -October 31, 1972 Mayor. H. MALLORY PRIVETT, !R. Vice~Mayoc RONALD e. CADBY _- Councilmen: ROBERT W. MARTIN THOMAS e. RHODES ROeERi F. SLATER Village Manager LAWRENCE 1. BOBBINS Village Cleik: - - - DOLORES R. WALKER 1, Asphalt Roller with Sprinkler Assembly. Account #1 -~,:~ Bid ~ 975.00 /Z ~ ~,l~ Budget 850.00 ! Over Budget ~" 125.00 Recommend award of Bid to Norteck Corp, for one Roller with Sprinkler Assembly as per Bid of 31 October, 1972, in the :~`/j amount of X975.00, 4 2, Mowing Tractors with Rotary Mower Assemblies, Account #i4-402 Bid X2,956,00 Budget 000.00 = Under Budget $ L~.,00 r Recommend award of Bid to Smittyls Service Shop, West Palm Beach, far two (2) Economy Mowing Tractors with Rotary Mowers peg Bid of 31 October, 1972, in the amount of X2,956.00, ' 1 C, R, OlMeilia, P,E. Director, Public Services, CRO/ee - - cc: Village Council Village Clerk Village Attorney VILLAGE OF ORTH AT.M EE1CH VILLAGE HALL NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 3340E . 848-347; November 9, 1972 T0: Lawrence J. Robbins FROM: 0, R, OlMeilia --- SUBJECT: Attached Recommendations -Recap 1. Account No, 14.-¢02 A, Asphalt Roller = Over Budget- - X125.94 B, Mowing Tractors- Under Budget_ + /G.,00 C, Utility Bodies - Over Budget. - 0 00 Over Budget - X221.00 l~ 2, Account No. 13-401 Y ~ A, Utility Dumps - Under Budget } X150,00 3. If Council is to approve, Budget .should be adjusted, °~ O, R, OlMeilia, P.E. Director, Public Services Mayor: H. MALLORY PRIVETT, JR. Vica~Mayor: RONALD B. CADBY Councilmen: ROBERT W. MARTIN THOMAS B. RHODES - - ROBERT F. SLATER Village Manager: LAWRENCE J. R0861NS Village Clerk: DOLORES R. WALKER CRO/ee VILLAGE OF ORTH AT.M -EACH VILLAGE HALL NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33406 8483474 November, 9, 1972 T0: Lawrence J, Robbins FROM: C, R, O~Meilia SUBJECT: BID AWARDS 1, UTILITY TRUCK BIDS Recommend award of Bids as follows: Mayas H. MALLORY PRIVETT, JR. Vice-Mayot: RONALD B. CADBY CAUncilmen: ROBERT W. MARTIN THOMAS B. RHODES ROBERT F. SLATER Village Manager: LAWRENCE J. R0881N5 Village Clerk: - DOLORES R. WALKER A, Golf Coarse '- Budget X2,000,00 Bid (with turf tires) X1,670,00 Recommend award of Bid to Kenyon Sales Corp,; Ft, Lauderdale, in the amount of ~1,67D,00 for one Westcoaster Cargo Body with turf tires, as per Bid of 10 October, 1972. B, Sanitation -Account No. 13-401 Budget ~S,lOD.00 Bid with Trade X4,956,00 Under Budget X150,00 Recommend award of Bid to Kenyon Sales Corp., Ft. Lauderdale, in the amount of X4,950,00 for three (3) Westcoaster Utility Dumps, as per Bid of 10 October, 1972. C, Maintenance - Account No, 14-402 Budget X3,200,00 Bid X3,340,00 Over Budget X140.00 Recommend award of Bid_to Kenyon Sales Corp., Ft. Lauderdale, in the. amount of $3,340.00 for two (2) Westcoaster 'largo Bodies, as per Bid of 10 October, 1972. Q C, R, O~Meilia, P E, Director, Public Services. CRO/ee cc: Village Council Village Clerk Uillage Attorney _ ~ ~~ { ~ . { . > .2, ~ NORTH-PALM BEACH COUN1^RY CLUB WGA TOURNAMENT DATES - 1973 APRIL ll, 12 & 13 # CLUB CHAMPIO~USHIP MAY 2 ar GUEST DAY - Shot Gmi Start OCTOBER 17, 18 & 19 ~ CONTINENTAL 3a BLOCKED TIME REQITIRED # All other events - ALTERNATE TIMES '~ , _~ PROPOSED GOLF PROGRAM FOR 1972-19'73 SEASON MGA NOVEMBER 11 & 12 # BEST BAIL FOURSOME DECEMBER g & 10 # POLNT EVENT. JANUARY 13 & 7.L,. # ONE CLUB EVENT JANUARY 17 ~~MENS NIGHT" 6:00 P,M. at Clubhouse Buffet and Enter+,ainment FEBRUARY 11 ae PRO-AM MARCH 11 x SCRAMBLES-FUN DAY ~ APRIL 14 & 15 # BLLVD HOLES EVENT MAY 12 & 13 # TWO-MAN BLIND BOGEY JUNE 10 aE SCRAMBLES-FUN DAY No food -Hors dtoeuvres in Bar, Lunch from Buffet if desired. JULY 1L~. & 15 '# FLAG DAY EVENT AUGUST 12 v- SCRAMBLES-FUN DAY SEPTEMBER $ & 9 ~ MGA CHAMPIOI~TSHIP - 36 Holes Medal Play OCTOBER 10 ANNUAL MEETING at NPBCC - 7:00 P,M, OCTOBER 13 & 1!~ ~ CLUB CHAMPIONSHIP -MATCH PLAY For all Members of PR'BCC sponsored-and supported by the MGA BLOCKED TIME REQULPED # All other events -ALTERNATE TIMES NGA Members will be permitted to p"lay scheduled events on FRIDAYS of EVENT weekend - NO TIME RESERVATIONS ex- cept as permitted by Club regulations EXCEPTIONS; MGA CHAMPIONSHIP CLUB CHAMPIONSHIP -Opponents arrange their o-wn playing times tliron~h entire event. ',~~ _~~~ 1 _ _ ~•~ VILLAGE OF ' ORTH A7.M F~A.CH VILLAGE HALL NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33408 8483474 November 9, 1972 T0: Mayor & Village Council FROM: Lawrence J, Robbins SUBJECT: Award of Bid -Police Vehicles Mayor H. MALLORY PRNETT, JR. 7ite~Mayo r: RONALD B. CADBV Councilmen: ROBERT W. MARTIN THOMAS B. RHODES ROBERT F. SLATER Village Manager: LAWRENCE J. ROBBINS Village Clerk: DOLORES R. WALKER Recommend award of Bid to_L'alm Beach Dodge in the amount of X10,238.91 for three (3) 1973 Dodge Polora Police specials, Budgeted amount ~10,L1.00,00 -Account #12-/a.0/a., LJR/ee Enc. ;, .'!~ ~~~, J i',7DDF.ft MFCR. r"' IulOn rI ..___..... __. ~^ ___ -- r liar rN R -~_ _._ _.»~...._• • _.___ PI2ICr ER. jf.. TOTAL (2} rrr:S TRnnli Ni:T TUTTI~ _ ! _ _ __ _t%~/. -~~_S .oo` .. - 7 .oo ~so.od ~Say,on --... .. / I ~rir1~/~ s IJ/f'/II J'Gi,~~'LIi fS'~ ~ j(J ~i.~ .. _ _ ~~ll lJ .rl ~l I '~~ `' ~ - .__,.~..~~... ~.~_ ....-r.....~.._. r ~~ _~ MODFsL I _./,. r//.L.__. _ r4r7 h F: f r Viz` if.5` f : J.a. ~ uzr.zaA~r ~or NoRTx Pnr,ra rlr:nrrr PRICE EA TO ' TAL (3) LF.aS TRnDI'. -~ NET TOTAL ~~ J.J.l~//~r0~.._.~~? O'~.Ta~rOCJ "_?i(l. /D~.33~i1J0 ~ r•-y~ ' _ ,~J ,, c7~~ /0.5~7~.D0 /SD_~00-_.. /DHH(o,O!> ,> ) /~~`? /O 3"38~' ~~ ~~,-!! clams /~-~~ ~ ~Ij ~. ----_I ro. 12 - cxTY aF wssT PAI ,, ' ;~. 'r~'R'CCR 1,ACFI TOTAL (2) _.~_ ~q 3 S /3, Q ~ I ~i ;F:ncrr Y.E:,:;' Tl2n17F NET TbT71T, .- ^ ~~r, ,.. „,. • ` €:' -' ~. ;~~ ~; / ~~~ _._ ~ I. I 0. * ~,. 4 1 y rr• ' It1 I~n` t. ~ ~ r'`• ~.. I i ~~ ~ lV.i I ' F: i s ,~ r s'A~r t 9. t ~~ Y ~il 5 il'• t I ~ ~ - Se e~~ ~ . ;. Ct c. W. ..,.. .. , -: mrmm2~auwmre~iamcoxuur+r~~.w.. \. - __ _ _ _