2000-30 FPL FiberNet Franchise AgreementORDINANCE 30-2000 • AN ORDINANCE OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACI-I, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE MAYOR AND VILLAGE CLERK TO ENTER INTO A FRANCHISE AGREEMENT WITH FPL FIBERNET, LLC, ATTACHED AS EXHIBIT "A", WHICH FRANCHISE AGREEMENT AUTHORIZES FPL FIBERNET, LLC, AS A TELECOMMUNICATIONS COMPANY TO UTILIZE PUBLIC RIGHTS-OF-WAY WITHIN THE VILLAGE; AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE MAYOR AND THE VILLAGE CLERK TO EXECUTE THE FRANCHISE AGREEMENT; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF ALL ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH; AND, PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. I3E IT ORDAINED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA: Section 1. The Village Council of the Village of North Palm Beach does hereby approve the Franchise Agreement with FPL FiberNet, LLC, attached as Exhibit "A", which Franchise Agreement authorized FPL FiberNet, LLC, as a telecommunications company to utilize the public rights-of--way within the Village. Section 2. The Mayor and the Village Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to execute the Franchise Agreement for and on behalf of the Village of North Palm Beach. Section 3. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Section 4. This Ordinance shall take effect immediately upon passage. r1 LJ PLACF~D ON FIRST READING THIS 28th DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 2000. PLACED ON SECOND, FINAL READING AND PASSED THIS 12th DAY OF OCTOBER, 2000. (VILLAGE SEAL) MAYOR ATTEST: EXHIBIT A INTERIM FRANCHISE AGREEMENT THIS FRANCHISE AGREEMENT effective as of October 12, 2000 by and between the VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, a municipal corporation, whose address is 501 U.S. Highway 1, North Palm Beach, Florida 33408 (hereinafter referred to as the "Village") and FPL Fibernet, L.L.C., (hereinafter referred to as the "Franchisee"). WHEREAS Chapter 95-403, Florida Laws, authorizes competition in the local exchange telecommunications business, effective January 1, 1996, and provides for alternative local exchange telecommunications companies to be certified by the Florida Public Service Commission; WHEREAS Franchisee has been certified by the Florida Public Service Commission as an alternative local exchange telecommunications company and desires to utilize the Village's Public Rights-of--Way to serve customers in the Village; WHEREAS Village has the right and authority to manage the Public Rights-of--Way of the Village, and may thereby establish reasonable requirements for the grant of franchises to telecommunications providers for use of the Public Rights-of--Way of the Village; WHEREAS Franchisee has requested from the Village a Franchise to use the Public Rights- of-Way of the Village to conduct business as a telecommunications provider; and WHEREAS the Village and Franchisee have negotiated this Franchise Agreement which is mutually agreeable to both parties. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants contained herein and intending to be legally bound thereby, the Village and Franchisee enter into this Franchise Agreement and agree as follows: SECTION 1. DEFINITIONS. 1.1 "Agreement" or "Franchise Agreement" shall mean this Agreement. 1.2 "Customer" shall mean any Person who is provided Services of any kind by Franchisee, directly or indirectly. For the purpose of provision of Services between different locations of the same Customer, the term "Customer" shall include any Person controlling, controlled by or under common control with such Customer. 1.3 "Effective Date" shall mean the date on which this Agreement is executed by both the Village and Franchisee. 1.4 "FCC" shall mean the Federal Communications Commission. 1.5 "Franchise Year" shall be the fiscal year from January 1st through December Page 1 of 14 • 31st provided that the first Franchise Year shall begin on the effective date of this Agreement and end on December 3151 of the year in which this Agreement was executed. 1.6 "Recurring Local Service Revenues" means revenues from the monthly recurring charges for local service, including but not limited to (1) recurring basic area revenues derived from the provision of flat-rated basic area services, (2) recurring optional extended area revenues derived from the provision of optional extended area services, (3) local private line revenues derived from local services which provide communication between specific locations, either through dedicated circuits, private switching arrangements, predefined transmission paths, whether virtual or physical, or any other method of providing such services; and (4) revenues derived from the sale of local services for resale; and (5) other local service revenues from the provision of secondary features that are integrated with the telecommunications network, including, without limitation, services such as call forwazding, call waiting, and touchtone line service. Except as provided herein, revenues from all recurring local services provided by a Franchisee over a Telecommunications Facility or System in the Public Rights-of--Way shall constitute Recurring Local Service Revenues subject to this Agreement. Recurring local service revenues do not include revenues from (1) toll charges for the transmission of voice, data, video, or other information; (2) access charges paid to Franchisee by carriers for origination and/or termination of toll telephone service as defined in Section 203.012(7), Florida Statutes, or other charges required by the Federal Communications Commission which aze directly passed through to end users; (3) interstate service; (4) ancillary services such as directory advertising, directory assistance, detailed billing services, inside wire maintenance plans, bad check charges, and non-recurring charges for installation, move, changes or termination services; (5) cellulaz mobile telephone or telecommunications services; or specialized mobile telephone or telecommunications service; or specialized mobile telephone or telecommunications services; or specialized mobile radio, or pagers or paging service, or related ancillary services; (6) public telephone charges collected on site; (7) teletypewriter or computer exchange services as defined in Section 203.012(6), Florida Statutes; or (8) local message rated (message, unit or time basis) and minutes of use charges in excess of the minimum flat-rated charges for similar services. 1.7 "PSC" shall mean the Florida Public Service Commission. 1.8 "Public Rights-of--Way" means the surface, the airspace above the surface and the area below the surface of any public street, highway, road, boulevazd, concourse, driveway, freeway, thoroughfare, parkway, sidewalk, bridge, tunnel, park, waterway, dock, bulkhead, wharf, pier, court, lane, path, alley, way, drive, circle, utility easement other than a drainage easement, public place, or any other property in which the Village holds any kind of property interest or over which the Village exercises any type of lawful control, to the full extent of such interest or lawful control. "Public Rights-of--way" shall not include any real or personal Village property except as described above and shall not include Village buildings, fixtures, and other structures or improvements, regardless of whether they are situated in the Public Rights-of--Way. • 1.9 "Telecommunications Provider" shall mean any entity that provides Telecommunications Services. Page 2 of 14 • 1.10 "Telecommunications Services" or "Services" shall mean any services that Franchisee is authorized to provide by the FCC or the PSC. 1.11 "Telecommunications System," "System" or "Facilities" shall refer to the system or facilities of the Franchisee in the Public Rights-of--Way, as authorized by this Agreement. SECTION 2. Franchise. 2.1 Grant of Franchise. Subject to all the terms and conditions contained herein, and to all State and local laws, the Village hereby grants Franchisee permission to erect, construct, install, operate, repair, maintain, expand and use the Telecommunications System for the provision of Telecommunications Services in, on, over, under and/or across the public rights-of--way of the Village. 2.2 Nonexclusive/Priority. The permission hereby granted ("Franchise") shall be nonexclusive. This Franchise does not establish any priority for the use of the public rights-of- way of the Village by Franchisee or by any present or future Franchisee or other permit holders. 2.3 Term of Franchise. The term of this Agreement shall be five (5) yeazs unless earlier terminated or partially terminated as provided below: a. Upon this Agreement being terminated by operation of law; or b. Upon the Village's enactment of an ordinance consistent with Section 337.401, Florida Statutes, as amended by Section 50 of SB 1338 in the 2000 Legislative Session ("Section 50"), in which event Provider shall have one hundred twenty (120) days to register in accordance with the lawful registration provisions of the Village's ordinance as required at the time of the termination. Following such termination of this Agreement, Provider shall be entitled to continue to use the rights-of--way, without interruption, subject to compliance with the one hundred twenty (120) day registration requirement; or c. On September 30, 2001, if the provisions of Section 337.401, Florida Statutes, in effect on that date continue to limit local governments to a registration procedure as opposed to an agreement or franchise for access to their rights-of--way, Provider shall have one hundred and twenty (120) days to register in accordance with said section and the provisions of this Agreement shall terminate, except as set forth in pazagraph 10.7 of this Agreement. Provider shall be entitled to compliance with the one hundred twenty (120) day registration requirement; or d. If this Agreement is not terminated pursuant to (a), (b) or (c) above, or otherwise, then at such time as other similar statutory provisions become effective prohibiting a local government from requiring the payment of fees now required under Section 3 of this Agreement, then Section 3 shall no longer be effective. • e. Notwithstanding anything in this Section to the contrary, Franchisee hereby acknowledges the Village's authority to impose the franchise fee required in Section 3 hereof, and the operation of any termination provision set forth hereinabove shall not affect Village's ability Page 3 of 14 • to cause revenues generated herefrom by the imposition of such franchise fee to be included in the calculation of either revenue streams or tax rates as may be required or permitted by applicable law enacted as SB 1338 in the 2000 Legislative Session. 2.4 Future Ordinances of the Village. The Village and Franchisee understand that this Franchise Agreement shall be subject to future ordinances, including any right-of--way construction and administration ordinances and telecommunications ordinances which may be adopted by the Village consistent with applicable state or federal law. By execution of this franchise agreement, Franchisee does not waive any rights it may have to challenge any provisions of any future applicable ordinances which are inconsistent with state or federal law. However, where any changes in federal or state law authorize the Village to obtain additional fees or in-kind services from the Franchisee in exchange for additional consideration from the Village to the Franchisee, the Franchisee shall not, by this paragraph, be deemed to have agreed to such additional requirements without such additional consideration. 2.5 Franchise Area. This Franchise is granted on a nonexclusive basis through Public Rights-of--Way located within the Village including any area which is annexed or consolidated within the Village. 2.6 Governing Reauirement. Franchisee shall, at all times during the life of this Franchise, be subject to all lawful exercise of the police power by the Village, provided that such police power shall not alter the Grantee's rights or obligations under this Agreement. SECTION 3. FRANCHISE FEE. 3.1 Payment of Franchise Fee. Franchisee shall pay to the Village a Franchise Fee equal to five hundred dollars ($500.00) per linear mile per year of any cable, fiber optic, or other pathway that makes physical use of the Public Rights-of--Way of the Village. This Franchise Fee is being paid to the Village under the authority of Section 337.401(4), Florida Statutes. Notwithstanding, if the Franchisee commences to provide such telecommunications services as defined in Section 1.3 of this Agreement, then the Fratchisee shall be required to pay the greater of (1) the fee imposed herein subsection 3.1, or (2) fee outlined in subsection 3.3 below. 3.2 Method of Payment. All payments of the Franchise Fees identified in Section 3.1 above shall be made within thirty (30) business days after the close of each fiscal quarter. Any payments due not made within the time set forth herein shall accrue interest at the rate of twelve percent (12%) per annum. Acceptance of any fee payment shall not be deemed a waiver or release of any claims the Village may have for additional sums, nor be construed as an accord that the amount paid is correct. 3.3. Payment of Franchise Fee. In the event the estimated recurring local service revenues, generated by the commencement of telecommunications services, would be greater • than the fee amount being paid under subsection 3.1 above, the Franchisee shall pay to the Village the following fee. Franchisee shall pay to the Village a Franchise Fee equal to one percent (1%) of its Gross Receipts on recurring local services revenues from Telecommunications Services provided Page 4 of 14 • within the corporate limits of the Village. Included within such one percent (1%) maximum fee or consideration are all taxes, licenses, fees, in-kind contributions accepted pursuant to Florida Statute § 337.401(5), and other impositions except ad valorem taxes and amounts for assessments for special benefits, such as sidewalks, street pavings, and similar improvements, and occupational license taxes levied or imposed by the Village upon a Telecommunications Company. This Franchise Fee is being paid to the Village under the authority of Section 337.401(3), Florida Statutes. In the event the maximum fee authorized by law is either decreased or increased from the current amount of one percent (1 %) of gross receipts on Recurring Local Service Revenues, this Franchise Agreement shall be deemed to be automatically amended to reflect the revised amount prospectively (from the effective date or such change in the law). 3.4 Method of Payment. All payments of the Franchise Fees identified in Section 3.3 above shall be made within thirty (30) business days after the close of each fiscal quarter, and Franchisee shall file, with the Village's Director of Finance, a statement, signed by an authorized accounting or financial representative of Franchisee, of the gross receipts on recurring local service revenues derived in the preceding quarter. Any payments due not made within the time set forth herein shall accrue interest at the rate of twelve percent (12%) per annum. Acceptance of any fee payment shall not be deemed a waiver or release of any claims the Village may have for additional sums, nor be construed as an accord that the amount paid is correct. SECTION 4. REPORTS. 4.1 Access to Company Records. The Franchisee shall establish and maintain appropriate accounts in accordance with generally accepted accounting methods, and shall maintain records in such detail that revenues within the limits of the Village are consistently declared and identified separately from all other revemies. All records shall be maintained for a minimum of three (3) years, or longer if required by applicable regulatory bodies. The Village may, at its option, upon ten (10) days notice to the Franchisee, examine the records and accounting files, and such other books and records, if such records relate to the calculation of Franchise fee payments or any other payments due to the Village, or to proper performance of any terms of this Franchise. The examination of such books, accounts, records or other materials necessary for determination of compliance with the terms, provisions and requirements of this franchise shall be during regular hours of business at a location within Palm Beach County. However, the Franchisee may choose to provide such records at a location outside Palm Beach County but if it chooses to provide such records outside Palm Beach County, it shall be required to compensate the Village for the Village's reasonable travel costs to a location outside Palm Beach County to review such records. Reasonable costs shall include mileage costs within a distance of seventy five miles from Village Hall and mileage as well as the actual cost for meals and overnight accommodations for travel to a location more than seventy-five miles from Village Hall. The Village's entitlement to such reimbursement shall be subject to the same guidelines as the Village routinely applies in reimbursing its employees for overnight travel. • 4.2 Public Insaection and Business Confidentiality. Franchisee recognizes that the Village must comply with the provisions of Chapter 119, Florida Statutes. However, the Village acknowledges that certain records provided by Franchisee may be exempt from the disclosure Page 5 of 14 • requirements of Chapter 119, Florida Statutes and may be required to remain confidential. These documents include, but are not necessarily limited to, records included within the provisions of Sections 119.07(3)(r)[records disclosing the name, address, and telephone number of subscribers] and 166.231(9)(c)[information obtained during Village audit of Franchisee may not be a public record], Florida Statutes. SECTION 5. CONSTRUCTION AND INSTALLATION OF FRANCHISEE'S TELECOMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM. 5.1 General. a. Franchisee shall construct the Telecommunications System within the public right-of--way in conformity with this Agreement and applicable law. The Village may require such modifications to the system or facilities proposed as may be necessary in the exercise of the Village's authority to manage its Rights-of--way. This section does not authorize the Village to exercise authority it does not otherwise have under applicable law. b. Any pavements, sidewalks, curbing, other paved area, or landscaped area taken up, or any excavations made by Franchisee shall be done under the supervision and direction of the Village under permits issued for said work by the proper officials of the Village, and shall be done in such manner as to give the least inconvenience to the inhabitants of the Village. The Village may require Franchisee to notify affected residents prior to work activity in the right-of- way. Franchisee, shall, at its own cost and expense, and in a manner approved by the Village, replace and restore any such pavements, sidewalks, curbing, other paved area, or landscaped area in as good a condition as before the work involved in such disturbance was performed, and shall, consistent with applicable law, repair immediately, at its own expense, any damage caused to other franchised. Franchisee shall prepare and keep full and complete maps showing the as-installed locations of its facilities placed within the public tights-of--way and easements of the Village. A copy of the maps shall be filed with both the Village Engineering Department and the Village Utilities Department. Except in the case of an emergency, the Franchisee shall not commence any construction in the Public Right-of--Way until all applicable permits have been issued. The term emergency shall mean an out-of-service condition or other similar condition that may affect the public's health, safety and welfare. Franchisee shall provide reasonable advance notice to the Village of its intent to commence construction in the Right-of--Way in the event of an emergency. c. Franchisee shall, as provided by Sections 337.403 and 337.404, Florida Statutes, and within the time frame required by the Village, which shall not be unreasonable under the circumstances, protect, support, temporarily disconnect, relocate, or remove any of its property, at no cost to the Village, when required by the Village by reason of traffic conditions, public safety, road construction, change of street grade, installation of sewers, drains, water pipes, • power lines, signal lines, tracks, or any other type of municipal improvements. d. Franchisee shall, on the request of any person holding a building Page 6 of 14 • moving permit issued by the Village, temporazily raises or lowers its wires to permit the moving of buildings. The expense of such temporary raising or lowering of wires shall be paid by the person requesting the same, and the Franchisee shall have the authority to require such payment in advance. The Franchisee shall be given not less than thirty (30) days advance written notice to arrange for such temporary relocation. e. In all sections of the Village where the cable, wires, or other similar facilities of public utilities (herein "infrastructure") aze located underground, the Franchisee shall similarly place its cables, wires or other like facilities underground, consistent with applicable law. f. In the event the Franchisee deems the trimming or removal of any trees reasonably necessary to construct any portion of the System and to maintain the integrity and safety of same it shall, pursuant to the requirements of existing or subsequently enacted Village ordinances, obtain any required permits from the appropriate City personnel. 5.2 Laws. Reeulations and Construction Standards. Franchisee shall construct, install, operate and maintain the Telecommunications System in a manner consistent with all Federal, State and local laws, ordinances, construction standards, FCC technical standazds and rules and regulations, and all other applicable governmental requirements, including, but not limited to the standards of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, the National Electrical Safety Code, and the Village Electric Code. 5.3 Construction Bond Required. Prior to performing any work in the Public Rights-of--Way, the Franchisee shall establish in the Village's favor a construction bond in an amount adequate to ensure the Franchisee's faithful performance of the construction, upgrade, rebuild or other work. The construction bond shall be in an amount equal to the contractor's certified estimate for the construction, or such other estimate of cost as is reasonably acceptable to the Village Engineer and shall be in form which is substantially similar to the public construction bond as set forth in Section 255.05, Florida Statutes. In the event a Franchisee fails to complete the work in a safe, timely and competent manner in accordance with the provisions of the permit, within seven (7) days of Village's notice to Franchisee of such failure or as required by applicable law, there shall be recoverable, jointly and severally from the principal and surety of the bond, any damages or loss suffered by the Village as a result, including the full amount of any compensation, indemnification or cost of removal or abandonment of any property of the Franchisee, or the cost of completing the work, plus a reasonable allowance for attorneys' fees, up to the full amount of the bond. SECTION 6. INSURANCE AND INDEMNIFICATION. 6.1 Indemnification. • a. Franchisee shall and does hereby agree to, save, indemnify and hold the Village, elected and appointed offices, officers, boazds, commissions, legal counsel, employees and agents harmless from any injury, claim, demand, suit, judgment, execution, liability, debt, damages or penalty arising out of, resulting from, or alleged to rise out of or result from any act or Page 7 of 14 • omission by Franchisee relating to its performance under this Agreement, including Franchisee's negligent acts or omissions in the operation of the Facilities together with all costs, expenses, and liabilities incurred by the Village in connection with each such claim, demand, action or proceeding including, but not limited to, reasonable attorney's fees. The Franchisee's obligation to indemnify the Village shall not extend to any claims solely caused by the negligence of the Village, elected and appointed offices, officers, boards, commissions, legal counsel, employees and agents. b. In all instances in which Franchisee is obligated to indemnify and hold harmless the Village as provided for in this Agreement, Franchisee's obligation shall be conditioned upon (i) the Village giving Franchisee written notice of all claims, damages, losses, suits and any other events which are in any way related to or asserted by the Village as a basis for such obligation, which notice shall be given within a reasonable time after the Village becomes aware thereof, and (ii) Franchisee shall be afforded the sole right to the defense of such matter and the sole right to determine the disposition of such matter, unless such defense assumption and control over the disposition of the case would not be permitted by the Village's insurance carrier or excess insurance carrier without jeopardizing the Village's available coverage. 6.2 Insurance. During the term of this Franchise, Franchisee shall maintain, or cause to be maintained, in full force and effect and at its sole cost and expense, the following types and limits of insurance: a. Workers' compensation insurance within Florida statutory limits and employers' liability insurance with minimum limits of One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000) each accident, or such greater minimum amount as is required bylaw; b. comprehensive general liability insurance with minimum limits of Two Million Dollazs ($2,000,000) as the combined single limit for each occunrence of bodily injury, personal injury and property damage. The policy shall provide blanket contractual liability insurance for all written contracts, and shall include coverage for products and completed operations liability, independent contractor's liability; coverage for property damage from perils of explosion, collapse or damage to underground utilities, commonly known as XCU coverage; and coverage for loss or damage arising out of publications or utterances in the course of or related to advertising, broadcasting, telecasting or other communication activities conducted by or on behalf of Franchisee; c. automobile liability insurance covering all owned, hired, and non- owned vehicles in use by Franchisee, its employees and agents, with personal protection insurance and property protection insurance to comply with the provisions of the applicable State law, including residual liability insurance with minimum limits of Two Million Dollars ($2,000,000) as the combined single limit for each occurrence for bodily injury and property damage; and d. such other or alternate limits as the Village may reasonably require. • 6.2.1 The Franchisee may self-insure all or a portion of the insurance coverage and limit requirements required by this Section. In the event Franchisee does self-insure, Franchisee shall not be required to comply with the requirement for the naming of additional insureds under Page 8 of 14 • Section 6.3 below. If Franchisee elects to self-insure, Franchisee shall provide to the reasonable satisfaction of the Village administration, evidence demonstrating its financial ability to self-insure the insurance coverage and limit requirements required under this Section. 6.3 Named Insureds. All certificates of insurance shall name the Village of North Palm Beach as an additional insured. 6.4 Cancellation of Policies of Insurance. At least thirty (30) days prior written notice shall be given to the Village by the insurer of any intention not to renew such policy or to cancel, replace or materially alter same, such notice to be given by registered mail to the Village. In the event the required insurance is canceled, or for any reason terminated and is not replaced with a new or renewed insurance policy which covers the contractual period, Village shall suspend this agreement until such time as a new or renewed certificate is received by the Village. SECTION 7. PERFORMANCE BOND. At the time of Franchisee's acceptance of the terms and conditions of this Agreement, the Franchisee shall file with the Village Clerk, after approval by the Village, an annual bond or corporate guazantee in the minimum sum of Twenty-Five Thousand Dollazs ($25,000.00) having as a surety a company qualified to do business in the State of Florida, and acceptable to the Village by and through its telecommunications counsel. The bond or guarantee shall be conditioned on the full and faithful performance by the Franchisee of all requirements, duties and obligations imposed upon Franchisee by the provisions of this Agreement. The bond or guarantee shall be famished annually and shall provide a continuing guarantee of Franchisee's full and faithful performance at all times throughout the effective term of this Agreement. In the event a Franchisee fails to cure its default in performance of any requirements, duties and obligations imposed upon Franchisee by the provisions of this Agreement, subject to Section 8 below, there shall be recoverable, jointly and severally from the principal and surety of the bond, any damages or loss suffered by the Village as a result, including the full amount of any compensation, indemnification or cost of removal or abandorunent of any property of the Franchisee, plus a reasonable allowance for attorneys' fees, up to the full amount of the bond. In lieu of the bond or guazantee required by this Section, the Village may in its reasonable discretion accept a corporate guarantee of the Franchisee or its parent company, if the Franchisee is a publicly traded company and maintains an insurance rating of no less than A-. SECTION 8. DEFAULT. 8.1 Events of Default. Subject to Section 8.2 herein, Franchisee shall be in default if, during the term of this Agreement, Franchisee fails to perform or observe any term, covenant, agreement or condition of this Agreement, on the part of Franchisee, to be performed within thirty (30) days after prompt written notice thereof from the Village, unless such performance shall reasonably require a longer period, in which case Franchisee shall not be deemed in default if Franchisee commences the required performance promptly and thereafter pursues and diligently • completes such action. 8.2 Notice and Cure. Neither party shall be in default under this Franchise or Page 9 of 14 • in breach of any provision hereof unless and until the other party shall have given such party written notice of such default and the defaulting party shall have failed to cure the default within thirty (30) days after receipt of such notice; provided, however, that where such default cannot reasonably be cured within such thirty (30) day period, if the defaulting party shall proceed promptly to cure the same and prosecute such cure with due diligence, the time for curing such default shall be extended for such period of time as may be reasonably necessary under the circumstances to complete such cure. 8.3 Apaeal. Franchisee may appeal any determination of default either to non- binding mediation or a court of competent jurisdiction. SECTION 9. REMEDIES. 9.1 Remedies Not Exclusive. The rights and remedies of the Village set forth in this Agreement shall be in addition to and not in limitation of, any other rights and remedies provided by law or in equity. 9.2 Revocation. The Franchise may be revoked by the Village Council for Franchisee's material violation of the Franchise, material breach of the Franchise Agreement or material violation of Federal, State, local law or Ordinance. To invoke the provisions of this subsection, the Village shall give the Franchisee written notice, by certified mail at the last known address, that Franchisee is in material violation of the Franchise or material breach of the Franchise Agreement and describe the nature of the alleged violation or breach with specificity. For purposes of this Subsection 9.2, the term "material" shall mean a substantial and major violation rather than a temporary or minor violation of the Franchise, Franchise Agreement, or federal, state, local law or ordinance. The Village shall make the final determination as to whether or not the violation is material. SECTION 10. MISCELLANEOUS. 10.1 Amendments. The parties hereto may from time to time consider it in their best interest to change, modify or extend a term, condition or covenant of this Agreement. Any such change, addition, deletion, extension or modification, which is mutually agreed upon by and between the Village and Franchisee shall be incorporated in written amendments (herein referred to as "Amendments") to this Agreement. Such Amendments shall not invalidate this Agreement nor relieve or release either party of any of their respective obligations under this Agreement except as expressly stated in such Amendment. No Amendment to this Agreement shall be effective and binding upon the parties unless it expressly makes reference to this Agreement. 10.2 Notices. Except as otherwise specified herein, all notices, consents, • approvals, requests and other communications (herein collectively referred to as Notices") required or permitted under this Agreement shall be effective only when given in writing and mailed by registered or certified first-class mail, return receipt requested, addressed as follows: Page 10 of 14 • If to the Village: Village Manager Village of North Palm Beach 501 U.S. Highway 1 North Palm Beach, Florida 33408 With a Copy to: Village Attorney Village of North Palm Beach 501 U.S. Highway 1 North Palm Beach, Florida 33408 Franchisee: With Copy to: All Notices shall be deemed given on the day of mailing. Either party may change its address for the receipt of Notices at any time by giving notice thereof to the other as provided in this Section. Any Notice given by a party hereunder must be signed by an authorized representative of such party. 10.3 Assienment or Transfer. Franchisee may assign this Agreement without prior notice to or approval of the Village when such assignment is to: (a) a subsidiary or parent company; (b) any firm or corporation which franchisee controls, is controlled by, or is under common control with; or (c) any partnership in which it has a majority interest. With respect to any other prospective transferor assignment, written notice shall be provided to the Village Council at least twenty (20) working days in advance of the date of such transfer or assignment. Prior Village Council approval shall be required, with respect to any entity which succeeds to all or substantially all of its assets whether by merger, sale or otherwise, before any transfer or assignment of this Agreement shall become valid. Such approval shall not be unreasonably withheld, and such approval shall be granted within twenty (20) working days provided the assignee or transferee is certificated by the Florida Public Service Commission, has complied with the insurance and bonding requirements as required herein, agrees in writing to abide by and comply with the terms and conditions of this Agreement, and all outstanding issues ofnon-compliance by the Franchisee have • been resolved or preserved to the Village's satisfaction. 10.4 Entire Agreement. This Agreement contains the entire agreement between the parties. Neither party has made any representations except those expressly set forth herein, and Page 11 of 14 • no rights or remedies are or shall be acquired by either party by implication or otherwise unless expressly set forth herein. 10.5 Terminoloey. Unless the context otherwise expressly requires, the words "herein", "hereof' and "hereunder" and other words of similar import refer to this Agreement as a whole and not to any particular Section or other subdivision. 10.6 Caations. The headings of the Sections in this Agreement are for convenience only to facilitate reading and reference to its provisions and shall not be used to construe or interpret the scope or intent of this Agreement or in any way affect the same. 10.7 Survival. Any rights either party may have, which rights accrued to that party prior to termination of this Agreement, shall survive termination of the Agreement. 10.8 Construction. By their execution of this document, the parties indicate that they have been given a full and fair opportunity to consult with legal counsel of their choice. The Agreement shall be construed without regard to any presumption or other rule of law requiring construction against the party causing this Agreement to be drafted. 10.9 Counterparts. The Agreement maybe executed in one or more counterparts, each of which shall be deemed to be an original but all of which shall constitute one and the same agreement. 10.10 Governing L~ Venue. This Agreement shall be construed pursuant to the laws of the State of Florida. Any litigation regarding this Agreement shall commence in the Circuit Court for the 15'h Judicial Circuit of Florida, or in the United States District Court for the Southern District of Florida. 10.11 Attorneys Fees. Except as otherwise provided, Village and Franchisee agree that if litigation becomes necessary to enforce any of the obligations, terms and conditions of this Franchise, the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover a reasonable amount of attorney's fees and court costs, including fees and costs on appeal, from the non-prevailing party. 10.12 Force Maieure. In the event of forced delay in the performance by either party of obligations under this Agreement due to acts of God or of the public enemy, fires, floods, epidemics, riots, insurrection, war, unavoidable casualties or other conditions or events beyond Franchisee's control, the time for performance of such obligations shall be extended for the period of the forced delay. • 10.13 Waiver of Compliance. No failure by either party to insist upon the strict performance of any covenant, agreement, term or condition of this Agreement, or to exercise any Page 12 of 14 • right, term or remedy consequent upon a breach thereof shall constitute a waiver of any such breach or such covenant, agreement, term or condition. No waiver of any breach shall affect or alter this Agreement, but each and every covenant, agreement, term or condition of this Agreement shall continue in full force and effect with respect to any other existing or subsequent breach hereof. 10.14 Independent Contractor Relationship. The relationship of Franchisee to the Village is and shall continue to be an independent contractual relationship, and no liability or benefits, such as worker's compensation, pension rights or liabilities, insurance rights or liabilities or other provisions or liabilities, arising out of or related to a contract for hire or employer/employee relationship, shall arise or accrue to either party or either party's agents or employees as a result of the performance of this Agreement, unless expressly stated in this Agreement. 10.15 Severabilitv. If any section, paragraph or provision of this Agreement shall be held to be invalid or unenforceable for any reason, the invalidity or unenforceability of such section, paragraph, or provision shall not affect any of the remaining provisions of this Agreement. 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