1992-19 Annexation Benjamin School/SeacoastORDINANCE No. 19_gp ' AN ORDINANCE OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, ANNEXING TO THE VILLAGE CERTAIN AREAS OF PROPERTY; PROVIDING A LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPERTY PROPOSED TO BE ANNEXED; REDEFINING THE BOUNDARIES OF THE VILLAGE TO INCLUDE SAID PROPERTY; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA; Section 1. The Village of North Palm Beach, Florida, hereby annexes to the Village a compact, contiguous parcel of ' land as described in $xhibit "A" attached hereto and made a portion hereof. Section 2. The boundaries of the Village of North Palm Beach, Florida, are hereby redefined to include the above described property and said property is hereby declared to be• within the corporate limits of the Village of North Palm Beach. Florida. Section 3. The Village Clerk is hereby. directed to publish notice of the voluntary annexation $t least once a week for two (2) consecutive weeks immediately preceding the passage of the ordinance in a newspaper published in Palm Beach County, and to otherwise comply with the requirements ' of Florida Statutes, Section 171.044. anexordvol - 1 - ' Section 4. This ordinance shall become effective immediately upon passage. PLACED ON FIRST READING THIS 12TH DAY. OF NOVEMBER 1992 PLACED ON SECOND AND FINAL READING THIS 17TH DAY OF DECEMBER 1992. MAYOR ATTEST: ' Village Clerk 1 anexordvol - 2 - EXHIBIT "A" PARCEL 1 ' Th1 Plat of Neon Palm eoocn Private Stnool, es rocordatl In Plel Oook 70. al Papc 20a. Pnlm Beach County, i4 dda. Subject to Ripnls~ sbwey and Eesemenls of rowro. P7\RCEL 4 A Dlrcol of lam In povemm1n11015. 6lcden t, Township 12 Sov1A, Renp1 ~~ Q1al, Pelm BoeCn Count', Florltli ; and belnp mon parllcv4dy OeacNbed a PollCwe, IO+rlh irem IM Soul 4n1 coma of Lot 7 of the Subdlvidon of Oovernmenl Lol B, 6tellon ~, Tpwnahip IZ 9oulh, Ran p 10 Eail, 1e pme If rfWroeE In ~lal ODDI{ tll, el P1pe 1 of IM PVbliO R1COrtla of Polm OOeCh County, FloAda. run Weal w11h the Eoulh Iine of col ]for 1 tllplnee of 710.0 leol to Ih• POlnl o Boplnnlnp of the pe2ol of Und henln d0scnbad; Ihen00 GOnllnue Weal for a tlialanc• Of 1J ,9] fell 10 1 pOlnl; IhenCO North end Der11111 to the Ee1l IInO of eeid l01 J, Ior o dlerlne• of IS .OJ fell 101 pplnl In Ih1 SOUIh pn0 Of V1n Munelar; Ihencl fall and p1r1111110 !n1 Norln Ilne >t sold lot J. for 1 dy4ncl of 182.08 fnl to a pOlnt; IhencO Sovlh Ind Puenol to IM Easl hN of tdd Lol J for 1 dlS4nt1 OI 132.Sa fHl 10 the Polnt OI 90plnnlnp. PARCEL 5 eeplnnlnp U e po nt In Ih1:Soulh Iim of gild lot 8, 710411 from IM Sovlhwpl Comar of cold Lol ~, runnlnp Eas elonp Geld South lino a tlb4nN or ZS 41t; Ih1nCe Nor1n Ind Darailll Io Ih1 Eefl Iln1 of Bald l)1 ~, l0 • DOIn~ 150 feel (rOnl ~IhO NOr1h IlnO OI eelQ 40l ~, Ih1nt1 WC1I end pere111110 the NOrI I Ane of geld L018. a dlalanCO of 7S 4p. Ihencl 60ulh Md D1ra IIN lO Inc i1e1 Iol I~ne OI teid t.01 3, a dlflenc• OI 152.59 tool 10 a point of Boplnnlnp. PARCEL 6 Tn1 Q1al 120 feel c lh1 Wesl 620 tact of In1 South 12S feel of lot !, Oovommonl lot 6 Subdlvlil0n, /CCOnp ~p l0 the Plet IMreof on Oq In IM gnC1 Of IM Clock of Clrcull COVrI In and for P11m BNCh CWr ft', Flodtle, as I1COWed In PI11 book 10, P10e ~, ' PARCEL 7 The NoM 17~ ~ 1111 of Ih1 Eaal 800 feel of the W1a1 S00 Ie01 of Lot 0, povemmenl lot t Subdlvidon, r ocordlnp to the pUl IMroef On 04 In the Ofnc1 of the Clorll of Clrcull Covr1 in end for palm 8a1e 1 Count', Florldo, ea Headed In PI11 Epok 10, Pe W ~. EXHIBIT "A" PAGE 2 ' PMCEL d _ TMl pert of 4 l 6, eccordinp to the PLI Of 9ubdlrtelon of Oovornm.nl lot 0 of 6.cUon ~, rownenlp.2 S wtn, Nenpe 17 Eeel, .~ reeo~deO In Plet nook 10. Pape ~, Publle Reco~de of P.Im 0eech Count', flortde, daeribed of follows Bapto el,M Sc nhwul tomvof 1016 of geld Subdlv4lon, nm NGlhuly atone IM EuUdy glphb or•wq Iln. or t w Eubon Wheon Ro.d a dldenoe of 143 Up; tMno~ i~u~ny ma pennel to Ine Soolh um orL ,t B . dhunea of 200 feH; them oonllnue South. Olsene• of a2S het to Ue South Ana of s dd lot 6: Ihenc. oontlnue Wesedy clone IM 6oulh Ilne of LOt 6. ~ dtibnee of . 200 feel to the Polnl of Beplnnlnp, Parcol 9 Ttte Wesl 300.00 feet of tt,e Easl 420.00 feet of the West G20.00 feet (as measured along the North and South boundaries thereof) of Lot 6, Plat o! Subdivision of Gov't Lot B - Seelion 4 - T, 42 S. - R. 43 E., Palm Beach County, Florida, according to the plat thereof recorded in Plat Book 18, Page 4 of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida, LESS and EXCEPTING the North 175.00 feat (moasured al right angles to the North boundary thereof). 1