1999-01 Comp Plan Amendment #98-1r~ u ORDINANCE NO. 01-99 A.'d ORDINANCE OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, ADOPTING AMENDMENT 98-1 TO THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN FOR THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT COMPREHENSIVE PLANNING AND LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATION ACT, AS AMENDED, BEZNG SECTIONS 163.3161 ET. SEQ., FLORIDA STATUTES, WHICH AMENDMENT IS ATTACHED AS EXHIBIT "A"; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF ALL ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, pursuant to 163.3161 Et Seq., Florida Statutes, being the local Government Comprehensive Planning and Land Development • Regulation Act, the Village of North Palm Beach is required to adopt amendments to the Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, on March 3, 1998, the Village Planning Commission, sitting as the Local Planning Agency, held a Public Hearing to review Amendment 98-1 and at its regular meeting on such date made a recommendation to approve Amendment 98-1 with conditions; WHEREAS, the Village Council of the Village of North Palm Beach after due consideration is desirous of adopting Amendment 98-1 to the Comprehensive Plan for the Village of North Palm Beach; BE IT ORDAINED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA: Section 1. Pursuant to the provisions of the Local • Government Planning and Land Development Act, Section 163 .161 et. seq., Florida Statutes, the Village of North Palm Beach, Florida, hereby adopts amendment 98-1 to the Comprehensive Plan of the . Village of North Palm Beach, Florida. A copy of 98-1 is attached hereto and made a part hereof as Exhibit "A". Section 2. If any section, paragraph, sentence, clause, phrase or word of this Ordinance is for any reason held by a Court to be unconstitutional, inoperative or void, such holding shall not affect the remainder of this Ordinance. Section 3. All Ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Section 4. This Ordinance shall take effect upon the date a final order is issued by the Department of Community Affairs finding the amendment to be in compliance with Chapter 163.3184, F.S.; or the date a final order is issued by the Administration Commission finding the amendment to be in compliance in accordance with Chapter 163.3184,F.S. PLACED ON PUBLIC HEARING THIS 25th DAY OF June lggg PLACED ON FIRST READING THIS 25th DAY OF June 1998 PLACED ON PUBLIC HEARING THIS ~~ DAY OF .)anuary 1999 PLACED ON SECOND, FINAL READING AND PASSED THIS 14th DAY OF _ ,lanuary , 1999 . (VILLAGE SEAL) ATTEST: VILLAGE CL RK c~e~k n U Village Of North Palm Beach Florida Proposed Comprehensive Plan Amendments First Application For The Year 1998 (Amendment 98-1 *) Jaouary,1998 Prepared for the Village of North Palm Beach Prepared by Land Research Management, Inc. * -Amendments 98-1.1 and 98-1.2. • TABLE OF CONTENTS • Section 1.0 Introduction 2.0 Analysis Of Map Amendments 2.1 Summary Of Future Land Use Map Series Amendment 98-1.1 2.2 Summary Of Future Land Use Map Series Amendment 98-1.2 3.0 Analysis Of Cumulative Impacts Of Proposed NPBCP Amendment 98-1 3. 1 Village Character 3. 2 Future Land Use 3. 3 Transportation 3. 4 Housing 3. 5 Sanitary Sewer, Solid Waste, Drainage, Potable Water And Natural Groundwater Aquifer Recharge 3. 6 Coastal Management 3. 7 Conservation 3. 8 Recreation And Open Space 3. 9 Intergovernmental Coordination 3.10 CapitalImprovements 4.0 Consistency With Regional And State Plans 4.1 Regional Policy Plan 4.2 State Comprehensive Plan 5.0 Conclusion 5.1 Finding 5.2 Recommendation Appendix A - NPBCP Amendment 98-1 Attachment A - Interlocal Agreement Enacting the Annexation of Properties Included Within NPBCP Amendment 98-1.1 Page 1-1 2-1 2-6 2-10 3-1 3-2 3-2 3-6 3-6 3 -7 3-9 3-10 3-]0 3-11 3-11 4-1 4-1 4-I 5-1 5-1 5-1 A-1 NA • Attachment B -Ordinance 33-96 Enacting The Annexation Of Properties Included Within NPBCP Amendment 98-1.2 NA • TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) Section Page Attachment C -Background Data For Lawnmower Shop NA LIST OF EXHIBITS Number Page 1 Location Of Proposed Comprehensive Plan Amendments 2.2 2 Detailed Location Of NPBCP Amendment 98-1.1 2.3 3 Detailed vocation Of NPBCP Amendment 98-1.2 2_q 4 Abutting Land Use, Including Futwe Land Use And Zoning Designations 2-7 5 Proposed Future Land Use Map -Amendment 98-1.1 2_g 6 Abutting Land Use, Including Futwe Land Use And Zoning Designations 2-11 7 Proposed Future Land Use Map -Amendment 98-1.2 2.12 A-1 Future Land Use Map Amendment NPBCP Amendment 98-I A_2 A-2 Future Land Use Map Amendment NPBCP Amendment 98-1.2 A-3 LIST OF TABLES Number Page I Summary Of Existing Land Uses (Acres) 2-5 2 Amendment 98-1 Cumulative Impact Factors Summary 3.1 3 Impact Of NPBCP Amendment 98-1 Upon Village Existing Land Uses (Acres) 3-4 4 Revised Housing Stock Projections 3_~ 1.0 I!STRODliCT1O\ • The Village of North Palm Beach is currentl}' considering the adoption of a Comprehensive Plan Amendment consisting oftwo amendments (NPBCP Amendment 98-] .1 and 98-1.2) to the Future Land Use Map Series. Each of the amendments is the result of an annexation action.. Proposed NPBCP Amendment 98-1. ] is necessar}'to incorporate parcels which total 9.33 acres within the omprehen iv PI n. TheseparcelswerethesubjectofanInterlocalAgreementbetweentheVillage Council and the Palm Beach County BoardofCountyCommissionersprovidingfortheannexationofa small enclave pursuant to Chapter 171.046, Florida Statutes. The executed Interlocal Agreement enacting the annexation is included as Attachment A hereto. The location of NPBCP amendment 98-].1 is illustrated on Exhibits 1 and 2. Properties included within NPBCP 98-1.1 shall be referred to herein as the "McLaren/Carolinda Enclave". Proposed NPBCP Amendment 98-1.2 is necessary to incorporate parcels which tota151.40 acres within the Comnrehensive Plan. These parcels were the subject of an annexation referendum of property owners and and were annexed by Ordinance. The Ordinance enacting the annexation is included as Attachment B hereto. The location ofNPBCP amendment 98-1.2 is illustrated on Exhibits 1 and 3. Properties included within NPBCP 98-1.2 shall be referred to herein as the "Southwest Neighborhood". This document provides data and analysis required by Sections 9J-5 and 9J-11.006(1 xb)1. - 5., Florida Adminisr~afi.,~dg, as they pertain to the proposed amendments. Section 2.0 consists ofbriefsummaries and analysis ofproposed NPBCP Amendments 98-1.1 and 98- 1.2, in terms of the requirements of Section 9J-11.006(]xb)1. to 9J-11.006(1)(b)5., Florida Administrative Code. Section 3.0 presents an analysis ofthe cumulative impacts ofthe proposed amendment in terms of each element ofthe Village ofNorih palm Be~~h Snonort Do nmP Appraisal Report; 9/96) and Vrllaee of North Palm B A~ (~ updated by the Evaluation and h omp~hensi~e Plan Section 4.0 contains an assessment of proposed NPBCP Amendment 98.1, in terms of the Regional Policy Plan and State Comprehensive Plan. The APPENDIX to this document contains proposed NPBCP Amendments 98-I.1 and 98-].2. r ~ U 1-1 • 2.0 ANAL1"SIS OF M.4P AMENDMENTS This section pro~~des data summaries and analysis ofeach ofthe proposed 98-1 amendments, pursuant to the requirements of Section 9J-11.006(1 xb)l. to 9J-11.006(1)(b)5., Florida Administrative Code, including: 1. The proposed future land use plan map designations of the subject properties; the boundaries of the subject properties; and the mapped locations in relation to the surrounding street network; 2. A map of the present land use designations of the subject properties and abutting properties, indicating future land use map designations; 3. The size of the subject properties in acres, or fractions thereof; 4. A description ofthe availability ofand demand upon the following public facilities: Sanitary sewer, solid waste, drainage, potable water, traffic circulation, and recreation and open space, as appropriate; and 5. Information regarding the compatibility of the proposed future land use map amendments with the Future Land Use Element objectives and policies, as well as those of other affected elements. NPBCP Amendment 98-I consists of two separate proposed future land use map series amendments. The geographical scope of the proposed amendments is illustrated on Exhibits 1 - 3. Amendment 98-1.1 is a revision to Figure 3-3 (Planning Area 2) of the Future Land Use Element of the Village of North palm Beach mor h n iv Pl n to incorporate the "McLaren/Carolinda Enclave" annexation. Amendment 98-1.2 is the expansion of Village Planning Area 5, inc]uding the amendment of Figure 3 - 9 of the future land use map series to incorporate the "Southwest Neighborhood" annexation. The existing land use mix of proposed Amendments 98-1.1 and 98-1.2, expressed in terms of the Village's future land use classification system, is presented in Table 1. The balance of this section contains descriptions and atralysis ofeach proposed amendment, as well as the cumulative impacts thereof, as appropriate, in terms ofthe five criteria listed above. References to other related sections of this document are provided as necessary. • 2-] r~ --. '1 li W W ~ b `- cl ' ~~ i i~ I G Wi .II Q O "' i n a .~ o o ~ z = LL V ' O < N w ~CEA C m AS `ANS\G _ I-_ J ~ ~ ~_.~ J J ~ ~ < -" i ~ ~ ~ •~ ,<. / !'• ~'~ , 2~ ice- ~=' _ Jam' ~ wpPtH ~~HE P ~i~'~i . i ~ ham; I ~ r _ ._ ~. T~~,~~ ~~ ,_ j. .¢ ' ~~~~~I l_ I ~ ~ .y: J' 1. ` ..~.' ~, i 1. a ~ ~~ , I°, :~ ~ :.J ' 3 i ~ i- , i ~t~ f I /_, 1~ ~ ;~ . ~ . '' I '- _ %j ~ ~~ N . ~ J ~ j , / I ~ ; i ~ .i,' ~ '` / / ~ ~ ' C C V e a d .~ .r. L 0 u 0 c L Cr ~~.. 0 w u . ~. F .`.. :is E P „ .. a c L N ^ O ~ E e ~ 'y~ E C ~ 0 t~ ~ 2-2 u EYHIBIT 2 -Detailed Location Of !~PBCP 98-1.1 ra ri Used vechicle sales -,, nt shop/business oH'ice . ,,' ~~ ,~~ '~,o PL substation ~ N ,1. . ~~ ~enjamin School Qease) ~ ~ ------ ~~~ ii'i-~-^------ ...~. -Annexed Area Boundary Area not included within annexed area. Property (Benjamin School) currently located within Village corporate limits. r L_J Scale: One inch = 200 feet. 2-3 • • Richard Road - ~orthlake Boulevard EXHIBIT 3 -Detailed Location Of NPBCP 98-1.2 ~~ Fa~ N ;_4 • TABLE 1 Summary Of Existing Land Uses (Acres) Land Use Category Amendment 98-1.1 Amendment 98-1.2 Residential Low Density 0.00 23.13 Residential Medium Density 0.00 1.56 Residential High Density 0.00 0.00 Commercial 2.26 13.23 Recreation/Open Space 0.00 0.00 Conservation/Open Space 0.00 0.00 Public Buildings & Grounds 1.39 0.00 Transportation (R.O.W.) 5.68 10.09 Water 0.00 0.00 Vacant 0.00 3.39 Totals 9.33 51.40 Source: Land Research Management, Inc.; 12/97. r ~ U 2-5 • 2.1 SUMMARY OF FUTLiRE LAND USE MAP SERIES AMENDMENT 98-1.1 A. Name or Designation: McLaren/Carolinda Enclave. B. Parcel Description or Location: Irregulaz shaped combination of parcels and rights-of--way which total 9.33 acres and is located in Village Planning Area 2, west of U.S. Highway No. 1 (Ref: Exhibits 1 and 2). Existing land uses constitutingAmendment 98-1.1 are illustrated on Exhibit 2 and summarized in Table 1. C. Existing Future Land T;se and Zoning Designations (Palm Beach County): F~m!re and cP Commercial (3.65 acres) and Transportation (5.68 acres of road rights-of--way). Zonine: CG -General Commercial (3.65 acres). D. Proposed Future Laud Use and Zouing Designations (North Palm Beach): F~maze L?nd cP~ Commercial (3.65 acres) and Transportation (5.68 acres of road rights-of--way). Zonine: C-I Neighborhood Commercial (3.65 acres). E. Abutting Land Use Summary: The cross-hatched area (i.e. the area abutting the inside perimeter of the proposed amendment) shown on Exhibit 2 is located within the Village of North Palm Beach. This area contains an educational facility; the Benjamin School, a K - 12 private institution. Abutting land uses, including government jurisdiction, future land use and zoning designations of the proposed amendment are illustrated on Exhibit 4. F. Subject Property Development Potential: Development Concept: Retainexistingusesorpemtitredevelopmentconsistentwiththe C-1 Neighborhood Commercial district and the proposed Future Land Use map, as illustrated on Exhibit 5.. Population Projections: NA • 2-6 EXHIBIT 4 • .abutting Land l~se, Including Future Land L'se and Zoning Designations ~ ~:1 North Palm Beach Foisting Use: Vacant FLU: Commercial Zoning: Cl lorth Palm Beach Existing Use: Private School B Police Substation FLU: Educational / Zoning: R2 North Palm Beach E:fisting Use: Vacant FLU: Commercial Zoning: Cl ia.s.sr~l Csed ~ech¢le sales ~• "~~~~~w""~~"~w~~~~~~ ;..~.. Carolioda D_r_ive Consignmm~ s Palm Beach County ~~ Notch Pslm Beach Existing Use: Residential Existing Use: Privste School FLU: Residential 12 ~ ~ FLU: Educational & Commr ',oning: RM e if, if North Palm Beach ~ Existing Use: Residential Multiple-Family FLU; Residential High Zoning: R3 north Pslm Beach Existing Use: Religious Retreat FLIT; Commercial & Residential Medi Zoning: Cl r .•• 3m~arrun School lleas<1 ••~ forth Palm Beach Existing Use: Commerciat Mixed Ilse FLl': Commerciat Zoning: CI • ~~~\~\m\~\~~~.J~ • Annexed area Boundary `+_~y .Area not included Nithin annexed area. Propem (Benjamin School) currentk located w ithin \~illagr corporate limits. 2-~ EXHIBIT 5 • Proposed Future Land (JSe i~'[ap -Amendment 98-1.1 -Commercial _. Street -Transportation • 2-8 u G. Infrastructure Impacts: I. Traffic Circulation: Refer to Section 3.3. 2. Potable Water: Refer to Section 3.5 3. Wastewater: Refer to Section 3.5. 4. Drainage: Refer to Section 3.5. 5. Solid Waste: Refer to Section 3.5. 6. Recreation/Open Space: Refer to Section 3, 8. G. Compatibility With Comprehensive Plan: The proposed amendment is deemed consistent with the Village of North Palm Beach omprehensive Plan. Details are presented in Section 3.0. • 2-9 • 2.2 SUiviMARY OF FUTURE LAND USE MAP SERIES AMENDMENT 98-1.2 A. Name or Designation: Southwest Neighborhood B. Parcel Description or Location: Combination of pazcels and rights-of--way which total 51.40 acres and located west of Vil lage Planning Area 5, west of Prosperity Farms Road and south of the C-18 Canal (Ref` Exhibits 1 and 3). Existing land uses constituting Amendment 98-1.2 are illustrated on Exhibit 3 and summarized in Table 1. C. Existing Future Laud Use and Zoning Designations (Palm Beach County): Future i and Use (excluding rights-of--way): LR -Low Density Residential (22.86 acres); LM - Medium DensityResidential (4.83 acres); CL-Commercial Lowlntensity(1.80 acres); and CH- Commercial High Intensity (11.82 acres). Z4~lil1: (excluding rights-of--way): RS Single-Family Residential (22.86 acres); RM Multiple- FamilyResidential Medium Density (4.83 acres); CNNeighborhood Commercial (0.43 acres); and CG General Commercial (13.19 acres).. D. Proposed Future Land Use and Zoning Designations (North Palm Beach): FutLre L?n_d Use• Low Density Residential (22.12 acres); Medium Density Residential (4.92 acres); Commercial (14.27 acres) and Transportation (10.09 acres of road rights-of--way). ZBtlipg; R 1 Single-Family Dwelling (22.12acres); R2Multiple-Family Dwelling (4.92 acres); C 1 Neighborhood Commercial (4.09 acres); C2 -General Commercial (6.44 acres); and CC Transitional Commercial (3.74 acres). C. Abutting Land Use Summary: Abutting land uses, including future land use and zoning designations, along the outside perimeter of the proposed amendment are illustrated on Exhibit 6. D. Subject Property Land Uses: Development Concept: Retain existing uses or permit development or redevelopment consistent with the proposed Future Land Use Map, as illustrated on Exhibit 7.. • 2-]0 • v. C a C C C .C 3 e :a d _~ eel ~ ~ C r. CQ r ~ y L 7 Y ~ S [~ CL e _~ J ..r V C Cu C ri • C n X s ~ ,~ Y u 7': i W ti b e e Y % r. Y v y a S ~ 'J i :~ i ~ E 7 s S v r~~ Y ~ e j Y ae ~ Y :''? ,.E G yy x$= Y .1 ~. 37 a ~'°F .~3 s k Y ~ .~ 2 Y C 9 e Z s~ ~~ ~~ T ~ O 2y ~ ~ v ~v = S 7 O a ~ a 7 E ~ O ~ ~ ? 7f ~ ~ V v s e 'i ~ Z :i Y ~y e~ v ~ ~ L v e V v 1 ~` ...s a .. q . i i 7 I ~ e~ i ~ .~ ~ *_ ~~ t y ~ 6Yy p V 5Y i'~, C ~ ~ +~ i \YYY i I <_ y _X ~ r e i.g ~+:: i _ - 'J ~ t . i ~i R r V ~ d .+ ,~ ~ C R x U > CG U > ~- • EXHIBIT 7 Proposed Future Land Use ~Iap -Amendment 98-1.2 Planning Commission rewmmended approval of l_ the proposed Amendment 98.1, provided that the R;m.rd Ro.a designation of this lot is changed from Residential • Map K__ev. -Residential Low - Residential Medium -Commercial ^ ~~onhlake Boulevard ~_ r :oe vK~ 2-12 Street -Transportation 2. Population Projections: Existing residential use - 87 units x 2.16 persons per household (per • Census Tract #8) = l88 residents; vacant land with residential development potential - 21 units x 2.16 persons per household = 45 residents. Total population potential at buildout - 132 residents. E. Infrastructure Impacts: I. Traffic Circulation: Refer to Section 3.3. 2. Potable Water: Refer to Section 3.5. 3. Wastewater: Refer to Section 3.5. 4. Drainage: Refer to Section 3.5. 5. Solid Waste: Refer to Section 3.5. 6. Recreation/Open Space: Refer to Section 3.8. F. Compatibility With Comprehensive Plan: The proposed amendment is deemed consistent with the Village of North Palm Beach Comprehensive Plan. Details are presented in Section 3.0. G. Additional Detail: Priorto annexation into the Village, the 0.43 acre lot located atthe southwestcorner ofProsperity Farms Road and Honey Road (Ref: highlighted lot on Exhibit 7), Palm Beach County had previously assigned a Future Land Use Map designation of Low Residential-3 (LR-3) and a zoning designation of Neighborhood Commercial. The current use of the lot is lawnmower sales and service store and convenience store. Therefore, prior to annexation, both the existing use and zoning designation were inconsistent with the County's Future Land Use Plan. The current or a similaz use has existed on the subject lot since the 1950's. In 1976, the owner of the subject lot was permitted by the County to rezone the property so that the lawn mower sales and service store and convenience store would conform with uses permitted inthe assignedzoningdistrict; however, atthat time, the County did not have a Comprehensive Plan, as law did not require one. When the County adopted its first Comprehensive Plan in 1980, the Neighborhood Commercial zoning on the property was not addressed in the Comprehensive Plan, and thus an inconsistency was created. In 1979, the owner of the subject lot was permitted by the County's Boazd of Adjustment to construct an addition to the existing use. Rev: 6/98 2-13 Since the current use has been a part ofthe surrounding neighborhood for approximately 40 years, • and to maintain consistency between the Comprehensive Plan and the current use, the Local Planning Agency (Village Planning Commission) recommended that the subject lot be assigned a Commercial Future Land Use designation (Ref: Exhibit 7). In an effort to determine if implementing the Local Planning Agency recommendation, aswell as assigning a commercial zoning designation, would be determined to be a "spot zoning" action, the V i] lage engaged an independent counsel to address the issue. It was the opinion of the independent counsel (Ref: Attachment C) that either oftwo basic alternatives would be appropriate, from the perspective of the Future Land Use Plan: (1) Assign both a residential Future Land Use Plan and zoning designation; or (2) assign both a commercial Future Land Use Plan and zoning designation. In an effort to implement sound planning principles, the Village has opted to assign both commercial Future Land Use Plan and zoning designations. However, it is the express policy of the Village Council to maintain the current residential character ofthe Prosperity Farms Road corridor, commencing at Park Road and nuuring north throughout the corporate limits ofNorth Palm Beach. In order to implement this policy, the following Special Policy should be added to the Future Land Use Element: "Scecial Policy 5 16: The 0.43 acre lot located at the southwest comer of Prosperity Farms Road and Honey Road shall be assigned a Commercial Future band Use Map designation in order to support its current use. The current use maybe maintained, consistent with the provisions of Sections 45-63 (non-conforming uses) and 45-64 (non-conforming structures) of the Village Code; however, any future change in use shall be consistent with those uses permitted inthe CC - Transitional Commercial District." Addendum: 6;'98 • 2-14 • 3.0 Analysis Of Cumulative Impacts Of Proposed Amendment This section provides data summaries and analysis of proposed NPBCP Amendment 98-1, pursuant to the requirements of Section 9J-11.006(3), Florida Administrative Code (F.A.A.), which states that all comprehensive plan amendments must meet the requirements of Section 9J-5. Factors affecting the cumulative impacts of NPBCP Amendment 98-1 include an increase in acres, dwelling units and development potential of vacant land resulting from the annexation of the Mcl.aren/Carolinda Enclave (Amendment 98-1.1) and the Southwest Neighborhood (Amendment 98- 1.2 ). A summary ofthe factors affecting the cumulative impacts ofNPBCP Amendment 98-I is presented in Table 2. TABLE 2 Ameudmeut 98-1 Cumulative Impact Factors Summary NPBCP NPBCP Net Effect Is~tpact Factor 98-1.1 98-1.2 Of 98-1 Total Acres Existing Land Use Mix (acres) 9.33 51.40 60.73 Residential Low Density 0 23.13 23.13 Residential Medium Density 0 1.56 1.56 Commercial 2.26 13.23 15.49 Public Buildings & Grounds 1.39 0 1.39 Transportation 5.68 10.09 15.77 Vacant 0 3.39 3.39 Dwelling Units Existing 0 87 87 Potential (from vacant land) 0 21 21 Population Existing 0 188 188 Potential (from vacant land) 0 45 45 Vacant Land Development Potential Residential Low Density 0 0.66 0.66 Residential Medium Density 0 2.08 2.08 Commercial 0 0.65 0.65 r 1 L_J 3-1 The subsections that follow present a review of the 1989 Villaee of NoRh palm Beach omprehencive • P~aa, as amended, in terms ofproposed NPBCP Amendment 98-1. Amendments 98-1.1 and 98-1.2 aze presented in the APPENDIX to this document. 3.1 VILLAGE CHARACTER Proposed NPBCP Amendment 98-1 constitutes the first calendaz yeaz revision to the 1989 Village of North Palm Beach Comprehensive Plan, as amended. The Amendment consists of the incorporation of two recent annexation actions. The cumulative effects, as summarized in TABLE 2, include the expansion of the corporate area of the Village by 60.73 acres. A summary of the key impacts is as follows: Residential land is increased by 27.43 acres. Existing housing stock is increased by 87 dwelling units and residential buildout potential is increased by a total of 108 units (87 existing units plus 21 additional units on vacant residential lots). 2. Commercial land is increased by 16.14 acres, with potential additional commercial development on vacant land is 0.65 acres. 3. Transportation land use (street rights-of--way) is increased by 15.77 acres. 4. Public Buildings and Grounds land use (Florida Power & Light Co. substation) is increased by 1.39 acres. Due to the limited amount of vacant land being annexed (3.39 acres), additional impacts of related growth upon infrastructure services will be minimal. Properties included within NPBCP Amendment 98-I.1 will be included within Village Planning Area 2, as illustrated on FIGURE 3-3 of the Future Land Use Element. Properties within NPBCP amendment 98- 1.2 wilt be included within Planning Area 5, as illustrated on FIGURE 3-9 of the Future Land Use Element. PlanningAreamapswillberevisedaspartoftheEval~tionandApprai ~l eoortbasedcomprehensive plan amendments which will be prepared by the Village in 1998. 3.2 FUTURE LAND USE A. Data Summary An analysis of topography, soils and minerals, flooding, and native vegetation in the Village is presented in the 1989 VillaeeofNorthPalmBeachSupportDocu_mentation. Thisdocumentandsupplementarydata are used in the following analysis. • 3-2 1. Topography: The elevation ofproperties included within NPBCP Amendment • 98-1.1 is approximately 15 feet N.GV.D. The approximate elevation of properties included within NPBCP Amendment 98-1.2 is between l2 feet and 15 feet N.G. V.D . 2. Soils and Minerals: The general soil type ofproperties included within NPBCP Amendment 98-1.1 is St. Lucie-Urban land complex (Su8). Two general soil types exist within NPBCP Amendment 98-1.2; Urban land (Ur), and Basinger-Urban land complex (Bc). Urban land is located to the east of S.R. A-1-A Alternate, and Basinger-Urban land complex is located to its west. Accordingtothe.oil rveyofPalmBeachCo~nty(U.S.DepartmentofAgriculture,SoilConservation Service, 1978), urban land "... consists of areas that are 60 to more than 75% covered with streets, buildings, large parking lots, shopping centers, industrial parks, airports, and related facilities. Other areas, mostly lawns, parks, vacant lots, and playgrounds are generally altered to such an extent that the former soils cannot be easily recognized and are in tracts too small to be mapped separately." Due to these characteristics,thesetypes ofsoils cannot be placed within capability orals to detemune their suitability for development. All properties within NPBCP Amendment are currently developed. General soil types do not indicate the presence ofany development limitations for properties located within NPBCP Amendment 98-1.1 or 98-1.2. 3. Flooding Potential: Thedesignation ofproperties withinNPBCPAmendment 98-1.1 is Flood Zone C. Properties within NPBCP Amendment 98-1.2, located west of S.R. A-1-A Alternate are within Flood Zone B, while those located to its east are partially within Flood Zone B and Flood Zone C. Areas within the "B"zone generally are between the limits of the 100-year and 500-year flood, while areas within the "C" zone are generally subject to minimal flooding. Flooding potential does not indicate the presence of any development limitations for properties located within NPBCP Amendment 98-1.1 or 98-1.2. 4. Native Vegetation and Wildlife: The developed status, as well as soil types previouslydiscussed, ofpropertieswhichcompriseNPBCPAmendments98-1.1 and98-1.2 indicatethat there are no significant native vegetation and/or wildlife issues to be addressed. 5. Existing Land UseInventory:NPBCPAmendment98-1.1 includes9.33acres of land recently annexed to the Village. NPBCP Amendment 98-1.2 includes 51.40 acres of land recently annexed to the Village. None of the parcels associated with either amendment are listed on the Florida Master Site File or the National Register of Historic Places. r~ U 3-3 The net effect of NPBCP Amendments 98-1.1 and 98-L2 are shown in Table 3. • TABLE 3 Impact of NPBCP Amendment 98-1* Upon Village Existing Land Uses (Acres) Land Use Category Prior To** Amendment 98-1 Including Amendment 98-1 Residential Low Density 591.54 614.67 Residential Medium Density 45.12 46.68 Residential High Density 174.05 174.05 Commercial 157.66 173.15 Recreation/Open Space 196.98 196.98 Conservation/Open Space 384.70 384.70 Public Buildings & Grounds 14.08 15.47 Transportation(R.O.W.) 269.98 285.75 Water 1,225.10 1,225.10 Vacant 169.08 172.47 Totals 3,228.29 3,289.02 * -Includes NPBCP Amendments 98-1.1 and 98-1.2. ** - Source: Village of North Palm Beach Evaluation and Appraisal Report; 1996. Source: Land Research Management, Inc.; 12/97. 6. Current Population Estimates: By annexing currently developed residential areas, the current population estimate of the Village has increased. According to the Evaluation And Appraisal R~p~rt (NPB; 1997), the 1995 resident population of the Village was 11,844 residents. According to the University of Florida, the 1996 resident population of the Village had increased to 11,855 residents. From Table 2, it is estimated that 188 residents were added to the Village population as a result of the annexationofpropertiesincludedwithinNPBCPAmendment98-1.2. Asaresult,itisestimatedthatthe • 3-4 current resident population of the Village is approximately 12,043 residents. (NOTE: This estimate is • consistent with the University of Florida 1997 estimate for the Village 12, 141 residents.) B. Analysis 1. Delineation of Village Planning Areas: NPBCP Amendment 98-1. I will effect the corporate limits and the boundary of Planning Area 2 by the addition of properties illustrated on Exhibit 1. NPBCP Amendment 98-1.2 will effect the corporate limits and the boundary of Planning Area 5 by the addition of properties illustrated on Exhibit 1. 2. Existing Land Use Map Series: NPBCP Amendment 98-1.1 will effect the Existing Land Use Map ofPlanning Area 2 by the addition ofcommercial, public buildings and grounds, and transportation land uses as illustrated on Exhibit 4. NPBCP Amendment 98-1.2 will effect the Existing Land Use Map of Planning Area 5 by the addition of residential low and residential medium density, commercial, transportation and vacant uses properties illustrated on Exhibit 6. 3. Seasonal And Resident Population Projections: Resident population projections were recently updated as part ofthe Village's Evaluation And Appraisal Report, as follows: 2000 - 12,833; and 2005 - 12,833. Projections assumed buildout of residential vacant land within the Village by the year 2000. Population potential related to NPBCP Amendment 98-1.2 is presented in Table 2. With the addition of developed and vacant land resulting from the annexation ofproperties included within NPBCP Amendment 98-1.2, population projections are revised as follows: 2000 -13,021 (addition ofdevelopedland within NPBCP Amendment 98-1.2) ;and 2005 - 13,066 (development of vacant land within NBPCP Amendment 98-1.2). Due to the family-or character of residential areas within NPBCP Amendment 98-1.2, it is assumed that estimates and projections of seasonal population will not be effected and will remain as projected in the Evaluation And Appraisal Reps. 4. Vacant Land Analysis: NPBCP Amendment 98-1.1 contains no vacant land. NPBCP Amendment 98-1.2 contains 3.39 acres of vacant land according to the following proposed future land use categories: Residential LowDensity- 0.66 acres; Residential Medium Densiry - 2.08 acres; and Commercial - 0.65 acres. Based upon the analysis performed in Section 3.2.A. no limitations to development of vacant properties are defined. 5. Land Use Projections: Consistent with land use projections prepared in the Evaluation And Appraisal Reps, it is projected that vacant land will be developed by the year 2005. • 3-5 • C. Goal, Objectives And Policies NPBCP Amendment 98-1 is consistent with the Future Land Use Element of the 1989 ~prehensive ~, as amended and no text amendments are required. Most specifically, properties included within proposed NPBCP Amendments 98.1.1 and 98-1.2 aze located within the Village's future annexation area, per Figure 3-17 ofthe Comorehenc~iv_e plan. Further, annexed properties will be placed within either Village Planning Area 2 or 5. Both ofthese planning areas are within the Village's urban service azea. Therefore, development of vacant properties therein is appropriate. 3.3 TRANSPORTATION A. Data Summary NPBCP Amendment 98-1 will not have any significant traffic impact upon the Village roadway system. According to the Evaluation And Aptmaisal Re~rt, all roadways within the Village are currently operating at level-of-service "C" or better. B. Analysis Properties associated with NPBCP Amendment 98-1.1 are developed and associated impacts are currently being realized upon the roadway system. Farther, with the exception of 3.39 acres, properties associated with NPBCP Amendment 98-1.2 are developed and associated impacts are currently being realized upon the roadway system. Remaining residential development potential on vacant residential properties is estimated at 21 units. At a rate of 10 trips per day per unit, total generation is estimated at 210 trips per day. A distribution oftrips on the street system results in minimal impact upon operating characteristics. Further, development of remaining vacant commercial land (0.65 acres) will likewise have a minimal impact upon the street system. C. Goal, Objectives And Policies NPBCP Amendment 98-1.1 is consistent with the TtafEc Circulation Element of the ompr h iv Pl n as amended, and no text amendments are necessary. 3.4 HOUSING A. Data Summary NPBCP Amendment 98-1.1 does not effect the Village's current housing inventory. NPBCP Amendment 98-1.2 increases the Village's current housing inventory by 87 units and the buildout potential by an • additional 21 units. 3-6 Housing projections were prepared in the Evaluation And ARnraisal Reps, as revised by NPBCP • Amendment 96-3, as follows: Density Projected Number Of Units Cateeorv 122 24.4.4 Z44~ Low 2,296 2,500 2,500 Medium 381 613 613 High 4.113 4.353 4.353 TOTAL 6,790 7,466 7,466 Housing projections to accommodate the needs of Village residents, using data from Table 2 (increase of 108 units), will be affected as follows: TABLE 4 -REVISED HOUSING STOCK PROJECTIONS Density Projected Number Of Units Cateeorv 124 2.444 244 Low 2,296 2,581 2,581 Medium 381 619 640 High 4.113 4.353 4.353 TOTAL 6,790 7,553 7,574 C. Goal, Objectives And Policies NPBCP Amendment 98-1 is consistent with the Housing Element of the Comnreheiuive Plan as amended and no text amendments are required. 3.5 SANTTARY SEWER, SOLID WASTE, DRAINAGE, POTABLE WATER AND NATURAL GROUNDWATER AQUIFER RECHARGE A. Data Summary Due to the developed nature of properties included within NPBCP Amendments 98-1.1 1 and 98-1.2, there will be no significant impacts upon infrastructure services. Central water service through Seacoast Utilities Authority, is available to all properties; however, central wastewater service is currently not available to most properties. Septic tanks are currently serving most properties. Properties currently being served by septic tanks include: (1) All properties included within NPBCP Amendment 98-1.1; and NPBCP Amendment 98-1.2 properties encompassed by the following boundaries: • 3-7 • North: Northern boundary of NPBCP Amendment 98-1.2 South: Park Road; East: Prosperity Farms Road; and West: S.R. A-1-A Alternate. Drainage facilities aze currently in place to provide service to the limited amount of vacant property within the area of NPBCP Amendment 98-1.2. Solid waste collection will be assumed by the Village of North Palm Beach in the azeas included within NPBCPAmendment98-1. Disposal serviceswillbeprovidedbythePalmBeachSolidWasteAuthority, which, according to the F_valuation And ApRraisal Report, has adequate capacity to serve the Village through buildout, including properties within the area covered by NPBCP Amendment 98-I. B. Analysis Properties included within NPBCP Amendment 98-1.1 can potentially be provided with central wastewater service via a private lift station located on the Benjamin School property; however, an agreement must be consummated between the private parties prior to that occurrence. Properties included within NPBCP Amendment 98-1.2 which are currently being served by septic tanks are primarily single-family residential in nature. According to the Palm Beach County Health Department, no related environmental problemshavebeencitedinthearea. Central wastewater servicewouldrequire an expense, as lines would have to be extended to the area along either Prosperity Farms Road or S.R. A-1-A Alternate. Village policy on the subject is stated as follows in the Futwe Land Use Element of the Comprehensive Plan, as amended: `Policy 3.3: All properties within the designated Urban Service Area not utilizing central water and wastewater systems shall be governed by the provisions of: (I) Chapter 381.272, Florida Administrative Code; and (2) Palm Beach County Envvonmental Control Rule -1, which regulate the use and installation of individual sewage disposal systems." r 1 LJ An estimate ofthe wastewater demand to service currently unnerved properties included in NPBCP 98-1 is as follows: Commercial Residential Population Acres 233 Non-Residential Generation Rate* Wastewater Generation** 24,232 gallons Generation Rate* 104 g/capita/day 6.79 1,721 g/capita/day 11.685 gallons 33,917 gallons * -Maximum day generation rate, per the 1989 Comprehensive Plan, as amended. 3-8 Per the Evaluation And Appraisal RCWrt, Seacoast Utilities, Inc. has the excess capacity to provide • service, should the need arise. Properties within the area of NPBCP Amendment 98-1-1 are not located within a wellfield protection zone, as defined by Palm Beach County. However, properties within the azea of NPBCP Amendment 98- 1.2azelocated within protectionZone4oftheRichardRoadwatertreatmentfacility. Allnon-residential activities within Zone 4 which store, handle, use or produce any regulated substance are prohibited, unless they qualify as a general exemption or receive an operating permit from the Palm Beach County Department of Environmental Resowces Management. Regulated substances are defined in Section 9.3.B.26. of the Palm Beach County Unified Land Development Code. Onsite sewage disposal systems are not prohibited in Zone 4; however, by Wile, new onsite systems located within wellfield zones shall comply with requirements for maximum sewage loading and separation from public drinking water wells as set forth in Environmental Control Rule 1 and enforced by the Palm Beach County Health Department. C. Goal, Objectives And Policies Proposed NPBCP Amendment 98-1 is consistent with the Sanitary Sewer, Solid Waste, Drainage, Potable Water and Natural Groundwater Aquifer Rechazge Element of the ~preherLive Plan as amended, and no text amendments are required. 3.6 COASTAL MANAGEMENT A. Data Summary According to the Evaluation And Appraisal Report (Map 34A, page V-70A) and the Florida Hwricane Atlas (11/93 version), properties included within NPBCP Amendment 98-1 are not located within the newly defined Coastal High Hazard Area. Further, residential properties included within NPBCP Amendment 98-1.2 are not within a storm swge vulnerable zone. B. Analysis The proposed land use for NPBCP Amendment 98-1 is discussed in Sections 2.1 and 2.2. A discussion of natwal resowces is presented in Section 3.2. No water-related resowces are identified. None of the following aze identified as issues related to NPBCP Amendment 98-1: Infrastructwe within the Coastal High Hazard Area; public access to beaches; or post-disaster redevelopment. • 3-9 C. Goal, Objectives And Policies • NPBCP Amendment 98-1 is consistent with the Coastal Management Element ofthe Comoreheruive Plan as amended, and no additional text amendments are required. 3.7 CONSERVATION A. Data Summary NPBCP Amendment has limited potential to impact natural resources addressed within the Conservation Element. An inventory of resources is presented in Section 3.2. B. Analysis The orily issue raised in relation to NPBCP Amendment 98-1 is the use of septic tanks in a portion of the area included within NPBCP Amendment 98-1.2. As discussed in Section 3.SB., the county and state have adequate controls in place to insure that septic tanks are operated properly. C. Goal, Objectives And Policies NPBCP Amendment 98-1 is consistent with the Conservation Element of the Comnreheneive Plan, as amended, and no text amendments are required. 3.8 RECREATION AND OPEN SPACE A. Data Summary The result ofNPBCP Amendment 98-1 will be to increase the existing population of the Village by 188 residents and the buildout potential by an additional 45 residents. B. Analysis The addition of245 residents to the buildout potential of the Village will not create a need to develop any additional recreational facilities. The application of Village level-of-service standards to additional population resulting from NPBCP Amendment 98-1 is as follows: Neighborhood Parks: 245 residents x 2 acres/1,000 residents = 0.49 acres Community Parks: 245 residents x 1 acre/1,000 residents = 0.25 acres Based upon the analysis completed in the Evaluation And Armrais~l Report, the current inventory of Village • neighborhood andcommunityparksisadequatetoaccommodatetheadditionaldemandprojectedabove. 3-10 C. Goal, Objectives And Policies • NPBCP Amendment is consistent with the Recreation And Open Space Element of the Comprehensive Pin, as amended and no text amendments are required. 3.9 INTERGOVERNMENTAL COORDINATION A. Data Summary NPBCP Amendment 98-1 has no effect upon the data summary presented in the 1989 $ytp~ Documentation or updates thereto presented in the Evaluation nd Aopraisal Reps. B. Analysis NPBCP Amendment 98-1 has no effect upon the data summary presented in the 1989 L1 Documentation or updates thereto presented in the Fvaluation And Anprais.~l Report. Further, NPBCP Amendment 98-1 is not located within a designated Area of Critical State Concern. C. Goal, Objectives And Policies NPBCP Amendment 98-1 is consistent with the Intergovernmental Coordination Element of the omprehensive Plan, as amended, and no text amendments are required. NPBCP Amendment 98-1.1, implemented by an Interlocal Agreement between the Village and Palm Beach County pwsuant to Chapter 171.046 (small enclave annexations), Florida Sttutes implements Objective 2 ofthe Intergovemmental Coordination Element which duects the elimination of unincorporated enclaves in Planning Area 2. NPBCP Amendment 98-1.2, implemented by a referendum election of property owners, implements Policy 1.4 ofthe Intergovemmental Coordination Element by annexing properties within the Village's designated future annexation area, as defined on Figwe 3-17 of the Futwe Land Use Element. 3.10 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS A. Data Summary NPBCP Amendment 98-1 has no effect upon the data summary presented in the 1989 ~upp4it Documentation, or updates thereto presented in the Evaluation And Apprais.9l Report. The element-by- element review presented in Sections 3-1 to 3.9 did not result in the identification ofany additional capital improvements requirements that need to be included herein. • 3-11 B. Analysis • NPBCP Amendment 98-1 has no effect upon the data summary presented in the 1989 SuRp~ Documentation, or updates thereto presented in the Village's Evaluation And Appraisal Repsrt. C. Goal, Objectives And Policies NPBCP Amendment is consistent with the Capital Improvements Element of the 1989 omprehensive Pte, as amended and no text amendments are required. • 3-12 4.0 CONSISTENCY WITH REGIONAL AND STATE PLANS • According to Chapter 9J-5.021, Flori a A mini trativ .ode (F.A.C.), the Comprehensive PI n must be consistent with the State Comprehensive Plan and the Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council Policy Plan. Chapter9J-5.021(2),F.A.C.states that"...for the purposes of determining consistencyofthelocal plan with the State Comprehensive Plan of appropriate regional policy plan the state or regional plan shall be construed as a whole and no specific goal and policy shall be construed or applied in isolation from the other goals and policies." 4.1 REGIONAL POLICY PLAN NPBCP Amendment 98-1 was reviewed in terms of the Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council Regional Policy Plan in order to determine consistency. Based on this review, it is determined that no significant regional issues are related to, or impacted by NPBCP Amendment 98-1 and it is found consistent with regional goals and policies. 4.2 STATE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN Goals ofthe State Comprehensive Plan are listed in Table 1-1 ofthe Village's Comprehensive. PlF n, as amended. NPBCP Amendment 98-1 was reviewed in temts of these goals, as well as recent amendments thereto. Based upon the review it is concluded that NPBCP Amendment 98-1 is consistent with state goals. J 4-1 5.0 CONCLUSION • The following recommendations are presented: 5.1 FINDING NPBCPAmendment98-l isgenerallyconsistentwiththeprovisionsofthet989Comnr h nciv Plan, as amended. More specifically: (1) NPBCP Amendment 98-1 is within the Urban Service Area, and does not contribute to a condition of urban sprawl, as defined by Chapter 9J-5.006(5), Florida A minictrative ~; and (2) NPBCP Amendment 98-1 is consistent with Policy 5.3 of the Capital Improvements Element in that it does not contribute to a condition of public hazard, as defined therein, does not exacerbate any existing condition of public facility capacity deScits, as described therein, and is compatible with land uses, as shown on the Future Land Use Map Series. 5.2 RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Village Council approve NPBCP Amendment 98-1. The LPA recommends that the Village Council approve NPBCP Amendment 98-1, subject to the commercial designation ofthe lot located at the southwest comer of Prosperity Farms Road and Honey Road (Ref: EXI-IIBIT 7). • 5-1 APPE1~'DIX A -NPBCP Amendment 98-I • 1. NPBCP Amendment 98-1.1 NPBCP Amendment 98- l . l consists ofa Futwe Land Use Map Series amendment to incorporate a small enclave annexation pursuant to Chapter 171.046, Florida Sttates NPBCP Amendment 98-1. l shall incorporate the small enclave annexation within Village Planning Area No. 2 by amendment of Figure 3-3 of the Future Land Use Map Series of the Village of North Palm Bea h .omorehensive Plan NPBCP Amendment 98-1-1 is illustrated on Exhibit A-1. 2. NPBCP Amendment 98-1.2 NPBCP Amendment 98-1.2 consists of a Future Land Use Map Series amendment and a text amendment to the Futwe Land Use Element to incorporate parcels of land, in combination known as the "Southwest Neighborhood",which were the subject ofan annexation referendum of property owners and annexed by Village ordinance. NPBCPAmendment98-1.2shallincorporatethe"SouthwestNeighborhood" within Village Planning Area No. 5 by amendment of Figwe 3-9 of the Futwe Land Use Map Series of the Village of North Palm Beach omprehensive Plan NPBCP Amendment 98-1-2 is illustrated on Exhibit A-2. Further, the text of the Futwe Land Use Element shall be amended by the addition of the following: • A-l • .EXHIBIT A-1 Future Land Use blap Amendment 98-1.1 Addendum To FIGURE 3-3 Of The Village Of North Palm Beach om_prehensive Plan en i;• 8 f en °a p a Y Y Yiiii~p iY ~ - ~iiiliiliii Y Y ~~~~ ~ ~ ------ -Commercial Street -Transportation -------- • Scale: 1" = 200' :~i A-2 • .EXHIBIT A-2 Future Land Use Map Amendment 98-1.2 Addendum To FIGURE 3-9 Of The Villaee Of North Palm B a h omoreh n ive Plan CH/S (P.B. County) to Commercial (N.P.BJ! i l ~ ~ Richard Roed 98-L2 LR 3 (P.B. County) to Commercial (N.P.B.) ~~~ Refer to Special Policy 5-16 i I I 98-1.2 LR 3 (P.B. County) to Residential Low (N.P.B.) Roed 98-1.2 LR 3 (P.B. County) to Residential Low (N.P.B.) ® 98-1.2 MR S (P.B. County) to Residential Low (N..P.B.) I J 5 (P.B. County) to ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ L~ I I I )~ Lerniae Court ~ 1 w 98.1.2 MR 5 (P.B. County) to I I y .-- ~~ Residential Low (N.P.B.) "a ~" 98-1.2 MR 5 (P.B. ounty)to - ~orthlake Boulevard ~T- ~~-~ CH/S (P.B. County) to C/S (P.B. County) to Commercial (N.P.B.) Commercial (N.P.B.) - Residential Low .W Feet - Residential Medium • ® -Commercial A-3 Street -Transportation • ATTACHMENT A Interlocal Agreement Enacting The Annexation Of Properties Included Within NPBCP Amendment 9&1.1 • ~• a • U<pa r,ment of Pla nninQ, Zoning 6 Building = ~: ~.'~. FL 17~~:n _ . ;aco .. .-~..n ^runll us Palm Beach County Board or County Commissio nen . ~. . ..- C`.aaman ._ ._: - ~ -- ..~- Cna:r March ?~3, 1997 dir. Thomas Hogarth, P.E. Director of Public Services village of North Palm Beach 6.15 Prosperity Fanns Road North Palm Beach, Florida 33308 RE: Executed Interlocal Agreement for hlcClaren/Carolinda Property Dear dir. Hogarth: Attached is a certified copy of the Interlocal Agreement between the Village of North Palm Beach and Palm Beach County for the annexation of the McClaren/Carolindu Property. As you will notice, the Agreement was executed February 13. 1997. - " ''a-=-~ I would like to thank you for your cooperation and patience during this process. ~:r<-:, Pleaze let me know if I can assist you any further with this, or any future, annexation. I look forward to working with you and the Village of North Palm Beach again in the "'"`'` future. _ Sincerely, _. r_i;rr .' Sharman ~1. Ste man, Planned[' County .{,;ministrator g Planning Division .. .~: ;....ac PE ' Attachments u' Kathleen Guul%w,o .vueNnems F CU.~f.~!Uh!PL.{VNIV'G~CL'RRENT.,~N~IEx`Jtl?i1CIPA'~VPB'LETTERS'~I\?L(N: {L `,` • _ \,,rth Prim Beach Annexation .Vorird„ % Etr•ia:d:I /nrrr!ucal.-1 {r:~mrrt: PAIJI BEACH COONTY 5 l~ _ 1 • BOAAD OT COUNTY COMMIBBZONER9 ~~ AGSlllall. ITEM 3D-MARY neecinp Date: ~; lA!97 ( ] Coaesat ( X ] Regular f 1 WorkehoD I ] Public Henriap DeDertment: Submitted By: - ~n~~___ Submitted tor: planujyq .....~~~........~...~~~....~~~....•....r..~~.......e~........~... ~..~ I. EIECi7TIVE SRIV Qy/X A. Motion and Title: 9tnff recommends motion to aSoyt~ an IncnrlocaL Agreement between Palm Beach County and the Village of North Palm Beach providing for annexation of a single enclave. e. Summery: Chapter 171.046, F.S., allows annexation of certa iri enclaves through an Interlor,al agreement between the annexing aunic ipality (Village of North Palm Beach) and the County. T},~ County ha+ jurisdiction over the enclaves to be annexed. Ry Resolution R69-96, the Village of North Palm Beact: has petitioned the County to enter into such an agreement for the annexation of the enclave in R15trict 1 C. Hackprouad and Justification: The Village of North Palm Beach hao identified an enclave that is eligible for annexation pursuant to Chapter 171.046 F.S.. An ^Urban Service Report' has been file~9 with the County and due notice has been providrd to the owners of the property which is subject Co annexation. The "Urban Servi r, e:; Report' is available upon request. A location map for the subject enclave is attached. County departments/agencies have reviewed the proposed annex, tier a rd no objections have been raised. The proposed annexn !.i•:n ir: er,s istent with Objective 1 of the Intergovernmental Coordinnti ,^ Element of the County's Comprehensive Pla^ which encourage" [hr~~ annexation of enclaves for which there is an inefficient del iver}• of services. The attached Znterlocal Agre?meat implements the req~:irements of Florida Statutes and is consistent with the Fa im Beach Countt~ Comprehensive Plan. D. Attachments: Enclave location map. Village of North Palm Beach Resolution H59-96 Interlocal Ag reemenC Reco®end ed By: ~ .-_.___ .. DaLs 1 r ~~ Deyu ty County Admi aleCrator Dots 1 R~97 236 0 ZI.FZSCAL Z1sYACT A-w~r.TaZe A. iiv Year Summery of }iacal Imyact: fiscal Yeat• 199Q 1991 199.a 1996 ]09Q CnDital ExDsndlturee _ _ • Operetinp Coat• __ ___ _- - _ -- Ezternel Ravsnves Program Incoae (County) -~-_ ~ --- ---- Ia-Find Hatch (County) -- ---- -~ --- NET iISCAL ITIPACT ~ --~ ~~--- ~. ~ ADDITIONAL FT'E POSITIONS (C1:mulative) _ I• Item included is Current Budpet7 Yee No _ _ Budget Account No.: Fund Apeacy_ Orp._ Object_ ReDortiap Cstepory B. Reco®sadsd Sources of Fuade/Summary of iiacal Zmyact: C. Deyarimaatal Fiacsl Rsvlsw: III. g8}H A. OFI~ Fiscal and/or Contract Dev, and Control Commsata: : a 41 _ ~~w~ ~- _ ~ D~ Contract De and Controllu ;l~l 7~iN ~~ ~rW~ wq; our ooroaa B. Legal Sufficiency: ~xiw Rpui,e:r:gnh Assiet ant Count Attorney C. Other Department Review: Depertmaat Director (THIS SVFIDSARY Z9 NOT TO 8E OSED A8 A 8ASI8 FOA PAYNEIQT,) .=:ISED 9:19!9; R 9? 236 0 z • RESOLUTION NO. 69-96 A RESOLUTION' OF TfIF. VILLAGE COhNCII. OF TtIE VILLAGE OF NORTN PALM BEACH. FLORIDA, AUTHOR["LING 'fHE MAYOR ANU VILLAGE CLERK TO ENTF.It INTO AN INTF.i(LOCAL AGREEMENT WITII THE BCIARD OF ('gUSf }' COMMISSIONERS OF PALM BEACH COIINTY A'fTA('IIED AS E%fIIBIT "A", WNICH ACRF,EMENT PROVIDIiS F'OR A.NNE%ATION PURSUANT TO SECTION I71.04t;. FLORIDA STATUTES. OF A PARCEL. OF LAND WHICH CONSTIT!1TF.S ,\N ENCLAVE OF LESS THAN TEN (10) ACRES:\NU MORF PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED IN F.%HIDIT "I1" ,\llb\CIIED; AsD. PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE' IT RESOLVED DY TIIE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF' NOIITfI PALM DIiA(;}1, FLORIDA: Section 1. The Village Cou nett of the Village of North Palm Beach, Florida. does hereby approve the lnterlocal Agreement with the BoarA of County Commissioners of Palm Beach County, Flnrida, attached as Exhihit "A", wlrictr agreement provides for annexation pursuant to Section 17 L046. Florida Statutes. of a parcel of IanA which constitutes an enclave of less than ten 110) acres and more particularly descr(bed Fn Exhibit 'B" attacheA. Section _2. The Mayor and Village Clerk arc hcrrby author zed and directed to extx•ute the Agrcement with the Board of County Commission^rs .d' F'alm Brach ('uu nty. FloriA;r, set forth in lixhibit ",\" I'ur ;nut nn behalf of the Viltagc of Nnrth Palm ttcach, Section_ 3. This Resolution shall take effect imm•.~d ialcly upon its adoVtion. ~ R 97 236 D • RESOLUTION NO. 69-96 A RESOLUTION' OF TfIF. VILLAGE COhNCII. OF TtIE VILLAGE OF NORTN PALM BEACH. FLORIDA, AUTHOR["LING 'fHE MAYOR ANU VILLAGE CLERK TO ENTF.It INTO AN INTF.i(LOCAL AGREEMENT WITII THE BCIARD OF ('gUSf }' COMMISSIONERS OF PALM BEACH COIINTY A'fTA('IIED AS E%fIIBIT "A", WNICH ACRF,EMENT PROVIDIiS F'OR A.NNE%ATION PURSUANT TO SECTION I71.04t;. FLORIDA STATUTES. OF A PARCEL. OF LAND WHICH CONSTIT!1TF.S ,\N ENCLAVE OF LESS THAN TEN (10) ACRES:\NU MORF PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED IN F.%HIDIT "I1" ,\llb\CIIED; AsD. PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE' IT RESOLVED DY TIIE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF' NOIITfI PALM DIiA(;}1, FLORIDA: Section 1. The Village Cou nett of the Village of North Palm Beach, Florida. does hereby approve the lnterlocal Agreement with the BoarA of County Commissioners of Palm Beach County, Flnrida, attached as Exhihit "A", wlrictr agreement provides for annexation pursuant to Section 17 L046. Florida Statutes. of a parcel of IanA which constitutes an enclave of less than ten 110) acres and more particularly descr(bed Fn Exhibit 'B" attacheA. Section _2. The Mayor and Village Clerk arc hcrrby author zed and directed to extx•ute the Agrcement with the Board of County Commission^rs .d' F'alm Brach ('uu nty. FloriA;r, set forth in lixhibit ",\" I'ur ;nut nn behalf of the Viltagc of Nnrth Palm ttcach, Section_ 3. This Resolution shall take effect imm•.~d ialcly upon its adoVtion. ~ R 97 236 D n U P.155ED AND AUOPTEU TRIS 1?[h ppY Op DECEMBER _ . ___ __ _ _ _. 133ft. __ 1~.'i;laye iexl) MAYOR _- __._.._. ___. ___ ATTEST: -- ~l village Clerk ~ R9? 236 D • r u ~' o `~. . ~ v a y O O C ~7 2 T Ld_ ~, c~ r ~ e ~. w L U A O m d ~. `-° a ~ L C O Z y n O a` '' ~~ , ~c :', i~SS;, f t ~f`s F~- ~ , i r ,~' - „ f ~.~. r. ,.~ i 'r~ •' ~ i i '_ ~ /. ~ / '~ f ., .,. R 97 236 '0 ~. ~~ fi I, i I ~' Y ~-'.~ f ,~~~ i / ~ ~ ~' I` ~ .` \,ij T `.~ ~ ~? U • ~ ~~t ~ \, m ~/, f ~ ~.i i ~~ f 'Y ~ . I..L~: 1 . :~ , ; .~~ 1 . ~~ ~If1~ `"~ ~ ,_ ,,~_,si df ~-. , __1 _-.... c.<~;3iT "q" • I~TERI.UC_al_ACREEME`'T R97 236..D \n [ntrrlocal agreement bet~evn Palm Beach County. a political subdivision of the State of Florida, and the Village of Yorth Palm Reach, a municipal rorporation. prop iding for the annexation of enclaves pursuant to Section I%1.4t6, Florida Statutes. This lnterlocal Agreement is made the day of _FEB 1 ~ 1~ 1996 between the Pillage of Xorth Palm Beach, a municipality located in Palm Beach County. Florida, hereinafter referred to as "b'illage", and Palm Beach County, a political subdivision of the State of Florida, hereinafter referred to as "County", each one constituting a public agency, as defined in Part l of Ctcapter 163. Florida Statutes. kHEREAS. Section 163.01, Florida Statutes (1991), known as the "Florida [nterlocal Cooperation Act of 1969", authorizes local governments to make the most efficient use of their powers by enabling them to cooperate wlth other localities on a basis of mutual advantage and, thereby, to provide services and facilities that will harmonize geographic, economic, population and other factors influencing the needs and development of local communities: and <<HEHEAS, Part 1 of Chapter 163. Florida Statutes, permits public agencies. as defined therein, to enter into lnterlocal Agreements with each other to jointly exercise any power, privilege. or authority which such a4c nric~s sham in commnn and which rash might exercise separately; and 1+HERE:\S. Section L8 of Chapter 93-206 of the l.a•..s of Florida creat,•d section l7i.Od8. Florida Statutes, providing for annexation of Certain enclaves by cn;rring i;:h, an (n[erlrxal -~greemrnt between the ~Iunicii,a!ity and t`,e C~~un;~ • hay ing ju;'is,iirtion user sur-h rnclacrs: and Page f of ; R 9 7 2 3 6 D • kHE1tF..-\S. Section 17L046, Florida Statutes, limits annexation by ln[erlocal >Kr'eement ;u c~ncla~es of ten (l01 acres or less in size; and 'aHF.HE:\S. Section 171A31 (I3) (a) and (b), as amended by Chapter 93-206. l.ahs of Florida, defines enclaves as developed or improved property bounded on all sides by a single municipality, or bounded by a single municipality and by a natural or manmade obstacle that allows passage of vehicular traffic t~~ tha; unincorporated area only through the municipality: and kHERE.-\S, the County and the Village have determined that it is appropriate and will promote efficient provision of governmental services for the Village to annex a certain enclave: and WHEREAS, the County and the Village have determined that the parcel to Ge annexed pursuant to this Interlocal Agreement is improved property based upon the available capacity of water and sewer systems. the availability and access to a public right-of-way: that the property has previously been cleared or partially cleared: and that the property has been subdivided in recorded or unrecorded plats: and kHERE.-\S, it has been determined by the Village and by the County that the parcels to be annexed via this [nterlocal Agreement meet the requirements set out in Sections 171.031(a) and (b) and 171.046, Florida Statutes. as such enclaves are developed or are improved, are ten t 101 acres or less in siz._•. and are completely surrounded by the \'illa.ge or are surrounded Dy the \ illatic• ar.~] a natural or manmade obstacle that allows passage of ~rhicular traffic :u ;h<• rnclaves only through the 6illage; and ~`i'1-R1'~\ti. the Pillage has pr~•pared a report setti:;q ;'orth thr plans ;~, ,~nx ide urban services to the area G> be annexed: and ~ i.a,~<~ -~ ~f ~~ R 9 7 2 3 6 0 • I+HGlttt,~ti. the County and the Village agree that the parcel to De annexed . is this Interlocal agreement is subject to the Land Lse atlas of the Palm [3each C'uunty Comprehensive Plan and County zoning and subdivision regulations until the pillage adopts a comprehensive plan amendment to include the parcel to be annexed in the comprehensive plan. ~Ot~, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual representations. terms an,1 covenants hereinafter set forth, the parties hereby agree as follows: Section 1_Pur ose The purpose of this Agreement is to allow annexation by the pillage of a certain unincorporated enclave which is identified In Composite Exhibit "-~" attached hereto and made a part hereof. Section 2. Definitions The following definitions shall apply to this Agreement: 1. Ttte term "enclave" shall be defined as set forth in Section 171.031(13)(a) and (b), Florida Statutes, as adopted by the Legislature in Chapter 93-°06. Section li. Laws of Florida. `-'~ ".-pct" means Part 1 of Chapter 163, Florida Statutes. 3• "Agreement" means this Interlocal Agreement, including any amendments or supplements hereto, executed and delivered in accordance with the terms hereof. Sf~ti~n 3_ .anne.ration The unincorporated enclave identified in Composite• L•xhibit ^.-~^, which is a:tachcd hereto and made a part herc~,f. is hereby annexr~~1 into and is ir.clu~ie~1 in the corporate boundaries of the Village of `orth Palm Eteach. ~ ~aKe , ~~ ~ R 97 2 3 6 D • Section 4,_ Effective Date This \grc~rmcnt shall take effect upon execution bS both parties. Section 5, Filing ~ pon execution by both parties, a copy of this Agreement shall be filed with the Clerk of the Circuit Court in and for Palm Beach Count. Section 6,_ notification The Village hereby acknowledges that it has provided written notice to ail owners of real property located in the enclave identified in Exhibit "A" whose names and addresses are known by reference to the latest published ad valorem taz records of the Palm Beach County Property Appraiser. shall describe the purpose of the Interlocal Agreement and The written notic~r, shall state the date, time and place of the meeting of the b'illage Council of the Village of Xorth E'alm Beach where this Interlocal Agreement shall be considered for adoption. The written notice shall also indicate the name and telephone number of a Palm E3each County staff person to contact regarding the date, time ar.d place when the Palm Beach County Board of County Commissioners shall consirier the adoption of this Interlocal agreement. Section 7. Captions The captions and section designations herein set forttr on(y and shall have no substantive meaning. are for conveniencv~ Section 8._ Se_erabili~ ~ in the event that any section, paragraph, sentence, clause. or provisiu. hereof be held by a court of competent jurisdiction [o be invalid. such shat! nut a;'fec•t the remaining portions of this :>greement and the same shall remain in fwI i•agc , ~f ; R 9 7 2 3 6 D • .Sect,ion 9,_Entiret~_of_ARreement This -\grc~ment represents the entire understanding between the parties. and superse~dcs all other negotiations. representations. or agreement, either written or oral. relating to this .agreement. This agreement may be executed in two or more counterparts. each of which shall be deemed an original. but all of which together shall constitute one and the same instrument. ATTEST: bv: kIT\ESSES • ~'.-\Te OF FLORID,\. COUti?Y OF PAL.. e \ ~~ ~- a•i - .'y this t0 ha ~ .- 1 I c d 7 ' ~n my ~Ihc PALM BEACH COL'NTti', FLORIDA Bti' [T'S B~OF CflF.y\yrj CON>tISS10\'ERS 7 236 fE6 ~ g 1997 appro~•ed as to Form and Legal Sufficiency coL~Tt~--~T~l~)li~Et _- - - v . _~- -' ~ _ ~ ~ Q. ~ESLt _ ~-'- .o; COUNTY, \rresr: - ,9, it _: ~ ~ ~ i-'. ~ O R 10 P O • `~ ~I, J ~~J~ j _ ~ ~nc ~^: ~~#S Y [LLaGE CLERn G`~' OF' \ORTH PaL>1 BE:\CH, Da R97 236 ~ / D Page 5 of S ~escliptlon Sketch Ftx: VIl.lAOE OF NORTH PALIA BEACH .ecnL txaewPnoN: A ?vrcet of terW ht^g wanin SeQwn 4, Township a2 loath, Renee a3 Eeµ PMm BMCh t:ounty. Flonda end MMiy lots ), a 5 gird 6. aCGOrdrng to the Ptat W SyabdrNalon of t?overnmeM lot 8, recorow :n Plet Book !a, Paps 1, In end ror the records or vasn Secoon a, TowetMlp 42 loath, Range aJ lcpt, as lea faaovvs. Beech County, Fiorlde, Wrrp mare parGWprty described BEGri st t7v So.rttnwst comer of sa.d lot 3: thence NoM 89' 89' W West. abryg tM WeatarY probngatlon of tM 8outry .'ne or tad lot J, a diuaroe d 56 t0 feet to s po~M on the Weal rtgrt-of.way Nna of EBisan-WUSOn Road; lhenp SotRn J• Ca' t J' Eeat, along utd ngnt-or-wey ine, a autacce or 80 t2 teat to a print on the SaRn line of raid Section 1. therrp South 35' S3' JC Eat, atong seed sectbn iine, a distance of t 232 W feet to a print on the aerRMirye of the rpntof.way tae of `,ads ..°.aad No 5, (V.S Higwray No t) as ahovn on Flor da Stah Road Peat Bock 2, Peges a3 to 58, tnUUStw, L~MCe Norttw ,atop ~~~~ AgM-ot way map r'eoorded in Road c es:erty protongatwn o! tl+v NoM hne or said :ot 6. t rtY g tad eentMine of State Roed No. 8 to At irytersetRion rW.•+ tl+e Eas,• rotor at,on tnereol, MtCe NaAh 89.19.50• Wert along Ne Ncrtn tine of acid Lot 6 and the rh F 9 • diuance of 29a at laet to a pdM; rienoe Souh 0)' ps' 10' East a disbnee of 12520 legit to • punt on the hortn ngrxor.wey iine ar Corriere Avenue es new tee out aryd m use; Merype NOM 89Yt7 50• West- ~'fl s a d North right-ot-wey Iv+e, a drriara ct 5aa.11 legit to a po~nt on ttv Weft rlgttiocs~Y tiM of Ellison-Wilson Road. as now 'ad out and .n use, having a force ngnt.of+ray width d 88 t)D Iset, menu South )' Oa' 10• East Nonq raid Wesl, rgat-ot.w•ay 'Ire, a distsnu of )83.11 to a point on 1M WesleAy G~oMatiCn o/Ins Soul'+ Goe o! said Lo; J. tnana South 33' SS' 3C' Eeet, abnq fad WMerly prolongatan, a d~ttancv o! 66.10 feet to tM SotAhweal corner of talc L,pl ):. 7.eryu tio.T. J• 0a' t ~ West, sionq tnv west tine or avid ,a J and riv East right-d-tsvy floe or Eaiwn•Wit<on Roan, • dance o! JJJ !3a reef to tM NoAhwest comer of wd Lot J. tMnq Sovtn 8g' Sa' 2p' EHC shop IM fVOM hM of srd lot J, a d~a'.anu of 7 01 4e1 b Ne Southwest corner of tM Plat of North Palm l8each PNvste School, at recorded N Rat Bop:t J0, ce2e 204. public Records o/Palm BeecA County. fiortda; NenC• NpM 03. Oa' tp-west. .long tM West.rly imEa o+>yajo .ar d P/prtn Ps4n laeacn PrHste School, a distance of JCJ.9J Oat b a point pry tM South line of sad Lot 6; theree North 83• a9' SQ' Wca; Nonq said South ine, a dhtanu c17.Ot taut to tM Southwest oomw o! sel0 Lel 6, aid comer she 'ytnq cn Inv East nyr•t-ofrtivy hne or Euhon:Ni~son Roap. thence Nort.1 pJ• 04' 10' Weat, along the Wnt hne W Bald La 6 aM srd Ea yt ngMOI-way tine, a corona o' 125 20 leer ;o a point on rie SartA right•of.rgy hne or sold Csrotine Avenge; ;ne ^a SotRJ+ 89• ag' S0' East, along sari South hgrtot-ssey hne, a dietanca of 620 00 feat to a print tnMa Sotto 3' 04' ' 0' East, deparrnq sad right-of-way line, a distsnGs ~f 125.20 feel b a point on the NorL~ Ime of said Lot 5, fhaapa gouts 89' Off SC' East, awnp sold North env, a distance of 22S 0a feet to Ire NoMeest comer of sad Lot 5: thenq $pg0y ~• aa• E sst e:ong the East :ine of card Ld 8, a distance of 282 Oa feet to a point, thence North 89' S4' ~ 763 as feet ;o a point thenq South 2J• ag' 04• East, s oiatencs of 48 84 legit to pant; Neste ~~ 28flW~ t29' E~ « di rar•oe of 11 89 lest to a point; Ihenp South 00. 00' J0• West a distance Of 190.11 feat to a pO,nt; thence Spu1h 8751' 2g•' Ease • d~sttnu O( 50.00 feet to • print; them South 00. OC' JO•'A'est a d~stanae d t 12 29 feet to a po~rrt on tna South pre a said Lot t, thence North 89' S9' 3t; Wea;. atorg ine South line d said Lots J and 4, a durance o! '2% 3J feet to tM POINT OF BEOINNINO. T`+a South ine of seed lot J la assumed ;c Ixer North 89. 59' 30" Wtst end all other DN rings are :elatrve thereto Cor,;aini n9 M alt 9 ]J sores. mare or less. NOTES: No title pcticy a commitment alectiryg tt,b or Dourdary to J+e subjeQ propeRy has peen prov:Cw tt is poasitib true are dews and •aNments, ret>orded Of unrecorded, which tpuld aRect tM tuDjatt property ~a faercn of tM PuDiiC Records has aeanmade by tors pthoe TMa plat h no; valid unlaaa s«~w with en vr^..oossw surveyofs Mil. Tn~a sketch cannot De Uant/enw or assigned without tM tpvc'rk written perm~tsion d Wanace Surveying Corporation TTra h not a wrveyt CERT1iICJ-TION: - i HERl9Y ATTEST that M• descnyron sketch shown P = or:Ca 3oercf of Und lun.eycrs pursuant to ceQ ors a 2 0 r2 i ~ t m techniCil stancards set forth Dy 7,v ~:~-a;live Code. et'ecnoe Septw-roer :. 108t end sCOptw m Chapter 8'G'?~y. ctoriaa J I "°_'~ ~~~~y 97 236 D 9URVEYIt1G °"rE ~' °"" "° 9O _ ~W s WALLACE ~ a r. . a a " r , a ., 3,t3 ~ ..3as.~ .. prri ~ ~, 5'•Etr , OF T:' W~+'K+r.' +aRM• 5Nr1 •" M~a' %Y.V lLn Il7NCI :JO' • ~•C~ !•0 •.:' ..•n ~ ,_ / l i w ~.-+~'n i~03 r?~ CAW r ~ ' ~ A z 0 n, w U~ ~ N p O /~ n ~ ~ ~ OVl e ~ P 0 Z . ;J 0.~: 5 i ~~ ~ ~ ~\ . ~ ;, o_ ~ 1 pe > ~, Q/ O,(~ i F_~ N~ A2~ mw e ~ ~. ~~ l Z C' 0 c, ~~ N 89'G9'S0'4V ELY pRC~C_ONC~„4T,ON N (../NE LQTG ~; / ° ~! Z f ~ N 69 49 SO ~t! L CAROL/NE AVE. ~- 89 O,"SUE G20 p' - - -' ~ ~ ~~ 5 a3°OQ `JO'E \ ~ wu~.w core X25 20' \ ~`----~ s u~ ~Or 67 . _ .. \S 8 °49'SO~E tS~ d\ F ~4'!~I Pd SiY~ ~4CH NW ¢~ ~Y?lV4rE SCfrOpL. Lf 'O'yC ~ ~~ . ~cBQ@~~N9°~°54'29~wr ~`S89°~ ~Oa9Q' •. ,2 3.46' i s.r lea iq sQ. 1 ~ m ~ c ~ Z o~ r y ~S liar°cr'os •c~I~~9 ~~ --. ~ .~ ~ ~ ~ C 7. ., -- .,, ~ for 33 .".. -~.~ . 6g /90. // 6i ~'~ p, ~ . ~ S. 6 °5Q'C S. ~Op` //L. 8°.~ 3o w!\ 727 ; `1'I ~. S L/NE LOTS 9 f Q `, ~ ~ ~~, \ 0\ Z ~ \\ 0 ~~ 2 \S 89°59'30 E ~) S L /NE SECT/ON Q ~ ~ PO. B• S wCCR.VE.Q LpT 3 O~ W C.Y F'Q~O,^/GATlOrv g L/,vE LAT 3 /232 pa ;V Z u ti 2 I liJ r i ~ i 'r ,~. R 97 236 D ~" aEV ;ere~..~v en/ov c+~c. Q. c. ~o-/~asr~• orc No go•~3os- ~rsr WALLRCE ~~~ °ATEe;E3~ i c o • . o . . . ° „ OIFCE ., $wEFr ~ Of- 2 ~- ~-~ ~.~(wr Y.-.w 9.iI .•. M11 .MY l~(y+)iCI I:.,•..C.. b<J~~~ ~~. ^•n0 aEt ~• ~ U o O `° ` i ,,.., a a o m ~ ~ ~ i c ~ ~ ~ ti c ~ ~ • ? ~ cvTv o ~ o =a ~ a ~ t U L + L` ~ Z J U ~ ~~,:~ . , ~Y I~ ' °'' t 3.. ~ i ~ E'I' - ~ 1~~ ~ ri , : s v a i ~j ,, _, ~Y; ~ ~ ,_ ., ~~ j I 1ON ~~ ` ,1 °i ~~e ') ~ ~ ("-~ ~ C" Vi ~ 1 • L J ~ V ~ Q i --_ ~. r-- ~1~" -. -- _ ~- ___.~ (I ~ - F 3 ~ i ~a1 i i I a I~ '', `/ .~ .. . - f //~ ,. '•r 'I~ /~~ v, ;V ~~~ Z "~ . i. N - ~_' _-r ~' ~= T~9 il~ .~ ,~ ., ., . u ~` ii ~~~`_1 i; I j a • ~iS~ • ' ,~ ~ ~~ U ~~~ ~~ ' J~ ~,. ~ '. ' Q -' C_' . ~ _ .:~ ,,. +?' G r `~ s , j L.L_ ~ :~ ' ? .;. ! 1 r ! 1 z , ~. ~, 1 c , ~• \ ,e 1 ~ ~ '~ t ~` PL V ~7t ~` \N ~~ ," ~' u ATTACH~IE\T B Ordinance 33-96 Enacting The Annexation Of Properties Included ~~'ithio NPBCP Amendment 98-1.2 •