1997-22 Rezones Enclave - McLaren/CarolindaORDINANCE 22-97 • AN ORDINANCE OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, REZONING A PARCEL OF LAND LOCATED ON U.S. HIGHWAY ONE BETWEEN McLAREN ROAD AND CAROLINDA ROAD WITHIN THE VILLAGE AND MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED IN EXHIBIT "A" ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF FROM PALM BEACH COUNTY ZONING DISTRICT CG, GENERAL COMMERCIAL, TO C-l, NEIGHBORHOOD COMMERCIAL DISTRICT; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF ALL ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA: Section 1. The Village Council of the Village of North Palm Beach, Florida, does hereby rezone a parcel of land located on U.S. Highway One between McLaren Road and Carolinda Road within the Village and more particularly described in Exhibit "A" attached and made a part hereof from Palm Beach County Zoning District CG, General Commercial, to C-1 Neighborhood Commercial District. • Section 2. All Ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Section 3. This Ordinance shall take effect upon the Village of North Palm Beach adopting a comprehensive plan amendment that includes the real property described in Exhibit "A" attached. PLACED ON FIRST READING THIS 27th DAY OF MARCH 1997. PLACED ON PUBLIC HEARING THIS 8th DAY OF MAY 1997. PLACED ON SECOND, FINAL READING AND PASSED THIS 8th DAY OF MAY _, 1997. (Village Seal) MAYOR ATTEST: VILLAGE CLERK EXHIBIT A J - Ueactipuon skccn For. Lecnl, t~ECpfpnON; VILlAOE OF NORTH PALM BEACH n Parcel or (and ylnp within Section {, 7awnshlp {2 BotAh, R~rge {7 Eeat Palm . i 4, 5 end 6, according to the Plat of SubdtNelon o[ Government Lot e, geedl Coumy, Florlds end wHhh Lote J, recordee In Plat Book te, Pepe e, In and for the reootds of Palm Beech COUntye^Flefld~bajf~i~4mp ~ paRiWl~aAey JdeyMb,b eafofowa: BEQW et U» Souttnveat corner o! said Lot J; thence North 89• G9' Jp- Wet. ~~ lM Wedeny pobngaUOn of the 8ovth Ilne of acid Lot 3, a dlstenq of fb.10 feet to a po~nl on the West rlphtof.wey Hne of Ellison-Wilson Road; thMq SoNh 3• ~' , 0` Ease, along sold rlpnl-of.wey 6na, a distance of eg.ty feel (o a point on the t3outh Nne Of said Section 4: gvne• SoUh 139. 59' 3C^ Esat, along seta sectbn Ilnt, a distance of t2J2.0{ feet to ^ point On the ceMarllr» of the riphtof-way 14,a of Etete Road No 5, (V.S. Highway No. t) as shown on Florida Stele Road Otpartmanq rigM•o6way map recorded in Road Piet Gook 2. P.qa 4310 68, IntlusNe; inenca Northerly, along said esnterlina of State Road No. 6 to ha Irtterseotbn sNth the E estorty prolonpttian of the North line of sold Lot 6; charge North 89' {g 70' Wad along the NoAh lint o! said lAt 6 end the E as;ery prolongation tnereoi, • distance of 294.61 fell to a print Mrence 8otRh 03' O{' 10' East a dls4nca Of 126.2p fed to e point on the North right-or.wey Ilns of Carallns.AVenue es noW leg out end in use; chancy North gq'4p' S0" West erpnp said North ripnt-ol-wey tine, a disLnu of 5gg.11~feet to a point on Ilp West dglyoRWay Nn• of Ellison-Wgeon ROed, aJ now laid out end in uso; havtnp a tote) Nyht-of.wey width of gg.pp t.et; q~u SoNh 3. 0{' 10' Easl along said West rght-ol-way Ilna, t diibnp of >83.31 to s point on the Westery prolonpetiotl of the Soutt line of s11d Lo) J. ihflnCl gdVtt~ 89' SS' 3U' Eest, along said Westerly prolonge(grl, a d~stancv o1 116.10 feet to the Southwest oornar of said Lot J: 7encs North 3• tK• t 0' West along the West lino of said Lot 3 and the Eat rlphFd-way Ilne o! Eliwn-Wikon Road, • dlaance of 303 8D rest !o the Northwest cornet or Nid LOI J; Ihenc• 8oulh Op' W' 29' EssL abnp lha Norm tins of sera Lot J, e distanu of 7.07 tact to the Soulrywgl corner of the Pbt of North Palm beach Private Schaaf, as raoorded N Piet gook J0, PeOe 201, Pubbc Records of Pelm Beath County, Florida; charts North 03' 0{' 10' West, slang 6N Westerly Ymfs o1 said coat of North Palm Basch PrNata ficfrool, a distance o1303.g3 bet to a point on tM tioutA line of said Lot 6; to 69' {9' fiQ` West along said South tine, • dialenu of 7.01 feet to tM 8oulltrvest oernOf of sold Lol6, Paid oorrlef on the East right~f.ygy hna of Ellison-Nilson Road; (hence NOrlh W anoe North said East npM-o/.way line, a d'alanw or 125.20 f • a~ 1~ Wes. abry (h• West line Of Bald L.ot 6 ~dq tne.nce South 89.49' s0-East, scan ssid ~ 2O a ~Int on the South right•ot-way line of said Carolina Avorwe; 10' East, dtparnnp saW rl ht-o1 9 South tighlof-way Ilne, a distance o1620,Op fee( t0 a point: thence tiou613.04' 89• {9' 60" East, p 'N'aY Ilne, a distenco of 125.20 led to a point on tlta North Ime of acid Lot S, lhartos South akxsp seed North line, a drstence of 2x5.06 tact to the NoRheost corner of wid Lq 6; thence Scutt pa- Eest stoop the Eaal line of sei0 Lot 6, a Distance of 282.04 fee( to q point; (hang North 89`54' 20" West a distance Of 283 48 }set to .point, ltwnce South 2J• 4 ~'~ distance of 1 { 89 feet to • point (hence Sotr9t Baal. O oistencs Of {8.81 fact to ppht thence SWIh 89. 5{' 27' Ees1 • East • distance of 50.00 feat to a point Ihenw Sou~h W West a distance Of 190.11 taut to a point; thence tiotrth 6D•31' 29" of said Lot 4, MenM North 89' S9' 30' Weal, abn ~ ~ Wort a distance of 112.28 fo POINT OF BEGINNING. gins South line of said Lots J end 4, a dislencet of 27r3J feat to the Ilne Tns South foe of said Lot J la asumsd to beer North gg• Sq 30"West end e11 other beaYnps era relative thereto. CMteining in alb p 33 acres, more or bas. NOTES: ~ No title policy M commltm possible there sre deeds and eattumun~ r0 or boundary b the wbjeot property het been provided. II is No search of tM Pubbc Records ha banm de by mis~othKOOer~~ ~icA could effet:((ha tub act o z Thla plat Is not vilid unteas sealed with en embes^ed au , ~ Deny. 3 This -ketth tsnnot be Vansl nreyofs Nal. Su!veyinp Corpordlon erred or assigned without IM apecrtle carmen permissbn of Wallace a Thin fa r10t i iVMyl cESrnFlcgrtoN: I Ht:REgy gTTES7 that the description sketch shown huaon ~'ardt BoeM of Land Surveyors pursuant to sections 472.027 ~ ' "m technical stenoerda set form by trv ndr>tinlstrotive Code ettettive September i ,pet l ride and edoptad in Cnepter 81G77d, Florida 90-,3CSi ~aN~:,L~dg,~.y°rR 9 ? 2 3 ~ D Fbr{de ani8eate No. 7367 J u~- ~LLC ~u~v~vin~ o~,f a,©,~~ ~a G~ ~-,3as_ U~ IO.+Lf{yp C O w r O w• T r O N OrGr n,r«.,.r, suwr rr, ~t Q.C. SHEf r / O~ "sa""r M w.cK u«a. ss.or . pot; e.o ss r _ r r.. n~1 •I n ~rlPosri~ FjWfBlr A f ". 2 - - --------_. N~p NA O co ~ ~~ °0 ` ~~ ~ ~ o N~ O m ~ 'C~0 O` E'LY PF~LONGATipN di ~ /l/. C~//VE C.OT~i s r-,r -- -- -.` ~ N 89'09"6O,'1v. ~_ 294.8/ ~~ N ~9°49 5~ "w. ' 5YS6. / / ' ~ ~ ~ CAROL/NE AVE. --~-'.. -._"; ~^ A (~ S 89 O9'SU E 620. p' _ - ` T Q O I W \ S 8g 49'5Q,E. to -y '` p o O r O ? i (il cT F P,CC/Y7 eL~ACf,/ W ~l uO ~ l~ yc ~ • ~: ~ ~?/V4TE' `SCfppL W In .I \o Q@~ N ~ ~ •C ° c O I ,~ye sw \\S8 Bg QQ ~g'$ 3.18 ~, l11 ~ fr Z I o~ as iq oSQ O ' fi m _ \ @ a Cnct O WO,~N'CO MCR ~S•r(Qo~ ~•. AmW ~ ~ ,a•\ \e °Sa ~ \ 0 8°J '30"W~ 1727.3 `.•'~ \ :~\ Ali ~ ~~ 2 X11 / ? S 89°59'30 E. N S. ~-/N~ SECT/ON4 - /232.Oq' ,~: ,~ ~j ° P~ B. S W CORlVE~Q LOT 3 G N 0~ W LY PRp~On'GATroiv S. LINE LAT 3 ~ ~ ~ m' - ~.. REV ` /~ .REV. QNOY. R97 236 D r.1 ~C. R.C. °JO-/34S "1-' ~I II ~'d~~~~!! ~/ OAfE (~/fi/gQ DWO k0 .~ p~'M~ t o m o o F i I~ OFriCE ~_~ aw w., a... „~ jai wiu a~a,~waw »a9~.lor 6ao qsN R. C~. S~+EEE i ....,. ~' Of` 2 Y i~TR_ P.E'~