Robert G. OsborneTHE VILLAGE NEWSLETTER PAGE 1 7 NOVEMBER 2007 Village Manager's Message 841 -3380 Jimmy Knight, Village Manager jknight@village-npb.org village - npb.org Dear Resident: Welcome to fall and the return of our early winter residents! After a very warn and some what dry summer we certainly welcome the return of fall. With fall comes the start of the holiday season which is a great time to renew those family commitments! Veterans Day in the Village will be celebrated on Saturday, November 10'x' at Osborne Park. It is only appropriate that we remind ourselves of the sacrifice that our men and women in our armed forces have made and continue to make throughout the history of our country. Please join us at Osborne Park for the celebration. One of the rarities of Osborne Park is the fact that it is one of the few parks that is named after an individual. Osborne Park is named after Ronald G. Osborne who was a 2nd Lieutenant in the United States Army and was a. resident of the Village of North Palm Beach. The Army presented the Village with a certificate of appreciation for their patriotic civilian service on 18 March 19 The citation reads as follows: Appreciation is expressed to Mayor Tomas F. Lewis and the citizens of North Palm Beach, Florida in recognition of their outstanding contributions toward fostering better public understanding of the mission of the United States in Vietnam. For three years Mayor Lewis and the Village Council have saluted the military forces in Vietnam with a Veterans Day Proclamation designed especially for them through extensive efforts. Mayor Lewis and the residents of North Palm Beach dedi- cated one of the parks in the community as the Ronald Osborne Park in tribute to the memory of a local resident, 2nd Lieutenant Ronald G. Osborne, who was killed in action in Vietnam while serving with the United StatesArnay. Through their unselfish attitude and personal interest they rendered an invaluable service to the United States Army and their Country. These acts of patriotism reflect great credit upon Mayor Lewis and the citizens of the Citp of North Palest Beach." SignedlJ.L.Throckmorton, Lieutenant General, U.SArmy. 68. That same patriotic and caring attitude as expressed above continues to live on here in the Village when North Palm Beach adopted the Headquarters Unit of the 2nd Battalion, 27th Infantry (Light), 3rd Brigade, 25h Infantry Division, presently stationed in Iraq. Vol- unteers throughout the Village spent countless hours collecting donations both goods and money in a SUPPORT OUR TROOPS campaign On behalf of the Mavor and Village Council, Staff and Employees of the Village of North Pahn Beach we extend our deepest grati- tude and appreciation to the families and survivors of all those that gave the supreme and ultimate sacrifice for their country. And to those currently serving we wish a safe and speedy return... Military Mottos: �a ARMY - "This We'll Defend" NAVY - "Honor, Courage, Commitment" MARINE CORPS "Semper Fidelis" (Always Faithful) AIR FORCE - Integrity First, Service before Self, Excellence in All We Do COAST GUARD - "Semper Paratus" (Always Ready) Happy Veterans Day! PAGE 4 PUBLIC SAFETY 848 -2525 560 U. S.. Highway One North Palm Beach, FL 33408 MESSAGE FROM THE PUBLIC SAFETY DIRECTOR CHIEF JIMMY KNIGHT On Monday May 28, 2007 the country will observe Memorial Day. Village Offices will be closed in recognition of the national holiday. I feel it only appropriate that we remind ourselves of the sacrifice that our Veterans made throughout the history of our country. One of the few parks that is named after an individual is Osborne Park named after Ronald G. Osborne. Ronald Osborne was a 2nd Lieutenant in the United States Army and was a resident of the Village of North Palm Beach. The Army presented the Village with a certificate of appreciation for their patriotic civilian service in 1968. According to the certificate of appreciation presented to then Mayor Thomas F. Lewis and the citizens of North Palm Beach by the Department of the Army, 2nd Lieutenant Ronald G. Osborne was killed in action in Vietnam. It is equally important that this coming Memorial Day we remind ourselves of the sacrifice the Village's own residents made and that the name of Osborne Park be in our memories of a young man that laid his life on the line for his country. On behalf of the Mayor and Village Council, Staff and Employees of the Village of North Palm Beach we extend our deepest gratitude and apprecia- tion to the families and survivors of all those that gave the su- preme and ultimate sacrifice for their country. P "ASK THE VILLAGE" One resident asked that we remind residents of our "pooper scooper" code. ARTICLE H. DOGS AND CATS Sec. 4 -31. Persons walking dogs responsible for removal of waste. It shall be unlawful for any person, while walking a dog, to permit such dog to defecate upon private property not owned by such person or not owned by the owner of the dog, or upon public property, including, but not limited to, public sidewalks and swale areas, without removing the fecal mat- ter immediately after such defecation has ended. (Ord. No. 8 -79, § 1, 5- 10 -79) See. 4 -32. Persons walking dogs to carry waste - removal imple- ments. Any person who walks a dog off the premises where the owner of the dog resides or off the premises where the person who is walk- ing the dog resides shall carry with him, at all times when so walking a dog, appropriate implements to remove any fecal matter deposited by the dog on public property or upon private property not owned by the owner of the dog nor owned by the person walk- ing the dog, together with adequate containers to carry the fecal matter back to the private property of the owner of the dog or back to the private property of the person walking the dog. (Ord. No. 8 -79, § 2, 5- 10 -79) THE VILLAGE N E W S L E T T E R MAY 2007 Another resident asked that we remind our residents that sub- scribe to the flag program that as your flags become torn, faded, frazzled, etc. they may be replaced. Just bring your flag to the Public Safety Department at 561 U. S. Highway One and they will give you a replacement. We welcome your concerns and questions and look forward to next month. The newly renovated golf course was completed in November 2006 and since we are in the fifth month of play on the course the Village has a question for you! Share your experiences of the new course with us either by mail or email us at: publicinfo @village - npb.org. We look forward to hearing from you! IS YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD READY TO RESIST CRIME? The North Palm Beach Department of Public Safety would like for all village residents that are interested in participating with the police department to prevent crime on their block to organize a Neighborhood Watch Program. Neighborhood Watch is a self help program. It gets members of the community and law enforcement working together to reduce crime and the fear of crime, and makes your neighbor- hood safer and more secure. Neighbors make a community effort to work with the police and protect each other and their property. A neighborhood where people are alert to the poten- tial of crime and willing to lookout for one another's interests is a neighborhood where crimes are least likely to occur. Very few people are in the position to protect their homes and property 100% of the time. Vacation trips, business trips, shopping, work, and evenings out will leave homes unattended and vulnerable to burglary. If you have any questions regarding the Neighborhood Watch Program, please contact Officer Williams at 841 -3300. TRAFFIC ORIENTED POLICING (TOP) The North Palm Beach Department of Public Safety is com- mitted to the safety of its citizens. A Safe Community is a community that promotes traffic safety and injury prevention. TOP is a program which requires members of the community and law enforcement to work together to reduce traffic prob- lems in North Palm Beach. It uses an approach to involve resi- dents in addressing traffic problems and safety concerns in the village. We would like your help to determine specific areas of concern. Please contact Officer Williams at 841 -3300 or email us at traffic(a village -nag. You can remain anony- mous. The North Palm Beach Department of Public Safety wants all of our residents to know the North Palm Beach Department of Public Safety Building is always open! We never close the building or lock the front door, North Palm Beach Police Offi- cers, Fire Fighters, Paramedics and Dispatchers are in the building 24 hours a day, 7 days a week! 0 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF THE - VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA HELD TUESDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1967 -- Present: Thomas F. Lewis, Mayor David C. Clark, Councilman Allen V. Everard, Councilman Herbert A. -Watt, Councilman Herbert L. Gildan, Village Attorney Lawrence J. Robbins, Village Manager Dolores R. Walker, Village Clerk Absent: Thomas R. Bell, Vice -Mayor Mayor Lewis called the meeting to order at 8:05 p.m. and asked ROLL the Village Clerk to call the roll, all members being present -CALL except Vice -Mayor Bell. On motion of Councilman Watt, seconded by Councilman Clark, all 9/26/67 MINUTES present voting aye, the minutes of the Regular Meeting held Tuesday, APPROVED September 26, 1967 were approved as written. - - On motion of Councilman Clark, seconded by Councilman Watt, all 10/3/67 MINUTES present voting aye, the minutes of the Special Session held Tuesday, APPROVED October 3, 1967 were approved as read. Mayor Lewis informed Council that he had received a letter from 9/28/67 LETTER _ Harrison W. Buckley, Vice President of the Yacht Club Association, FROM H. W. BUCKLEY thanking the Mayor and Council for their cooperation on the re- zoning of property on U. S. 1 and also for the valuable time spent _ at their special meeting on September 24 and the presentation of the facts on this matter. Mayor Lewis discussed letter from Senator Jerry Thomas dated 29, LETTER OF 9/29/67 September 1967 re Bill 660, The Code of Ethics Law, which FROM SEN. THOMAS the Senator authored and passed during the 1967 Legislative Session, RE CODE OF ETHICS and which went into effect October 1, 1967. The Mayor stated that LAW if the Council wanted to adopt this Code of Ethics, an ordinance _ or resolution could be drawn for this purpose. Mayor Lewis discussed letter received from Mrs. Robert L. Hall, Chair- LETTER FROM MRS. man of UNICEF, dated September 30, 1967, requesting permission for child- HALL M UNICEF ren and youth of the local churches to "TRICK OR TREAT FOR UNICEF" on "TRICK OR TREAT" Tuesday, October 31. Village Manager will answer Mrs. Hail's letter, ON 10/31/67 - -_ informing her to contact the Director of Public Safety for necessary permission and instructions. Mayor Lewis referred to letter of October 3, 1967 from Ray Accette, 10/3%67 LETTER FROM indicating his desire to serve on the Planning and Zoning Advisory R. ACCETTA RE REQUEST Board. Council asked Mr. Fred Speaker, Chairman of this Board, FOR APPOINTMENT TO for the Board's recommendation for a member to replace Mr. Rudy PLANNING & ZONING Arsenicos, who recently resigned, and Mr. Speaker indicated he -AD. BD. would discuss this with the Board at their next meeting. Mayor Lewis read letter from Judge Robert S. Hewitt dated October 10/4167 LETTER FROM 4, 1967, accepting invitation to be the key speaker at the dedication JUDGE HEWITT ACCEPTING.— of "Ronald Osborne Park" (formerly Prosperity Park) on Veteran's Day, November ll, 1967. INVITATION TO SPEAK AT PARK DEDICATION on 11/11/67 On motion of Councilman Watt, seconded by Councilman Clark, all COPY_OF CORRECTED present voting aye, the corrected copy of the minutes of the Country UINUTES OF BD. OF - Club Board of Governors Meeting held Wednesday, September 13, 1967; GOVERNORS MEETING and the minutes of the Country Club Board of Governors Meeting _ HELD 9/13/67 & held Wednesday, September 20, 1967 were accepted by Council. 9/20187 MINUTES - OF BD. OF GOVERNORS ' MEETING ACCEPTED BY COUNCIL 0 0 0 ri MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA HELD TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1967 Present: Thomas F. Lewis, Mayor Thomas R. Bell, Vice -Mayor _ David C. Clark, Councilman Allan V. Everard, Councilman Herbert A. Watt, Councilman Herbert L. Gilden, Village Attorney Lawrence J. Robbins, Village Manager Dolores R. Walker, Village Clerk ._ Mayor Lewis called the meeting to order at 8:05 p.m. and asked the ROLL CALL Village Clerk to call the roll, all members being present except Council- man Clark and Councilman Everard, who arrived at 8 :10 p.m. On motion of Councilman Watt, seconded by Vice -Mayor Bell, all present voting aye, the minutes of Public Hearing held Tuesday, November 14, 1967 were approved as read. On motion of Vice -Mayor Bell, seconded by Councilman Watt, all present voting aye, the minutes of the Regular Meeting held Tuesday, November 14, 1967 were approved as written. Mayor Lewis read letter from R. S. Rileigh, Town of Belleair Shore, Florida. dated November 16, 1967, expressing thanks to the Mayor and Council for their letters, help and encouragement in obtaining a refer- endum for their electors to defeat the bill on the abolishment of the Town of Belleair Shore. On motion of Councilman Watt, seconded by Vice -Mayor Bell, all present voting aye, Council accepted minutes of Recreation Advisory Board meetings held October 2, October 16 and November 7, 1967. On motion of Councilman Watt, seconded by Vide -Mayor Bell, all present voting aye, minutes of Beautification Committee meeting held November 2, 1967 were accepted by Council. On motion of Vice -Mayor Bell, seconded by Councilman Watt, all present voting aye, minutes of Zoning Board of Adjustment meeting held November 20, 1967 were accepted by Council. Village Manager read following letters addressed to Mayor and Council: 9 11/14/67 MINUTES OF PUBLIC HEARING ' APPROVED AS READ 11/14/67 MINUTES OF REG. MEETING APPROVED 11/16/67 LETTER FROM TOWN OF BELLEAIR SHORE, FLA. _ 10/2/67, 10/].6/67 A11/7/67 &MTES OF REC. AD. BD.' MEETINGS ACCEPTED 11/2/67 MINUTES — OF BEAUTIFICATION COMMITTEE MEETING ACCEPTED 11/20/67 MINUTES OF ZONING BD. OF ADJUSTMENT . MEETING ACCEPTED LETTERS RE OSBORNE PARK DEDICATION - Letter from William Osborne, dated November 19, 1967 expressing deep gratitude of the Osborne family for re- dedication of Prosperity Park to Osborne Park in memory • of their son, Ronald, and all veterans who have given their lives in the service of our Country. Letter from William Bloodgdod, dated November 17, 1967 expressing deep gratitude to all those who contributed and supported the Council in making the Osborne Park dedication possible. Complimentary letter from Joe J. Eases, Jr., dated November 13, 1967, relative to Osborne Park dedication. Letter from Major Don Davis, U. S. Army, dated November 13, 1967 indicating that the Osborne Park dedication was one of the best organized community ceremonies he had had the honor and privilege of attending. Letter from Mrs. Shirley Kohl, Councilwoman of Village of Palm Springs, Florida, dated November 14, 1967 indicating her pleasure in attending the Osborne Park dedication and commending Council for their action in dedicating a portion of our "land of the free" to those who found it worthy of the supreme. sacrifice. 9 11/14/67 MINUTES OF PUBLIC HEARING ' APPROVED AS READ 11/14/67 MINUTES OF REG. MEETING APPROVED 11/16/67 LETTER FROM TOWN OF BELLEAIR SHORE, FLA. _ 10/2/67, 10/].6/67 A11/7/67 &MTES OF REC. AD. BD.' MEETINGS ACCEPTED 11/2/67 MINUTES — OF BEAUTIFICATION COMMITTEE MEETING ACCEPTED 11/20/67 MINUTES OF ZONING BD. OF ADJUSTMENT . MEETING ACCEPTED LETTERS RE OSBORNE PARK DEDICATION - MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING = OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA HELD - TUESDAY, APRIL 16, 1968 Present: Thomas F. Lewis, Mayor Thomas R. Bell, Vice,-Mayor David C. Clark, Councilman ' Herbert A. Watt, Councilman Herbert L. Gildan, Village Attorney ' Lawrence J. Robbins, Village Manager Dolores R. Walker, Village Clerk - Absent: Allan V. Everard, Councilman _ Mayor Lewis called the Regular Meeting to order at 8:10 p.m. ROLL CALL and asked the Village Clerk to call the roll, all members being = present except Councilman Everard. • On motion of Councilman Watt seconded by Vice -Mayor Bell, all 2/26/68 M]NUTES -_ present voting aye, the minutes of Regular Meeting held Tuesday, APPROVED March 26, 1968 were approved as written. On motion of Vice -Mayor Bell, seconded by Councilman Watt, all 3/27/68 MINUTES OF present voting aye, the minutes of Charter Board Organizational CHARTER BOARD OR- _ Meeting held Wednesday, March 27, 1968; and the minutes of Re- GANIZATIONAL MEETING organizational Meeting of the Village Council held Monday, & 4/l/68-MINUTES OF April 1, 1968 were approved as written, REORGANIZATIONAL MEETING APPROVED Village Clerk read minutes of Special Session held Tuesday, 4/2/68 KMTES OF - April 2, 1968. On motion of Councilman Watt, seconded by Vice- SPECIAL SESSION Mayor Bell, all present voting aye, these minutes were approved APPROVER AS CORRECTED as corrected. ' Mayor Lewis read letter from Mrs. Osborne and daughter, Arlene, thanking Council for the flowers LETTER OF THANKS = and their kind expression FROM MRS. OSBORNE of sympathy upon the sudden death of Mr. Osborne. They also & DAUGHTER, ARLENE again thanked Council for their splendid tribute in dedicating Osborne Park in memory of the Osborne's son, Ronald. Mayor Lewis informed Council that on Monday, April 22, 1968 AWARD TO VILLAGE FROM the Village will be awarded a citation from the Department o£ DEPT. OP- DEFENSE TO Defense at the Rotary Club meeting which will be held at the BE MADE 4/22/6_8_ Bonanza restaurant at 6:00 p.m. The Mayor stated that this award was in recognition of Village assistance to the Army - in various services, particularly the dedication of Ronald Osborne Park, - Mayor Lewis presented Certificates of Appreciation to.those CERTIFICATES OF persons present at the Council Meeting who worked so diligent- APPRECIATION PRE - ly on the Village Golf Tournament which was held at the North SENTED BY MAYOR • Palm Beach Country Club on March 17, 1968'. Mayor Lewis referred to letters received from Mr. Jones and Mrs. Hilker, indicating•that they could not be present at the Council Meeting to receive their Certificates of Appreciation. _ Mayor Lewis informed Council that Mr. Fred Englehardt, our Post- FRED E116L8HARDT Times reporter, would be leaving the Post -Times on Friday, LEAVING POST -TIMES April 26, 1968 to accept the position of editor for the Lake TO ACCEPT POSITION Worth Herald. WITH LAKE WORTH HERALD Mayor Lewis read letter from Thomas A. Hogan, Cubmaster, Cub LETTER OF THANKS TO Pack 150,-thanking the Village for the help supplied them in _- VILLAGE FROM THOMAS their most successful paper drive held in the Village on Satur- A. HOGAN, CUBMASTER, day, March 23, 1968. CUB PACK -150 Mayor Lewis referred to letter received from "Pete" Helser LETTER RE LITTLE ' dated April 16, 1968 relative to the annual Little League Parade, LEAGUE OPENING DAY, program and opening baseball game which will be held Sunday, 4/21/68 April 21, 1968. The Village officials will participate in this Opening Day Program. o..• as• smeoo....• s....• a....• •.seoe...o.oss..s.....o.o...o.s Villap Cwdl / Chrk 2009 VETERANS DAY CEREMONY The Village of North Palm Beach observed Veterans Day on November 11th Featured speakers were Mayor David. Norris. Senator Jeff Atwater, and Awilda Melecio, NPB Sup- port Our Troops Program volunteer. NPB Dept. of Public Safety Chaplain,` Father Emmanuel, gave the invocation and St. Clare School. student Ruth Ann Noscka sang the National Anthem and God Bless America. Osborne, Park was_dedicated November 11, 1967 in memory of Lt. Ronald Osborne, U.S. Army, who „was ille kd,in_ action in Vietnam, and in commemoration of all who have given their lives in the service of the%i .oiaritry. ........................................................... ............................... RECENT COUNCILACTION TAKEN Ordinance 2009 -13 Adoption of Ad Valorem Tax Resolution 2009 -58 Golf Cart Lease Purchase Agree - Millage Rate ment Ordinance 2009 -14 Ordinance 2009 -15 Ordinance 2009 -16 Resolution 2009 -51 Resolution 2009 -52 Resolution 2009 -53 Resolution 2009 -54 Resolution 2009 -55 Resolution 2009 -56 Resolution 2009 -57 Adoption of FY 2009 -2010 Resolution 2009 -59 Budget Annual Fire Inspection & Plan Review Fees Amends Notice Require- ments for Land Use Changes Appoints Member to Library Advisory Board Code Enforcement by Cita- tion — Code Sections & Pen- alty Schedule Annual Fire Inspection Fees & Plan Review Fees Lease Agreement — Tennis Pro Shop Services Ratifies FPE Collective Bar- gaining Agreement Appoints Member to the Rec- reation Advisory Board Solid Waste Authority Interlo- cal Agreement Resolution 2009 -60 Resolution 2009 -61 Resolution 2009 -62 Resolution 2009 -63 Resolution 2009 -64 Resolution 2009 -65 Resolution 2009 -66 :Tz •7ttRiC•7i1KII1I'a:1rl 1: Z7 • 7 t 1 i t C• T1 y I i I1I' a:I 4 Resolution 2009 -69 Interlocal Agreement for Radio Maintenance Serma Liability Payment Opposes Proposed Changes to ICW Boating Speed Zones Approves Annual Street Overlay Paving Contract Approves Budget Amendment — Capital Projects Approves Collective Bargaining Agreement with Professional Fire- fighters /Paramedics of Palm Beach County, Local 2928, IAFF, Inc. Approves FY 2008 -2009 General Fund Budget Amendment Approves FY 2009 -2009 Country Club Budget Amendment Approves Janitorial Services Agreement with Harvard Mainte- nance, Inc. Approves Memorandum of Mainte- nance Agreement with FL Dept. of Transportation related to Northlake Blvd. landscape improvements Approves Public Safety Patrol Vehi- cle Purchase / Village Council / Clerk —Pg. 2 o?O /O �L-