1992-21 Rezoning Benjamin School LandORDINANCE NO. 21-92 AN ORDINANCE OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, ' FLORIDA; REZQNING A RECENTLY ANNEXED 7.48 ACRE PARCEL OF LAND LYING GENERALLY WEST OF U.S. No.l, (SR #5), NORTH OF MCLAREN ROAD AND EAST OF ELLISON WILSON ROAD FROM PALM BEACH COUNTY ZONING DISTRICT RH AND CG TO NORTH PALM BEACH ZONING DISTRICT R-2, MULTIPLE FAMILY DWELLING DISTRICT. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA: Section 1. That certain tract of land in the Village of North Palm Beach, the legal description of which is attached hereto as Exhibit "A", and by reference made a part hereof, be, and the same, is hereby rezoned from Palm Beach County Zoning District RH and CG to R-2, Multiple Family Dwelling ' District in the Village of North Palm Beach, Florida. Section 2. The Village Clerk is hereby directed to cause the official zoning map of the Village to be amended by entering the changes set forth above on the official zoning map through crosshatching or other appropriate means, including redraft by an engineer or surveyor, if necessary. The Mayor and the Village Clerk are hereby directed to sign an entry on the official zoning map as follows: "On the 17th day of December 1992, by official action of the Village Council, the following changes were made in the official zoning map: That certain tract of land in the Village of North Palm Beach described in Exhibit "A" was changed from ' Palm Beach County Zoning District RH and CG to R-2 Multi le P Family Dwelling District. There shall be a space provided zoneben~.ord _ 1 _ for signature by the Mayor whose signature shall be attested by the Village Clerk. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect immediately ' upon passage. PLACED ON FIRST READING THIS 12TH DAY OF NOVEMBER 1992 PLACED ON PUBLIC HEARING THIS 17TH DAY OF DECEMBER 1992 PLACED ON SECOND, FINAL READING AND PASSED THIS 17TH DAY OF DECEMBER 1992. MAYOR ATTEST: Village Clerk 1 zoneben~.ord - 2 EXHIBIT "A" PARCEL 1 ' - TM Plu or Nenh Pelm DpDCh Priv~le School, et roCOrdad In PUI 80ok 70. tl Pe Oc 70e. Pplm e.een county, Pk nat. SUb~fc110 RiyN4>I•Wey and Etttmanle o) rowrtl: PARCEL ~ A wrCU of tern In 6ovemmen! 1016. 6eeVOn e, TowMhID et seven, Rtnpe e] Ueel, Ptllm Pepin County, FloAtli : end belnp more perllculeriy deecrlbed tl fWlewe, towel: Frpm Ine 6oul luN corms O) lot 7 Of the Subdlvlelpn pf-Oovernminl lot !, t1011on ~, Tpwnehlp e7 •OVIh, aen ). e0 Eeil, q seine 11 reCerdfd In Plel Book te, el Pepe ~ d IAe PvWio aetertle or Palm Oeeth Coumy, Florldt. run W.N with tM loulh Ono of lot ]for • tlpUnw or 710.0 tool 10 the Polnl o peptnnlnp of the perC01 of bnd Mrun doecdbad; UmoO CondnW Weel for e tliuente of 1] ,]] feel 10 a point; IhenCO Nprlh end Dtrnllel 10 the Eeel UM a qid let S. Ipr 0 OteUnn e( 13 .00 fb11 10 o point In the 3oulh Ilne of Ven Munuer: iMnq feel end Ouiller 10 the Nonn line >r epld lot ], for . d~flence of 1]7.]] Teel IO~e Dolnt; UenCe Sovlh entl pUal01 to IM Eeu lim o! eeltl LOI J for a dit4nte a 137.ee feel 10 the Point of f)eplnnlnp. PARCEL 5 ' Beplnnlnp el a po nl In the South Ilse Of geld lo! J, 710 reel Irom the SOVlhweel Comor a Bald lot ], runnlnp Eu elOnp ltld SOUIh Unt • dlelenCe a I6 feu; IhonCe Nonn end ptrellel 10 IM Eeel Ilne of qld lot ], b • potn~ 130fwt front Ih0 Nonh tlno of Hid lot ~, Inente WCU end penll et to the NoM I ene of eel0 lot J. • 04lenae a ZS feel. IMnu 6oulh and Dennei to IM ien rot Une or esid lot ), s dlilenq of 157.3] feel to t Point of 80plnMnp. PARCEL 6 Tne tut 170 reel c IM Wen e20 real a the lloulh 173 feet of lot e, Oovommonl lot e Subdivlden, accord .y to Ine Prn Inawr on Ne In O+e f]rnce or Ine Clerk of Clrcvll Covn In ene for P^Im Beeoh CWr fy, Fbnde, q ryCOnled In Plu f)OOk 10, Page {, PARCEL 7 The NoM 17~~ feu of Ue EIN 000 bet of the Wen 306 feel et lot e, poWmmenl lei t Subtllvlnon, r ocortlinp le the Plel Ihereef on pie M Ue Olnce a the Clark of Clrcutl CeuA h entl ror -dm 8oee r CWnry, fbrida, n noorded In PUI flbok 11. Ptpe ~, j EXHIBIT "A" PAGE 2 ' PARCEL U Thti prA o(4 1 6, tcwroinp to IM Pltl of 9ubdlrl•lon of Oovommrnl X01 0 of dtcllon ~, 7owntnlp t2 S rurh, Atnp• ~] Ertl, a r•eo~dttl In Pul Crok is, Ptpr ~, Pubile Areortlt of P•Im 8•rcA Count', FIOAtlr, tlrtcribrd rt fonowr; 9ap:n tl IM Sulhwul coma of Lot ! N pfd BubdNltlon, run NoAhrAy tuonp Ihr Eugdy Alphb or.w•y bn• of 1 ~. 6mton W1bon Rettl • tlltHnrr of 12! lql: thmar Eggny and vrnbN to fM South Ilnr O(L n r • dhlrnN Of 400 frd; Ih•nC• conllOUr SOVIh r dhltnc• Of 1]S lrrl 10 IM South Ana of • Jd lot 6: Ihtna epndnur Wrtlydy rlonp Ihr 6oulh Mnr d lot E, r QltUner of . 2QOinrt to IM Polnl of Brplnnlnp, Pa rce 19 The West 300.00 feel of lire Easl 420.OU feet of the West G20.00 feet (as measured along the North and South boundaries Itiercof) of Lot G, Plat of Subdivision of Gov't Lol 8 + Section 4 - T. 42 S. - R. 43 E., Palm peach County, Florida, according to the plat thereof recorded in Plat Book 18, Page 4 of the Public Records of Palm peach County, Florida, LESS end EXCEPTING the NoAh 175.00 feot (moasurod at right angles io the North boundary thereof). '-1 ~~