04-25-2012 VC SP-M MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL SESSION VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA APRIL 25, 2012 • Present: David B. Norris, Mayor William L. Manuel, Vice Mayor Darryl C. Aubrey, Sc.D., President Pro Tern Robert A. Gebbia, Councilman Doug Bush, Councilman Chuck Huff Acting Village Manager Leonard Rubin, Village Attorney Melissa Teal, Village Clerk ROLL CALL Mayor Norris called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. All members of Council were present. All members of staff were present. Village consultant Colin Baenziger was present by telephone. Also present were Finance Director Sarnia Janjua, Information Technology Director Michael Applegate, and Village Planner Jodi Nentwick. VILLAGE MANAGER SEARCH AND RECRUITMENT Mr. Baenziger reviewed new candidates Thaddeus Cohen, John 'Granger, and Ed Green. Discussion ensued. Council consensus was to include Mr. Green in the pool of candidates to be interviewed. Discussion was held concerning upcoming interview events, including the reception, one-on-one interviews, and public interview meeting. Council will meet on May 17, 2012 to select the new Village Manager. Mr. Baenziger left the meeting at 7:30 p.m. Discussion took place regarding expenses to be reimbursed. Council expressed that it was important to meet the candidates' spouses. Council consensus was that incurring the additional travel expense for spouses served a public purpose. A motion was made by Councilman Gebbia to invite Michael Czymbor, James Kelly, Judy Whitis, and Ed Green, to invite their spouses so that they get exposure to exactly what this job is and Council gets exposure to them, and to reimburse expenses, according to the Village travel policy, on a per person basis. The motion was seconded by Councilman Bush and passed unanimously. GOALS AND OBJECTIVES The Council discussed its goals and objectives for the upcoming fiscal year, in order to provide guidance to administration regarding preparation of the FY 2013 Budget. Mr. Huff gave a presentation entitled Village Council's FY2013 Goals&Objectives. FY 2012 MID-YEAR BUDGET REVIEW Mr. Huff presented a mid-year review of the Country Club and General Fund budgets. • Country Club Revenues: 60.56% collected through 3/31/12 • • Country Club Expenses: 44.56% expended through 3/31/12 • Country Club Unrestricted Fund Balance: $385,623 as of 9/30/11 • Country Club Mid-year Preliminary Financials: revenues exceed expenses by$623,920 Discussion took place regarding golf memberships and rounds. Mr. Huff reviewed the Village Tavern Restaurant operation. Minutes of Village Council Special Session held April 25, 2012 Page 2 of 4 • General Fund Ad Valorem Taxes: 91.76%of the budgeted amount collected through 3/31/12 • General Fund Revenues: 75.68% collected through 3/31/12 • • General Fund Expenses: 47.71%through 3/31/12 • General Fund Unreserved Undesignated Fund Balance: $10,688,659 as of 9/30/11 Mr. Huff reviewed the schedule of tax distributions from the Palm Beach County Tax Collector for FY 2010 through 4/11/12. Mrs. Janjua reported an additional distribution of at least $200,000 is due in July 2012. Brief discussion took place regarding balances in the State Board of Administration (SBA) Funds A and B. INVESTMENT POLICY • $7,909,872 to date transferred for investment as core funds, equaling 45% of FY 2012 GF adopted budget ($17,517,544) • Core investment portfolio: $8,273,977.63 as of 3/31/12 • CAFR of Village financial statements for year ending 9/30/11 found that Village investments are in accordance with the Village's investment policy FY 2013 BUDGET Mr. Huff reviewed the organizational cost savings strategies and actions taken to increase savings without reducing service levels. Mr. Huff discussed alternate revenue sources and noted that a garbage collection fee could be implemented and collected through the Tax Collector's office; however, action would need to be taken before January 2013, in order to be effective for the FY2014 Budget. Mr. Huff reviewed potential FY2013 budget challenges, tax revenue projections, the appropriate amount of reserve funds as a percentage of the budget, and funding opportunities. Discussion ensued regarding the number of vacant, abandoned homes. Discussion took place concerning earmarking a specific dollar amount for additional pension funding and developing a five-year plan to improve funding of the General Employees Pension Plan. STRATEGIC PLANNING Council reviewed its analysis of Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats (SWOT) and concluded as follows: STRENGTHS WEAKNESSES Affluent community Shrinking tax base Strong financial reserves Shrinking sources of non-ad valorem revenues Infrastructure in good condition State budgets in the red Taken steps to reduce costs State pressures on municipal taxing authority Generally supportive residents Limited retail Unified Council No anchor or destination High quality staff Aged/deteriorated buildings in our business community Advisory Board/citizen participation Location/waterways THREATS Tradition—2nd& 3rd generation residents Economy in decline • State/County pressures on home-rule authority ofmunicipalities OPPORTUNITIES Increase in unfunded mandates Seek additional funding sources: Service fees,Grants Increased foreclosures of residential property Seek to influence State legislature Under-funded retirement accounts Pursue further cost efficiencies Continued devaluation of property values Improve relationship with business community Annexation • Minutes of Village Council Special Session held April 25, 2012 Page 3 of 4 VILLAGE COUNCIL MISSION STATEMENT • To provide the highest quality of service to the residents of North Palm Beach in the most efficient, effective, and fiscally responsible manner by providing sound, clear policy guidance that encourages, promotes, protects, and improves the welfare of the Village of North Palm Beach, ensuring that North Palm Beach remains `the best place to live under the sun." VILLAGE MANAGER MISSION STATEMENT The Manager is committed to providing the most current and proven effective administration and operational methodologies to improve service delivery while reducing costs and meeting the ever changing challenges in municipal government. His goal is to establish and maintain a respected and trusted public service organization through equity, transparency, honor, integrity, commitment, and stewardship. CORE VALUES The Village of North Palm Beach values... • Ethics and Integrity • Leadership and Vision • Open Communication • Respect for Differences • Dedication • Teamwork • Exemplary Customer Service FIVE-YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN (CIP) FOR FY 2013 — FY2017 Mr. Huff reviewed the Capital Improvement Plan by funding source, category, and department. • FY 2013 projected total of$4,576,433 • FY 2014 projected total of$1,177,001 • FY 2015 projected total of$ 902,011 • FY 2016 projected total of$1,203,342 • FY 2017 projected total of$ 973,000 • five-year projected total of$8,831,777 Mr. Huff reviewed the Capital Projects Fund and noted $817,942 is available to fund the General Fund portion of the CIP. Mr. Huff provided a recap of the total developer contributions received and used to date. COUNCIL'S FY 2013 GOALS AND OBJECTIVES Council discussed and prioritized its goals and objectives for FY2012 as follows: 1. Protect the Financial Integrity of the Village in a Difficult Economic Environment • a. Seek alternative sources of funds including grants b. Seek to influence Florida legislature in areas of unfunded mandates,taxation,and revenue sharing c. Continue to advance a business-friendly atmosphere in the Village and work with the Northern Chamber of Commerce to encourage new businesses and promote economic development d. Actively pursue annexation opportunities where and when available e. Address Pension Fund unfunded liabilities Minutes of Village Council Special Session held April 25,2012 Page 4 of 4 2. Maintain a High Quality of Life in the Village • a) Improve and maintain Village waterways as a unique Village asset b) Maintain the highest quality of public safety services through national accreditation of its law enforcement component and through fire rescue level of service partnerships c) Encourage high standards for the overall appearance of the community d) Enhance communication with residents through mediums such as the Village Newsletter and website e) Improve communication and response to the public; encourage suggestions from the public f) Maintain service levels in the face of declining revenue sources 3. Maintain and improve all Recreational Facilities of the Village a) Maintain high level of appearance and maintenance of Country Club facilities (including tennis and swimming) and all Village parks b) Seek ways to improve the use of parks by residents c) Actively promote resident and non-resident use of the Country Club facilities d) Further improve Country Club activities and related services e) Enhance golf membership through increased member events 0 Enhance tennis and swim operations at the Country Club 4. Enhance the Spirit and Participation of our Community a) Encourage Village resident participation on Boards, programs and events b) Improve communication with businesses; encourage participation of businesses in Village events c) Enhance and promote organized youth sport leagues and programs within the Village d) Continue Village volunteer service similar to the very successful "Support Our Troops"program 5. Improve the Overall Appearance of the Village a) Continue improvement of code compliance and education with special emphasis towards the abatement of nuisance and abandoned properties b) Continue support of the Northlake Boulevard Corridor Task Force to bring about uniform beautification c) Maintain uniformity of Village property design, colors and signage d) Maintain high standards of overall appearance throughout the Village including commercial, residential, village-owned properties and roads. COUNTRY CLUB RESTAURANT Council briefly discussed options for the Country Club Restaurant, including continuing with the status quo, engaging a third-party management service, or using the services of a restaurant broker to seek vendors to lease the facility. It was determined to place this item on an upcoming agenda for discussion and to investigate what can be done regarding the policy on part-time pay. Mr. Huff reviewed the Budget Workshop schedule, and noted that Council's final goals and objectives would be presented to departments during the staff budget retreat. The next Council Budget Workshop will be held 7/11/12 to review the Country Club Budget. • ADJOURNMENT With no further business to come before the Council, the meeting adjourned at 10:00 p.m. Melissa Teal, CMC, Village Clerk