2013-05 The Benjamin School Large-Scale Comprehensive Plan AmendmentORDINANCE 2013 -05 AN ORDINANCE OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, ADOPTING A LARGE - SCALE AMENDMENT TO THE VILLAGE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN RELATING TO FOUR PARCELS OF REAL PROPERTY TOTALING APPROXIMATELY 12.66 ACRES LOCATED WEST OF U.S. HIGHWAY ONE AND NORTH OF MCLAREN ROAD, AS MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED HEREIN ( "THE BENJAMIN SCHOOL PROPERTIES "); ASSIGNING A COMMERCIAL FUTURE LAND USE DESIGNATION TO EACH PARCEL; AMENDING THE VILLAGE FUTURE LAND USE MAP SERIES; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, Section 163.3184, Florida Statutes, authorizes the Village of North Palm Beach to amend its adopted Comprehensive Plan, including amendments to its future land use map; and WHEREAS, The Benjamin School ( "Applicant ") has initiated a large -scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment ( "Amendment 12 -1 ") relating to three separate parcels owned by The Benjamin School with future land use designations of Educational and one parcel under contract for purchase by The Benjamin School with a future land use designation of Public Buildings and Grounds (collectively "Benjamin School Properties "); WHEREAS, Applicant seeks to assign the Benjamin School Properties a future land use designation of Commercial; and WHEREAS, on July 10, 2012, the Village Planning Commission, sitting as the Local Planning Agency, determined that the proposed Amendment is consistent with the adopted Village Comprehensive Plan and recommended approval of Amendment 12 -1; and WHEREAS, the Village Council determines that the proposed future land use map amendment is consistent with Chapter 163, Florida Statutes; and WHEREAS, the Village Council, having conducted two duly advertised public hearings and given this matter due consideration, determines that the adoption of Amendment 12 -1 to the Village Comprehensive Plan is in the best interests of the residents and citizens of the Village of North Palm Beach. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA as follows: Section 1. The foregoing whereas clauses are hereby ratified as true and correct and are incorporated herein. Page 1 of 2 Section 2. The Village Council hereby adopts Amendment 12 -1 to the Village C Comprehensive Plan, as fully set forth in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. Section 3. The Village Council hereby amends Map 2 of the Future Land Use Atlas of the Village Comprehensive Plan in accordance with the Amendment set forth in Exhibit "A." Section 4. If any section, paragraph, sentence, clause, phrase or word of this Ordinance is for any reason held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be unconstitutional, inoperative or void, such holding shall not affect the remainder of this Ordinance. Section 5. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. Section 6. This Ordinance shall be effective thirty -one (3 1) days after the Department of Economic Opportunity notifies the Village that the plan amendment package is complete or, if timely challenged, this Ordinance shall be effective upon entry of a final order by the Department of Economic Opportunity or the Administration Commission determining the adopted amendment to be in compliance. PLACED ON FIRST READING THIS 13th DAY OF DECEMBER, 2012. PLACED ON SECOND, FINAL READING AND PASSED THIS 28th DAY OF MARCH, 2013. (Village Seal) ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGAL SUFFICIENCY: VILLA- ILLAGE ATTORNEY Page 2 of 2 Village Of North Palm Beach Florida Site-Specific Comprehensive Plan Amendment Amendment 12-1: The Benjamin School June 2012; Rev.: October 2012 Prepared for the Village of North Palm Beach Prepared by Land Research Management, Inc. TABLE OF CONTENTS Section page 1.0 Introduction............................................................................................................ 1-1 2.0 Analysis of Map Amendment................................................................................. 2-1 2.1 Summary of Future Land Use Map Amendment 12-1....................................... 2-3 3.0 Cumulative Impacts Of Proposed Amendment...................................................... 3-1 3.1 Data and Analysis............................................................................................. 3-2 3.2 North Palm Beach Comprehensive Plan........................................................... 3-6 3.3 Other Planning Concerns.................................................................................. 3-7 4.0 Consistency with Regional and State Plans........................................................... 4-1 5.0 Conclusion and Recommendation......................................................................... 5-1 5.1 Finding ............................................................................................................. 5-1 5.2 Staff Recommendation ..................................................................................... 5-1 5.3 LPA Public Hearing .......................................................................................... 5-1 5.4 LPA Meeting .................................................................................................... 5-1 5.5 Village Council Public Hearing........................................ .. 5.6 Village Council Meeting ................................................................................... 5-1 Appendix A NPBCP Amendment 12-1.........................................................................A-1 LIST OF MAPS Number Page 1 Location of Proposed Comprehensive Plan Amendment,......................................... 2-2 2 Abutting Land Use Including Future Land Use Designations.................................... 2-4 LIST OF TABLES Number page 1 Cumulative Impact Factors Summary....................................................................... 3-1 LIST OF APPENDICES Appendix page A NPBCP Amendment 12-1..................................................................... A-1 1.0: INTRODUCTION The Village is considering the adoption of North Palm Beach Comprehensive Plan (NPBCP) Amendment 12-1 consisting of an amendment to the Future Land Use Map Atlas. The location of NPBCP Amendment 12-1, referred to herein as "The Benjamin School", is illustrated on Map 1. NPBCP Amendment 12-1 is proposed in order to assign a uniform Commercial future land use designation to all The Benjamin School operations. At the present time, three Village future land use designations (Educational, Public Buildings & Grounds and Commercial) are assigned to the school's operations. The assignment of a Commercial future land use designation to the school parcels currently assigned Educational and Public Buildings and Grounds will allow existing and planned The Benjamin School properties to operate under a single Village future land use category and zoning approval. A companion application for a C-1/PUD zoning approval has been concurrently submitted for the entire 14.79 acre The Benjamin School property. NPBCP Amendment 12-1, consisting of a change from Educational and Public Buildings and Grounds to Commercial of a 12.66 acre portion of the 14.79 acre The Benjamin School property, is necessary to establish consistency between the school's existing and future operations and the 2020 Village of North Palm Beach Comprehensive Plan. This document provides data and analysis necessary to determine its consistency with the Village of North Palm Beach Comprehensive Plan. Section 2.0 consists of a brief summary and analysis of key planning and zoning issues, as they relate to proposed NPBCP Amendment 12-1. Section 3.0 presents an analysis of the cumulative impacts of the proposed amendment in terms of its impacts upon the Village's infrastructure services and each element of the Village Of North Palm Beach Comprehensive Plan. Section 4.0 contains an assessment of proposed NPBCP Amendment 12-1, in terms of the Regional Policy Plan and State Comprehensive Plan. Exhibit A of Appendix A contains proposed NPBCP Amendment 12-1. 1-1 2.0: ANALYSIS OF MAP AMENDMENT This section provides a data summary and analysis of proposed NPBCP Amendment, 12-1, in terms of the following: 1. The proposed Future Land Use Atlas designation of the subject property; the boundaries of the subject property; and the mapped location in relation to the surrounding street network. 2. A map of the present future land use designation of the subject and abutting properties, including Future Land Use Atlas designations; 3. The size of the subject property in acres; 4. A description of the proposed development concept. NPBCP Amendment 12-1 is a revision to the Future Land Use Atlas (Planning Area 2) of the 2020 Village Of North Palm Beach Comprehensive Plan to incorporate a proposed change from an Educational, in part, and Public Buildings & Grounds, in part, to a Commercial land use designation of a 12.66 acre portion of The Benjamin School property. The location of NPBCP Amendment 12-1 is illustrated on Map 1. The balance of this section contains descriptions of the proposed amendment in terms of the four criteria listed above. References to other related sections of this document are provided as necessary. 2-1 I, �. d _ �Ir�iiL� f.y -r 1 r T- v ' s+ rani ^► V L R-3 •�r M i t! }A t ., �•--�. :..Ov,,.� , ;; { MIX 1 PBCa` 1 � ckrngbird L►i _'�`� .�,��•_=-.,� ��.a., �- 1, �.. r°- "° ;�•� Caroiincl�aMr O if HR-12 ED s • x NPBCP AME:NOMENT 12-1 EDUCATIONAL. AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS & GROUNDS t I j To COMMERCIAL. k. Future Land Use Designations LDR Low Density Residential HDR High Density Residential 9 ED Educational ' H D R !. PBG Public Buildings/Grounds MAP 1 MIX Mixed Use LR-3 PBC Low Density Residental, Vii' • 3 units per acre Site Data i HR-12 PBC High Density Residential, 12 units per acre Size; 12.66 Acres '�%; �`sa� Rerisanoa..lyl�tota Vllla 7 Cando James Ummac7,park ge of North palm Beach Use: Private School F:d Ne:NPa ftUJmentlll-IxE 507 U5 Hghv34 1 6' Seuces'F UdCrnW'-GeoW-11on scl Huh Pa—(56111841- o5 r M—(5611841-WO ` 2.1: SUMMARY OF FUTURE LAND USE MAP AMENDMENT 12-1 A. Name or Designation: The Benjamin School B. Parcel Description or Location: Four contiguous parcels of land located west of U.S. Highway 1 and north of McLaren Road (Ref: Map 1). The parcels range in size from 0.49 acres to 7.36 acres, for a total of 12.66 acres, and are located within Village Planning Area 2. Existing uses, by parcel, are summarized in the following table: Parcel Control# Existing Use —intensity 68-43-42-04-10-008-0030 Private School 0.22 F.A.R. 68-43-42-04-10-008-0045 Private School 0.07 F.A.R. 68-43-42-0418-001-0000 Private School 0.22 F.A.R. 68-43-42-0410-008-0069 Parking/Storage 0.00 F.A.R. NPBCP Amendment 11-1 Private School 0.21 F.A.R. C. Existing North Palm Beach Future Land Use and Zoning Designations: Future Land Use and zoning designations, by parcel, are summarized in the following tables: A. Future Land Use Designations Parcel Control# FLU Designation* lntensit ** 68-43-42-04-10-008-0030 Educational 0.15 F.A.R. 68-43-42-04-10-008-0045 Educational 0.15 F.A.R. 68-43-42-04-18-001-0000 Educational 0.15 F.A.R. 68-43-42-04-10-008-0069 Public Buildin s&Grounds 0.25 F.A.R. *- North Palm Beach FLU designation: **-Maximum permitted by Comprehensive Plan B. Zoning Designations Parcel Control# Zoning Designation* Allowed Use** 6843-42-04-10-008-0030 C-1AIR-2 Private School Public School 6843-42-04-10-008-0045 C-1 Private School 68-43-42-04-18-001-0000 R-2 Public School 68-43-42-04-10-008-0069 P Public School *- North Palm Beach Zoning designation: **-Uses pertinent to NPBCP Amendment 12-1. D. Proposed North Palm Beach Future Land Use and Zoning Designations: Future Land Use: Commercial(Maximum F.A.R. 0.35). Zoning: C-1/PUD(Maximum F.A.R. 0.35). E. Abutting Land Use Summary: Abutting land uses and future land use designations are illustrated on Map 2. F. Proposed Development Concept: 1. Development Concept. Retain existing private school and expand ancillary uses. 2. Population Projections (proposed Future Land Use designation): NA — Private school use. 2-3 MAP 2 Abutting Land Use Including Future Land Use and Zoning Designations NPBCP Amendment '12-1 . 1 N I - . 2 ... a 1^3 4 18 ^I l I :�3 Carollnda Dr. o l I 5 ¢ 1 6 L. G 1 1 = , I 1 8 10 17 l ! 1 . 8 12l McLaren Rd. - -- 15 13 0_ 16 m MAP KEY: M 14 p- No. Name/Existing Use Future Land Use Zoning 1 Shoppes at city Centre Commercial C-1 2 The Benjamin School Educational R-2 A' 3 Vacant/Outdoor Storage Public Buildin s&Grounds P 4 Enterprise Rent-A-Car Commercial C-1 5 The Benjamin School Commercial C-1 8 1 The Benjamin School Educational R-2 7 1 The Benjamin School Commercial C-1 8 The Benjamin School Educational C-1A 9 The Benjamin School Educational R-2 10 FPL Station Commercial C-1 _—___—_ _NPBCP 11 f=irst City Bank Commercial C-1 Amendment 12-1 12 The Benjamin School Educational C-1 13 Royal Harbour Condo High Density Residential R-3 14 Cfystal-free Plaza Commercial C-1 15 Vacant Commercial Commercial C-1 18 Cove Plaza Commercial C-1 17 Doman!Parcel/Vacant High Density Residential R-3 Scale: 1" =300' 113 Our Lady of Florida Affixed Use C-1 19 Residential Count LR-3 Palm Beach Count ) RM 2-4 3.0: CUMULATIVE IMPACTS OF PROPOSED AMENDMENT This section provides data summaries and analysis of proposed NPBCP Amendment 12-1 in terms of the following criteria: 1. Availability of, and demand upon the following public facilities: Sanitary sewer, solid waste, drainage, potable water, traffic circulation, and recreation and open space, as appropriate; and 2. Compatibility of the proposed amendment with the objectives and policies of the Future Land Use Element, as well as those of other affected elements of the Comprehensive Plan. Factors affecting the cumulative impacts of NPBCP Amendment 12-1 include an increase in Commercial acres (12.66 acres) and a corresponding decrease in Educational (12.17) and Public Buildings and Grounds (0.49) acres. A summary of the factors affecting the cumulative impacts of NPBCP Amendment 12-1 is presented in Table 1. TABLE 1 Amendment 12-1 Cumulative Impact Factors Summary Impact Factor NPBCP 12-1 Total acres 12.66 Existing Land Use (Village acres) Educational 12.17 Public Buildings and Grounds 0.49 Proposed Land Use Mix(Village acres) Commercial 12.66 Dwelling Units: Existing and Proposed Land Use 0 Population: Existing and Proposed Land Use 0 Non-Residential Space(private school) Existing sq. ft. 116,655 Maximum Permitted sq.ft.* 84,854 Proposed sq. ft. 126,655 Planned F.A.R.** 0.224 * - Maximum under Educational (0.15 F.A.R.)and Public Buildings and Grounds (0.25 F.A.R.) land use categories. Based upon existing sq. ft. +proposed 10,000 sq. ft. maintenance facility expansion, 3-1 The subsections that follow present a review of the 2020 Village of North Palm Beach Comprehensive Plan, including infrastructure impacts, in terms of proposed NPBCP Amendment 12-1. Amendment 12-1 is presented in APPENDIX A of this document. 3.1 DATA AND ANALYSIS Proposed NPBCP Amendment 12-1 is classified as a "large-scale" future land use map amendment. The cumulative land use impacts are summarized in TABLE 1. A summary of the key impacts is as follows: 1. Commercial acreage of the Village will be increased by 12.66 acres as a result of the proposed amendment. 2. Educational land use is decreased by 12.17 acres. 3. Public Buildings and Grounds land use is decreased by 0.49 acres. From Table 1, the property is currently developed at a higher intensity (116,655 sq. ft./0.212 F.A.R) than is permitted by the combined Educational and Public Buildings and Grounds land use categories (84,854 sq. ft.10.154 F.A.R.). In order to address this inconsistency, the principal purpose of the proposed amendment is to assign a future land use category that allows the existing private school use to continue at a higher development intensity than that permitted by the combined Educational and Public Buildings and Grounds land use categories and construct a proposed 10,000 sq. ft. maintenance facility. It is concluded that the proposed NPBCP Amendment 12-1 is consistent with the general character of the Village, as described in Chapter 2 of the 2020 Village of North Palm Beach Comprehensive Plan and desired land use patterns, in that the proposed Commercial designation will allow The Benjamin School to continue its current and proposed operations in a manner consistent with Village land use intensity limits. Further, proposed Amendment 12-1 is consistent with the Village's stated desire to provide a full range of social, cultural and recreational opportunities for its residents. The property included within NPBCP Amendment 12-1 is located within Village Planning Area 2, as illustrated on Figure 3-1 of the Future Land Use Element. 3-2 3.1.1 Existing Land Use Inventory: NPBCP Amendment 12-1 includes 12.66 acres of land. Current uses are K-8 private school and ancillary facilities, including a 0.49 acre Public Buildings and Grounds parcel recently purchased from the Village. The property included within NPBCP Amendmentl2-1 is not listed on the Florida Master Site File, or the National Register of Historic Places. There is no current effect of NPBCP Amendment 12-1 on the Village existing land use inventory, as the present private school use is expected to be maintained for the foreseeable future. 3.1.2 Population Estimates and Projections: The current estimate and projected population of the Village are not affected, as the subject property is projected remain developed for private school uses during the 2020 planning period, and assigned a Commercial future land use designation. 3.1.3 Delineation of Village Planning Areas: NPBCP Amendment 12-1 will have no effect upon the corporate area, or the configuration of Village Planning Area 2. However, Future Land Use Atlas Map 2 will be revised to reflect the change from Educational and Public Buildings and Grounds to Commercial land use on The Benjamin School 12.66 acre property. 3.1.4 Vacant Land Analysis: Properties included in NPBCP Amendment 12-1 have been cleared and developed for private school purposes, including at-grade parking on the Public Buildings and Lands parcel. As a result, no issues related to the development of vacant land are identified. Upon approval of Amendment 12-1 and the associated zoning petition, a 10,000 sq. ft. maintenance facility will be constructed. 3.1.6 Land Use Projections: It is projected that the current private school uses on the parcels defined by NPBCP Amendment 12-1 will be maintained during the 2020 planning period of the Comprehensive Plan. However, in terms of future land use category projections, the effect of NPBCP Amendment 12-1 will be to increase the Commercial category by 12.66 acres, and reduce the Educational (12.17 acres) and Public Buildings and Grounds (0.49 acres) categories by a like amount. 3.1.6 Infrastructure Impacts: According to the 2009 Capital Improvements Element Support Documentation Report, all roadways within the Village are currently operating at peak hour level-of- service "D", or better. Specifically, the U.S. Highway 1 segment between PGA Boulevard and Lighthouse Drive was operating at a significantly better level-of-service than the Village's adopted LOS "D" standard. 3-3 A traffic statement in support of the proposed amendment was prepared by the firm of Simmons and White. The study analyzed the increase in traffic resulting from the proposed change in land use. In order to calculate the difference, traffic generated by the most intensive use under the existing (Educational and Public Buildings and Grounds) and proposed (Commercial) land use designations were was calculated. For the Educational land use, a 1,336 student K-12 school was assumed. For the Commercial land use, a 186,611 sq. ft. retail facility was assumed. Calculated net increases in traffic generation were as follows: Average daily traffic — increase of 3,350 vehicles; A.M. peak hour — reduction of 958 vehicles; and P.M. peak hour— increase of 480 vehicles. Using the above trip data, an analysis was completed to determine traffic impacts according to the guidelines established in the Palm Beach County Comprehensive Plan. The conclusion was that the proposed land use change will not result in any increase in intensity of development that significantly impacts any roadway that is not projected to be operating above the adopted level of service on the 2035 Transportation System Plan or the Florida Department of Transportation Five-Year Transportation Improvement Program and is therefore in accordance with the goals and objectives of the Traffic Circulation Element of the North Palm Beach Comprehensive Plan. The study further concluded, based upon calculated peak-hour turning movements and the County's guidelines, that turn lanes may be warranted at the project entrances. Based upon this conclusion, it was recommended that peak hour turning movement volumes and the need for turn lanes should be addressed following the preparation of a specific plan of development for the School. NPBCP Amendment 12-1 properties are currently served by Seacoast Utility Authority (Seacoast) central potable water and sewage systems. The applicant recently submitted a request for a capacity reservation letter from Seacoast for a private school facility consisting of 1,336 students and 130 employees. Seacoast correspondence (October 7, 2010) in response to the applicant's request stated that: (1) water and sewer connections had previously been paid for 1,153 students and staff; (2) the applicant's request indicates that connection fees for an additional 313 students and staff are owed; and (3) additional connection fees are due prior to providing a capacity availability letter. Upon request by the staff, the applicant reported that current The Benjamin School enrollment is slightly in excess of 700 students, indicating that the current capacity reservation agreement (i.e. for 1,153 students and staff) is adequate to serve the facility. 3-4 If The Benjamin School properties are expanded to a point that additional capacity is required, in excess of that currently reserved, or redeveloped for alternative commercial purposes requiring additional connections, a revised capacity reservation agreement must be negotiated with Seacoast prior to approval of a specific plan of development by the Village. A drainage statement (Statement of Legal Positive Outfall) was prepared by the firm of Simmons and White. The study concluded that existing legal positive outfall is located at the site via discharge to the Intracoastal Waterway by way of a piped connection along Mocking Bird Lane to the west. The study also included drainage design criteria consistent with Village and South Florida Water Management District requirements to be followed in the event of any future on-site development or redevelopment. According to Figure 3-7 of the Comprehensive Plan, the property included within proposed NPBCP Amendment 12-1 (The Benjamin School) is located within the defined Coastal High Hazard Area. However, as the school is an existing facility and there are no on-site permanent residents, none of the following are identified as issues of concern, as all infrastructure facilities necessary to serve the private school facility are currently in place: Hurricane evacuation; infrastructure within the Coastal High Hazard Area; and public beach access. Further, the existing private school facility will not result in additional public expenditures related to post-disaster redevelopment activity. The result of development activity under the proposed Commercial land use designation will not increase the population of the Village and, as a result, will not affect the need for additional recreation facilities. Based upon the above analysis, NPBCP Amendment 12-1 has no effect upon capital improvements planning at this time. Data and analysis presented in the previous paragraphs did not result in the identification of any additional needed capital improvements. However, at the time of planned unit development approval, any needed infrastructure improvements, including a reliable funding source, should be included within the appropriate annual update to the Capital Improvements Element. Any infrastructure improvements related to future redevelopment activities, including those for uses other than a private school, will be the responsibility of the property owner/developer. 3-5 3.2 NORTH PALM BEACH COMPREHENSIVE PLAN NPBCP Amendment 12-1, currently assigned a mixture of Educational and Public Buildings and Grounds future land use designations, consists of four parcels of land on a total of 12.66 acres. The parcels, in combination, contain 116,655 sq. ft. of The Benjamin School private school classroom, administrative, gymnasium and library uses. The current floor-area-ratio (F.A.R.) is calculated at 0.212. However, Policy 1.A.4.e of the Future Land Use Element of the Comprehensive Plan limits the maximum F.A.R. on Educational land uses to 0.15 and Public Buildings and Grounds to 0.25. The application of the current F.A.R.s to the property would limit development potential to 84,854 sq. ft. of school space. In addition to the four properties assigned Educational and Public Buildings and Grounds land use designations, The Benjamin School owns and occupies two additional parcels (Ref: Map 2, Parcels 5 and 7) which front U.S. Highway 1 and are assigned a Commercial future land use designation. The parcels, which comprise 2.13 acres, contain 26,950 sq. ft. of administrative office and fine arts center uses. These properties were purchased by The Benjamin School in 1994 and 2004, respectively, but retained their previously assigned Commercial land use designations. As a result of the purchases, The Benjamin School properties currently are assigned three future land use designations; Educational (12.17 acres), Public Buildings and Grounds (0.49 acres) and Commercial (2.12 acres). The aggregate F.A.R. of the Benjamin School properties (Educational + Public Buildings and Grounds + Commercial acres) currently is calculated at 0.236 (152,310 sq. ft. on 14.78 acres). Construction of the 10,000 sq. ft. maintenance building would increase the F.A.R, to 0.252 (162,310 sq. ft. on 14.78 acres). As a result, assignment of the Educational land use designation to the entirety of The Benjamin School holdings will not address the current maximum F.A.R. limitation. In order to address the F.A.R. issue and permit the current private school operations and proposed 10,000 sq. ft. maintenance building addition, the purpose of NPBCP Amendment 12-1 is to assign a Commercial future land use category to the four The Benjamin School parcels currently assigned Educational and Public Buildings and Grounds designations. The proposed Commercial amendment will: (1) result in the assignment of a uniform land use designation to all of The Benjamin School properties; (2) allow the existing K-8 private school facility to conform to Comprehensive Plan intensity criteria; and (3) permit additional improvements necessary to current and future school operations. 3-6 The assignment of a Commercial land use designation to The Benjamin School parcels is generally consistent with the Future Land Use Element Goal of the 2020 Comprehensive Plan, as follows: 1. The proposed Commercial future land use designation will allow The Benjamin School to continue to operate in a manner consistent neighboring land uses along the U.S. Highway 1 corridor. 2. In the event of a natural disaster which damages existing structures, the Amendment will grant The Benjamin School the ability to rebuild at its current level of service and intensity thereby continuing to maximize its economic and social benefits to the Village. 3. Based upon the analysis completed in Section 11.6, data accompanying the Amendment application demonstrate that public facilities are available to serve planned development potential under the proposed Commercial land use category. Changed circumstances have resulted in the need for the proposed Amendment, in that Parcel 3 (7.48 acres) was annexed (1992) to the Village and two additional Commercial-designated parcels (2.13 acres) were acquired (1994 and 2004) with existing structures exceeding the maximum Educational land use F.A.R. (0.15). These actions all occurred subsequent to the adoption of the 1989 Comprehensive Plan and necessitate the proposed amendment. The proposed Amendment will assign a consistent future land use designation to The Benjamin School properties and address the F.A.R. issue. Due to the nature of proposed NPBCP Amendment 12-1 (i.e. assignment of a Commercial future land use designation to an existing private school facility), there are no current infrastructure impacts to be addressed, nor are there any issues raised by an analysis of Comprehensive Plan goals, objectives and policies. However, future redevelopment activities involving other than private school uses may necessitate additional Comprehensive Plan amendments, if additional infrastructure needs are identified. 3.3 OTHER PLANNING CONCERNS NPBCP Amendment 12-1 was reviewed by Village operating departments (i.e. Public Safety and Public Services). No major current issues were defined. 3-7 During 2007 and 2008, North Palm Beach completed the U.S. Hiahway 1 Corridor Study, as directed by Village Resolution 2007-25. The study focused primarily upon identifying locations along U.S. Highway 1 with future high-density residential and mixed-use development and redevelopment potential. By assigning a Commercial land use designation to The Benjamin School properties, NPBCP Amendment 12-1 is generally consistent with the following principal objectives of the study: Ensure that development and redevelopment activities along the corridor occur in a manner compatible with the Village's character, as presented in the Comprehensive Plan and land development regulations. • Ensure that development and redevelopment proposals are compatible with the character and scale of existing land uses along and adjacent to the corridor. • Expand existing development and redevelopment opportunities along the corridor as a means of increasing the Village's tax base. • Ensure the long-term economic viability of the historic commercial corridor along US Highway 1 by increasing the number of potential development alternatives. 3-8 4,0 CONSISTENCY WITH REGIONAL AND STATE PLANS The Village Comprehensive Plan must be consistent with the State Comprehensive Plan and Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council Policy Plan. For the purposes of determining consistency of the local plan with the State Comprehensive Plan or appropriate regional policy plan, the state or regional plan shall be construed as a whole and no specific goal and policy shall be construed or applied in isolation from the other goals and policies. 4.1 REGIONAL POLICY PLAN NPBCP Amendment 12.1 was reviewed in terms of the Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council Regional Policy Plan in order to determine consistency. Based on this review, it is determined that no significant regional issues are related to, or impacted by NPBCP Amendment 12-1. Amendment 12.1 is therefore determined to be consistent with regional goals and policies. 4.2 STATE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN NPBCP Amendment 12-1 was reviewed in terms of the goals, objectives and policies of the State Comprehensive Plan, as presented in Chapter 187, Florida Statutes. Based upon this review, it is concluded that NPBCP Amendment 12-1 is consistent with state goals, objectives and policies. Specifically, NPBCP Amendment 11-1 promotes educational activities outside of traditional systems and assists in developing creative alternatives to educational programs in order to serve a larger segment of the population (F.S. 187.201(1)(b)8). 4-1 5.0 CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION The following recommendations are presented: 5.1 FINDING NPBCP Amendment 12-1 is consistent with the provisions of the 2020 Village of North Palm Beach Comprehensive Plan. More specifically: (1) NPBCP Amendment 12-1 is within the Urban Service Area and does not contribute to a condition of urban sprawl; (2) NPBCP Amendment 12-1 is consistent with policy of the Capital Improvements Element in that it does not contribute to a condition of public hazard, as defined therein, does not exacerbate any existing condition of public facility capacity deficits, as described therein; and (3) NPBCP Amendment 12-1 is compatible with neighboring Village land uses. 5.2 STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Village Council approve NPBCP Amendment 12-1 5.3 LPA PUBLIC HEARING An advertised Local Planning Agency (LPA) public hearing on NPBCP Amendment 12-1 is scheduled to be held on July 10, 2012 at 6:30 P.M. in the Village Hall Council Chambers. 5.4 LPA MEETING Tuesday, July 10, 2012 at 6:30 P.M. in the Village Hall Council Chambers 5.5 VILLAGE COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING An advertised Village Council public hearing on NPBCP Amendment 12-1 is scheduled to be held on December 13, 2012 at 7:30 P.M. in the Village Hall Council Chambers. 5.6 VILLAGE COUNCIL MEETING (To be determined). APPENDIX A - NPBCP Amendment 12-1 NPBCP Amendment 12-1 consists of a change in land use from Educational, in part, and Public Buildings and Grounds, in part, to Commercial. NPBCP Amendment 12-1 is accomplished by amendment to Map 2 of Future Land Use Map Atlas of the 2020 Village of North Palm Beach Comprehensive Plan. NPBCP Amendment 12-1 is presented in Exhibit A. A-1 a� FI-Ocean-Dr S 1!`•'•-r•-• •-r -• rr Ar• ylay • P SunnY Ln • Oa Shore or ' as Har. .0ur_Rq • 4ndian • M dolphin Ln J 5 pp al �•� 3 Policy •� rK • r a 8•Y Dolphin 1 n a.12 }� 0 0 .� ° N w NP6CP AMENDMENT 1 2-1 i • • i4F. ���i •q� R• EDUCATIONAL AND ��- ��'�."�-.��•�!�!(: ���''� PUBLIC SUILDINOS & GROUNDS • ]j o. TO COMMERCIAL �{l • � - • Mo'A111 irdL • SpeClal k • nab[ta a • =1 • Policy • 5.2 Rites Ln� • c • N • • G ° •,. • •.• ••,• • • • • uJ ar d Golf��@ m ty I Md�r9 Special Policies z d High Density Residentialr �m r EM Educational Public Bldgs. &Grounds ! o Commercial o I� Mixed Use } _ a ro Interstate 95 ej', North Palm Beach "} Florida's TPke C3 Planning Areas l! 5r P�J Secondary Water 1 Tertiary Parcels ®;,,, 100 0 ]00 ]9 MO +Q Ra.;amn oax m . l enara _ Rav:h'PSCP Ameedm.t n-1 Village of Narlh Palm Beach Cu h,t James nammackLluk n:a—.NFB FLL nSA..2maJ :01 Us Highway 1 _ Sdxras:Lana Research Nziagemesl,lkC North Paim f3xach,FL33408 FAQ Crn:.,Poi G—W—at.3cir , Fho (FG1}841.3320 - 1