1992-20 Rezoning Little Munyon IslandORDINANCE NO. 20-92 AN ORDINANCE OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, ' FLORIDA, REZONING A 17.68 ACRE PARCEL OF ISLAND LOCATED IN LAKE WORTH, GENERALLY KNOWN AS LITTLE MUNYON ISLAND, FROM ZONING CLASSIFICATION C-lA LIMITED COMMERCIAL DISTRICT TO C-OS CONSERVATION AND OPEN SPACE DISTRICT. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA: Section 1. That certain parcel Village of North Palm Beach, Palm described as Island No. 2 and land as in OR 1932 P 849 Public Records Florida, and as described in Exhibit of land and water in the Beach County, Florida, within the bulkhead line of Palm Beach County, "A" attached hereto is hereby rezoned from C-lA Limited Commercial District to C-OS Conservation and Open Space District. Section 2. The Village Clerk is hereby directed to cause the official zoning map of the Village to be amended by entering the changes set forth above on the official zoning map through crosshatching or other appropriate means, including redraft by an engineer or surveyor, if necessary. The Mayor and the Village Clerk are hereby directed to sign an entry on the official zoning map as follows: "On the 12th day of NOVEMBER 1992, by official action of the Village Council, the following changes were made in the official zoning map: That certain parcel of land and water in the ' Village of North Palm Beach, Palm Beach County, Florida, described as Island No. 2 and land within the bulkhead line as in OR 1932 P 849. Public Records of Palm Beach County, zonmunyon.ord - 1 - Florida, and as described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto is hereby rezoned from C-lA Limited Commercial District to C-OS Conservation and Open Space District. There shall be a space ' provided for signature by the Mayor whose signature shall be attested by the Village Clerk. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect Immediately upon passage. PLACED ON FIRST READING THIS 8TH DAY OF OCTOBER 1992 PLACED ON PUBLIC HEARING THISI2TH DAY OF NOVEMBER 1992 PLACED ON SECOND, FINAL READING AND PASSED THIS 12th DAY OF NOVEMBER 1992. MAYOR ' ATTEST: Village Clerk 1 zonmunyon.ord - 2 - EXE{IBIT "A" A hv'ccl of land In SccUuus li and '!'2, 't'own skip t2 $tnnh, I!ange dJ Bast. Ia lnt Ileaeh County. I°lurid::. mute paniculu r,ly alga: rilwvl as follows, to wit: . Cum ctcncc at dtc Northwest cutout of Section 21. 'Township ~12 Sundt, Itnngu d:S Last, I'nlm Ik•arh County, Florida; thcna:u South 8H° 10' a~" Gust along thu North Ilnu u( said .laxUnn 21 and the L•'nstcrly projectlou dwrwt a dlstonce of 6J01.99 le:et to the Ibint of Ilcgidniug, which sa ld Ibhtt of Ilcl;lnolug is also the point of iwersecdon of the liastcrly projcctlon of the Noah Ilnu of said Section 21 with thu Westerly Itulkhcad Lhte around Little ~lunyou lal:wd as cstablis6wl by the Village of Kurth Palm Roach un Fchruary 11, 1961, by Ordlnancc No. GI: Uu•ncc honlf$° li' (19" West along sold Dulkhead Line; n distance u(2d6. GJ fecq thence Kurth 79° ~~' 51" Bast, along said IIultJtead Line, a distdnct: of iU.71-foot; thence Nutth NJ° • •IJ' S1" Bast, nlong said Ilulkhcad Llnc, c dist:utcc of d(NI feat; lh •tice South 5(l° !S' 09" L;tst, olong sold Ilalkhcml Lhte, ' o'dlem~cu'of 70.71 feet; thence South 5° IS'.09" linst. along Bald Dulkhead Lhic, a distulicc o[ last) (act; thca^c South 39° dJ' S1'S West, along said Ilulkhrad Line,'a Jisuutcc of 70.71 feet; thence South 8J° •1;' S1" West, olongsald Ilulkhcad Line, a dlstonce of <l10 feet. dtence North 50° IS'09" Wvst, along sold Dulkhead Llne, a distance b( 70. 11 feet; thence f:unh S° IS' 09" West, along said Iulkhead Llne, o distance n( 120J. 34 feet to the Iwint of begintliog; contalning 17, 67G ~~ ocres, [Wore or less. 1