08-05-2009 FY 2010 General Fund Budget (Public Safety & Public Works)T.: Village Clerk Village Council Village of North Palm Beach Residents David B. Norris William L. Manuel Darryl C. Aubrey Edward M. Eissey Thomas R. Hernacki Mayor Vice Mayor President Pro Tern Councilman Councilman Village Manager Operating Departments Village Attorney I "IT kR . r ." ; >s..,,.. 2e Workshop t th roposed FY2010 .Pddget by Departri to include the Long Term Capitalizato4n� lPlan (LTCP) Aft G +y : Nn 'V•.i5r .. ' ..: ',:; & ..:.. . _,�Mw�n'...... , wa>..,, ..u:�uve'�v'1si441�1:.::x�.'L5. � i d +y d f P .< ' �. -., rs ' x •� :�t '�., t`t�.���r fi,� -0ust.rsz �'�, ✓i Fb� . �yC• j e t ���ts t'{!r Y4��{3'�.f 1 t �i .' �;•�s`•r gl �{ L � qu't g •� b 4... i af.'r:`'{#b�O`'; • Y� f'v,� y tr :/ r .:. :.`LM� 1 �. � d e •'.,5::'r:, Y, A. t °S' �' $Y,�f`,. ice" +"dv "•:.°.HMV :. .W ..fi +•t jp '� l+. tt ✓., t... '•t "y u . d. h' � i"✓ .`�. .... . � R7"a ✓ t b rtb' ,� ..Ww': �� i;,i ,.t✓ pi's' •: ?�,... o✓t'� .y.- "'w.,..+'4',✓"a°'' •.^r -'akt ✓h :'.:: <y,',�•...: �:;:•!; .:. $ ✓%,. '. '::• y'i;7:.•.km,. ;�".✓ b i ...:: r..a... �..a.es&�?.�.ct3. °i" ? Va '� 6 x R k..,„,y � . c'�Y s � � .l gg '� .� � �v�3+ �✓.. .�. .''... �. r: .,�': '� "IT kR . r ." ; >s..,,.. 2e Workshop t th roposed FY2010 .Pddget by Departri to include the Long Term Capitalizato4n� lPlan (LTCP) Aft G +y : Nn 'V•.i5r .. ' ..: ',:; & ..:.. . _,�Mw�n'...... , wa>..,, ..u:�uve'�v'1si441�1:.::x�.'L5. � i d +y d f P 3 FYA2009 E_ ERALL E�?i"�r�I 9 XIonths Ending 06,1301 4 of R eN!srd 4'. ouths Eudmg Budget (T.a aet 9 Manthi En,d ug Retilsed 2009 Budget WOM ns4i) &.10"Os Pub',,- 53f)E!tti• - Palice 4,476,783 3,1355,579 68.?2%' 3�24a933 Rre Re cue 2,39$,544 7,3755,377 :,876,520 1,857.867 Pub? c WaAs - Ad in 326,016 249,732 7,6.6(r,'a 230,61S Sanitation 1,;58,049 1,083.1,20 69.53% 1,196 2160 FaClLir,r Serrites 611,370 449,22", 0.0411 399,378 Streets & Graumh 1,409,922 725,69,1 51.475. 454,900 VeWcle );Wntenmce 338,219 4,273,:476 25,3,2If 2 75.76% 157,053 This question comes, up every budget year as residents consider their tax bills_ Its a fair question. Residents are very aware that most of the valued services ;.fire and police serwrices; parks and recreation, and streets and sanitation) come from their locat governments. However, the majority of the property (ad val re ) tax dollar goes to jurisdictions Lather than North Palm Beach. So, the answer to question can be anmve red ,imply... Only 33� of your tax dollar goes to the Village of North Palm Beach 20 ...and this is where the 33¢ gees.... �11�l -go of 140011 Palm Beams 33% south FI ald Watar wlgrnt 3% (deer 9 °S Palm IWO, county 20% Palm Beach Countj Public MOM a f,:i� AMR �iRJAr r .pfr� ..T� Public Safety Publ is ', Yorks �11�l -go of 140011 Palm Beams 33% south FI ald Watar wlgrnt 3% (deer 9 °S Palm IWO, county 20% Palm Beach Countj Public MOM a We 4W W Leisure General Debt and Community Services Government Other Development The charts serve to demonstrate allocated costs both by Category and by Village Departments 1401 5 2009 General Fund Budget - by Category Deb Capital 8% 4% operating 20% Personnel 68% 2009 Budget by Department 170/ 9% 10% 60, 4a9'et General Government ■ Public Safety ❑ Public Works ❑ Com m unity Developm ent ■ Park & Recreation El Library ■ Debt Services \` Ana' � W y.';' � ! f � ,. Y �Vd � "t n� � � 1 tal Ex three se are ate < ;rz+�•'3�d� i�•4�3�,.:"�'b".�^i:., 'ti,. �" r� six,x,r�+rf•�� ,,.��`�^'�'` a `r,�s a. ,fir : -i ,�•, ,�.< .. ,.,,: .,, .. � � �"�i,-N ` �, r�.'. c' S�', yrx• G- �' s. r' �k'? dCbn„'¢»�"�`'7�,"Yr.;;:A''�P"7e K".�'".�'s�^i1¢'�'aA'r�'`° Paz 2. Operating Costs-and-,,, 3. Ca. ital p Outia ys , naturally increase each: are anticipated A Personnel relzO,'-I, Compensation Overview r \/M a %-0 1 1%.0 1 1 6 VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH General Fund Expenditures - Fiscal Year 2009 - 2010 ♦Ae� By Department Debt &, Oth =er Leleure Ser:leaa #1,651,502 S2,stx,ill O.gi? General Government 13.02`b $2.059,8455 11.11% Communlly Development 3606,08 a.3G% Public .77% Putille'Works $4, @40,833 24.829E By Function Nan -Op [debt Service: $430,000 Reearvea & Coniingemlee: C8pIUL 2.32`.6 $547,712 X865,500 may. 2:95'.ko- Operating: 20.21% Personnel: =12,948,7411 93.85% 62.6% oz Total 518,537.999 Personnel costs are driving the budget at 70% dib • • • • do do • nq .• • q i� N• • ��p • • • , • • • . • • • •Hi; ;hiti•�• F•F •N k '�' FFt t•�•h •i•' :'�� E �••F F':•h`° i•F•f •N•tf •f i•i•'i••F{i•i=•t •F•th h.�M •hi}•t�•ti•�•F' ;•f •N�:6 •ter•N'� +• +•�•F•F•�++�+ +�h +N�F •N'+ +•�• +� +f f < <� °. +.'. <,N<,N• +N •'. •t N•F F•t ,�,h q..,. q..,..N.,. Q....pv +•: +•: +...p.. }.. }.. t : t•v •. q..,. g..,. ? • .• :.N •,. a :• • • :.N.+ �°Nn e <M •N •N •&k i•A•' i•i•R•t.•h•h: h'•N.i +•ti•' i•' G7F1im w a 0 PublicSafety Director of Public Safety I FT L---j AdministrativeCoordinator 1 FT Law Enforcement Division Captains + 2FT I Clerical Specialist 1 FT I Patrol Division: Jea"enants 0 FT (-2 FT. Sergeants 4 F Police Officer 1 e. FT I Fire Inspector 1 FT I Criminal Investiflations Sergeant 1 FT PO (DetEL--Uvel 3 FT PO (Crime Scene .'r 1 :7 Special Operations Sergeant I FT PO (K-9) I FT PO Allarine, Unh) I FT PC (CPC;, ,-1 FT, Emc-rgency Uispatcher 1 6 FT ,;+l FT Emergency 0 i5patcier I I C, FT (-'l FT, Records Clerk 2 FT Public Safe-,y Aide 2 FT ,41 FT,- School Cfassimg Guards 11 PT ReserveoVatunteers. 5 Fire I Rescue Division Fire Chief 1 F AdminlTraining Lieutenant I FT V--Ijrt-:er Firefighters 18 Fire Rescue Shifts Lieutenants 3 FT Fire I Medics 16 FT (-I FT) Fire? EMT 2 FT ( +1= -I Summary- FT = 67 PT = 11 Volunteers = 23 Beginning Per== -cnnel Ccst Changes (includes bath Salary 8: Benefits)- Position Permit & licensing Tech unfunded postion FY 20,09 -2010 Burke( Personnel Change. comment increase (decrease) S JO,727. ¢ S 13,064,651.00 Grcunds Maintenance'. *.orker P- delete po=smon S _•,102._ +_ :, Pclice Officer delete position 5 ,73,4,09.00) 3ublic Safety Ride add pcsiticn S !-�,934._e_ Director of Finance V% incentive 8 6,114 -00 i C;•, - 7' "� i.:�iIQO i�i�' 'i.1Y1�.M4� ' %r..Zp iG �'i3nYli a4Yir iijiJ,� Ueutenant T.i'e Changle arWy (lie&enant to Captain) $ - Lieu -enarl T; re Change Cr.;y L a::'en?nr ro CW91n! S FirefiahtevMediw eted 0 stoso m1 S I5.751,= R,'D Parks P, Ree Dele- e'csiticn S _•,102._ +_ :, Recreation Prcgram Coordinator add pcsitian, grade 4 LL , � 89,718.00 0ttd Tennis. Supervisor PDsi -ion .Reclass tc Recreaticn Supervisor (grade 21) S 'Supervisor Pacl Position Eedass Recreation Sw ervisor 21 } $ ,a g% j- orggg ecrea -ion Super:iscr Pasi -ion reclassed from grade 22 tc grade 21 S - Recreation Supervisor Position reclassed from grade 22 to grade 21 'ccl itanager delete posi -fan; independent ccn-rac-or ParkVFacilities Manager add position ig midpoint 80,849.E zecrea -ion Superriscr P- delete p3srion S _X25., = Special Events Coordinator add pcsitian $ 25.286. 00 ���h Dire,--or c "ark=- a zZ ec Posrion reclassed -rort grade 24 is grade 32 employee salary =row S .068 HR Specialist Position reclassed from grade 27 tc grade 22. employee salary frozen 3 tieE,086.00) mergency Dispatcher I Position reclassed ;o = mergency Dispatcher I S - Total Increase IDecrease)- Proposed Personnel Cost Public Safety Net Savings $22,526.00 $ ,.115.911. V $ 12,948,740.00 I Village Clerk 3 FT I General Fund Residents of The Village of North Palm Beach 4 Village Council Falage Manager 2 FT 1 Finance 5 FT 1 PT Human Resources 2 FT Information Technology 2 FT 1 P7 1 Comrnunity DewcOopment GF-7 2 PT Public Works 40 FT (+2 FT) Public Safeiy 037 F-T 11 PT 23 Volunteers Library 8 FT 10 PT Parks & Recreation 7 F7 (-2 FT) 41 PT x -1 PT;, " IC (+1 lc} I Village Attorney I Summary: Change: 143 FT M PT -1 PT M 1C +11C 23 -Volunteers Public Safety Revenues The Villa-e of -North Palm Beach FY 3009-1010 Budget General Fund A C = Description Proposed A0911 PUBLIC SAFETY A09: : -01I00 BICYCLE PLE&M—PL-k—IONS 30,,D7 :lop 1212-11 UASI GR 11T REVEN-UE A09 :: -03]00 ACC M—=I,,-T REPORTS & ` D. 1,600.00 A09:: -03105 FIRE :NSPErLTION FE-7c _W._9019� A09: : -0 -1C0 COURT FR., ES 9,0,000.00 .2,00, : ,,- I I FALSE ALAR?,l Fr,-E'S A09 : : -C =111 ALAR-M U=,S PERNET FEE 22.000.OD A09:': -0 -112 MDOPPCy FEE - A09 ::- G =1 ^_0 0---TS:DE SERVICES A09: :- ) =]'?- TC)-%VED,EIUCLES - A09': -0-330 PA_R=-;G FD%Er> 1.000.00 .2109, SEIZED 7AG PA:17%-=,7 2.300.00 A09._ -0 -150 %VALTER RE,ST:-'IC'7:ON _711,7E 150.00 A09: : -0 =300 -----POLICE EDUCATIONS 52M - A09::-0-31e, SPECLAL P.A.Y F E7NjBL =-.MNT A09 :1 -0 =315 SPECUL DETAILS A09 -0-46j,'C' AMSUL.U, C E FEES 203,000.00 A09:: -03995 DONA— TO` S A09::-C3999 -INJISC. RE.I.-ENUES TOTALPT.-BLIC SAFETY REVENUES 364.880-00 poll CO TLM3 Fy+edsim FY2010�aFY20"! 3 Omee % .i =se F um -Task Pmt -7'�e CI*.l,c 11raimm d Ittidgrl FY -M419-201 0 6-aw F:nrarreinenl Yx�a�riral s 2,541,6") 145,000 51_719 :,'?74 347 S 2..415,043 3 2 352740 "« x',353 695,x00 197,�t 23l,9F4 51,144 43,400 46,.547 491,OM Yt+�waad 445,82.3 tia?�x; 93% 379670 304,64 Ova pay 2LI435 Pms: `x Kati• 691,33 Itxsd4. 45,336 peu. E 112,*0 H.Mxh H.xs wme 27,2711 FltAM.1a j:wc 30,T..:S w.uk,ft% t00*0!Saux S OtLft 1,631-W $ 41 peuAln4 13,000 (.s.,tt cmwa SemeN 5.7% (6kOa & I-ubx=r- hO=Afi&F*m ? 18,6'3 - M,Vwa" & sw;p: ec 117,387 -nj e-is , y Rtgutead11,4.wwz=x Q Emc `:tee - !elabom $ 500 3�iF4YirFfL 'S9t: 3�CG$ �GCL 11![C1lYA is Photo - = m $ 500 tr+at�e Print"_ R"1u3ro� $1,300 ti 1.6t1edwA ?;800 ��- It_L-teg 8,450 (Xtef Os eeacmg I:AGiP.G 30;140 cipw 52,725 AUUATAXAV 1.3% 21' --'F t_oesp=d 14;1t. &-S davmt I'M CiQC�taee8c'M11QQ K&WW1e:.W. LO,-.07 MA&u neov & 1`4.' TLM3 Fy+edsim FY2010�aFY20"! 3 Omee % .i =se F um -Task Pmt -7'�e CI*.l,c 11raimm d Ittidgrl FY -M419-201 0 6-aw F:nrarreinenl Yx�a�riral s 2,541,6") 145,000 51_719 :,'?74 347 S 2..415,043 3 2 352740 "« x',353 695,x00 197,�t 23l,9F4 51,144 43,400 46,.547 491,OM 514,462 445,82.3 331,015 364,794 379670 304,64 243 245 2LI435 3}164.5 691,33 M1235 45,336 1381.70 112,*0 534,991. 27,2711 1,12.04 161,426 30,T..:S 3.545 S 3,412,241 5 3,935,70+ 3 1,631-W $ 3- ga,,052 13,000 7:7717 7.1!73 21,120 ? 18,6'3 64WO 117,387 8b.,8Or? 1.25? 2,425 60,m 2166 27 - -m 32,033 30..2Od 61,022 ?;800 8,400 8,450 619W 30;140 37,005 52,725 31,4;10 16,800 21' --'F 69,07 MJ04 I'M 14,700 LO,-.07 LI,410 tR0+76 61,8'50 20,367 9,768. 4..300 242,814 '50,309 296,36E 278,404 54,M 41-OW 115,M6 1N..793 0 0 0 0 0 10,169 5,M y 3.5,792 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 11,471 444M 52,669 6 66..452 20,063 5 4,214,0.1 3 4,3336,:174 3 4,08449'1 $ 3.9519,.5 68 4,121 Savings $79,121.00 43 4.1 44 44 66 !! _ !2 F 4 riLe L'illnveorNarlIt Palen Reach PrvapaeiW Sua11,wr1 FY 2ll{19 -20141 F'irr R"Cur F I re Re 4 m$jmS 2069 1`Ti�OaEd ku9rytt 2�7QI AVIiuY9 J04T A,CaLa1 p,mmed Maq. hair 1* # 15 #7310 # E 519,6E J # E 515,902 3 t i4L 324 Ova - pm 3,10 E4,459 E L9,434 93 / Aw"tmtpay - Iimdisi: paewwax 234,971 312,730 2713,552. 2a& ;9x10 Hmhaskra.auesat 2-%J41 1*7,451 207..641 In.,238 rK:A,7dtLe,re 124.,381 123,097 1E6=1C 10117" WakfteAf *154tkl 77,417 1;69,490 13902 1.R,426 1TStt 11,451 7_44,5111 E 1,333 12,4S L 17,60E S 2,422_311 # 2,491,494 # 2,3116,ML S 2,145,973 7% 4 kpta5ii6ag Cam= cm,",strNvus 91po0 J,L10 0 3,,230 {�u {ld 1_ele�cv�w 19„946 22,048 20.;913 17,069 I.oaasefi& rom SIM 613x8 4,976 6,1 i6 Vo LInbee -f F C - Pay 0 \IaOteat79 de &X',tw 53,006 4k,230 43,81,1 53_%07 PrevemVee 'Jedical Service $ 4 „800 p deLQ snol rateww*c. 14,400 14,400 14,400 15,600 Printing & 2 -- - $ Sepmata&.Aiaaaersma 13,306 23,000 Mal MOW, En-rxyxse --.eh ----s S F- 11unY9F1 'mzx4lerehtdL:3ai�maeal: rr dveniszng $ 17,935 E"S„ 109 15,116 1.9,337 ` 1ks laoa>rc 13.,400 2x1303 24,1954 W735 11:13 1.3470 2,964 5,119 3,037 Mt! 2:y.Ia0 27.,x.00 19,6`5 W9.11 17SJ34 190434 E49,OD4 166,931 t:apful AUMwM a'We 0 18'5,000 0 0 0% A dno, 4'stsa & [_a7era:a." 0 0 0 0 C"a0 meHm4,wrone &Sdruwt 0 2 6w 0 -f!39 M.*....q & r-,. az 0 38,660 0 0 2,539 l'M2Evenses S 2`x,41{ 5 11+3,594 # 2 53.,x'3 # 2,3 11,469 r-t 24r1a as F�k 2aa9: SOad* ,3�,1.� 1 Savings $300,979.00 ' T,: u 1 1:M;uYees: FUSS - Terra 24 : i 24 24 pm: -Tat - - - 1 43itft In LR 1 " 1.14 Operating Postage $2,00"Udbries plenta? OrLe: Opem=g Cost: Capital Audio. Vi.ual, &: Cz=. S.y Comptuez 'H;udime &t S:ofts:e +Commuction & 2r #aSorRmin•avoL Machiuery & Etyad anent i otai _%pellie3 F4 2010 vs FY 2009_ c1113MEE The Village of North Palm. Beach Proposed Badget FY 2009 -2010 General Ser% ices- Public Safety Proposed 9.7513' 12-4.1.03 ICON 1.3 -6.808 0 0 0 14.000 -1 1.0;000 S 11 IS. 86. 5 There are no personnel costs associated with this Budget! Original 2009 Budget 2008 Actual 2007 Actual 9,260 9,639 8.,138 115.250 103,589 123.858 2.000? 3;431 2.107 126,510 116 257 133,920 5.895 0 0 0 0 0 6.200 14.500 4 0 0 0 12,095 14,304 0 S 139.60-5 5 130,757 S 13.3.920 Inc. $7,253.00 The VOL2!-e of North Pzbn Beach PrapwAdl Budget FY 2009-2010 �Ilbjic Public Saf*ty (combined) CO 0 Isafety Orisbw 'fib Bmdyger 'NAR -ACMAI 2.0"Acrunl lec/ ::art Pz y 91% -%r-t= %Y !2,739 4.4-Q.67 i. 183 43,403 46.18", 715,375 532.975 "IuY- 2ar:r—a 6i 1.13 3 59-121 II.1.805 47. M MkIrwkir; 339,LM 315,4: 33&0 "x7 DiCK Wcdod; CbC4=5?.w-- -e2,7f3 M363 25'x.39,5 '_75.423 Otbar 3S."1:9 1-441,877 MA i 54 -1.3-106 3 S 6,384,534 S 6,4117, 1.96 S 6,069.066 S 51,04.03 op—dn-., C .=Mzc II.397 I_m 26400 C-Z , CO.. Iubr-C=5 '33,V3 1 VIM 131,93_, 93575 Lcauu. a Foe; 6,25 &925 1%CU 9133 Nfmari.-Is & t-mvp-2-As W"195 &3,261 73 53 136.512? 8% Fwassimt SwAm .4,40) 14,403 14,W 15.603 R.wzT -, 5M 17,60 ]SAE MIS R.V=-. & M—m-mama -4.,aID 19= 4.743 55272 bscrFrens 34,73! 44339 3"43 4Zj640 Uudb= 3!;+)D 3fIC05 311,30 33,545 Uhb6a5 3518:e3 130,094 129,015 1X431 Odur 37.03 .311232 37..693 509 76 6,37,657 5751,563 591,214 227 5,COO 11 1,255 IV.-.Q3 ,65 0 C, & scemwe 0 12;70 51196 36.331 C=a , -Xdc[L& NEZcr R.Caustian 0 6,200 14,500 .%f3z6inwv & Eq=p-wr 10.090 AM 0 32475 "OOD 2X324 I3+}.931- 279.602 Tct.-I Eqx am S 7,M, S -,.-7,7!.377 S C77%331 S Fy MY) -I-% Fy -IWf: S Ch=-" Total Savings $372,847.00 , z croup Torsi Emplawm: 67 6- 63 63 13 13 23 Village of North Palm Beach General Fund Capital Highlights Fiscal Year 2009 - 2010 1.1,: 1 '. 9616 Inn E :11 300,000 20,000 83,000 5,000 408,000 plc Safety (2) PahDl Crs 54,000 Radio RmnAlC 10,000 64,000 1 . Refurnish public res� (2) M air handlers 10,642 19,270 29,912 1 1'1 "1 Total Fiscal Year 2009 -2010 Capital Plan 1 $ 5479 712 rYN&J (sacr+m,: 7—) TV 20io TY -,:I- D*tcj*eimw !:-k r-cal C---r -9- E-L lon-Co!c E-6 --I C:-, Deferred to next FY r-41:ui " Vela alar 27.500 27,50 :7. n 0 I Unicim.a. Pids,4 Im 7-10— .0 - r-AIMI BCOA 19*11 3-4 Unarrumer %Vu-In OSfZW (ti �r5(I)TA(-i 7-1-0 -- Admm vcItick% 06 r-pi".1mrit P-a L Pukjpm• 30000,1 3 Y= 2 14,91.1 Mw-mr Lkil TguLL Z=n 7-* O+ec - E•) 1-ft (1) =0 (1) .rrL - F-Im TruI=j 3,0 r R.41 TVW.:ar lqw(rl 3- "rive Scen:'.'dn_I: rrew,ii, -.zaics I-A6fl) 20t. Film. Fur FAWim 1 2c:09(l) M Fur Fivinal 37 fl) 20?`e%- Eyr !W2(t) 57= FuhA&ud tallut in 15A 35 F.W)p TiuA. 111M)"cidwowd is Or 3; File 4,fm"I� AMVA%P,de:ai =62M 20- Awaiting deliver� :02 WE- B. 3Lachia+ry �c Ea :ipm +or Po!s: M: fi:- il0.0 -t,? Rr,lr:.:t.5rtn 2i:09 ]O+r: _ _ _ L�aetBs,3sC:nil 3Aft5�2'�,[i(1) ' - -Opce - _ F. wi A-j a m r ::nit XAO 10-r. 415 3ASMAIL- 3CBA6 CI:Jto � Y11 5$ 32 Hydraulic Review ---.,LLt:rjcni N-wo Utic' zm pt, r*takmS Air CA%,-A a.4 1999(I) 2z 771. MUL-Cmal rkial- ALA,ujdiv F-x-,ta-W Pefilmilidar 2033 (4l, "T(oq, 2" m) e Yr 2 ZINS s,wa 1'3Iftd mrailatAcCl- alkLau Xm Z.. I 27,(M 2Taca -%Ygers'Bumicr Funp wwfl� 1 SIC3 70 1,610 71=mul LIN.Apns ClAmcm 20 ph-Alfe SA�w th. Robb R wi AC I mgm LO.W.0 Uschinw" & Fquipmmt sis'dde 1&,D99 C. Camps :ar Hxraa m& Safcwsm .P�lhc SsyLrj BuiWaS "unputa. A-Aled Diap&h UpWak x4s .P.Aim F.11 T3:wcitd6v 11S) RwAn44=1 3=%- I 1 .1%-1, C.-gopula,3 2oxam-, (I.-) USA S.A%�wc Uca. SltwLK Xft UML-N, C-xd lv-4 Spmm X44 SSOAct %tat Ttuff MalaA Mild 0 c.d:5y*=j 20 hvc SL.. T�kvm J�ra -Sad�wc X4 7 lraAa fi434 6,A34 Tim. F. li`ic-fk"FLOo S.E.A.al C —P..x H.'a—z. D.A;-ii.. ThumL &, CAm srr# Pukhr 1rr fib"Was IQ n,.,R WU.-luvc 1 5 4 5'ar's y.n .Pab.v l't6lja,-*nmu N&W, FLr- Fim IN% S3 2.X9, YZA 0 ":J Rzovic -%—f y Sunvilk." C=:ml Vida. salm"L Audi:6 viluma & Czmm sTztmm i.sps E. conerwrim & Majw mmdM1 ixm P. it iAft B.A.Ul's no Lfivis"CaSkm iic4kL=, -a rktc; Tdc XOT ' Al I .XO 4e3W 64,009 Public Works PUBLIC SERV ICES; DEPART, ENT 64 5 -mum Public Works Di;rec or cf Public Works 1 FT Supierintendant of Public Works 1 FT Accounting Clerk 1 FT Facility and. kle;.hicle Divisior. Sanita +.ion Division Streets & C rcur•ds Division. Trades Mechanic Ill 1 FT Supervisor 1 FT Supervisor 1 FT' Trades Mechanic If 3 FT Sanitation Driver Opiermor 6 FT Equipment Operator 11 2 FT Mechanic 3 FT Sanitation Co1lectar 12 FT tmiaatoon Tech 11 1 FT Custodian y, FT Grounds Maintenance Worker 2 FT Parks'N•iaintenance (Trap= erred from Park. &, Recreation) hlimiou'e6iic_an. ? FT• +l17) Glor :di- N'laiaTenance Wo:ker FT +1 F) Grerzds `.faixemuce Worker PT !k - P7°} Summary: Change: 40 FT -2 FT 0 PT I Village Clerk 3 FT I General Fund Residents of The Village of North Palm Beach 4 Village Council Flillage Manager 2 ;;1 1 Finance E F7 1 PT I Human Resources 2 FT I 1 Information Te&inology 2 F7 1 PT Community Development 9 FT 2 P7 I Public Works 40 FT (+27 FT) j Public Safety 67 FT 11 P7 23 I.,lolumeers 1 Library B FT 10 PT Parks & Recreation 7 F7 (-2 177) 41 P-1 { -1 P7) e-8 IC f+1 tc• I Village Attorney I Summary Change: 143 FT F14 e,5 PT -1 PT e-5 1C +110 23 Volunteers Grounds Maintenance V14orker PT vacant PubI'!i',c.,, Work- s-- deiete posit on $ Net Savings We were able to eliminate this vacant position with the move from Parks to Public Works. Those duties will be absorbed by existing personnel! : ($18, H945.) ) Public Works Revenues The Village of'4orth Palen Beach FY 2009 -2010 Budget General Fund A"C = Dexri non Pra esed A061S PUBLIC IVORKS =.08:8 -03 00 v` FEES-REFUSE COT_L=C :Oti 30.000.00 ,6.8 -0 49,00R�I .06:8- 0s'309 SALE OF PLAN'S & SPEC S TOTAL PUBLIC 11.ORKS REVENUE 5 3+90,000.00 (,.Ljdtm Altroc"me C Calp X: I farda-ax 'k Sof-awe CG-=.=3,C-3CO.& MVW Re=-,I-jm 0% MacL=t--Y& rq*mc= Taal FVOMWA QN,* F1' !W9: S C:5 Mgt %C]N _ Nfl-Tirm Paz-,Tim (Yne- T IK- Village of forth Pal at Fk- ach Propusvtl Rudget IFY 209-20141 Public Works AdminiArati4ta MI&A !(AY9 Fu-91111: Pay rh•antm Ply 92% Pa ::-tint Pkv ri'malix: pemean I laal:h b.vrxkct S 1-44,W9 S 173-440 CxnpeMu-3= 8% tlParatfng C" Oil A Ujbci=,r.s Mme-als & Sumbes R9+jiM A VjjiM%--WCC Emplcyee ReWons SlOtF- 35,109 "cun, .y PW adivity $30 poszage $200 15,498 Printrig & Binding $400 ckbpaw Orwrx ME CCOM (,.Ljdtm Altroc"me C Calp X: I farda-ax 'k Sof-awe CG-=.=3,C-3CO.& MVW Re=-,I-jm 0% MacL=t--Y& rq*mc= Taal FVOMWA QN,* F1' !W9: S C:5 Mgt %C]N _ Nfl-Tirm Paz-,Tim (Yne- T IK- Village of forth Pal at Fk- ach Propusvtl Rudget IFY 209-20141 Public Works AdminiArati4ta Inc. $22,943. MI&A !(AY9 PmTwgd Hudeci 2€!&11 Mull 21W Acl:tutl S --M]20 s 20),S37 S 1-44,W9 S 173-440 L" 2 0 uoso 35,109 39�2�; 15,498 11. -LA 12A21 14,933 14,460 16,609 1,632 5N 1.52o IJ66 3,915 s 322,"7 s U.18.991 s ZIUM" s 263,311 6. 6 9Yxi 6j2-1 5043 767 667 -14 2, NJ 0 U13 Sw I'(W 1,126 I'M MD 1,A)VO 410 .1'4ag IM jis 402 352 15,645 3,6G5 '749 2x", 1,0-% "W 1654 IAI wal 11,025 K107 19,1760 0 a S 3ae"u 16 S S nwwk Inc. $22,943. Percaaael ialarv- Rep lir Pax Overtime Pav 87% Pui lilac Pav 11ene 1-its: Prm,dcm I Ieahh In.m=ce PICA.'..dedicare W'cakeei f'cnnpensatinn Othm Operatint O C➢sK, "I & Ltiaricamis 13% 4laterii s a Supplies Repairs S l lainitu ncti Sabd Waste DispctW weril53Ffy �(J lJnifcazns 06erOpeTating (Imis C'apitml Aulcmwtive 0 % Ccimlruit~r I ladvmn b Sa fb are Cnnstructinndc A,4cv Remcmaticm 4lachincry d;: Equilaaemi Tcdzl E xpemes 61' 201 O vs FAY 20D9: S clun8e % chin pa rum, Time Para -Time Ogler 'T'hr Village of Nortb Pattu Mac Propostd isudget f Y 2009-20 14) Sanitation Savings of $32,500. Origival :2009 Pnipcned 8xrtret WD A lual 2NO" leI wa l S 748,438 $ 713,3s I S 769,r3 S 697,945 10,750 10,750 F, ?.W 7,s6i 739,1710 181,816 1674498 7944179 17u,46R 22G,741 196 am 2](,552 17K;714 5&0(15 55,161 55,216 50,226 107,441 174,062 179,338 1.41 9&R 6,804 374,SM7 25,776 8,134 4,601 S 1,333,995 S 1,34),634 S 1,42071 S 1,305,257 91,864 90,000 92,970 66,701 I 01 14,900 37,331 72,383 0 15 ma 17,012 ]8,1 a 75 ,0OD ;+t5�D00 60,306 93,335 "M 8,ma 7,493 7,639 1x400 2,515 1, 3Ji2 4;788 1915" 215,415 216,453 1,935 0 0 134,998 M,46R 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 19400 0 0 134,98 145,068 3 1 {kri,549 $ 1,558,049 S 1,777,522 S 1,713;2:+0 Savings of $32,500. The Villaarof North i'ahn Wadk Proplrsa'd B udj!c t FN' 204-2411 it I'laci iti S4r1 icc% FY ZU7Crix l�l' �i1'i: Inc. $30,762. .m111C►W VA: rill -Tim .1 5 j Par,Tine- * Possible "outsourcing" opportunity in this Division... 11r,temal -1,AN I'n1rruxecl kn.'fW 2444 vi Lill iw7.%C1U&l Ptmn nd ,airv: Regale Pay S 264;6.55 S al,*71 S 241.x" S 182.411 6h•cri:ae Pay r,54Ji1 CKr 1,Si►G 487 3,778 66% Pam -gene Pay fimefim MISS, Penmm ",7614 62,54b 4:153u 1 I Wakh hrraxe 61,324 ISI-N i MA" 38 r 1Gt FIC&INk kre 2 717 19,4" 17,191 11,:wi M1fccir s Comp nrawa 37,y9Ni -10-44 251M 17 ?r? crhff 2J41 i77as7 ^'`48 2,572 2,452 3 4471,442 S 427.4761 S 3xT1',455 S 361 "eno Opers1rng 6'.Cem-le- MI..Se rxef. AM 5.5.t1oo 18,130 37,444 f".qa . R,e=ul NO r] 8 u 33% Gm Oil & L-4Exi .:; 13.444 761,61ir 1 IO s2 r 6.375 Arenk &SWoes 57,454 6W2 MIA" ft¢+aia� tax ce 66.100 ",Soo :55AI 67,123 Licenses & Fees Sad Wmw fkVwal 78 u44 16y3D7 16,875 Uniform.4 4200 2,M6 I'm 1-206 O'.ha —O erx=8Ca0m 2w ?1_tir 553 7.778 Z r;i,trH4'1 _Cr4,9YlJ 7fr.5,.S61. 187,432 i'a- juM1y,1 Q 1 ,tiy arrla iue 0 4 4 o Canrpxrilaad -aaz Esc Scof.a^an 0 0 fi G C.Qm=x7cc &'_ lYC Rewumca 4 0 it 4 )r xhmay& f- ,gaipcne= 5,054 4,(W 4 4,4616 6 'ramlTtpeecaes x t,7LL1! S t.4I'! .j S `.5 ,454 :5 S9.Ull FY ZU7Crix l�l' �i1'i: Inc. $30,762. .m111C►W VA: rill -Tim .1 5 j Par,Tine- * Possible "outsourcing" opportunity in this Division... JCS DESC ICUSTODIAN � A�53 . 0` LOC SSE SC LNAI.'= = NAt.1= Data FACIL, -IES t.1.ziN- :— :NANCE DEPT. Grand 7mal Sum of total S for FY101 29.996.330 29.996.30 Sun? of -oral Allowwanoes e:c. 100.00 100-DO Suns of FICA 2,302.37 Z302.37 Sum of Wcomp Ccst 2.913.32 2 „91332 Sum of Life AD &C IO&D0 108.00 Sum of LTD 1,67&Q8 17d_98 Sum of ICh A 457 Match 7 =0.00 720.00 Sum of Pension Cest 7,115.12 7,115.92 Sum of "coral Health 5,298.61 5.298.81 Sum of Hobday Gifts 50.00 50..D0 Suns of 7oial Cost 12.780170 48780-70 Suns of tcnal S for FY 70 2;. 2- 6 46 25.265.48 Sum of'otal Allowances, ex. 100.130 100.00 Sum of FICA 1.940.46 1 „940.46 Sum of Waomp Ccst 2,455.38 2.455.38 Sum of Life, AD &D 108.00 108.00 Sum of LTD 149.07 149.07 Sum of IC6iA 457 Match 720.00 720_130 Sum of Pension Ccst 5,992.97 5,993.97 Sum of Total Health 5,298.81 5.298.61 Sum of Hcday Gifts 50.00 50.00 Sum of Tout Cast 42,079.04 42.079.94 Sum of to al $ for FYI i-' 33,035.56 33 035.56 Sum of -oral Allowances e-c. 10@00 1001 00 Suns of FICA. 2.634 67 2,534 -67 Surat of Wcomp Cost 3.207.52 3.207.52 Sum of UWAD &D 108_D0 108-00 Sum of LTD 194-91 199.91 Sum of ICIAA 457 Match 720.00 720 -00 Sum of Pension Cost 7.836:03 7.836.03 Sum of Taal Health 15.890.76 15.890.16 Sum of Hc6day Gifts 50.130 50..D0 Sum of `otal Cost 63.677.05 63,67 7..05 Toial Sum of total S for FYI ab 7.31 Total Sum of Total Allowances, etc. 300.60 300.00 Total Sum of FICA 6,777.69 6,777.69 Total Sum of 4'iccmp Cost 8.576.22 8,576.22 Total Sum of Life!AD✓£D 324.00 324.00 Total Sum of LTD 520.95 520:95 Total Sum of ICMA 457 Match 2.160.00 2.160.00 Total Sum cf Pension Cost 20,944L12 20,944.12 Total Sum of Total Health 26.487.38 26.487.38 Total Sum of Holiday Gifts 150_p0 150.00 Total Sum of Total Cost 154,537.69 54,537.69 � A�53 . 0` E Village Facilities Custodial ditures uld cos. $196,61 The Vlftv ofNarth Palm flesch Pralwied Hadget FY24101 2010 Streets &- C. rounds 24% CIL"flitia Awamp.strve C,:lew-W Hxdwaft A Soft•ax CCmrm.xtk'= A VAPT fLemm-Aum M x hi w i y A F qu V m m t Taid Expwaes FV 2010 %% FV 200: S damp %ch4mv :RlPkytC*: FUH-fire Fig-Tirm Nhw 493,000 0 349,000 64093 323,402 1, -. -N:kq6-t 14 Brought over Parks Maintenance 49,.% Division increasing this Budget! 14 6 Ii ill Up $546,836. t),TV Am .20" rro[K*td Hudtvt 20m u i uAl 1WT -,...,lull lltr*oaml sal my: RegxAw Pay S llswr S 2,64,1&9 S 352,168 S 4►4�1110 O%vz=e Pay 1,000 U!8 3,x47 Parks Maint. 11 jr, 4j, rhe Pay 34% - Rawf=: Personnel pewom V-6m 211673 .tat 47,40 49009 351194 144,123 —319 LAI S -AN_' INN AMR S 439.291 S 594,100 S 6934609, OperalmE 'AM $300k in Parks C.Caawaxilsa,vices 11:17IX figulipmelt Raw 61u, If" 2500 466 14.,;Nj Maint. Contractual Oil A Lutcic=s; 42% I'SN 9qu 12,w S6,wo 4000 45-448 Joey Services N P fobi fanxim 3r 2700 19,397 20345 VTO*!m,Vw Services; 4,000 MOOD 4,106 1jer Rcpaim A Maims emme 26,710 9 3,000 9 0,400 419,91-, timfoam 3,,400 3,400 2,$12 1,864 Iftibba; 349,1&5 165,436 233,754 Odwr Operate Goy 0 0 T; 428 24% CIL"flitia Awamp.strve C,:lew-W Hxdwaft A Soft•ax CCmrm.xtk'= A VAPT fLemm-Aum M x hi w i y A F qu V m m t Taid Expwaes FV 2010 %% FV 200: S damp %ch4mv :RlPkytC*: FUH-fire Fig-Tirm Nhw 493,000 0 349,000 64093 323,402 1, -. -N:kq6-t 14 Brought over Parks Maintenance 49,.% Division increasing this Budget! 14 6 Ii ill Up $546,836. The N LLage of -North Palm Beach Proposed Budget FY 2009 -2010 Park ltaiihten:auce DN $564,969. Original 2OD9 lea% moved r0 PdMr FI•+orki Proposed Budger -1005 A:;uil :00- ACCU31 PersnmmL Ka3ar7" in2-J Pkv s S d4,r`�7 S 37 1.SS, S 392.333 0.anir :a Pzy i'VA 4.S34 8.265 ?� -rcma Ply - 16,241 - Haen5ts: ?:_sica. 16,2531 97.096 &6.00C ?ie!I11. ?us•_auca 2S,a"i+` 9 0, 12 2 76.2S4 ZC.�I Mic_atn 6,? 1 '_d.3 =� ?0.17G iF'nrlcarsfirsaaasacau 8.331 3 =.C44 30:46$ oe-;r - 30,647 3.3 =5 3.56 -3 S _ S 192.363 S 5_ -.5c? c 507.09G OperarinT Caev_cr_al5artim; C. 325,Q+2D i G Gz:, Gil k Luk_.cants 13 3,0" 3latarizJs Sc "x:k+nlias 0 14, MA 29,S4t 31,642 Rapairs&Mai=unca is 2 2, 15 03 22.9.3 ^_1,055 Uniforms 0 4:0 1.�-. Lt ira:: 1 CM 5, -13 o.S43 O&Ar Opwarsg Cast. 0 t 2f'J ?CCj 7,29 372..1kD 74.3+93 71,816 D Gapttal :lute =orr. 0 0 7 23.82L Ccmpar:r ardar.ra do Sartw ra J 0 0 C=;tsuctiaedr lirw FAMOValLon s] 0 _ 5.SC5 8'.11# Fr aun?c =ix�ns r 0 ) Macbiaarq k Eq- -ip=w. r 2 7,54 S:. flmsi9: EcmFm:�: C Q 2 ii 'cral Expsesas S S 364,963 SZ 960.31 2 4 697,6$3 rV 2010 v:. rV. 2oD9: 2009 2008 S Chun q'3bt 969j % cbmp -1 DD4a DN $564,969. Tot] 'r -mm es PV- n10ssN1 2109: S Chou, -e % Chani.n FWI.Time Par),Time 01her The V111aee of North Palm Beach Propped BadWt FY 2009 -2010 '1'ehicle hial:ntenance Proposed S 922,1�T0 I300 133,6811 31,391 17,1x 9,451 4,954 4.1,183 i 181'.,86 *_ 3.9D0 5,156 116;20.x1 31.�Oh7i0 l 1180 90,992 610 0 hgi" !W9 19udwi 2M. .,ltival .U*', .4.lutl S 1%292 S Pusan nd 134,194 Maw_ WS Regal= Pay 53% CA-°'a" %N1 39,ea P'an -firm FSv 25;6.10 nmditc £1740 PM6CM 9;335 1 [aehh lns sawe 12-;14 r•1CAzMedra e 9X1 'A4srlci.1 Crnnlrer saicm 1,t 74 O1her r, 1, S Operating 47% CCM=T321 Saroms 969 {mss, Oil &Imbrkama 4,701 4iiirrials& 8xnlies 1 10,8:15 Re. am s & 11kiritarance Licenses a ti l:ai b"M 0 l.'titities 1;20) ChhrrOpewing Coles 1,'„a3 Oapiul 9,3N Aytcunobw O Q% Ccamu er 14udnv e & %flu m O CmulTaC1iDM & %. jar Ftanntintion %&Chinery & rquipm nt Tot] 'r -mm es PV- n10ssN1 2109: S Chou, -e % Chani.n FWI.Time Par),Time 01her The V111aee of North Palm Beach Propped BadWt FY 2009 -2010 '1'ehicle hial:ntenance Proposed S 922,1�T0 I300 133,6811 31,391 17,1x 9,451 4,954 4.1,183 i 181'.,86 *_ 3.9D0 5,156 116;20.x1 31.�Oh7i0 l 1180 90,992 610 0 hgi" !W9 19udwi 2M. .,ltival .U*', .4.lutl S 1%292 S 172,876 S 134,194 1,500 WS 546 Woe 42,968 39,ea 95,766 25;6.10 21"] £1740 12J29 9;335 R 192 12-;14 1 _,171 9X1 1,718 1,t 74 S 176462 S r, 1, S 225,100 MOO 2,644 969 005 4,701 3;214 1 10,8:15 74"4 7 s6S (033 0 0 1;20) 9.pi5 1,'„a3 9x23 9,3N 9,552 6003 3..56 870 968 Us 130,747 92,113 23696 0 0 0 24„1`59 0 e7 0 0 0 0 9,653 21',163 0 3,500 0 0 �1 3,sw 9,6n 44522 3 3_'�6..49�D S 319,p_`4 S 372,918 S 39);318 Inc. $45,361. Increase in this Division due to relocating R &M line items from Public Safety, Sanitation and Facilities. Tim ViJlagturNUrtlt Palen tltnck P ry 1m4rl Budget F 1' N1419 -N 10 Pee hlic'► ork3lccttn Witt d;• Flt' 3a10 +a r%260., Ubadge 5*4 6`1.15 Si Total Increase of $613,402. ,a��.8e t reNy.1 F:>igdalaex: - {4W { 1, �1 U {.Y.ti •� 43aan µ4i i 2W4 A,nra1 20V Aenw3 Pre76pJYlW7 Re$siP�} 3 1,s91t,440 1552,2£9 S 1,691,979 $ 1.,551)„379 {1.afr Fa} L5,750 £ 54754 1262 12,997 62% F4t t awe PeL 1,7!5,199 1lecdmx- 41.9,626 367,367 394,,203 408,786 13tr1k. hvz:wCe 434,715 353.,891 382,265 335,456 1-*K A.'Ne.Lxn a 131,062 1 £8,980 121,137 113,639 W.ukett.C* Vttxazae. 168,531 2_95.439 279120 231,268 (Xtft 26,994 1,1,926 32,723 17,053 20)673 S 2x6 11s S 2,693,369 S 2- 99,569 i 2,7AD.,ri4. f Ipetyli ft i'�a� I qe e.x,e1 431,500 185.'01 132,833 54,327 r: R&M� 3,304 1-400 466 '-1490 Q� 29 /� {'gx„{1zd Ulftok= 1364833 13£,800 12".13 91ti934 \1wmloz x&s4va3G° 245,154 z36,C25 ':2,333 24:,11,91 ?JP13lSPtsfg £7,030 17;CC4 1$197 29345 3kulexxmma Soewex 4,000 12401 4306 7„367 1.,'1' 3tgsotiex&SA r, 123,8315 92.103 83,761 :967.491 �� w� ne4w" Lim' m 103,060 .7174 11Q,214 Err �_o ee r 'ons $9 Trs. es.:r Liv S e9i & Feed $am 66a'4.'*1* 500 UW 410 3,449 Cv-, ^', t PEA Amiwdes 5350 1,4 210=4 W030 144725 13,2.19 15,239 Postage 1k l,cx 173,8@2 138,497 £ 19c,4£6 12$741 Prinvig & $sulOng WO 3,250 5,315 3,942 41665 1;317,715 9:'39;762 30 °.,:69 1,216,396 t �1tji A::a:etib ve ti 0 £54,044 135 2a Cac ssaesH�Ewm e1S.Az *ae u 0 0 G 9% &.%Ujom 4121,00+3 340,9OO 654'-';75 @41,564 alxti amaea &Fq s:c 1000 MOO 4 £9814 40800 353A06 4i2a19 314,991 7'MI htpenxeF S 4,499,3:13 § 3„987,4:11 $ 4,!'19,756 S 4 ;304,143 Flt' 3a10 +a r%260., Ubadge 5*4 6`1.15 Si Total Increase of $613,402. ,a��.8e t reNy.1 F:>igdalaex: - {4W Village of North Palm Beach General Fund Capital Highlights Fiscal Year 2009 - 2010 1.01 l Information Technology Finail server software $ 5,800 Public Wrks Street Overlay 300,000 Sidewalk Repair 20,000 Sbnnnainage 83,000 Palleite racks for storage 5,000 408,000 = T1111T - i (2) Patrol Cass 54,000 Radio RmnAlC 10,000 64,000 Library Refurbish public res�� 10,642 (2) NC air handlers 19,270 29,912 Recreation Resurface Gym Floor 40,000 Total Fiscal Year 2009-2010 Capital Plan 1 $547,712 D,Lmadm 13uc6c Tsui DuupTil=L Uill thsop Tr Li MO f'4tw Ci�k TiwL Tomia, S=imi4u: ,saluVre"La Fws Here Wglu" L,-wJ= 4 Mi= r-Al kid R"v &3 *t-.wqc r-Alku Utim.&A ximW Fwrw& rt=6 FY NO; (csraumr 7.—) FY 20'-D Ty i.:I,. Y.Ld r:-I r, — Q= IALL T.", cwr LA& 7=1 Q-t • X"t) 34,X j X4 *Xl h"j, OYMMW"V l VXZ 7m 1 '-4 3m*3x2wl(l-Ax-mfl) 7 2(ml) aw6clx (!I I9KftMl(4j,!MX!. .4m $510,340. - lwxt) 7j xowt) ]a 1 4,000 41m 20IC(i 20'7-- l 5090 rlqalvnctt FjtajuA-1 "Uppole Sn"baccoL 3Lxc6iuvy & Equipmme C. Cootmat"A AL Umjm Hwlm��j wd� NOUVC117itift N:qt-jkk,: Ztloc Fjil.W..6 rl,-Vt FLaplb&. ArAul; a, rud w., w=cic F,.=J Tbnk Ra Al I,ca '7,frs,v & ttdt Raw mien learn FanjLia. RL"r.f. X-n6fl, 35 213 GO usac. YOS is r 200,; 3111E 25m 419 Xmi ')N)7 3-1.5 jie. ov I 621'0a) V-D-Ul 1 SAM l'oel X4W 1510 2 ncoq u,00 X417 20. N.-.AT XOT 30+ XAS 14 +sa 4-3 -M U".0 cmdkv Aajcwt 1y 20w= 1 3a we 300,0 IL -iMlym 3mm 1 361,M Ifil'aw lig t awuir Ni*t 2w?, U* f1pi re $6, tu f", 14+r: N Y-ly 1 (W 40.WO 4 ). rk'A MCI- .% FxVlftmpk" 2017 =I FJ6--W;<" Fc4r RjiA.=n:rL Wnt 35 I C 7...L ll.hLi- 'X rhx —S JO.Me S 44LM _ Fl- F1 r" Public safety (combined) is down 5% or $372,847. r.- - . -- L- - -.0 I- : - - - - - - -.-.L - - - -.- - - I- -- -.- - - -- -- - Questions &Answers �iISLL.4 North Palm. Beach Villaa(- Council FY2010 Bucket Workshop Proposed 5 cherdu I e The M010 Budc?t'�� ='oikshop schedule has Lven de,-eloped to serve as a amide cnl_Y°, dates and times are subject w change iu accordance with, the 'public meeting'' pra.•isions of FSS. Dad': Date: Time: Subject: .Vednesdav July 1 5' ; : pm — 9: pm General Fund. Budget (o ven.•ie 00 1 ednesdry Tula. 22 7: pan — : FM Coimtry Chub Budget SZ Priitiaerl�•�- Tillg 3,q:b 71 - s � ('`wih Riiujg, t �rfn.1�a- rater' Wedneiday. August 5th 7: pm —14: pm General Fluid Budget (Publtc Sa e�� <£ Public W orli =_. Departments) Wednesday, August 122 ;: pry— ltd: pm Genet'al Fund BudQet Parlir..& Recreation. Library. Council, Clerk. Attorney and Manager Departments) Wedneschty August 26'�' 1: pm -10: Fir. General Fund Budget k7nu an Resources. Finance. .T.. Conixmunr De'::.opment. Debt and dither Departments) Wedneiday' September lna -: pm — 10: Fm Bu:l? °t Recap and l' iliage dtscusv.1onr. The M010 Budc?t'�� ='oikshop schedule has Lven de,-eloped to serve as a amide cnl_Y°, dates and times are subject w change iu accordance with, the 'public meeting'' pra.•isions of FSS.