2012-05 Small-Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment 12-2 North Palm Beach Elementary School • ORDINANCE NO. 2012-05 AN ORDINANCE OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, ADOPTING A SMALL SCALE AMENDMENT TO THE VILLAGE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN (AMENDMENT 12-2) TO AMEND THE FUTURE LAND USE ELEMENT AND FUTURE LAND USE MAP BY ADOPTING SPECIAL POLICY 5.19 TO PROVIDE FOR A FLOOR AREA RATIO OF 0.35 FOR AN APPROXIMATELY 9.9 ACRE PARCEL OF LAND LOCATED AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF ANCHORAGE DRIVE AND EASTWIND DRIVE KNOWN AS NORTH PALM BEACH ELEMENTARY SCHOOL, AS MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED HEREIN; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the School Board of Palm Beach County has initiated a small-scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment ("Amendment 12-2") to amend the Village's future land use map to adopt a new Special Policy 5.19 for a 9.9 acre parcel of real property located at the northwest corner of Anchorage Drive and Eastwind Drive known as North Palm Beach Elementary School and legally described as: Lot 1, Block 6, Village of North Palm Beach Plat No. 1 according to the plat thereof recorded in Plat Book 24, Pages 202 through 206 of the public records of Palm Beach County; and WHEREAS, on May 15, 2012, the Village Planning Commission, sitting as the Local Planning Agency, determined that the proposed amendment is consistent with the adopted Village Comprehensive Plan and recommended approval of Amendment 12-2; and WHEREAS, the Village Council determines that the proposed amendment is consistent with Sections 163.3184, 163.3177 and 163.3187, Florida Statutes; and WHEREAS, the Village Council, after public hearing and due consideration, wishes to adopt proposed Amendment 12-2 to the Village Comprehensive Plan. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA as follows: Section 1. The foregoing whereas clauses are hereby ratified as true and correct and are incorporated herein. Section 2. The Village Council hereby adopts Amendment 12-2 to the Village Comprehensive Plan, as fully set forth in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, to adopt Special Policy 5.19 to provide as follows: • Public school development on the property delineated as Special Policy 5.19 on Map 4b of the Future Land Use Map Atlas shall be limited to a maximum 0.35 Floor-Area Ratio. Page 1 oft • Section 3. The Village Council hereby amends Map 4b of the Village of North Palm Beach Future Land Use Map Atlas to include a reference to Special Policy 5.19. Section 4. If any section, paragraph, sentence, clause, phrase or word of this ordinance is for any reason held by a Court to be unconstitutional, inoperative or void, such holding shall not affect the remainder of this Ordinance. Section 5. All Ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. Section 6. This Ordinance shall become effective thirty-one (31) days after adoption or, if challenged within thirty (30) days after adoption, this Ordinance shall become effective upon issuance of a final order issued by the state land planning agency or the Administration Commission determining Amendment 12-2 is in compliance. PLACED ON FIRST READING THIS 14th DAY OF JUNE, 2012. PLACED ON SECOND, FINAL READING AND PASSED THIS 28th DAY OF JUN. 20 . . (Village Seal) _�.t0!TS ATTEST: ;Z% a /L--‘,0e7 VILLAGE CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGAL SUFFICIENCY: VILLAGE ATTORNEY • Page 2of2