01-24-2013 VC WS-M MINUTES OF THE WORKSHOP SESSION VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA • JANUARY 24,2013 Present: David B. Norris, Mayor . William L. Manuel, Vice Mayor Darryl C. Aubrey, Sc.D., President Pro Tem Robert A. Gebbia, Councilman Doug Bush, Councilman Ed Green, Village Manager Leonard Rubin, Village Attorney Melissa Teal, Village Clerk ROLL CALL Mayor Noms called the meeting to order at 8:33 p.m. All members of Council were present. All members of staff were present. PUBLIC WORKS SAFETY AUDIT .Mr. Green reported on the safety audit of the Public Works Facility conducted by the Village Safety Committee and Loss Control Consultant Chris.Kittleson of Preferred Governmental Insurance Trust. Mr. Green advised that the recommended safety improvements could be completed for a projected cost of$12,444, using funds in the existing budget. Discussion took place concerning the corrective actions recommended for the Public Works facility as set forth in the Consultant's report. • By consensus, Council directed staff to move forward with the recommended corrections. STRATEGIC PLAN PROJECTS —COUNCIL PRIORITY LIST Mr. Green requested Council review the list of improvement projects and identify its top priorities.' Discussion was held on the following projects: Unfunded Liabilities — Mr. Green noted that at Council's recommendation, an improvement project related to the evaluation of unfunded liabilities had been added to the Strategic Plan under the Financial Integrity Objective. Mr. Green briefly highlighted aspects of recent actuarial reports and opinions on the funding of pension plans for general employees and police/fire employees. Human Resources Director Loren Slaydon suggested having actuaries attend a Council Workshop Session to review and discuss the status of the pension plans. During discussion, it was suggested that the actuary recommend an appropriate funding level for each plan and assess the impact of changes. Council consensus was that this should be a recurring item with a medium priority. Continue to advance our business friendly atmosphere — by consensus, Council considered this is a high priority item. Discussion ensued on funding for events proposed by the Business Advisory Board. Council will consider funding specific events, upon request from the Board. III Ordinance Update —by consensus, Council considered this a high priority item. Discussion took place regarding the use of consultants to accomplish the revision and updating of the Code of Ordinances. Mr. Rubin opined that the codes pertaining to land development regulations were the most important sections to address. Mr. Rubin recommended engaging a consultant with experience in land use regulations and procedures as there are legal ramifications to these codes. • Minutes of Village Council Workshop Session held January 24,2013 Page 2 of 2 STRATEGIC PLAN PROJECTS —COUNCIL PRIORITY LIST continued Future Annexation Target Areas - by consensus, Council considered this a low priority item. It • was noted that the Village has conducted an annexation study; further, that annexation is dependent upon opportunity. Resident Focus Group Initiative — Council considered this a reasonably high priority item and one that would_be a recurring project. Mr. Green explained the focus group process using a statistically significant sampling of Village residents in order to obtain accurate information on the priorities and issues of a cross-section of our citizens. Preservation of Neighborhoods —by consensus, Council considered this a high priority item that would always be a high goal requiring the coordinated efforts of Public Safety, Public Works, and Code Enforcement. Anchorage Park Phase II—Council placed a high priority on finalizing the design plan for Phase 2. Council acknowledged that implementation would be subject to available grant funding. Completion of Veterans Park—Council agreed the priority is finalizing the design plan. Develop a Pay Plan and Compensation Study—Council noted this project is currently underway and time-sensitive. COUNTRY CLUB CLUBHOUSE Mr. Green related the need for a complete evaluation of the current Country Club facility to determine its strengths, weaknesses, and possibilities for improving the facility and flow of operations within it. Mr. Green stated this evaluation would be used to develop a concept for the future of the venue — using the current facility or a new one — as determined by Council with citizen input. Mr. Green detailed four basic choices for the clubhouse: 1) do nothing; 2) modify the existing facility; 3)modify and expand the existing facility; or 4) construct a new facility. Council expressed the need to establish a long-term plan and vision for the clubhouse facility. Discussion ensued on determining which amenities should be included and what functions should be supported. Suggestions included obtaining resident input through the focus group process, conducting a marketing study, and developing a concept and business plan to determine how an improved facility would generate more revenue. Mr. Green will bring back information on the focus group process at an upcoming meeting. ADJOURNMENT With no further business to come before the Council,the meeting adjourned at 9:55 p.m. Melis a Teal, CMC, Village Clerk . . •