03-14-2013 VC WS-M MINUTES OF THE WORKSHOP SESSION • VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH,FLORIDA 1111 MARCH 14,2013 Present: William L. Manuel, Mayor Darryl C. Aubrey, Vice Mayor Robert A. Gebbia, Sc.D., President Pro Tem David B. Norris, Councilman Doug Bush, Councilman Ed Green, Village Manager Leonard Rubin, Village Attorney Melissa Teal, Village Clerk ROLL CALL Mayor Manuel called the meeting to order at 9:25 p.m. All members of Council were present. SPECIAL PERMIT FOR SIMILAR USE—DAVID COHEN—VEHICLE INTERNET SALES Discussion was held concerning an application for a Special Use Permit to allow David Cohen to operate vehicle internet sales at 712 U.S. Highway One, Suite 301-34 as a similar use to those permitted within the C-A Commercial zoning district, subject to certain conditions and in accordance with Village policy. Mr. Green stated the proposed use is similar to that of a professional office, which is a permitted use within this zoning district. Mr. Green stated the business entails the selling and marketing of automobiles via the Internet. Mr. Green advised there would be no outdoor storage or displays of vehicles, no exterior signage, and no repairs or walk up business would be conducted on site. Discussion ensued on the hours of operation listed in the application. Village Planner Jodi Nentwick stated.the Village was not imposing any limitation on hours of operation. Mr. Cohen advised that he chose to limit his hours to 9:00 a.m. —5:00 p.m. Discussion took place concerning signage. Ms. Nentwick explained that signage must comply with both Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles requirements and Village Code. Regarding the HSMV email reference to ' s "signage on the designated display area" Mr. Cohen explained he has an assigned parking space ,underneath the building and the company initials would be on the parking curb: Mr. Cohen explained the vehicle marketing, sales, and delivery process. By consensus, this item was forwarded to the next Regular Session agenda. RECREATION MINI-BUS PURCHASE Discussion took place regarding the purchase of a used or new gas or diesel mini-bus to be utilized by the Parks and Recreation Department. Mr. Green reviewed the reasons for purchasing a 23-passenger mini-bus to replace the current 15-passenger van. Mr. Green stated the mini-bus would be handicapped accessible in order to meet ADA requirements. Mr. Green • consulted with staff and the Recreation Advisory Board and all agreed that a new gas-powered vehicle'at would be the best choice. Mr. Green reviewed possible storage locations for the bus. Mr. Green discussed revenues, expenses, and available funding for the purchase, which is estimated at $90,000. Minutes of Village Council Workshop Session held March 14,2013 Page 2 of 2 RECREATION MINI-BUS PURCHASE continued • Discussion took place regarding the Commercial Driver's License (CDL) requirement. Concerns were expressed regarding purchase price and maintenance costs. By consensus, Council favored a new gasoline powered bus; however, further information was required before moving forward with the purchase. Staff was requested to prepare a breakdown on the costs/benefits of using two vans versus one bus, and to provide details on the number of trips taken and plans to expand trips if a bus is purchased. ADJOURNMENT With no further business to come before the Council,the meeting adjourned at 9:52 p.m. Melissa Teal, CMC, Village Clerk • r