1994-06 PUD Harbour Point Marina ORDINANCE NO. 6-94 AN ORDINANCE OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, CREATING A PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT KNOWN AS "HARBOUR POINT MARINA" UPON THOSE LANDS COMPRISING 11.314 ACRES, MORE OR LESS, LOCATED WITHIN THE VILLAGE AND MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED IN EXHIBIT "A" ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE PART HEREOF; SAID LANDS TO BE DEVELOPED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AS SET FORTH IN THE INDEX ATTACHED HERETO AS COMPOSITE EXHIBIT "B" AND WHICH PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS ARE EXPRESSLY MADE A PART HEREOF; ALLOWING CONSTRUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT TO TAKE PLACE IN PHASES; PROVIDING FOR A CASH CONTRIBUTION AS A CONDITION FOR THE APPROVAL OF THE BOUNDARY PLAT; PROVIDING FOR PLAT APPROVAL; PROVIDING THAT ALL STREETS, WATERWAYS, STREET LIGHTS, .AND OTHER ' INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTS SHALL BE PRIVATE AND SHALL BE MAINTAINED BY A PROPERTY OWNERS ASSOCIATION; PROVIDING FOR REVIEW AND APPROVAL OF CONDOMINIUM DOCUMENTS OR HOMEOWNERS' DOCUMENTS BY THE VILLAGE ATTORNEY; SETTING FORTH REQUIREMENTS TO BE MET BY THE PETITIONER PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF THE INITIAL BUILDING PERMIT; PROVIDING FOR TIME OF COMMENCEMENT AND TIME OF COMPLETION FOR THE PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT; PROVIDING FOR APPROVAL OF SIGNAGE AND TEMPORARY SALES CENTER BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL; PROVIDING FOR DETERMINATION OF WETLANDS AND FOR APPROVALS AND PERMITS NECESSARY FROM REGULATORY AGENCIES; PROVIDING PROCEDURE FOR MODIFICATIONS TO THE PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF ALL ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH; AND, PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA: ' Section 1. The Village Council of the Village of North Palm Beach, Florida, does hereby create a Planned Unit Development known as "HARBOUR POINT MARINA" upon the lands described in Exhi " " bit A attached hereto and made a part hereof, said lands comprising 11.314 acres, more or less, within the Village of North Palm Beach located adjacent to and north of Monet Road, west of the Intracoastal Waterway. The underlying zoning of the Planned Unit Development is C-1 Neighborhood Commercial District as provided by Appendix C-Zoning of the Code of Ordinances of the Village of North Palm Beach. Section 2. "HARBOUR POINT MARINA" Planned Unit Development shall be developed in accordance with the plans and specifications as set forth in the Index attached hereto as Composite Exhibit "B" ' and expressly made a part hereof. In addition to the plans and specifications set. forth as Composite Exhibit "B", the following requirements shall be met; A. A fence, wall or hedge of a height not to exceed five (5) feet shall be placed on the entire length of the westerly boundary of the Planned Unit Development. B. Street lights shall be installed as part of the subdivision improvements. In the event there is any conflict between the terms of this ordinance and any Exhibits attached hereto, the terms of this Ordinance shall prevail. Section 3. Construction of the project may be undertaken in the separate phases as depicted on the Site Plan attached as part of Composite Exhibit "B"; provided, however, the order of phasing construction shall be at the discretion of the Petitioner. -2- ~~ Section 4. In lieu of the Petitioner dedicating five (5$) percent or more of the area of the lands comprising the Planned Unit Development for public use, the Petitioner shall pay to the Village of North Palm Beach, a cash contribution of $125,000.00 in the manner hereinafter set forth. Petitioner shall pay to the Village the sum of $10,000.00 within thirty (30) days from the effective date of this Ordinance. Petitioner shall pay an additional $20,000.00 to the Village in increments of $10,000.00 upon sale of each of the first two (2) single-family residential lots in Phase 1 of the Planned Unit Development and an additional $20,000.00 immediately upon sale of the third single-family residential lot in Phase 1 of the Planned Unit Development. A sale is herein defined to mean the Petitioner causing a transfer of the legal or equitable title to a single-family residential lot in Phase 1 of the development. If the sum of $50,000.00 specified above has not been paid under the above payment schedule by October i, 1994, the balance of the said $50,000.00 shall be paid to the village on or before October 1, 1994. Payment of said $50,000.00 in accordance with the time frames specified herein and performance of other terms and provisions called for on the part of Petitioner in this Ordinance shall allow the Petitioner or their successors in interest to secure building permits for the eight (8) lots in Phase 1. The failure of Petitioner to pay the $75,000.00 balance of the -3- cash contribution shat 1 not prevent Petitioner or successors in interest from securing building permits for the eight (8) lots in Phase 1. The sum of $40,000.00 of the cash contribution shall be paid to the Village on or before October 1, 1995, or upon issuance of the first building permit in Phase 2 or the first building permit in Phase 3, whichever event first occurs. The balance of the cash contribution of $125,000 or the sum of 535,000.00 shall be paid to the Village on or before October 1, 1996, or upon issuance of the first building permit in the remaining of the two (2) phases of the Planned Unit Development, whichever event first occurs. The cash contribution or portion thereof shall not be due to the Village by reason of Petitioner securing a building permit for the marina operations building generally located in the vicinity of the fuel dock as shown on the Exhibit "B" Site Plan or for building permits issued for maintenance and repair of existing facilities currently located on the Exhibit "A" property. Except as otherwise provided herein, upon Petitioner's failure to pay any installment of cash contribution in accordance with the time frames specified in this Section 4, Petitioner shall be in default and shall not be entitled to further building permits with the Planned Unit Development and underlying zoning of C-1 ' Neighborhood Commercial District to remain in its present status -4- ' until such time as the Petitioner secures renewal or amendment of development, which renewal or amendment shall be in the discretion of the Village Council. The payment of the cash contribution specified in Section 4 of this Ordinance shall satisfy the requirements of Section 36-23 entitled Public Site and Open Spaces of the Code of Ordinances, which requires dedication of land for public use or a cash contribution as a condition for the approval of a preliminary plat. If additional platting or replatting of subject real property is accomplished after the boundary plat called for in this Ordinance, no additional cash contribution or dedication of land shall be required. The foregoing cash contribution shall satisfy all impact fees to the Village; however, in addition thereto, the Petitioner shall pay to the County of Palm Beach all impact fees in accordance with the requirements of the Palm Beach County Code. Section 5. All streets, waterways, street lights and other infrastructure improvements shall be private and shall be maintained by the Petitioner or a Property Owners Association at the sole cost and expense of the Petitioner or the Property Owners Association rather than by the Village of North Palm Beach. All police and fire vehicles, emergency vehicles and public works vehicles shall be authorized to utilize such private roadways. 1 1 Section 6. All condominium documents, homeowner documents and restrictions shall be furnished by the Petitioner to the Village Attorney for review and approval prior to such documents being recorded in the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida. Section 7. Prior to the issuance of a building permit for any structure or building upon the real property described in Exhibit "A", (other than for the marina operations building generally located in the vicinity of the fuel dock as shown on the Exhibit "B" Site Plan, and other than building permits issued for maintenance and repair of existing facilities currently located on ' the Exhibit "A" property), the Petitioner shall provide as a minimum a plat for the entire project for approval of the Village Council. The approval of said plat shall be by a subsequent Resolution of the Village Council. The executed mylar of the plat shall not be delivered for recording until the bond, letter of credit, escrow agreement or other acceptable surety agreement specified in Section 9 of this Ordinance is filed with and approved by the Village Manager. Section 8. Prior to the issuance of a building permit for any structure or building upon the real property described in Exhibit "A", (other than for the marina operations building generally located in the vicinity of the fuel dock as shown on the ' Exhibit "B" Site Plan, and other than building permits issued for -6- ' maintenance and repair of existing facilities currently located on the Exhibit "A" property), the Petitioner shall provide the Village with a performance bond, letter of credit, escrow agreement or other acceptable surety agreement in a form approved by the Village in a sum of money prescribed by the Village and shall be posted with the Village of North Palm Beach to assure the completion of on-site roadways, drainage and utility improvements required for the Planned Unit Development. From time to time as improvements are completed and approved by the Village of North Palm Beach, the amount of the performance bond, letter of credit, escrow agreement or other acceptable surety agreement shall be reduced by a proportionate amount. Upon completion of all on-site roadway, drainage and utility improvements required for the Planned Unit Development, the Village shall release said performance bond, letter of credit, escrow agreement or other acceptable surety agreement. Section 9. The initial phase of development in the Planned Unit Development shall be commenced within three (3) years from the effective date hereof; provided, however, Petitioner may obtain an extension of one (1) additional year to commence the first phase for good cause shown by approval by subsequent Resolution without necessity of advertisement or public hearing. All phases of development in the Planned Unit Development shall be completed l -7- ' within ten (10) years. If Petitioner fails to commence the initial phase of development or complete all phases of development as required, the Planned Unit Development and underlying zoning usage of C-1 Neighborhood Commercial District shall remain until such time as the Petitioner secures renewal or amendment of development, which renewal or amendment shall be in the discretion of the Village Council. For the purposes of this Ordinance, the term "commencement of development" shall mean the filing of a final plat for the Phase 1 eight (8) lot subdivision and not commencement of building in Phase 1. Section 10. All temporary signage for any phase of the ' Planned Unit Development and any temporary sales center site must be approved by subsequent Resolution of the Village Council without the necessity of review by the Planning Commission, advertisement or public hearing. Section 11. Site drainage, determination of wetlands and mitigation, if same exists, must be approved and permitted by the appropriate regulatory agencies. Section 12. Prior to construction, all applicable approvals and permits shall be secured from all appropriate regulatory agencies. The drainage plan must comply with South Florida Water Management District permit requirements. Copies of all approvals and permits shall be placed on file with the Village. Section 13. Modifications to the Planned Unit Development ' -8- that are determined to be minor b the Villa e Y g Council may be approved by subsequent Resolutions without the necessity of review by the Planning Commission, advertisement or public hearing. Modifications that shall not be considered minor include, but shall not be limited to the following: (1) Any increase in the number of units; (2) Any increase in the height of buildings; (3) Change in access to the property; (4) Relocation of parking lots; (5) Any change in recreational amenities. Section 14. All references to Petitioner and/or Developer, together with all requirements of this Ordinance shall apply to and be binding upon the successors and assigns. Section 15. No Building Permit for any phase of the Planned Unit Development (other than for the marina operations building generally located in the vicinity of the fuel dock as shown on the Exhibit "B" Site Plan, and other than building permits issued for maintenance and repair of existing facilities currently located on the Exhibit "A" property) shall be issued until the drainage and paving plans for the development of the particular phase of the Planned Unit Development shall be approved by the Village Engineer and all other building requirements of the Village of North Palm Beach Code and requirements of other governmental agencies, if ' necessary, shall be met. -9- Section 16. Petitioner, prior to the issuance of the first Building Permit within the Planned Unit Development, (other than for the marina operations building generally located in the vicinity of the fuel dock as shown on the Exhibit "B" Site Plan, and other than building permits issued for maintenance and repair of existing facilities currently located on the Exhibit "A" property) shall deliver to the Village a Unity of Control in requisite form to be approved by the Village Attorney, requiring the lands described in Exhibit "A" to be developed in accordance with the Exhibit "B" plan. Section 17. It is the specific intent of the Village Council in the enactment of this Planned Unit Development Ordinance that all applicable environmental permitting agencies including, but not limited to, the Florida Department of Environmental Protection, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the Palm Beach County Department of Environmental Resources rigorously enforce all environmental laws and regulations that are in force and that such agencies consult with the Village Council and keep the Council fully apprised as to the status of each and every application by Petitioner before such permitting agency. The Village is particu- larly concerned with existing shoreline and upland vegetation/ wildlife communities and the potential degradation/depletion of potable and irrigation quality groundwater. ' -10- 1 Section 18. If any part or portion of this Ordinance is found to be void or defective, the remainder of the Ordinance shall continue in full force and effect. Section 19. All Ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Section 20. This Ordinance shall take effect immediately upon passage. 1 PLACED ON FIRST READING THIS 9dth DAY OF February 1994. PLACED ON PUBLIC HEARING THIS 14th DAY OF _April 1994. PLACED ON SECOND, FINAL READING AND PASSED THIS 1. 4th DAY OF April 1994. (Village Seal) ST: %~r VILLAGE CLERK ._ J -11- MAYOR EXHIBI7 "A" --- D F:SC k I P"I J.ON THREE T'kACI'$ OF 1,ANU IN TIiF: SOIITT{EAST QUAR'Ttik (S,E.1/4) OF SE(TION 5, T'UW'h'SHIP 42 SUU'Ifl, RANGE; 43 F.AST', PAll1 BEACH CUl1N'1'Y, F'IARIDA, MORE; YARTIC111.AkLY UFSCRIBEll AS F'UI,LOWS: ' TkACI 1 THE. EAST HALF (F;AS1' 1/1.) UF' THE SOIJ'ITIF:AST' QUARTER SUUIHVJEST QUARTER (S,W,1/4) OF •IT{g S0111'IiF:AST' QUARTER (S, E,i/4) OF THE SOUTIi 60 FEET F'OR RIGHT-UF'-WAY OF MUNET' kUAD, (S.F..1/4) LESS TTiE TkACT 2 71iE SUU'I'H THREE--{)UAR'I'LRS (S,3/4) OF' T'NE SOUTH HALF (S,1/2) OF THE SOU"fHEAST QUARTER (S. E,1/4) OF THE SUII'1NF;AST QUARTER (S,E.1/4) l,YINC WEST OF TTiF: WEST RICIIT-OF-WAY. LINE: UF' 1'HE INTkACOAST'AL WATERWAY LESS THE. SOUTFf 60 FEF:f 'THEREOF' FOR RIGH'~-~F_WAY OF MUNET' ROAD, TRACT 3 A f'ARCF:L OF I.ANU IN '11iF, SUUI7IF;AS'T 1/~i OF SF;CTIUN 5, TUWNSFIIP 42 SUU711-ftANCF 43 EAST, YAIli BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, BEING MURE PARTICULARLY OF;SCRIBEll AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNEK OF SECTION 5 AF'OP,FSAID; TTiENCE NORTH 88'06'39" WEST AWNG THE. SOUTH LINE OF SAID SECTION (1'HE SOUTH LINE OF SAID SECTION IS ASSUFIEll TO BEAR NORTH 88'06'39" WEST AND ALL O1HER BEARINGS ARE RELATIVE THERF.1'0) A UISTANCE OF 6G6,5 FEET TO A POINT OF INTERSI'%(TION WITH THE WESTERLY RICITT-OF-WAY LINE OF 1T{E INTRA(bASTAI, WATERWAY (AS SHOWN ON AMENDED PI.dT SECTION 5, TOWNSHIP 42 SOUTH, RAFICE 43 EAST, PLAT BOOK 17, PAGE 29 PAM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA); TF{ENCE NORTH 6'53'38' WEST AIANC SAID WESTERLY RIGHT-UF-WAY LINE, A DISTANCE OF 45,53 FEET TU 'THE POINT OF' BEGINNING OF T}1E HEREIN DESCRIBED PARC[iL; TFIF.NCE CONTINUE NURTIi 6'53'38" WF:,ST ALONG SAID WFSTERL,Y RIGHT-0F-WAY LINE, A DISTANCE OF 15,28 FEET T'U A POINT OF INT'F:kSECTION WITH TEIF, NORTHERLY RIG}i1'-0F-WAY LINE OF MUNET ROAD AS NOW I.AII) OUT ANA IN USE; THENCE NORTH 88'06'39" WEST AlANC SAID NORTTlEk1,Y RICIIT--UF'-WAY LING AND PARALLEL W11t1 77{g SUUT}i LINE OF SAIU SECTION 5, A DISTANCE OF' 150.00 FEET TO A POINT; T1iENCE SOL'TII 1'53'21" WEST DF,F'ARTING FROM SAID NORTHERLY RICHT-OF-WAY ISNE A UIS'1'ANCE OF 15,0 F'EF;T TU A POINT; THENCE SUUIN 8F3'U6'39" F:ASI', PARALLFT, WITH 'THE: SUUI'}I LINE UF' SAIU SECTION 5, A UISTANCF; OF 152,32 FEET T'0 'I'lIE F'OINT OF BEGINNING, CONTAINING SUBJECT TO IN ALL 11.314 ACRES, MORE RIGHTS-OE'-WAY E Uk I.FS$, , ;ASF?(ENTS ANU UTHEk MAT'T'ERS UF' RF'.CURD, 1 r. 1 EXHIBIT "B" INDEX OF PLANS 1. Site Plan dated 11/8/93 by: Architectural Design Associates 2. Perimeter Landscape Plan dated 11/23/93 by: Blakely & Associates 3. Landscape Plan dated 11/23/93 by: Blakely & Associates 4. Site Plan dated 6/27/93 by: Lawson, Noble & Associates Drawing #C83-87 mom= A� qa k All t :T _ 4Ao P 6 A A P 40 lk IA M URKI RE M ASE FUT WW T L GUAFID HOUSE (RESERVED'FOR FUTIURE APPRW-AL,).,, A, LOT 1 -00-wl _ ILL TYMCAL RESMENTIAL IIA, 0 0 0 e LOT SETBACKS N. LOT 2 40 EXIST#4 15 tAAPJNA 7 LOT J7 A 's, Nk WT 3 r LOT 6 < "POOL A 4L I%.— X -f-UTLOW,REMOAL,OF Fw,,IST.,:,,?-,,000 Sp, F-,',,. 0 T VACHWEVIOP:AND 10"�S0.fT, wl" Cloe, LOT 5 LOT 4 OW*OFF ti mow XWT,U I cl "A'S- E WE MA HT PH mi _Afffl *w", T.SHOWMAESERV, _,,fF0' _R :Ftq,,,-M P-M zo I W i LFT PARCEL A OWL A/ > 7_7 fa ICA, MAfW"OPERATIONS VENDWx 4"010.PTtAto)-' CC 11 wow W NORTH An PLAN ITRu_ f MOW" S"O" L _R , 'EN. NA '�(P iRlcloll so" II)L,,E-,FAM 'Y --lAwAll �,,MAFW OPERAVOWl_,,, ,WW', �A T Wla A Y110"' 'T, 0,6E,OET000*0 tu* T 53 IDA it, IPMAa- Z c s PW-M-3 VPAOML_�a "I,MT.MA f,W-00 M-, 0"ke R"t �PP W 12 ' 0, 71 PAR rn- I�A A I, mo, ji sto 7M M Of _.�[�01 Mill I ii gimlili Iiii M�l iii iii No %NW4� :?,^s „„S:"'4'n+*4rf,;,+ke.,"T.,7r"^. ..��c",',°'"9a° "T-k''ai-.¢.:t.S :av;`-: ,. ! ,q• _ 1 i MIN i {rP i pig } l t` T 1 t t� REMOVE X G 3500 S . FT. 'S 1w 7 i f r MARNA OPERATIONS AM SALES aASE RESIDENTIAL PF ' BLDG. AND 1000 SO. FT SHOP. � p i PARCEL _ EASES P't T c� FIVUTURE, MULTI=FAMILY RESIDENTIAL PHASE HOUSE GUARD HOUSE (RESERVED FOR FUTURE APPROVAL) y EXISTING PARKING ROADWAI MARINA PARKING ,. LOT,, FEWE r 1 ` q M ape...+ — 1 TYPICAL RESIDENTIAL 3 3 / _. a BUILDING LOT 2 EXISTING 75 SLIP 1AARINA 0 PARCEL "Bills { LOT 3 LOT 6 cr- K / i / f REMOVAL OF EXIST. 7600 SO. FT. FUTURE (# v a # +4 . FT. OFFICE � - 5 t; LET 4 DROF OFF mmum w. j , m y # S � 1 FUTURE YACHT CLU13 PKISE, 0 # -RESERVED FOR FUTURE 11 V �?, Lu i t { CL LFT fC W LA � � t x T _ j 0 RXI AREA LL _ MAMA OPERATKM MONET RD. 1500 SC. FT.(A,'C) ' 1 Uj cq rrRr "��,•-''r`r'A� J"`tea .''•`` ��ji s�!-.,",, +�a�„i^��,�.ynt.a"►`-`-(o,{�`'"�'�° ,r {', aP •� y r n..c .. A.w +4•-. v � `1 ¢�^\ ar�� e�"" g s ! �� pn `y �° C,fit/Aq r , t`ti �j{MF ' . cv Y" 1, ' ' .s�'`' °'"".qAJ'. .✓� { / 4► a rt F .d t 1 r a .'1 T r� _ .. {—�wp� —�.- .�i`ie!w _ _ _ ..__. - __._. - s - Agri NORTH PHASING FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION °=41° OPAWN FARKNG SHOWN r CPHASE 1 (PARCEL " F 1 �' --PARCEL A YACHT CLUB TO BE DETERMINED 53 r CA r r ( � EIfC F FLT� APP A! PARCEL 0 MARINA 75 BOAT PHASE 2 (PARCEL x i SCALM C (A0 4'�V "%'1 C;,', .�1 L�•e - it `:PARCEL C SINGLE L (RS RV FR FUTURE APPROVAL) � .. "A") 8 LOTS 1 1/2: 1 12 TO RE DESIGNED V T PARCEL .�'i=FiA Y � `tC3 �. 7' m- � T'�'7 DESIGNED EXCESS PARKING 12 TOTAL � � 115 n N.I.C. OPERATIONS BLDG. ; +� smosTs T P40 166A 24X364' '1 a VAV6, r fo= ve �••e�•w♦s edseM ero pq♦ t e, �A .st .M.. «... on ti � � � `F � $ •� .fi" � ��� �` ��` �� �..+`,x„' a,.. • ♦ • • • • � s s x ,7 WAOM SON" IN • � • O S ,.w�s o S ` � t B i _ V ♦ • ♦• «a z r r, r il, • I w t I , ,we f , _. . I �lk- do, 3 x f e ® a i q MA. P OE i ee Err ». BLA, Y ASSOCIATES TS AND,,PLANNERS;jNC. Lj"MAPE PLAN LANDSCAPE ARCHITEC +� ".•. ,: 2000 PGA LLD, Ut ! F C C GARDENS, f t A► } lop e 7�7" ---------- Miami,0"M 11 low C)NIC Fie 411 A. Av ho f 7: .,T V,_ -T r�: 110XC Af if IXIC 9 of 313 1K. NE Palto Beach L county cou t 5� ti�� "Iel /I i vov 1�X v k IGH X� p, (woo. .17 Ads, W L-Jwt 31 APR-w 0 N 0 T N C L U' C) C) 0) # 0 t 0 0 0 C) v N L�Ni F= OF E nF 5E- ',4 -)F 66 V4 5,EC 01 0 F 5 01 4 5, a 2, 0 0 Al. 49� 335 1 DESCRIPT ION ---------- LP THREE TRACTS OF LAND I EMON,, t..s-T 0 r� OF I N THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER ' (S.E* 40' e#At4C- S!CC4rr1i10A1 TOWNSHIP 42 SOUTH, RANGE�, 43 EAS BEACH C T ' PALM OUNTY, FLORIDA. 'MORE" 0 LP OLLOWS, PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS F Lr A05% LF ST 1/2) OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER' TRACT I THE 'EAST A (EA SOUTHWEST QUOTER, (S.W.1/4), OF THE OUTHEAST'QUARTER ,(S�'.&1,/4) -LE9S TW� w FORRIGHT-OF-W Y OF 60' FEET 'A SOUTH MONET ROAD -S KS '(S.3, /4) OF THE SO F, 2) TRACT, 2 THE OU�- T,M� E AR-TER KA s T QUARTER e-o SOUTHEAST'QIJA`RTER' (S.R.1/0, -OP,, TM,,' SOU EA, THE -OF-WAY� WEST LINE, E RI( _OF-11 INTRACOASTAL WATERVAY HT 'D. FEET THEREOF' RIGHT-OF-WAY OF MONET'ROA wit_ F 5 3/4 OF 5: /2 LINE C < -6k e00 T SECT OF �/4 TRACT, AR TH 'RA GE 43 :EASTO UNTY 10 -,DA­ D 5/42/43 SOUTH, N "'A ro PALM :,BEACH 7n L OV COMMENCT DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS NG ,AT' 4 q VE )HI E'0 JD:AFORES ID, IENCE NORTH 88'06'39 'WEST ALONG ;T SOV -LIN F SA A W lu THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID SECTION IS ASSUMW -T-0 BEAK NORTH, 06-i"39"'t OL Cff,41 L F L ALL OTHER� gEAJZINGS ARE RELATIVE 0)" VANCE'-OF',6,66.5,1 E TO_'A 7 0 - THRET A DI.......... 'STE 1 "1 W ALI OF INTERSECTION WITH THE : WE RLY ZM,0 -WAY"LINE OF ON AMENDED' 'PLAT SECTI WATERWAY (,AS SHOWN Q] SHIP 42, SOUTH P Lu ku TOWN 01 PL IGMT--O L INE, VDISTANC-t' OV, ,5 to.5 E AT 3OOK 17,t PAGE- -29 PALM BACH',COUNT- Y FLORIDA - ,,-THEN - RTH,�� AST t Lu -ERLY pum-p bweo 6'5338' ES�,r_ ALONG SAID WEST 4 FEET ' 'TO 'THE POINT OF , BEGINNING ,' E HEREIN DESCRI OF ,,TH BED, �PAPCELiw 'WENCE r�� -2 0 T CONTINUE ''RIGHT-OF-4AY TKE A NORTH 6'53!,3 ES ALONG SAID., or ION WITH UTILI GHT-OF-WAY LINE OF MONET R00 AS NOW"LAID­OUT- 'A"ND, IN THEICK,-NO E', T H DISTANCE OF :15.28 FEET,- TO POINT OF IN L,P TE E& Lu (0 RI-b.T W&L-V., AW T ID. NORTHERLY, RIGHT' -OF-WAY 1INE-AN 'PARALLEL, THEI. P4 4e T R A C D 88'06'34" WE. ALONG, 9A LINE OF SAID'SECTION 5) X DISTANCE OF 15,0� 00 FE7 TO:,,AL,-1 SOUTH NT A T -i WN SOUTH- 1'53"2.1" 'WEST DEPARTING FROM SAID 'ST -:�THENCE SOUTH 8,8'06"'39' EA ARALLELYM' TANCE OF 15,0 FEET TO,A POINT DIS TANCE 'OF- 15Zi12 ,F9 T-0 THE,,PO THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID' SECTION il A DIS 2 10*1 BEGINNING' 4 AV C RES MORE OR LESS. 'AND OTHER WiTT -RS OF 'RECORD' 0�-4 LN SUBECT TO RIGHTS-OF-WAY EASEMENTS -A E r-— -------- 4 -too < W iN, T E ;:z E GE N, dw P T 4d :w E L-E r,T a I C V- eZKUAI L CIO N POOL > G4 op b 6 OW WArvtTS OIL- CAP low & I -ITC>R1w-G WI�Lt_ CAF 0m, mow F-N,D (')V- 'H IN LIN�,' Ci OG a, CONC 7 - CAP, WITH NO V"S6IGN- AT'I0t4, 0 3 W,Lick A F W't' IN A"rlE R VA L VF, LL N _rQ I C_ 50X -MEI;_�T L-IGH LL T ?C>LF- w/eL_E:C,. OAR&F-au F_ C-OOK I WG A;MA V Ott- w V) 3 ;4 �4 lu Weq' P 0 5eT I t2"'tk) 1k, LE5!432 -z LP r -4) r 0 rA t z Z w COM WtA A AKCWQO�71 F-OrZ T E C L �4 0 P W 0, N)A I' T 5 L I P 5 'OT Ow �*EAWA 45 A' f 01ZILL WdLE , 1114 CIONC —NIC I�ZON 1zC)D 0j/�1, L.�E>'21 w X.1,55 t 1-4 G, F�_Lgii�VA 10 T IT,' f*� MAI L re4t�,47WW15 15-00 xtV C LOT LP DV_I�_L. Lu LeV 1 5.77 2 Fj9u4Y01ZANT isl 2A cot WAL-K WOOV> ---------- j to MF.�TAL WVEP,,( -C-A p C 0 0 LINK I=F.N C,F_ 0 M C -AXIM , 7 a C_L. 04 IN c CA -H S L I N E T IZACT ..... LL:uf Nr , It 3, � r — , C�G AWT 4 fb I s'T of CO M PA rz NCE M SN'T -T C0ZWF,;Z t 450 U T W E A47 6 > S%z C>Gie "-eCTI ON CF> , TOW N<7 W I P 4'2 �ZAN&E S, 45, lot, 5/4 J$/42 5 55 CAP S,LINE, SE C"t oil; /43 5 L INE SECTR -4 r=>o vrH 1:;?1W �J E, M 0�J F_T r-'ZO4D ........_7 PC, AlLv 6AAICT&A r2 Y BAY .47 L-DOEL 1AJA r CE:S/Oii�AJ7 1AL_ M&L7 ,K 1,of 11 Igo I A0. COR M,I LON `5 -M(4&)V Ensinew pl, anom FAX �jtdOT)04-18,12 *YOM 420, "WON"" Wow,