FY 2006-2007 Budget VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH ADOPTED BUDGET FISCAL YEAR 2006 - 2007 Page 1 of 144 Fiscal Year 2006-07 Council's Adopted Budget Index Section Description Page Number Introduction Budget Cover Sheet 1 Budget Index 2-4 Budget Adoption Ordinance 5-7 Millage Adoption Ordinance 8 General Fund Changes to Proposed Budget(1st Reading 09/12/06) 9 General Fund Changes to Proposed Budget(2nd Reading 09/28/06) 10 Country Club Changes to Proposed Budget(1st Reading 09/12/06) 11 Country Club Changes to Proposed Budget(2nd Reading 09/28/06) 12 Manager's Budget Message 13-18 Highlights of Capital Plan 19 Operating Highlights 20 General Fund General Fund Budget Cover Sheet 21 Organization Chart 22 Budget Summary 23 Village Council Narrative 24 Organization Chart 25 Budget Summary 26 Village Manager Narrative 27-28 Organization Chart 29 Budget Summary 30 Capital Plan 31 Human Resources Narrative 32-34 Organization Chart 35 Budget Summary 36 Capital Plan 37 Finance Narrative 38-40 Organization Chart 41 Budget Summary 42 Capital Plan 43 Village Attorney Narrative 44 Budget Summary 45 Village Clerk Narrative 46 Organization Chart 47 Budget Summary 48 Capital Plan 49 Public Safety Law Enforcement Narrative 50-53 Organization Chart 54 Police Budget Summary 55 Page 2 of 144 Fiscal Year 2006-07 Council's Adopted Budget Index Section Description Page Number Fire Rescue Narrative 56-58 Fire Rescue Budget Summary 59 Capital Plan 60 Public Works Narrative 61-62 Organization Chart 63 Public Works Admin Budget Summary 64 Sanitation Budget Summary 65 Facility Services Budget Summary 66 Streets &Grounds Budget Summary 67 Vehicle Maintenance Budget Summary 68 Capital Plan 69 Community Development Narrative 70-71 Organization Chart 72 Community Development& Planning Budget Summary 73 Building Budget Summary 74 Code Enforcement Budget Summary 75 Capital Plan 76 Parks & Recreation Narrative 77-80 Rate Schedule 81 Organization Chart 82 Recreation Budget Summary 83 Park Maintenance Budget Summary 84 Pool Budget Summary 85 Capital Plan 86 Library Narrative 87-89 Organization Chart 90 Budget Summary 91 Capital Plan 92 Debt&Other Budget Summary 93 Country Club Country Club Budget Cover Sheet 94 Highlights 95 Narrative 96-98 Organization Chart 99 Budget Summary 100 Golf Shop Organization Chart 101 Rate Schedule 102 Budget Summary 103 Tennis Organization Chart 104 Rate Schedule 105 Budget Summary 106 Page 3 of 144 Fiscal Year 2006-07 Council's Adopted Budget Index Section Description Page Number Food & Beverage Organization Chart 107 Budget Summary 108 Administration Organization Chart 109 Budget Summary 110 Country Club Capital Plan 111 Membership Rates 112 Seasonal Rates 113 Internal Services Internal Service Funds Narrative 114 Internal Service-Health 115 Internal Service-W/Comp &General Liability 116 Pay Plan Pay Plan 117-131 Appendix General Fund Expenditures Pie Chart 132 General Fund Revenues Pie Chad 133 Taxable Value&Ad Valorem Tax Revenue 134 Millage Rates Historical Graph 135 Property Assessed Valuations Historical Graph 136 General Fund Expenditures as a Percent of Assessed Value 137 General Fund Debt Service 138 General Fund Ad Valorem Tax vs. Budget Table 139 General Fund Revenue Summary 140 General Fund Debt&Other Debt Service Detail Schedule 141 Non-Departmental Detail Schedule 142 Country Club Golf Golf-Other Materials &Supplies Cost Detail 143 Golf-Other Operating Cost Detail 144 Page 4 of 144 This is a True Copy IN WITNESS WHEREOF,I hereunto set my hand and affix the seal of the Village of North Palm geach, Florida, this day of AL.20 ORDINANCE 2006-19 Village Clerk AN ORDINANCE OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, ADOPTING THE ANNUAL BUDGET OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH FOR THE FISCAL YEAR COMMENCING OCTOBER 1, 2006 AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2007 AND AUTHORIZING ALLOCATIONS, APPROPRIATIONS AND EXPENDITURES IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE BUDGET AND AS AUTHORIZED BY LAW; APPROVING A COMPREHENSIVE PAY PLAN AND AUTHORIZING THE VILLAGE MANAGER TO MAKE TEMPORARY APPOINTMENTS TO BUDGETED POSITIONS; PROVIDING THE CREATION OF GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS WHEN NECESSARY; PROVIDING FOR THE SUSPENSION OF EXPENDITURES BY RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL; PROVIDING PROCEDURES FOR AMENDMENT OF THE BUDGET; PROVIDING FOR THE LAPSE OF OUTSTANDING ENCUMBRANCES AND THE RE-APPROPRIATION OF UNEXPENDED CAPITAL APPROPRIATIONS FOR THE PRIOR FISCAL YEAR; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, on September 12, 2006 and September 26, 2006, the Village Council conducted duly advertised public hearings to review and adjust the proposed Annual Budget for the fiscal year commencing October 1, 2006 and ending September 30, 2007 ("Fiscal Year 2006/2007") and has adopted a final Annual Budget to meet the needs and requirements of the Village and its residents for the upcoming fiscal year. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA as follows: Section 1. The proposed Annual Budget for Fiscal Year 2006/2007 attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein by this reference and as adjusted by Council action at its public hearings held on September 12, 2006 and September 26, 2006 is hereby adopted and established as the Village of North Palm Beach's Annual Budget for Fiscal Year 2006/2007. Section 2. The amounts allocated in the Annual Budget for expenditure effective October 1, 2006 are authorized in accordance with the purposes as set forth in the Annual Budget, except that no funds shall be deemed authorized for expenditure in those instances where specific and additional Village Council action and authorization is required as provided in the Village of North Palm Beach Charter or otherwise provided by law. The Annual Budget shall appropriate an expenditure of funds for scheduled repayments of debt financing as required by Village loan agreements. Section 3. The Annual Budget establishes, except as otherwise provided in Section 5 below, limitations on expenditures by department total within fund, and the total sum allocated to each department for operating expenses may not be increased or decreased without specific authorization by a duly enacted Resolution or Ordinance effecting such amendment or transfer. However, specific activity amounts may be exceeded so long as excesses exist in other activities within said department budget. Appropriations shall not be transferred in amounts over $5,000 without the approval of the Village Council. Appropriations of$5,000 or less shall not be transferred without the approval of the Village Manager; however, nothing set forth herein is intended to permit the Village Manager to violate the intent of the approved Annual Budget. Page 5 of 144 Section 4. Amounts allocated to Capital Outlay items are specific authorizations and may be expended only for capital project and capital purchase purposes. The amount allocated for Capital Outlay may not be exceeded or increased without the Village Council enacting a Resolution or Ordinance effectuating such amendment or transfer. Section 5. In the event that an authorized position is vacant and monies are available within a department's salary appropriation to fund a temporary appointment to the vacant position, the Village Manager may appoint a temporary employee to fill said vacant position for a period not to exceed 90 days. Said temporary appointment may be renewable for an additional 90-day period and may only be made for the period pending the filling of the authorized position by a permanent employee. The pay for a temporary employee shall be within the pay scale of an approved Village Pay Plan position. Section 6. When the Village of North Palm Beach receives monies from any source, be it private or governmental, by grant, gift, or otherwise, to which there is attached as a condition of acceptance, any limitation regarding the use or expenditure of the monies received, the funds so received need not be shown in the Annual Budget nor shall said budget be subject to amendment or expenditure as a result of the receipt of said monies, but said monies shall only be disbursed and applied toward the purposes for which the said funds were received. To ensure the integrity of the Operating Budget, and the integrity of the monies received by the Village under grants or gifts, all monies received as contemplated above must, upon receipt, be segregated and accounted for based upon accepted contemporary Florida Municipal Accounting Principles and where appropriate, placed into separate and individual Governmental Fund accounts from which any money drawn may only be disbursed and applied within the limitations placed upon the gift or grant. Section 7. The onvlibus appropriation and expenditure authorization as contained in Section 3 above may be temporarily or pennanently suspended by Resolution of the Village Council if at any time it appears that the projected revenue supporting the above-described budget is below anticipated levels or may be temporarily or permanently suspended by Resolution of the Village Council for any other reason or purpose deemed proper by the Village. Section 8. If the Village Manager determines that a Department Total or a Capital Outlay within the Annual Budget will exceed its original appropriation, the Village Manager is hereby authorized and directed to prepare such Resolutions as may be necessary and proper to administratively and publicly adjust or modify any adjustments to the Annual Budget hereby adopted so long as such adjustment or modification shall not result in a variation of the total budget appropriation adopted pursuant to this Ordinance, as provided by law. Section 9. In the event a variation from the total budget appropriation is or becomes necessary, such variations shall only become legally effective upon the adoption of an amending Ordinance consistent with Florida Statues, the Charter and the Code of Ordinances of the Village of North Palm Beach. Section 10. All outstanding encumbrances for Non-Capital and Capital Expenditures on September 30, 2006 shall lapse at that time, and all unexpended Capital Expenditure encumbrances may be added to the corresponding approved 2006107 available budget balances and be simultaneously re- appropriated for capital expenditures, as previously approved in the 2005/06 Fiscal Year. Page 6 of 144 Section 11. All Ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. Section 12. If any section, paragraph, sentence, clause, phrase, or word of this Ordinance is for any reason held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be unconstitutional, inoperative or void, such holding shall not affect the remainder of the Ordinance. Section 13. This Ordinance shall take effect on October 1, 2006. PLACED ON PUBLIC HEARING THIS 12th DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 2006, AND THE 26th DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 2006. PLACED ON FIRST READING THIS 12th DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 2006. PLACED ON SECOND, FINAL READING AND PASSED THE 26th DAY OF SE PTEMBER, 2006. (Village Sea]) Mayor ATTEST: 1 Village Clerk Page 7 of 144 Is a True oC-py IN WITNESS IVHEREOF, I hereunto set my hand and affix the seal of he Village of North Palm Beach, Florida, this day of A.D. 20 ORDINANCE 2006-18 Village Clerk ---' AN ORDINANCE OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, ESTABLISHING AND ADOPTING THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH AD VALOREM TAX OPERATING MILLAGE LEVY RATE AT 6.3000 MILLS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR COMMENCING OCTOBER 1, 2006 AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2007 ("2006/2007 FISCAL YEAR") REPRESENTING AN INCREASE OF 11.07% FROM THE PRIOR YEAR'S ROLLED BACK RATE, AND ESTABLISHING AND ADOPTING THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH AD VALOREM TAX DEBT SERVICE MILLAGE LEVY RATE AT 0.0000 MILLS FOR THE 2006/2007 FISCAL YEAR; FOR A TOTAL AD VALOREM TAX MILLAGE LEVY RATE OF 6.3000 MILLS FOR ALL PURPOSES OR $6.3000 PER THOUSAND DOLLARS OF TAXABLE ASSESSED PROPERTY VALUE; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS; AND, PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the Village Council and the Village Administration of the Village of North Palm Beach, Florida, have reviewed the 2006/07 Fiscal Year budget for the various operating departments of the Village and the Village Council has established a millage rate to finance said budget and meet the needs and requirements of the Village and its residents. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA as follows: Section 1. The Village Council of the Village of North Palm Beach, Florida, does hereby establish and adopt the Village of North Palm Beach Ad Valorem Tax Operating Millage Levy Rate of 6.3000 Mills for the 2006/2007 Fiscal Year, and does further hereby establish and adopt the Village of North Palm Beach Ad Valorem Tax Debt Service Millage Levy Rate at 0.0000 Mills for the 2006/2007 Fiscal Year, for a total Village of North Palm Beach 2006/2007 Fiscal Year Ad Valorem Tax Millage Levy Rate of 6.3000 Mills for all purposes or $6.3000 per thousand dollars of taxable assessed property value. This millage rate exceeds the prior year's rolled-back rate by 11.07%. Section 2._ All Ordinances or parts of Ordinances, Resolutions or parts of Resolutions in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. Section 3: This Ordinance shall take effect on October 1, 2006. PLACED ON PUBLIC HEARING THIS 12th DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 2006, AND THIS 26th DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 2006. PLACED ON FIRST READING THIS 12th DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 2006. PLACED ON SECOND, FINAL READING AND PASSED Tjl S�NDAY F P TEMBER, 2006. (Village Seat) ATTEST: 1 0 Village Clerk Page 8 of 144 Budget Amendments-meeting of 09/12/06 General Fund Budget FY 2006-2007 Beginning Council Contingency $ 418,305 Current Discussion and Council Budgetary Discussion Items: Proposed Consensus Revised Impact Revenues: Lower Tax Rate to 6.4 mils (6.6 recommended by Mgr.) 12,535,807 (379,873) 12,155,934 (379,873) Expenses: Personnel: Village Manager- College Intern(p/t) 25,000 (25,000.00) - Sub-total Personnel 25,000 Operating: Council-Automation of Council Chambers 35,000 (35,000) Village Manager-Digital Camera&p/c for cable broadcasts 4,500 (4,500) SERMA/Insurance Incr. -W/Comp,Property&Gen Liability Insur. 1,238,066 ??? (increase of$349,423(39%)from last year's budget of$888,643) sub-total Operating 39,500 Capital&Other: * FRDAP Grant Match 200,000 (200,000) - * Transfer one Surveilance Security Camera to C/C 6,143 (6,143) - sub-total Capital& Other 206,143 Net Budgetary Impact: (109,230) Ending Council Contingency $ 309,075 Page 9 of 144 Budget Amendments - meeting of 9/28/06 General Fund Budget FY 2006-2007 Beginning Council Contingency $ 418,305 Less: Changes approved 09112106 at first public hearing (109,230) Revised Council Contingency $ 309,075 Proposed @ Discussion and Council Budgetary Discussion Items: 1st Hearin g Consensus Revised Impact Revenues: ???? Lower Tax Rate to 6.3 mils (6.4 approved at First Public Hearing.) 12,155,934 (189,936) 11,965,998 Increased Waste Fee Revenues - County's Solid Waste Fee adjustment 150,000 40,000 190,000 (149,936) Expenses: Operating: Solid Waste disposal fees 160,000 40,000 200,000 SERMA/Insurance Incr. -W/Comp,Property& Gen Liability Insur 1,238,066 ??. (increase of$349,423(39%)from last year's budget of$888,643) sub-total Operating (40,000) Net Budgetary Impact: (189,936) Ending Council Contingency $ 119,139 Page 10 of 144 Budget Amendments-meeting of 9/12/06 Country Club Budget FY 2006-2007 Budgeted Net Income (Cash) $ 90,077 Budgeted Council Contingency 200,000 Current Discussion and Council Budgetary Consensus Change: Proposed Consensus Revised Impact Capital & Other: * One Surveilance Security Camera - (6,143) (6,143) Ending Council Contingency/Net Income $ 283,934 Page 11 of 144 Budget Amendments - meeting of 9/28/06 Country Club Budget FY 2006-2007 Budgeted Net Income (Cash) $ 90,077 Less: Changes approved 09/12/06 at first public hearing (6,143) Revised Budgted Net Income (Cash) $ 83,934 Budgeted Council Contingency 200,000 Current Discussion and Council Budgetary Consensus Change: Proposed Consensus Revised Impact Personnel: * Eliminate (1) Course Supervisor position and - add(1) Grounds Maintenance position (no budgetary impact) Ending Council Contingency/Net Income $ 283,934 Page 12 of 144 THE VILLAGE OF the Administration's department organizational structure (organizational NORTH PALM BEACH charts). This managerial structure reflects assignment of operating and 501 U.S. Hwy 1, North Palm Beach, FL oversight responsibilities among Village Departmental areas. The Telephone: (561)841-3380 • FAX(561)848-3344 budget's organization charts reflect all staffing positions recommended by the Comprehensive Pay and Classification Plan for each Department (the Comprehensive Pay and Classification Plan is included under separate tab within this budget document). Village Departments reflect July 1, 2006 a detailed discussion of their individual goals, operational service, program improvements, and staffing and capital project expenditures The Honorable Mayor and Village Council for their respective areas. Village of North Palm Beach North Palm Beach, Florida 33408 This document is intended to make our Village budget process more meaningful to officials, the Administration / Management staff and to RE: Fiscal Year 2006/07 our residents. With our ongoing efforts to maintain an open exchange Village Manager's Proposed Budget of municipal information, understanding how Village resources are received and expended is of great importance. As part of our To Honorable Village Mayor and Council, continuing effort to give access to all citizens, the Village Administration will place this budget document on the Village I am pleased to share this Recommended 2006/07 Annual Budget for website (www.village-npb orr ). the Village of North Palm Beach. This budget reflects a recommended plan to maintain and improve service to our Village Budget Goals residents for the coming fiscal year. The budget recommends The Proposed budget was developed collaboratively with assistance improvements to our Village management organization structure and from a wide array of the Village supervision and staff. This allocates scarce resources among departments providing financial collaborative effort allowed the Administration to consider past and resources that continue Village improvements. Department current practices & procedures. In partnership with our Village staff, management has prepared an ambitious list of Village projects and opportunities were identified for new and improved services, operational improvements that follow guidelines established by programs, and projects. During this review, the Administration held Council's goals and objectives. This budget document identifies several discussions with members of our Village team to consider and broad plans, operational responsibilities and financial guidance that develop enhanced services and projects for the coming fiscal year. will continue Village improvements throughout the coming year. Many of these projects are summarized in a table immediately following this narrative - in a schedule of "Capital Plan Highlights" Budget Format and an "Operating Highlights" summary. The details of our Department operating plans, projects and improvements may be found The Administration has taken steps to make this a user-friendly in each respective Department's budget narrative. Using a budget document. This budget provides a common source of collaborative budget preparation approach, the Administration meaningful information for many different users. The budget reflects maintained a balanced focus between high quality resident service, our Village managerial and oversight responsibilities as outlined by operating effectiveness and fiscal responsibility. Page 13 of 144 In setting goals during the budget planning process, our staff team 4. Improve the Overall Appearance of the Village maintained an awareness of balancing our many levels of municipal A. Improve code compliance and education service with our valuable and scarce Village financial resources. In B. Enhance Village entrance features and signs (Village logos) all cases, the Administration placed the highest priority on services C. Improve maintenance, appearance and landscaping of that are most valued by our residents — with a commitment to provide Village properties and roads these in an effective and efficient manner. Our Budgetary emphasis D. Plan beautification and reconstruction of Prosperity Farms centers on the Council's budgetary goals: Road E. Support Northlake Boulevard Task Force Ensure Quality of Life in the Village A. Improve and maintain Village waterways as a unique 5. Improve the Operation and Effectiveness of Village Village asset Departments B. Provide permanent fully staffed Public Safety station north A. Improve communication and response to the public; of the Intracoastal Waterway encourage suggestions from the public C. Promote strict law enforcement and community involvement B. Improve interdepartmental communications and D. Encourage high standards for overall appearance of the cooperation community Budget Obiectives 2. Improve the Utilization and Operation of the Country Club A general listing of our Village's annual budget Objectives are (including the Pool, which is part of the Parks and reflected in the following bullets. From a financial viewpoint, the Recreation Department) for the Benefit of All Village Village's taxable property values have once again increased this year Residents - to $1,999,331,298 (valued as of January 2006). This is an increase A. Establish more Village events of $331,381,560 or 19.9% over last year (noting Village property values B. Update/improve golf course have increased 60%+over the past 4 years). C. Review organization/management structure D. Continue to promote Village resident use of facilities The following budget Objectives have been developed by the located at the Country Club property Administration and are reflected in this Proposed Budget: E. Enhance financial strength • Reduce our Village Operating Millage Rate to 6.60 mils (down from 6.80 mils). 3. Enhance the Spirit and Participation of our Community • Provide increased funding to maintain and enhance Village A. Encourage Village resident participation in Boards, infrastructure, roadways and facility maintenance. programs and events • Ensure that Village equipment is replaced in a timely and B. Improve communication with businesses; encourage consistent fashion allowing staff to achieve and maintain high participation of businesses in Village events levels of quality and service. C. Establish teen center/programs • Provide for minimal increases in Village staffing to maintain D. Encourage Village volunteer service programs and enhance Public Safety and Community Development E. Create a more business-friendly atmosphere in the Village services. Page 14 of 144 • Maintain a balanced budget while providing for needed non- Village with statutory development guidelines and help to meet recurring capital project and equipment expenditures. steadily growing expectations of homeowners and developers. The Village's Designated Unappropriated Fund balance is viewed A separate Public Works Department is planned to continue by the Administration as a barometer of Village financial stability. oversight and maintenance of Village sanitation, infrastructure, Annual capital appropriations in this budget give the Council streets, facilities, equipment, and roadways. This new Department some latitude of choice or deferral in the event of prolonged or will focus on and play a major role in maintaining and expanding unforeseen economic duress. The Administration encourages our focus on community appearance during the coming year. establishing a "Designation" of Village General Fund Balance equal to approximately 25% to provide an important and The Parks and Recreation Department will begin improvements to meaningful financial balance that would be available in the event Anchorage Park during the coming year - after development and of unforeseen events. approval of a "master plan" for park improvements. Funding for these improvements will come from 4 sources: The Administration has continued to refine and develop the 1) State FRDAP grants, Village's organizational structure to help shape and focus staffs 2) State appropriations for removal of the wastewater plant, responsiveness, accomplishments, training, supervision and 3) Local development fees and performance. The Administration notes the significant cost of 4) Village General Fund appropriations. Village employee compensation and benefits (accounting for roughly Anchorage Park improvements are envisioned to cover a period of 65%of the Village General Fund budget). several years with specific planned phases being pursued and implemented based on the availability of annual funding from the Budget Hi2hli2hts: four sources. Improvements are planned to include a combination of recreation and marina/ storage improvements. The proposed budget reflects a renewed commitment and increased funding for community infrastructure in areas such as Public Works improvements include continuation and increased roadways, neighborhood sidewalks and lighting, public buildings funding for our annual street overlay program totaling $375,000 and park facilities. To meet the continuing demands of our and another $95,000 for contract repair of neighborhood Village's business and neighborhood redevelopment the sidewalks and $40,000 for stormwater drainage repairs. Public Administration recommends creating a Community Development Works also plans to take steps to improve neighborhood lighting Department. Community Development will help concentrate staff in areas identified as having acute need throughout the Village. resources, areas of construction, permitting, licensing, and Roadway appearance will be emphasized with improved median community planning while continuing needed improvements in and swale plantings, greater expenditures for fertilization and customer service. To meet the Village's continuing analysis and maintenance and staffs initiation of median paver-brick pursuit of annexation opportunities, zoning and redevelopment improvement projects in median demonstration areas. enhancements and improvement of our business and development regulations, a Community Planner position has been Village facility plans include a major refurbishment of the recommended in the coming year's budget. This enhanced Osborne Park building planned and approved in the past year's Community Development Department will better align our budget. The Parks and Recreation Department has also planned to Page 15 of 144 apply for a State `FRDAP' Recreation grant funds at the reflects the addition of one (1) new Police Officer position, maximum amount of $200,000 to assist in further improvements retaining of an older Rescue Vehicle for conversion into a crime at our Village Pool (note: matching funds are not reflected in this budget scene investigation unit and the addition of a new full-time Fire proposal). Inspector position. The Police budget includes funding for the purchase /replacement of needed vehicles as well as expansion of Capital expenditures for the Village's North Public Safety the highly successful security camera and vehicle wireless laptop Substation is being planned for the coming year — however, this computers (allowing officers to perform work while in the field and large project will be separately funded by bank loan financing that "download"their work when returning to the station). will be considered by the Council as an amendment to this budget document. This bank-qualified loan will result in subsequent The Village Administration recommends Council awareness of amendments (additions) to this proposed budget when they are the opportunity and choice for possibly funding Village fire costs considered and separately approved by vote of the Village through an annual non-ad valorem assessment (similar to the Council. County's fire service assessment). A fire assessment fee would allow North Palm Beach to reduce our ad valorem millage rate —making The Administration plans for the scheduled replacement of a the Village ad valorem rate more comparable with adjacent single-load garbage truck with another new tandem-load truck unincorporated areas. The Administration is recommending (similar to other truck purchases over the past few years). Department creation of an annual Fire Inspection fee that will provide funding requests for the purchase of a second "clam-shell" have been for the new Fire Inspector position noted above. deferred by the Village Manager until our staff can demonstrate consistent availability of qualified CDL-licensed drivers among The Administration recommends creating a Human Resources our sanitation staff. It should be noted that the direct cost of our Department in the coming year's budget due to success and Village backdoor waste pick-up service is substantial —the annual performance of this essential function during the past year. This costs of Village solid waste now totals $1.9 million — or about new Department will recognize the legal reporting and provide for 1 mil for our Village 10,000 residences. County rates presently a consistent managerial oversight of all Village personnel matters. run about $400/year for twice-weekly residential curb-side service and are NOT included in the County's ad valorem millage rate. The Administration plans to purchase and begin implementing an The Administration recommends Council's consideration about optical records storage system during the coming fiscal year. This the possibility of funding Village solid waste service costs through system will initially be implemented and used by the Human annual fee assessment (similar to the County's and other surrounding Resources Department with plans to expand its use to other cities). A solid waste assessment fee would allow North Palm Village operating departments (Community Development, Finance, and Beach to substantially reduce its ad valorem millage rate—making Country Club) during the course of the next 2 years. Optical record the Village ad valorem rate more comparable with adjacent storage systems are now widely used by governments and meet all unincorporated County areas. State record storage requirements. This would allow the Village to plan a transition— over time —from "paper" records to optically The Public Safety Department has continued improvements in stored records. Optical storage permits digital "look up" of any neighborhood outreach, crime suppression and crime clearance optical record "at will" through the convenience of a simple during the past year. To support these improvements, the budget computer search. Optical storage systems have become Page 16 of 144 commonly used by many local governments and the cost is (up 3% from last year's level of 23%) while employee contributions relatively modest when considering the time savings and customer remain at 6%. Retirement rates for Police (approx. 30) and Fire service improvements they offer. (approx 20) will return to levels of 2003/04 (down 5%to a rate of 15 1/o) while employee contributions are planned to remain at a level of The Village's operating millage rate would be lowered to 6.60 2%. FPE and Police & Fire pension matters are subject to the mils — a reduction of .20 mils from last year's rate of 6.8 mils. Village's collective bargaining negotiations — with all three The Village has no outstanding General Obligation debt. contracts expiring this coming September 30, 2006. Much of our Administration's budget deliberations reflect Debt Administration: judgment "trade-offs" between increasing costs, desired service improvements and the needs for capital items. The proposed budget does not recommend or reflect the use of new loan financing for any equipment or capital plans in the Personnel Staffing and Benefits coming year. All planned and recommended equipment purchases and capital projects are considered a routine and normal function The proposed budget reflects recommendations and plans of the of the Village's annual plan and, therefore, are funded by annual Administration's Comprehensive Pay and Classification Plan (see available revenues. Unusual and large capital projects providing separate tab in this budget document). The Comprehensive Pay and significant benefits well into the future (such as the North Substation) Classification Plan reflects a net increase of three (3) full-time would be recommended for loan financing to better "match" the positions in the General Fund and one (1) full-time position in the payment of project costs by those who benefit from its use in the Country Club: future. There are no such capital projects in this year's proposed 1. Community Planner budget. 2. Police Officer 3. Fire Inspector Village revenue bond and debt service payments have been 4. Grounds Manager provided for in this budget as required by each existing Village Part-time position changes generally reflect added staff that work loan agreement including the new Country Club $4.8 million and are paid only on as-needed basis. The increased number of renovation loan. Loan repayments are reflected in the General position authorizations will not result in any increase to budget Services area of our General Fund and as appropriate in our costs (similar to expanding a list of substitute teachers). These positions Country Club Enterprise Fund. The proposed budget does not relate primarily to crossing guards and pool lifeguards. The reflect $2 million in loan financing for construction of the new Comprehensive Pay and Classification Plan includes funding for a North Public Safety sub-station annex. This loan financing will cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) in October and an annual "pay be reflected by a budget amendment later in the year upon for performance" staff merit raise. The Administration Council's future consideration and approval of this project. recommends a merit scale of between 0% - 5% based on performance. Retirement contribution levels for General employees (approx. 50) and FPE staff(approx. 70) will increase to 26% in the coming year Page 17 of 144 Budget Conclusion The Village Manager's Recommended Budget reflects continued The preparation of this Proposed Annual Budget document could not improvement to citizen services, public safety, public facility have been accomplished without the tireless collaboration of all maintenance, and emphasizes improved community appearance Village departments and the notable assistance of our Finance and financial stability. The recommended budget plan promotes Department staff. I want to thank the Council for their input and the administration of the Village in an effective, efficient manner. continued support, encouragement and collaboration in planning and Most importantly, the budget provides necessary resources for the conducting our Village's financial administration in a responsible and Village of North Palm Beach to maintain and further improve progressive manner. services to our 13,000 residents. Several operating and capital improvement project highlights are planned in the FY 2006/07 budget that support the goal of continually improving our Village Respectfully submitted, using a "Resident Service" focus. Many of these budget highlights are shown on tables in the following pages. In summary, the proposed budget recommends the following operational funding: Mark Bates, Village Manager • Reduce the Village Operating millage rate to Village of North Palm Beach, Fla. a "Tentative Millage Rate" of 6.60 mils The Village Administration is looking forward to presenting the substance and content of this Proposed Budget at Council's scheduled meetings from July thru September. Council discussions and refinements to the Proposed Budget will be tracked and tabulated during these meetings. These refinements will lead to the required budget public hearings in September and final adoption of a Council-approved ad valorem millage rate and budget for the coming year. The Council may further reduce the millage rate at the September budget hearings...but the rate may not be increased from the "Tentative" Rate that is adopted in July. Page 18 of 144 HIGHLIGHTS OF GENERAL FUND CAPITAL PLAN FY 2006-2007 DEPT AMOUNT Village Council •Automation of Council Chambers--(9)Laptops/computers $ Village Manager •(1)"High End"computer for broadcasting over cable channel •(1)Digital movie camera for broadcasting Human Resources •High Speed Scanner&software licenses for records management 9,000 Finance •Web Server 3,000 •E-Mail Server with exchange 16,000 •Village Phone System 30,000 •High Speed Scanner&software licenses for records management 9,000 58,000 Library •Books&Publications 58,000 •Audio Books,DVDs&CDs 18,000 •(2)A/C Condensing Units 15,000 91,000 Public Safety •(4)Patrol/Admin Vehicles 106,000 •(1)Undercover Vehicle 20,000 •(1)Crime Scene Vehicle Conversion 10,000 •(7)Laptop Computers for Patrol&Detectives 8,519 •(1)Dell Poweredge 1850 Rackmount Server 4,000 •(1)Workstation&Printer 2,500 •(2)Surveilance/Security Cameras with installation 12,286 •(3)Laser Radar Unit 10,467 •(4)Front Antenna Radar Unit 5,360 •Child ID System 12,695 •E-Form Software 6,000 197,827 Public Works •Road Street Overlay-Asphalt 375,000 •Tandem Axle Garbage Truck 135,000 •Storm Water Improvements 40,000 •Replace 3/4 Ton Utility Vehicle 26,000 •Fleet-Replace Asphalt in yard with concrete 20,000 596,000 Community Development: •(1)Laptop&Mount in Inspector's Vehicle 5,000 •(1)Laptop for Planner 2,500 •(1)Laptop&Mount in Code Officer Vehicle 3,000 •(1)Plotter&Scanner 7,500 18,000 Parks/Recreation •(1)3/4 Ton Truck 24,000 •(1)Rotary Mower 8,000 •Computer Hardware&Software 24,000 •Resurface Gymnasium Floor 20,000 •Pool Heaters 50,000 •Replace Solar Pool Blankets 3,600 •Furniture for Pool Deck 30,000 •FRDAP Grant Match(Pool) - •Anchorage Park Renovation&Sewer Treatment Plant Demolition 200,000 •Playground Equipment 30,000 •Furniture(indoor&outdoor) 16,000 405,600 Highlights Of Proposed 2006/07 Capital Plan $ 1,375,427 Page 19 of 144 GENERAL FUND OPERATING HIGHLIGHTS FY 2006-2007 DEPT DESCRIPTION AMOUNT Village Clerk •Election Expenses 18,000 •Advisory Board Appreciation Dinner 8,000 •Increase Elected Officials Salaries 03/07 9,100 35,100 Village Manager •College Management Intern 0 Finance •Create Department Director/Assistant Director position 6,045 •College Accounting Intern 18,000 •Annual cost of village-wide Bellsouth VPN 15,600 39,645 Human Resources •Adjust HR Director and HR Specialist positions 19,873 •Consulting fees for salary survey 15,000 •Employee Appreciation Day picnic&holiday party 12,000 46,873 Library •Two circulation desks,computer carrel&reference desk(use gift account) 50,000 Public Safety •Utilities(Electricity,Water, Sewer, Telephone&Gas) 130,460 •Add new Crime Scene Police Officer 81,418 •Gas,Oil&Lubricants 80,000 •Add new Fire Inspector 79,004 •Annual Fire Inspection Fee-Revenue (80,500) •Medical& Safety Supplies 26,290 316,672 Community Development •Create Community Development Director Position 7,540 •Add new Planner Position 88,329 95,869 Public Works •Create Department Director/Assistant Director position 2,833 •Roadway beautification and improvement projects 43,000 •Improved neighborhood lighting 21,500 •R&M Sidewalk Replacement 95,000 oProfessional Services for Street and Stormwater Projects 40,000 •Tree Trimming in Advance of Hurricane Season 5,000 207,333 Parks/Recreation •Camp programs expense offset with revenue($50,000) 50,000 •Travel Ticket expense offset with revenue($11,000) 11,000 •R&M Marina/Storage-Lighting,Landscaping, Security,Facilities 40,000 •Heritage Day expense offset with revenue($35,000) 35,000 136,000 Other •Estimated 35%Increase in SERMA Insurance premium plus reserve 423,839 •Annual Debt Service Expense(General Fund) 949,428 $ 1,373,267 Highlights of Proposed 2006/07 Operating Costs $ 2,300,759&age 20 of 144 VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH GENERAL FUND COUNCIL'S ADOPTED BUDGET FISCAL YEAR 2006 - 2007 Page 21 of 144 General Fund Residents of The Village of North Palm Beach Village Council Village Clerk 3 FT Village Attorney Village Manager 2 FT Finance 7 FT Human Resources 2 FT Community Development 9 FT (+1 FT) 1 PT Public Works 47 FT Public Safety 68 FT (+2 FT) 13 PT (-1 PT) 23 Volunteers (-1) Summary: Change: 160 FT (+3 FT) Library 7 FT 4 61 PT (+7 PT) 8 PT 64 IC 23 Volunteers (-1) Parks & Recreation 15 FT 39 PT (+8 PT) 64 IC Page 22 of 144 GENERAL FUND Adopted Budget Fiscal Year 2006-2007 ADOPTED 2005 Budget 2004 Actual 2003 Actual REVENUE Taxes-Ad-Valorem Taxes $ 11,965,998 $ 10,774,955 $ 8,451,784 $ 6,365,000 Utility Service Taxes 2,082,000 1,954,788 1,830,339 1,755,154 Franchise Fees 890,000 804,736 861,708 890,285 Sales&Use Taxes 310,000 $ 15,247,998 310,572 295,993 282,384 Licenses&Permits 1,177,100 1,050,100 712,185 721,485 Intergovernmental 1,299,619 1,210,600 1,350,102 1,245,311 Charges for Services 1,143,525 1,348,757 848,363 744,250 Fines&Forfeitures 119,263 99,323 87,209 88,047 Investment Income 380,000 115,000 45,315 54,554 Non-Revenue(Loans)/Approp Fund Balance 50,000 350,000 230,000 403,000 Miscellaneous 21,128 19,569 152,699 125,292 TOTAL REVENUE 19,438,633 18,038,400 14,865,697 12,674,762 EXPENSE General Government-Village Council 133,453 120,441 100,152 98,144 Village Manager 294,668 508,670 357,904 351,157 Human Resources 231,795 0 0 0 Village Finance 774,402 687,359 445,494 378,645 Village Attorney 170,000 137,500 109,396 117,273 Village Clerk 239,504 1,843,822 265,568 217,372 185,057 Public Safety-Police 4,482,946 4,271,356 3,300,695 3,359,421 Fire Rescue 2,571,516 7,054,462 2,564,768 2,027,342 1,962,774 Public Works-Admin 334,771 167,911 504,302 475,828 Sanitation 1,952,621 1,711,418 1,150,317 1,185,212 Facility Services 556,680 637,621 516,795 497,502 Streets&Grounds 1,640,261 1,520,849 675,647 963,544 Vehicle Maintenance 357,431 4,841,764 321,865 153,443 165,734 Community Development-Community Planning 250,886 38,500 30,916 (2,822) Building 482,113 639,443 0 0 Code Enforcement 179,426 912,425 131,434 0 0 Leisure Serv.-Recreation 1,042,091 1,018,796 613,086 631,040 Park Maintenance 880,205 801,550 353,370 383,773 Pool 353,846 240,196 203,331 197,302 Library 803,814 3,079,956 681,802 663,795 570,042 Debt Other-Debt Serv. 949,428 1,073,888 995,765 1,078,572 Other 169,139 227,074 1,186,730 1,319,093 Non-Departmental $ 587,637 1,706,204 270,391 265,956 232,702 TOTAL EXPENSES $ 19,438,633 $ 18,038,400 $ 13,871,810 $ 14,149,992 Page 23 of 144 Village Council Mission Statement Current Year Accomplishments To nurture and maintain a close collaboration between the Village's The Village Council supports improving the Village's quality of life three appointed areas (Administration, Attorney, and Clerk) by through: providing sound, clear policy guidance that encourages, promotes, protects, and improves the welfare of the Village of North Palm Renovation and redesign of the golf course at the North Palm Beach, ensuring that North Palm Beach remains "the best place to Beach Country Club as a Nicklaus Signature Golf Course. live under the sun." Grand opening of the Village's Jack Nicklaus Signature Golf Course is planned for early November. Service Levels Narrative Purchase of land and design agreement for construction of a As the legislative branch of Village government, the Council is Public Safety Substation north of the Intracoastal Waterway comprised of five officials elected village-wide serving two-year terms. Completion of Phase 1 of the Northlake Boulevard Streetscape Councilmen in Groups 1, 3 and 5 are elected in even years, and Project, funded by a grant from Florida Department of councilmen in Groups 2 and 4 are elected in odd years. At the first Transportation regular meeting following the March election, the Council selects a Mayor,Vice Mayor, and President Pro Tem. The Village Council meets ■ Continued dredging of Village waterways on the second and fourth Thursday of the month, and holds additional Celebration of the 50th Anniversary of the Village through meetings as needed to conduct the business of the Village. Heritage Festival and ongoing events throughout the year, Individual councilmen attend monthly meetings of the Village's culminating in a time capsule ceremony on August 12, 2006. advisory boards on a rotating basis, and also attend meetings of local ■ Master Plan for improvements to Anchorage Park. governmental agencies including the Palm Beach County League of Cities and the Board of County Commissioners. Councilmen represent Continued improvement of Village facilities, parks, and the Village of North Palm Beach on the Palm Beach County League of recreational areas through budget appropriation and grant Cities, the John D. MacArthur Beach State Park Board of Directors, the funding. Palm Beach County Multi-Jurisdictional Issues Coordination Forum, New Initiatives and the Northlake Boulevard Corridor Task Force. • Council compensation levels were last adjusted in 1999. The Council establishes Village goals and objectives in its annual Present Council compensation is below that of officials in budget approval and evaluates services and projects throughout the year. comparable South Florida communities. The Administration The Council annually establishes tax millage rates and service fees. recommends adjustment in the annual compensation of the Mayor and Council in the coming year. • Improved presentation and communication at Council and Board meetings through the installation of laptop computers in the Council Chambers Page 24 of 144 Village Council Village of North Palm Beach Residents IF David B. Norris Mayor Edward M. Eissey Vice Mayor William Manuel President Pro Tern Charles O'Meilia Councilman Immanuel Grinn Councilman Village Clerk Village Attorney Village Manager Operating Departments Page 25 of 144 VILLAGE COUNCIL Adopted Budget Fiscal Year 2006-2007 Adopted 2005 Budget 2004 Actual 2003 Actual Personnel Regular Pay $ 40,300 $ 31,200 $ 31,200 $ 31,200 Overtime Pay - - - - Benefits 3,333 4,321 4,727 4,727 $ 43,633 $ 35,521 $ 35,927 $ 35,927 Operating Advisory Board Dinner 8,000 8,000 - 5,383 Accounting&Auditing 40,000 40,000 36,792 25,281 Other Operating Costs 41,820 36,920 27,433 31,553 89,820 84,920 64,225 62,217 Capital Comuter Hardware&Software 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total Expenses $ 133,453 $ 120,441 $ 100,152 $ 98,144 Page 26 of 144 in areas of personnel administration, building services and public works. Village Manager The Manager will continue to work in developing and communicating the Administration's "resident service" vision during the coming year. Mission Statement Encouraging program and service improvements that allow the Village to keep pace with the ever-changing needs of our community will allow the To provide clear direction to the organization, support and guide Village Manager to maintain this core vision. staff and resources while maintaining accountability in the achievement of Village goals and objectives using an operational framework that Current Year Accomplishments and New Initiatives guides and empowers Village staff in providing public services to the citizens of North Palm Beach. The Manager promotes and fosters a In October 2004 a new Village Manager was welcomed to the Village of "purpose-driven" working environment that focuses on service to the North Palm Beach by the Mayor and Council. During the past year the public through the efforts of a continually improving professional staff Manager has continued to build, refine and strengthen our management and operating processes. In collaboration with all Village employees the team. Recognized improvements were made in our public meeting Manager embraces challenges, nurtures creativity, responsibility, processes, public safety community outreach and improved crime maintains accountability and reporting while promoting thoughtful risk- statistics, finance administration & quarterly reporting and overall taking... all focused on the core goal of Serving the Community. Country Club operating performance. While these areas improved, challenges did arise in the Building Services area that we have begun Service Levels Narrative addressing over the past several months. The function of the Village Manager is to serve as the Chief Executive The creation of a formal Human Resources function last year has been an Officer of the Village. The Village Manager is responsible to the Council incredible aide to our organization, assisting the Village to properly for: administrate our 200+ employees. Creation of a permanent Human • Aligning all operational areas of the Village with goals and Resources Department is recommended to properly support the objectives established by the Mayor and Council administration of our Village's most valuable public resource — our Guiding monitoring and reporting on efforts, resources and employees. Further organizational alignment is recommended in • accomplishments meeting public needs and providing public creating a Public Works Department (maintenance and facilities) and a Community Development Department(building,development,licensing and services, Code compliance). The creation of these two departments will improve • Assisting Council in their consideration and action approval customer service challenges in our building permit and inspection area. process by offering choices, addressing challenges and These two departments will also enhance our Village operating embracing opportunities in forming policy decisions public effectiveness, provide greater accountability over staff resources and service choices, accomplishments and provide an increased focus toward our Village's • Ensuring the administration and accountability of Village small but important business community. services and programs is conducted in a responsible, efficient and effective manner Maintaining and improving the appearance of community roadways, parks and facilities is emphasized in the FY 2006 proposed budget. The A fundamental responsibility of the Village Manager is to align and Village will continue to monitor, evaluate and refocus on-going services guide the organization toward achievement of Council goals and toward areas of essential and high-value municipal services. Improved objectives. In support of that effort, the Village's organization structure service will be accomplished by a combination of using internal Village is being further refined to reflect prudent and best practices best practices Page 27 of 144 staff resources while embracing contracting opportunities to achieve results (street overlay, sidewalk repair, streetscape design and lighting plans, stormwater repairs, street light repairs, a/c repairs, etc.) The Village will continue to present the positive public image of North Palm Beach through continued use and enhancement of public information. The Village has created an organized, on-line Council agenda allowing residents to "look up" meeting backup materials and easily access archives of past agenda materials and related meeting minutes. On-line building permit applications, business licensing and recreation registration is also planned as a convenience to residents during the coming year. Page 28 of 144 Village Manager Village Manager 1 FT Executive Secretary 1 FT Summary: Change: 2 FT Page 29 of 144 VILLAGE MANAGER Adopted Budget Fiscal Year 2006-2007 Adopted 2005 Budget 2004 Actual 2003 Actual Personnel Regular Pay $ 180,411 $ 260,303 $ 241,936 $ 228,103 Overtime Pay 400.00 - - - Benefits 81,807 137,464 84,142 72,527 $ 262,618 397,767 326,079 300,630 Operating Operating Costs 21,800 93,645 17,690 27,343 Materials & Supplies 2,750 6,050 4,676 6,943 Utilities 7,500 7,708 8,021 9,425 32,050 107,403 30,387 43,711 Captial Computer Hardware & Software 0 3,500 1,439 6,416 Office Equipment - - - 400 0 3,500 1,439 6,816 Total Expenses $ 294,668 $ 508,670 $ 357,904 $ 351,157 Page 30 of 144 The Village of North Palm Beach Capital Plan DEPARTMENT I CURRENT YR 2005-2006 2006-2007 2007-2008 Village Manager Inventory Life DEPARTMENT Qty Each Total Cost Qty Each Total Cost Qty Each Total Cost A. Computer Hardware&Software Lap Top Computer Village Manager 1 2,000 2,000 0 0 Color Laser Printer Village Manager 1 1,500 1,500 0 0 0 0 0 Village Manager 0 0 0 0 0 Sub Total Computer Hardware&Software 3,500 0 0 TOTAL VILLAGEMANAGER 3,500 0 0 Page 31 of 144 Human Resources Mission Statement seasonal) people. Additionally, the Village offers a comprehensive benefits packet to full-time staff including medical and dental insurance, two self-funded pension plans, deferred compensation and matching To establish and maintain processes and internal controls for the through ICMA, life insurance, long-term disability insurance, Employee recruitment, selection development, and training of Village employees; Assistance Program (EAP), and tuition refund program. orientation and exit interviews of employees; labor relations, personnel policies and procedures; classification and pay plan; risk management; The H/R Director oversees and supervises all areas of H/R and risk workers' compensation; employee tuition reimbursement program; and management. This includes providing oversight, guidance, employment state and federal compliance and reporting. policy, fringe benefit management, hiring administration, staff training, and the monitoring and development of personnel policies and Service Levels Narrative procedures throughout the Village. The Director also provides objective and unbiased analysis and investigation of disciplinary actions and/or The Human Resources (H/R) Department is being created to ensure that employee complaints to ensure that Village policies are being enforced all departments have the necessary resources and support available to fairly and accurately. best manage their personnel and staffing issues. The creation of the H/R Department has also helped to standardize and centralize personnel The H/R Director is responsible for maintaining position descriptions recordkeeping. This ensures that all Village Personnel Rules and for all jobs, ensuring compliance with and meeting reporting Regulations are enforced uniformly throughout each department, and requirements for HIPAA and OSHA, conducting accident that the Village as a whole is functioning as one cohesive unit. investigations, and inquiries into personnel matters. Removing these functions from under the Village Manager's department and creating a separate H/R Department will help to acknowledge the The H/R Specialist assists the H/R Director by providing orientation to legitimacy of these functions, as well as to provide a level of autonomy newly hired personnel overseeing the input of staff benefit selections, necessary to build credibility with both staff and management. assisting with interviews, arranging subsequent pre-employment background and physical/drug screenings, fulfilling records requests, H/R is vital to the development and training of all personnel employed and other administrative functions as needed. by the Village. Centralizing background screening, staff training collective-bargaining responsibilities, and worker's compensation case The H/R Department is responsible for the following functions: management in one H/R Department facilitates uniform application and consideration of state and federal labor laws. • Enrolling all full-time personnel in health dental life, and disability insurance plans and subsequent COBRA plans The Department's responsibilities primarily relate to the administration • Renewals of all general liability and personal medical / health and control of all Village personnel and risk management matters. The insurance plans Village employs 172 full-time and 80 part-time both permanent and Page 32 of 144 • Recruiting, selection, hiring, training, discipline, and separation • Investigated and corrected several employees' pay that were concerning all Village positions previously calculated incorrectly • Performing all necessary background screening and • Changed the clinic the Village uses for workers' compensation coordinating drug screenings and physicals for newly hired staff and pre-employment screenings to one that is more efficient, • Maintaining all personnel files open more hours, and utilizing online reporting to Village FUR • Conducting all accident / incident investigations concerning staff Village personnel and/or Village property • Successfully accomplished 15-month renewal of employee • Maintaining up-to-date Personnel Rules and Regulations medical insurance coverage in addition to all other insurance manual in accordance policies • Labor relations and collective bargaining with Federation of • Established new-hire orientation and training Public Employees (FPE), Police Benevolent Association (PBA), • Established an on-going series of training sessions for Village and International Association of Fire Fighters (IAFF)unions supervisory staff • Managing all workers' compensation cases with third-party- • Revised and updated the entire Personnel Rules and Regulations administrator and health clinic and ensuring that safety manual protocols are followed by employees on site • Staff development and training • Coordination of all employee performance evaluations New Year Initiatives The personnel/title changes for FY 2006-2007 are as follows: The single largest challenge facing the H/R Department in the upcoming fiscal year is to begin a full conversion to managing • The Human Resources Manager position to be renamed to documents and personnel records electronically. This includes an Director of Human Resources and the pay grade adjusted from integration of electronic forms and files into daily use and a full 27 to 33 to more accurately reflect the responsibilities of this migration of existing records into a digital format (that meets all position in relation to other Village departments and other FUR legal records retention specifications). departments in the area • The Human Resources Specialist position is being moved from The document imaging software necessary to make this conversion pay grade 22 to 27 to better align the pay scale with other H/R should be purchased by the end of FY 2005-06. In the upcoming departments in the area. fiscal year, FUR plans to purchase any additional software user licenses as needed and a high-speed, high-quality, multi job scanner Current Year Events to begin the scanning and indexing of personnel records. During the year, in addition to meeting all of its performance measures, This process will simultaneously allow for easier use, retrieval, and FUR has accomplished a significant amount of special projects storage of all documents, while increasing staff's ability to maintain including: the necessary controls of sensitive materials in accordance with HIPPA and OSHA regulations. • Established a new department within the Village and educating staff on personnel hiring process Page 33 of 144 Additionally,in the coming year,the H/R Department plans to • Establish a series of"brown bag lunch" seminars and in-house achieve the following goals and objectives: training sessions for all employees to upgrade their computer, communication, and other skills • Implement process to track applicants and employee evaluations • Revisit all existing FUR related forms (e.g. employment in MUNIS application)and revise/update as necessary • Assist the Public Safety Department with obtaining CALEA • Purchase and implement document imaging system for accreditation by providing all necessary FUR related policies electronic storage and processing of all personnel files Performance Measures FY 2004 FY 2005 FY 2006 FY 2006 FY 2007 Year-End Year-End Year-End Year-End Year-End Actual Actual Goal Projected Goal Achieve and maintain a workers' compensation MOD rate below 1 .88 .98 .95 N/A .93 Achieve and maintain 8-10 staff training sessions annually N/A I 1 1 5 1 3 1 6 Page 34 of 144 Human Resources Hu 0 FT (-1 FT) Director of Human Resources 1 FT (+1 FT) Human Resources Specialist 1 FT Summary: Change: 2 FT Page 35 of 144 HUMAN RESOURCES Adopted Budget Fiscal Year 2006-2007 Adopted 2005 Budget 2004 Actual 2003 Actual Personnel Regular Pay $ 118,932 $ - $ - $ - Overtime Pay - - - - Benefits 59,213 - - - $ 178,145 - - - Operating Operating Costs 42,400 - - - Materials & Supplies 2,250 - - - Utilities 0 - - - 44,650 - - - Captial Computer Hardware & Software 9,000 - - - Office Equipment - - - - 9,000 - - - Total Expenses $ 231,795 $ - $ - $ - Page 36 of 144 The Village of North Palm Beach Capital Plan DEPARTMENT I CURRENT YR 2005-2006 2006-2007 2007-2008 Human Resources Inventory Life DEPARTMENT Qty Each Total Cost Qty Each Total Cost Qty Each Total Cost A. Computer Hardware&Software High Quantity Scanner Human Resources 0 1 6,000 6,000 0 Optical Records Storage System-2 user licenses Human Resources 0 1 3,000 3,000 0 0 0 0 Sub Total Computer Hardware&Software 0 9,000 0 TOTAL HUMAN RESOURCES 0 9,000 0 Page 37 of 144 Finance Village grants and prepares the Village's financial reports—including the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report ("CAFR"). The Village's Mission Statement CAFR has received the Certificate of Achievement in Financial To establish and maintain adequate internal controls that safeguard the Reporting from the Government Finance Officers Association ("GFOA") Village's assets and ensure that they are efficiently and effectively for the past 16 years. allocated, to help maintain the Village's strong financial condition by maintaining revenue levels that are sufficient to carry out Council Prudent financial management has contributed to the increase in priorities and goals and to support staff in providing citizens with the Undesignated Unappropriated Fund Balance for the Village general fund. appropriate services levels that they have come to expect. This gives the Village an adequate and important financial "cushion" to meet unexpected financial hardships. The General Fund Undesignated Unappropriated Fund Balance at September 30, 2005 is unused and Service Levels Narrative unbudgeted in this proposed budget - remaining at a level of $5.77 million. One significant proposed change to the Finance Department relates to personnel structure. As in other departments, clerical staff with similar The Finance Director oversees and supervises all areas of the Finance tasks and duties previously had different titles. We're proposing two and Information Technology (IT) Department. This includes providing positions in Finance be reclassified to Accounting Clerk. The positions oversight, guidance, financial policy, cash/investment management, debt are Accounting Tech III and the Administrative Assistant. The management and the monitoring and developing of financial strategies. Accounting Director position is being reclassified up to Assistant The Director also enforces policies that ensure adequate financial Finance Director and the I.T. Systems Coordinator position is being procedures, fiscal solvency and financial statement integrity through the reclassified down to Systems Support Analyst. These changes more maintenance of proper internal controls. adequately reflect the responsibilities and duties of the positions. Finance is proposing to add an in-tern part time position for a college The Director is responsible for preparing and distributing the various level accounting student to assist with projects and accounting. financial reports of the Village; oversees quarterly financial analyses, performance indicator tracking and financial trends, establishes standard As the largest support department, Finance is providing administrative, operating procedures for the fiscal operation of the Village, tracks operational and financial assistance to management, elected officials and payment schedules, secures financing for vehicles and large capital the Village's residents. The Department's responsibilities primarily expenditures (e.g., leases, Capital Improvement, etc.) and develops relate to the administration, control and reporting of all Village finances. procedures for monitoring and facilitating timely debt payment. Last year Finance helped the Village convert payroll from a weekly to bi- weekly basis...now, finance issues over 5,000 bi-weekly staff payroll The Assistant Director of Finance assists by overseeing the Finance checks and direct deposits annually. The department also processes over Department's day-to-day operations and is responsible for financial 5000 payments to Village vendors and suppliers. The Department reporting and internal control as well. monitors the Village's fund balances, prepares the Village's annual budget document, invests the Village's excess cash balances, reports on Page 38 of 144 The Division is responsible for the following functions: accurately reflect the responsibilities of this position in relation to other Village departments and other Finance departments in the • Prepares, records, analyzes and monitors all of the Village's area financial transactions • Prepares various Village's financial reports Current Year Accomplishments and New Initiatives • Monitors and improves all Village internal financial controls Verifies accuracy, completeness, legitimacy and proper account During the year, in addition to meeting all of its performance measures, • recording for all Village expenditures Finance has accomplished a significant amount of special projects including: • Ensures that payment is remitted timely and accurately in accordance with Village procurement policies • Development of meaningful financial reports using GAAP • Processes all payroll-related functions including direct deposit and (generally accepted accounting principles) emphasizing accuracy the issuance of payroll checks to Village employees and reliability with Village's first automated payroll and accounts • Reconciles quarterly pension statements and submits all payroll payable accruals at quarter and month end reports • Conversion from a weekly to a bi-weekly payroll which improved • Coordinates and prepares the Village's Annual Budget and internal control by allowing 3 days for review as opposed to the performance measures immediate processing practiced previously. • Roll-out of Country Club point-of-sale accounting system by IT The personnel/title changes for FY 2006-2007 are as follows: and Finance — resulting in improved control and an average increase in revenue to the Country Club of around $50,000 per • Addition of one Assistant Director of Finance f/t position and month (with essentially the same number of customers and volume deletion of one Director of Accounting f/t position with a pay of play) — also provided essential management information about grade adjustment from 30 to 32 to more accurately reflect the customer play and facility utilization (i.e. member vs. resident responsibilities of this position in relation to other Village play) departments and other Finance departments in the area • Completing FEMA's comprehensive hurricane reimbursement • Addition of one Network Support Specialist f/t position and process for the three storms in two years deletion of one IT Systems Coordinator f/t position with a pay . Participated in procuring a $5 million loan for the Country Club grade adjustment from 30 to 28 to more accurately reflect the redesign and renovation project responsibilities of this position in relation to other Village . Established network-VPN conversion for Village wide area departments and other Information Technology divisions in the communications with all departments • Rolled out improved web-site with better information including the • Reclassification of one Accounting Technician III f/t position to an Clerk's posting of on-line agendas, minutes, and supporting detail. Accounting Clerk f/t position and the pay grade adjusted from 22 to 20 to more accurately reflect the responsibilities of this position • Creation of Internal Service Funds for grants and other special in relation to other Village departments and other Finance accounting departments in the area • Health and Dental insurance deductions (& employer portion)• Reclassification of one Administrative Assistant f/t position to an established in Munis software payroll system for each employee Accounting Clerk f/t position (pay grade unchanged) to more • Now using software's payroll position control and job class within Munis System (major change from previous manual system) Page 39 of 144 • Identified, communicated and developed plans to address challenges to Village's retirement plans. • All the above and more was accomplished with a Finance staff of five (three of which were new employees) and an IT staff of two (including one new manager)...while lowering the millage from 7.3 mills to 6.8 in 2005-06. In the coming year, the Finance Department plans to achieve the following goals and objectives: • Continue with employee time and attendance system to support payroll. The project will start at the end of the fiscal 05-06 year and most likely completed during start of the 06-07 fiscal year • Assist with the Village's conversion to an electronic document imaging system which will be integrated with the existing Mums financial software for modules such as accounts payable/purchasing • Assist Human Resources in developing adequate orientation and training for existing management and staff relating to control procedures, forms, and software. • Expand Village technology including on-line web-registration for recreation activities for Village residents. Page 40 of 144 Finance Director of Finance 1 FT 0 FT (-1 FT) Assistant Director of Finance 1 FT (+1 FT) Info Systems Mgr 1 FT Accountant 1 FT a or 0 FT (-1 FT) Network Support Specialist 1 FT (+1 FT) IF 0 FT (-1 FT) Administrative Assistant 0 FT (-1 FT) Accounting Clerk 2 FT (+2 FT) Summary: Change: FT = 7 PT = 0 Page 41 of 144 FINANCE Adopted Budget Fiscal Year 2006-2007 Adopted 2005 Budget 2004 Actual 2003 Actual Personnel Regular Pay $ 410,313 $ 363,010 $ 306,561 $ 242,226 Overtime Pay 7,500 6,000 5,895 7,069 Benefits 205,579 196,092 95,320 91,778 $ 623,392 565,102 407,776 341,073 Operating Operating Costs 71,490 44,090 24,704 20,566 Materials& Supplies 12,900 6,300 5,434 5,584 Utilities 8,620 3,409 3,927 4,805 93,010 53,799 34,065 30,955 Captial Furniture&Fixtures 0 - - - Computer Hardware& Software 58,000 68,458 3,653 6,616 58,000 68,458 3,653 6,616 Total Expenses $ 774,402 $ 687,359 $ 445,494 $ 378,645 Page 42 of 144 The Village of North Palm Beach Capital Plan DEPARTMENT I CURRENT YR 2005-2006 2006-2007 2007-2008 Finance Inventory Life DEPARTMENT Qty Each Total Cost Qty Each Total Cost Qty Each Total Cost A. Computer Hardware&Software Web Server Information Technology 0 1 3,000 3,000 0 E-Mail Server with exchange software Information Technology 0 1 16,000 16,000 0 Village Phone System Information Technology 0 1 30,000 30,000 0 Computer Finance 1 1,500 1,500 0 0 Signature Chip-MUNIS Finance 1 399 399 0 0 Electric Binder Finance 1 699 699 0 0 Laser Color Printer Finance 1 1,500 1,500 0 0 Scanner Finance 3 600 1,800 0 0 High speed scanner&licenses to digitize records 1 9,000 9,000 KRONOS Time Clock(Software and 3 Time Clocks) Finance 1 60,560 60,560 0 0 MUNIS On-Site Biweekly Payroll Setup Finance 1 1,500 1,500 0 0 MUNIS WebEx Training Finance 1 500 500 0 0 Sub Total Computer Hardware&Software 68,458 58,000 0 B.Furniture&Fixtures 01 Alvg 4 Fi IAg Finance 0 0 _5_19A9 0 0 0 0 0 Sub Total Furniture&Fixtures 0 0 0 TOTAL FINANCE 68,458 58,000 0 Page 43 of 144 Village Attorney Mission Statement To provide sound, effective, and timely legal advice and representation to the Village Council and Village Administration, and to advise and assist the Code Enforcement Board regarding legal matters. Service Levels Narrative The Village Attorney represents the Village Council and Village Administration in matters of law pertaining to their official duties; prepares and reviews ordinances, resolutions, agreements, contracts and other documents; advises on statutory matters; conducts litigation; serves as counsel to the Code Enforcement Board. The Village Attorney's office considers and responds to Village requirements and needs. Page 44 of 144 VILLAGE ATTORNEY Adopted Budget Fiscal Year 2006-2007 Adopted 2005 Budget 2004 Actual 2003 Actual Operating Village Attorney Legal Fee $ 100,000 $ 87,500 $ 67,704 $ 88,839 Special Legal Services 30,000 20,000 18,345 14,951 Labor Services 40,000 30,000 23,348 13,484 170,000 137,500 109,396 117,273 Total Expenses $ 170,000 $ 137,500 $ 109,396 $ 117,273 Page 45 of 144 Village Clerk Mission Statement ■ Administer and record Oaths of Office, and employee Oaths To serve the Village Council by recording and preserving all ' Provide notary services to Administration and the public proceedings of the Village Council and its Advisory Boards. The Village Clerk processes, records, files, and advertises notices, Current Year Accomplishments ordinances, resolutions, and proclamations, ensures codification of Service to the public was enhanced by providing access to Council ordinances; attests to Village contracts and agreements, administers meeting agendas, backup materials, and minutes on the Village's Village elections, and responds to public information requests. website. The Village Clerk's office increased availability of information in a user-friendly format to our residents through Service Levels Narrative website links to the Village Council, Advisory Boards and The Village Clerk's office serves the Village Council residents, and Committees, and election and voter information. The Clerk employees of the Village of North Palm Beach. implemented digital recording of Council and Board meetings. During the 2005 calendar year, the Village Clerk's office processed The Village Clerk, Deputy Village Clerk, and Administrative documents for 165 Code Enforcement Board cases,which resulted in Assistant: 19 liens and 11 releases of liens for paid Code Enforcement Board • Prepare and distribute Village Council meeting agendas, fines totaling $5,870. The Village Clerk's office issued 474 lien minutes proclamations certifications regarding property transactions within the Village. The Village Clerk's office processed 29 ordinances and 116 resolutions, • Ensure legal advertisement of ordinances and provided notice of 45 Village Council meetings, 96 advisory • Execute and distribute ordinances, resolutions, agreements, board meetings, and 23 collective bargaining sessions. and contracts New Initiatives • Assist with Council correspondence ■ Digital imaging of Village records is planned for the last • Administer Village elections quarter of the year and will facilitate records management • Provide administrative support to the Code Enforcement and electronic storage and retrieval of Village records Board, including preparing, distributing, filing and recording through the use of an optical records storage system. Digital hearing notices, minutes, orders, liens, and releases imaging will be expanded to additional departments for • Function as the Village's central hub for public records increased service to Village Administration and residents. requests, and ensure records retention and disposition Increase access to current information via the website • Prepare and distribute the Village's new resident packets Municipal election March 13,2007 Page 46 of 144 Village Clerk Village Clerk 1 FT IF Deputy Village Clerk 1 FT Administrative Assistant 1 FT Summary: Change FT = 3 PT = 0 Page 47 of 144 VILLAGE CLERK Adopted Budget Fiscal Year 2006-2007 Adopted 2005 Budget 2004 Actual 2003 Actual Personnel Regular Pay $ 138,786 $ 133,913 $ 158,589 $ 124,259 Overtime Pay - - - - Benefits 62,863 70,885 50,194 46,563 $ 201,649 204,798 208,783 170,822 Operating Operating Costs 31,555 28,655 4,426 5,406 Materials & Supplies 4,300 3,650 2,272 3,027 Utilities 2,000 2,520 1,892 1,859 37,855 34,825 8,589 10,291 Captial Computer Hardware & Software 0 22,695 - 3,720 Furniture &Fixtures 0 3,250 - 223 0 25,945 - 3,943 Total Expenses $ 239,504 $ 265,568 $ 217,372 $ 185,057 Page 48 of 144 The Village of North Palm Beach Capital Plan DEPARTMENT I CURRENT YR 2005-2006 2006-2007 2007-2008 Village Clerk Inventory Life DEPARTMENT Qty Each Total Cost Qty Each Total Cost Qty Each Total Cost A. Computer Hardware&Software Updating Admin.Assistant's Computer Village Clerk 1 1,315 1,315 0 0 New Computer equipment for digital recordings in Conference Room Village Clerk 1 1,930 1,930 0 0 Clerk's Index Software Update Village Clerk 1 1,000 1,000 0 0 High Quantity Scanner Village Clerk 1 450 450 0 0 Lap Top Computer Village Clerk 0 0 0 0 0 Color Laser Printer Village Clerk 0 0 0 0 0 Optical Records Storage System Village Clerk 1 18,000 18,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sub Total Computer Hardware&Software 22,695 0 0 B.Furniture&Fixtures File Credenza 0 0 0 Presentation equipment for CR;$2500 projector;$750 screen Village Clerk 1 3,250 3,250 0 0 0 0 0 Sub Total Furniture&Fixtures 3,250 0 0 TOTAL VILLAGE CLERK 25,945 0 0 Page 49 of 144 The Village has been a member of the MPSCC (Municipal Public Safety Law Enforcement A5711 Communications Consortium) for the past several years. The Consortium has decided on a vendor for an 800 Mhz communications system. The system decided upon will allow for interoperability between agencies and the transfer of both voice and data in a secure environment. The move to this Mission Statement system will satisfy the mandates of the federal government to move away from VHF communication for emergency organizations and to provide for To provide the highest quality of public safety services by maintaining interoperability. As the budget is being prepared, an evaluation of the costs respect for individual rights and human dignity and by empowering our for our move to this communications system is forthcoming. We anticipate members and the community to work in partnership with the goal of moving to the 800 Mhz system during FY 2006/2007. improving quality of life within the Village of North Palm Beach. The Department of Public Safety, Law Enforcement Division has begun Service Levels Narrative measures to attain "National" accreditation through the Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies (CALEA). There are 444 The Village has been providing Public Safety services to its residents since standards of compliance that the Agency must meet to attain accreditation. 1956. Public Safety services include law enforcement, fire and emergency The overall purpose of the Commission's accreditation program is to medical services. The Law Enforcement Division consists of thirty one improve delivery of law enforcement service by offering a body of standards. sworn law enforcement officers, nine communications personnel (two of which serve as Records Clerks), one public safety aide,two full time and one The Public Safety Department has enhanced security at the Village's Country part time clerical personnel. Club, Marina and Community Center through remote camera surveillance monitoring. Technology now enables the "monitoring" of remote sites Our Road Patrol and Communications personnel work a twelve hour shift through designated radio frequencies thus alerting Public Safety personnel to schedule, with a minimum staffing requirement to provide better law those locations as incidents are occurring rather than after the fact. The enforcement coverage. monitoring is accomplished through the Communications Division and provides digital video time-lapse capabilities. Individual camera images can New Initiatives also be viewed on laptop computers installed in patrol vehicles. The Law Enforcement Division of the Public Safety Department is seeking The personnel/title changes for FY 2006-2007 are as follows: the addition of one new specifically trained law enforcement officer to serve as the Evidence Custodian and Crime Scene Technician. This specialty . Addition of one Police Officer f/t position position would be responsible for care and control of all evidentiary items . Deletion of one School Crossing Guard p/t position necessary for criminal prosecution. Additionally, this position would be responsible for processing of all complex crime scenes within the Village Traffic Safety without reliance upon the Sheriffs office or other municipal agencies. Current case loads and proprietary units have significantly hindered our One of the primary objectives for the Division is to provide safe streets for ability to address this vital evidentiary process. The Evidence Custodian Village residents. This is accomplished through aggressive traffic duties are currently being juggled by our Marine Patrol Officer which fails to enforcement and education of the motoring public. The Division's meet professional standards for evidence control and diminishes maritime motorcycle traffic units provides seven day a week coverage. The motorcycle patrol effectiveness. units' primary responsibility is the enforcement of traffic laws and motor vehicle crash investigation. In addition to these dedicated units, the Page 50 of 144 remaining officers assigned to patrol duties are also charged with traffic Criminal Investi gations Unit enforcement. The Criminal Investigations Unit consists of a sergeant and three detectives One issue that the Division continues to focus on is traffic concerns in the who are primarily assigned to investigate both crimes against property and local neighborhoods. This is accomplished through a traffic hotline for the persons. use of our residents and a speed awareness trailer that can provide us with statistical data. This data is used to evaluate the need for increased traffic Marine Patrol Unit enforcement in any given area within the Village. Due to the Village bordering Lake Worth, the Intracoastal Waterway and Enforcement Initiatives (2005): inland waters, a Marine Unit is deployed to police the boating public and to Citations Issued: 5,737 investigate any marine crimes. Organization Community Policing- Crime Prevention The Director of Public Safety is responsible for the overall operation and One specially trained Public Safety Officer, is responsible for the Police performance of all Department personnel. The Director communicates on a Explorer program, residential and business security surveys, and all other regular basis with the Village Manager, Village Department Heads and community based programs. Councilmen on all public safety related matters. The Assistant Director is responsible for overseeing the supervision of all Community Programs law enforcement related activities. The Assistant Director is also responsible Explorer Proms for many administrative functions including performing the duties of the Director in his absence. During this past year, the Police Explorer program returned to the Village. This program is for individuals between the ages of 14 to 18. The The Administrative Coordinator is responsible for all secretarial duties required by the Director and Assistant Director. The Coordinator also participants are introduced to the many facets of law enforcement and performs duties related to payroll, purchasing and Criminal Justice Standards emergency services. The Explorers work hand in hand with the public safety and Training Commission requirements. officers and assist them in community policing philosophy. The program is directed toward people who have an interest in the field of law enforcement. Watch Commanders (lieutenants) are responsible for overseeing the Alpha Each Explorer must meet certain requirements before being accepted into the and Bravo Shift sergeants as well as performing administrative duties. program. The program currently has nine participants. Patrol Division Police Reserve Program This program is for adult individuals who have an interest in serving their The Patrol Division consists of four teams assigned to work two shifts with a community as part of the Law Enforcement Division of the Public Safety minimum of four public safety officers assigned to each team. The minimum Department. Applicants are processed as if they were to be hired as full-time staffing level is three public safety officers per shift for each day to provide law enforcement officers. Upon successful completion of the processing, the necessary coverage per 24 hour day. they must attend an Academy and pass a state exam to become certified as Auxiliary Officers. They assist full time officers in every aspect of their jobs Page 51 of 144 and offer assistance during special Village projects such as the Heritage Day numbers displayed throughout the vehicle and choose not to steal the vehicle. Parade and 4th of July festivities. We currently have four Reserve Officers. The Division conducted approximately 50 VIN etchings in 2005. Security Surveys/Home and Business Operation Chill Our specially trained Community Policing/Crime Prevention Officer offers Officers reward children wearing bicycle helmets by giving them a coupon free residential and business security surveys to lessen the chance of a break- for a free Slurpee. in to a residence or business. The officer will provide tips on door locks, alarm systems, lighting, landscaping, and other areas that may help prevent Summer Camp Participation becoming a victim. Several business and residential surveys were conducted during 2005. Officers visit summer camps throughout the community offering Stranger Danger, 911 Emergency Call and Bicycle Safety talks to protect children Trespass Program from harm. This program allows business owners to sign an affidavit giving consent for Cash for Your Class public safety officers to act as an agent, thereby giving them the authority to request people to vacate the premises. After the affidavit is signed,the owner Ink jet and laser printer cartridges are recycled for cash which is donated to installs, at their expense, specifically worded: No Trespass signs in visible North Palm Beach Elementary School. locations. Public Safety Officers must advise person(s)found on the premises that failure to leave the area may result in arrest. Currently there are thirteen D.A.R.E. Proms properties involved in this program. Drug Abuse Resistance Education is offered in community schools by Combat Auto Theft (C.A.T.)Proms specially trained officers. The C.A.T. program is used to fight back against auto theft. Upon Cell Phones to Seniors registration with proof of vehicle ownership and driver's license, the vehicle owner signs a consent form authorizing Public Safety Officers to have a right Cell phones are collected which are then given out to senior citizens to conduct a traffic stop on their vehicle if the vehicle is being operated throughout the area for emergency use. between the hours of 1:00 A.M. and 5:00 A.M. A yellow C.A.T. sticker is placed on the rear window notifying Public Safety Officers of participation in Gun Lock Proms the program.At the present time there are approximately 200 people enrolled in the CAT program Free gun locks are given to residents to keep their homes safe through secured firearms. VIN Etching I Prevent Crime Proms This program is an anti-auto theft initiative where the vehicle identification number is etched into various parts of the vehicle, such as all windows and Participants sign a Commitment to Crime Prevention form stating that they doors. This will assist officers in identifying vehicle parts that may be stolen agree to follow basic crime prevention principles. Over 200 forms were and/or placed on another vehicle. This program may also help deter vehicle signed in 2005. parts and auto thefts in general as the perpetrator may observe the VIN Page 52 of 144 Crime Prevention Meetinss FY 2004 FY 2005 FY 2006 YEAR END YEAR END YEAR END Our trained officer conducts crime prevention meetings throughout the Performance Measures ACTUAL ACTUAL GOAL community to learn and discuss what problems may be occurring and ways On a quarterly basis, reduce the amount to help one another combat crime. This is an open dialogue between all of residential burglaries by 10% 69 60 54 parties involved, finding solutions to issues. This program also helps to organize neighborhoods into Crime Watch groups. Approximately 50 On an annual basis increase the UCR meetings were attended in the past year. clearance rate by 5% 9.7% 20.2% 22% Neighborhood Association Meeting Through aggressive enforcement and education reduce the total index crime The Director of Public Safety attends all neighborhood and homeowner by 5%on a semi-annual basis. 411 345 328 association meetings held in the Village. This allows the community to provide input on issues concerning their community and allows the Division Attain "National" accreditation to communicate relevant information back to the community. through CALEA by y2007. (Percentage completed) N/A 60% 95% Page 53 of 144 Public Safety Director of Public Safety 1 FT Assistant Director Public Safety 1 FT Administrative Coordinator 1 FT Law Enforcement E Fire Rescue Emergency Dispatcher I 6 FT Division Emergency Dispatcher II 1 FT Records Clerk 2 FT Division Criminal Investigations Fire Chief 1 FT Asst. Fire Chief 1 FT Sergeant 1 FT Clerical IS 1 PT 0 FT (-1 FT) Volunteer Firefighters 19 Police Officer 3 FT (+1 FT) Patrol Division: Police Officer 1 FT (+1 FT) Clerical Specialist 1 FT Lieutenants 2 FT Fire Inspector 1 FT (+1 FT) FIRE/RESCUE Shifts: Sergeants 4 FT Police Officer 13 FT Fire Lieutenants 3 FT PSO/Fire 2 FT Firefighter/Medics 15 FT (+2 FT) PSO/Tri-Cert. 1 FT Paramedic 1 FT Firefighter/EMTs 2 FT (-2 FT) Special Operations Summary: Change FT=68 +2 FT Public Safety School Crossing PT= 13 -1 PT Aide 1 FT Police Officer 3 FT [Guards 12 PT(-1 P Reserve/Volunteers 4 (-1) Volunteers = 23 (-1) Page 54 of 144 POLICE Adopted Budget Fiscal Year 2006-2007 Adopted 2005 Budget 2004 Actual 2003 Actual Personnel Regular Pay $ 2,408,466 $ 2,245,695 $ 1,959,210 $ 1,790,715 Overtime Pay 178,919 168,791 201,032 199,786 Special Pay 41,430 27,987 35,692 20,758 Benefits 1,213,106 1,213,371 662,795 687,740 $ 3,841,921 3,655,844 2,858,728 2,698,999 Operating Operating Costs 140,345 162,822 117,580 190,785 Materials & Supplies 127,951 95,951 87,232 103,736 Repairs &Maintenance 43,382 52,873 48,461 53,973 Utilities 126,020 102,697 103,942 86,645 437,698 414,343 357,215 435,139 Capital Automotive 144,000 119,200 50,551 139,833 Audio,Visual, &Comm. Sys. 12,286 51,357 31,182 7,097 Computer Hardware & Software 31,214 30,612 - 57,110 Machinery &Equipment 15,827.00 - 3,019 - Other - - - 21,244 203,327 201,169 84,752 225,283 Total Expenses $ 4,482,946 $ 4,271,356 $ 3,300,695 $ 3,359,421 Page 55 of 144 Fire Rescue A5812 Another significant planned project is the construction of the new North Sub-Station. Although the property has been purchased and the bid process has begun, it is not anticipated that the costs associated with the operation Mission Statement of this facility will be realized during this upcoming budget year. It is also anticipated that construction funding will be derived through a lending To provide a superior level of service in the areas of fire suppression, fire source thus not a part of this budgetary narrative. prevention and emergency medical services that ensures the health, safety and welfare of all residents and guests of the Village. The personnel/title changes for FY 2006-2007 are as follows: Service Levels Narrative • Addition of one Fire Inspector f/t position • Addition of two Firefighter/Paramedic f/t positions / deletion of The Village has been providing Public Safety services to its residents two Firefighter/EMT f/t positions since 1956. Public Safety services include law enforcement, fire and emergency medical services. The Fire Rescue Division consists of Current Year Accomplishments twenty full-time certified Firefighter Paramedics, Two Firefighter EMT's, one single certified Paramedic and one part time clerical The single,biggest force driving the Department's future is the Countywide personnel. Level of Fire Service Standard. During year 2005/06 the Department completed all necessary steps to comply with the Level of Service In addition to our regular career employees, there are nineteen volunteer requirements. Firefighters which serve to augment staffing and training staffing requirements. Compliance with the County's Level of Service standards was accomplished through a Tri-Parry Automatic Aid Agreement between Palm Our Fire Rescue personnel work a twenty four hour shift schedule,with a Beach Gardens,Palm Beach County and the Village. minimum staffing requirement to provide better fire rescue coverage. The Village's Fire Rescue personnel successfully transitioned to Palm New Initiatives Beach County Fire Rescue Dispatch., thus providing a common dispatch center with increased coverage areas. The Fire Rescue Division is seeking the addition of one full-time dedicated Fire Inspector in this year's budget. A combination of increased emergency The implementation of the automatic aid agreement has created a safer response, increased time per call, increased training time for shift personnel working environment for our employees now that an adequate number of and the overall increase in inspection activities (new construction and personnel are always dispatched to the emergency scene. remodeling)has created a significant strain on the Division's ability to keep pace with those necessary and mandated project reviews and inspections at Additionally, the Agreement allows us to put our personnel out of service the current levels. Fire inspections have decreased during FY 2005-06 for in-service training periods. This has allowed us to move our medic by almost 37%. This new fulltime position will be cost neutral to the training from the PBCC campus in Lake Worth into our station and allows Village by revenues derived with the implementation of Fire Inspection Fee our personnel to attend on duty, without interruption. This keeps our schedule. personnel from having to use off duty time to attend the required training and, in turn, saves the Village the cost of overtime. All participants of the Automatic Aid Agreement have begun collaborating and discussing target Page 56 of 144 hazard properties in each others areas and review and compare apparatus commanders at emergency scenes and supervise personnel from other and equipment. This in turn has led to training opportunities which we departments during automatic aid assignments. expect to increase in the next year with shifts from the three agencies becoming more comfortable working side by side. The Volunteer Fire Fire Rescue shifts consist of a minimum of five firefighter/paramedics or Department consists of 18 personnel certified as firefighter one and/or EMT firefighter/EMTs working a 24 hours on/48 hour off schedule. or paramedic. These department members function as additional fire and emergency responders and supplement the full time career employees. Performance measures for CY 2005: Another goal for the upcoming year is to increase the percentage of ■ Completed NIMS and ICS training for all personnel bringing personnel having paramedic certification; with the ultimate goal to be a full everyone to their required level between the parties in our paramedic certified department. Currently, 82%of our fire rescue staff are automatic aid agreement; another Level of Service requirement. paramedics, by this time next year we hope to increase that to 90%. While we may always have some EMT's within the department, the plan is to ■ Average response time was 4:23 minutes — vs. — goal of 5.0 require all newly hired EMT's to achieve paramedic certification within minutes(which is well below the 8-min. county average two years of hire. ■ All pre-fire plans for business properties within the Village were Organization updated during FY 2005-06. The Fire Chief is responsible for overseeing the supervision of all Fire ■ Training: All paramedics and EMT's have completed the training Rescue and related activities. The Fire Chief is also responsible for many program coordinated through the Community College and administrative functions. The Fire Chief participates in hiring, successfully recertified this year. In addition all paramedics have appointments,commendations and performance evaluations. The Fire Chief been recertified in Advanced Cardiac Life Support, Pediatric oversees all Fire related training and maintains local State and National Advanced Life Support, and Basic Trauma Life Support. Fire compliance for fire standards. The Fire Chief communicates on a regular training hours averaged 131.5 hours per firefighter; with a number basis with other division heads and the Director of Public Safety. of our personnel attending classes leading to fire inspector, apparatus operator,instructor and company officer certification. The Assistant Fire Chief coordinates and supervises staff as it involves Emergency Medical Services (EMS); ensures the Department's compliance with federal and state regulatory standards and requirements; serves as the department's liaison with the Medical Director, various County and State Fire and EMS agencies, various hospitals and various paramedic training agencies. Develops and coordinates the effective EMS training of department personnel. The Assistant Fire Chief serves as Infection Control Officer for the department. Investigates and responds to patient, physician, and paramedic concerns, issues and inquiries. Fire Rescue Lieutenants are responsible for the supervision and overseeing of daily fire shift operations. They act as primary incident Page 57 of 144 FY2005 FY2006 FY2006 FY2007 Year-End Year-End Year-End Year-End Performance Measures Actual Goal Projected Goal To maintain a 5.0 minute average response time through operational 4.23 4.0 5.23 5.0 readiness drills.* To increase the annual fire inspections and pre-fire plans by 513 530 324 795 50% through the addition of a full-time fire inspector. To reduce the number of Workers Comp. claims by 50% through 5 7 7 4 safety awareness and fitness. To increase our percentage of paramedic certified personnel with 78% N/A 82% 90% the end goal of creating an all paramedic department. * Due to differences between clock times (North Palm Beach v. Palm Beach County)response times have been adjusted accordingly. Page 58 of 144 FIRE RESCUE Adopted Budget Fiscal Year 2006-2007 Adopted 2005 Budget 2004 Actual 2003 Actual Personnel Regular Pay $ 1,435,432 $ 1,375,685 $ 1,098,213 $ 899,535 Overtime Pay 115,432 111,748 125,219 142,372 Special Pay 27,034 24,720 20,699 16,051 Benefits 803,451 801,215 379,685 357,978 $ 2,381,349 2,313,368 1,623,817 1,415,936 Operating Operating Costs 85,213 102,531 73,530 109,900 Materials & Supplies 71,621 80,130 60,161 55,193 Repairs &Maintenance 26,393 24,677 10,958 15,816 Utilities 4,440 2,592 9,045 10,077 187,667 209,930 153,693 190,986 Capital Automotive - - 36,582 302,931 Audio,Visual, &Comm. Sys. - - 12,316 12,000 Computer Hardware & Software 2,500 9,000 - 17,377 Machinery &Equipment 0 21,970 30,577 9,333 Other 0 10,500 170,358 14,212 2,500 41,470 249,833 355,852 Total Expenses $ 2,571,516 $ 2,564,768 $ 2,027,342 $ 1,962,774 Page 59 of 144 The Village of North Palm Beach Capital Plan DEPARTMENT I CURRENT YR 2005-2006 2006-2007 2007-2008 Public Safety A.Automotive k,-tory Lf, DEPARTMENT Qty Eoch Tow Coat Qty Eoch Total Cog Qty U.&Cost Total Cog Patrol/Admin Vehicles 04(2);03(7),1(2),ro0(i),19(i),w7(i) 3, Police 3 26,500 79,500 4 26,500 106,000 0 Undercover Vehicles 2001(2),1997(2) syes Police 2 16,500 33,000 1 20,000 20,000 0 Replacement Boat Engines Police 2 3,750 7,500 1 8,000 8,000 0 -MARINE UNIT TRUCK 2002(1) 5 y.. 0 0 0 0 K9 Vehicles (1) s ycs 0 0 0 0 Radar Trailer (1) 5 ye: 0 0 0 0 -FIRE ENGINE 1 2003(1) 20 0 0 0 0 -FIRE ENGINE 2(RESERVE) 1985(1) 15 0 0 0 0 -FIRE ENGINE 3 0 20 0 0 0 0 Fire Chiefs Car 2003(1)YUKON 8,� 0 0 0 0 0 0 Support Truck 1987(1)poo,h-d used in 1998 15 0 0 0 0 -PICK-UP TRUCK 1995(1)pooh-d in 1997 15 0 0 0 0 Quintuplet Fire Apparatus 1996(1);financed---debt-,k� 20 ycs 0 0 0 0 Conversion of Crime Scene Vehicle Police 0 1 10,000 10,000 0 -SUBURBANS 2002(1),1995(1),1994(1) 5y.. 0 0 0 0 0 -AMBULANCES 1996(2),2002(1) 6ycs 0 0 0 0 Sub Total Automotive 120,000 144,000 0 B.Machinery&Equipment In-Car Video Systems 0 0 0 Tactical Ballistic Vests 0 0 0 45 Minute SCBA Cylinder Fire/Rescue 6 1,120 6,720 0 0 60 Minute SCBA Cylinder Fire/Rescue 2 1,225 2,450 0 0 S'Fire Hose w/Store Couplings Fire/Rescue 5 1,000 5,000 0 0 Hydraulic Rescue Equipment Power Unit Fire/Rescue 1 7,800 7,800 0 0 -800MHZ RADIO SYSTEM (0) 10 0 0 0 -HYDRAULIC EXTRICATION TO 1979(1) 10 0 0 0 -THERMAL IMAGING CAMERA 2002(1) 10 0 0 0 -BREATHING AIR COMPRESSOR 1999(1) 10 0 0 0 Laser Radar Unit Police 0 3 3,489 10,467 0 Front Antenna Radar Unit Police 0 4 1,340 5,360 0 Sub Total Machinery&Equipment 21,970 15,827 0 C.Computer Hardware&Software Dell Poweredge 1850 Rackmount Server Police 0 1 4,000 4,000 0 Workstation&Printer Fire Rescue 0 1 2,500 2,500 0 Computer Server Public Safety Bldg 1 5,000 5,000 0 0 Color Laser Printer Public Safety Bldg 1 2,000 2,000 0 0 Computer Aided Dispatch Upgrade Public Safety Bldg 1 4,662 4,662 0 0 Wireless Networking Equipment Public Safety Bldg 1 3,000 3,000 0 0 Laptop Computerwith docking station Police 1 2,000 2,000 0 0 Laptop Computers Police 7 1,200 8,400 7 1,217 8,519 0 USA Software Eforms Software Police 1 3,000 3,000 1 6,000 6,000 0 Mark-N-Gard VIN Etching System Police 1 1,750 1,750 0 0 Mil.Spec Hardened Portable Computer Fire Rescue 2 4,500 9,000 0 0 Child ID Card System Police 0 1 12,695 12,695 0 0 0 0 Sub Total Computer Hardware&Software 38,812 33,714 0 D.Audio,Visual&Comm System Serveillance/SecurityCameras(with installation) Police 0 2 6,143 12,286 0 Digital Camera Package,Fuji Fine Pix S3 Police 1 3,107 3,107 0 0 Ceiling Mounted LCD Projector Public Safety Bldg 1 2,500 2,500 0 0 Ceiling Mounted Motorized Screen Public Safety Bldg 1 750 750 0 0 CCI Remote Security Surveillance Camera&Video System 10 ye: Police 1 45,000 45,000 0 0 Sub Total Audio,Visual&Comm System 51,357 12,286 0 E.Capital Extendo Bed Vehicle Equipment Carrier 0 0 0 -Defibrillator 2001(4) 5yes Fire Rescue 5 2,100 10,500 0 0 Portable Traffic Signals Police 0 3 }6,000- 0 0 0 0 0 Sub Total Capital 10,500 0 0 PUBLIC SAFETY TOTAL 242,639 205,827 0 Page 60 of 144 Public Works also responsible for the appearance (painting and repair) of all buildings and assists in the repair of irrigation pump motors. Mission Statement Fleet maintenance staff maintains and repairs all Village vehicles to ensure that vehicles and equipment are maintained at or above levels To provide the highest quality of service to our citizens and businesses recommended by manufacturers. This Village fleet/equipment consists by maintaining the facilities and grounds with the most effective and cost of 95 licensed vehicles and 85 pieces of off-road and small equipment efficient methods and by looking after the needs and safety of the (mowers, etc.). community. Major Fleet renovation priorities for the proposed budget include: Service Level Narrative • Schedule repair work in advance with Departments to reduce down time and increase staff productivity. • Remove remaining asphalt from area between garage and storage The recommended budget established an independent department for building to create a non permeable surface to conduct repairs of Community Development and Public Works. Operating Public Works as large Village equipment. an independent department will improve community roadway and Consolidate supervision of Facilities and Vehicle maintenance to a facility appearance and operating effectiveness. Separating development • single person allowing the addition of an additional mechanic services into a separate Department will also address needed without increasing Village staffing improvements in customer service and operating effectiveness in the totals. • Install natural gas supply line to P/Works building to provide for technical areas of permitting and development. uninterrupted service during emergency situations. Without causing any increase in staffing, Public Works will be • Purchase and install a self contained "wash rack" complying with supervised by a Public Works Director and an Assistant Director. These EPA guidelines. positions will focus and oversee three supervisory areas: 1) Streets, 2)Facilities &Fleet, and 3) Sanitation. Major Facility priorities include: • Continuing the Village program to upgrade HVAC systems Facility & Vehicle Maintenance replacing older systems to take advantage of newer energy saving models and reduce impacts of equipment failure. The Administration plans to oversee the Facility &Vehicle Maintenance • Continue the repair of street lights damaged during Hurricane Divisions with a single managerial supervisor (rather than two separate Wilma last year. Several required complete replacement, while supervisors. Facility staff is responsible for the repair, maintenance and others needed new electrical power. janitorial services of Village building facilities including: • Continue the highly successful consolidation of Village building R&M accounts into this budget, allowing the Division to better Village Hall, Public Safety, Library, Park buildings, Public Works monitor and control the effectiveness of maintenance expenditure • compound, street lights and electrical,plumbing &air conditioning while also reducing expenditures. systems and mechanical assistance throughout the Village. • Develop a street lighting enhancement plan for neighborhood areas without or with limited nighttime lighting. Lighting themes, style, The Division constructs and assembles furniture, does minor office color and materials would enhance safety and improve Village remodeling, performs all building operating and preventive maintenance identity. equipment and is responsible for the cleaning of all Village buildings. Facility staff maintains HVAC equipment for all Village buildings and is Page 61 of 144 • Initiate a program to purchase and install new signs following high levels of appearance in the coming year. This could include a Council's chosen design and color theme at facilities throughout specific variety of plants and trees that enhance the beauty of the the Village. community while not adversely creating damaging situations during the • Continue the program for painting, landscaping and lighting hurricane season. facilities to maintain a high quality of appearance. Roadway Maintenance is responsible for the hardscape infrastructure Sanitation throughout Village roadways. Work includes preparation of streets for the Village's annual overlay program, patches potholes, repairs and The Sanitation Division provides backdoor garbage collection 3-times replaces sidewalks, repairs or replaces traffic signs, maintains the Village wk., curbside vegetation and bulk trash items 2-times wk. and curbside storm drainage system and handles NPDES permitting and reporting recycling 1-day wk. The Village's Monday — Friday, 5-day-a-week requirements. sanitation service is a unique and expensive level of service when compared to surrounding municipalities. Sanitation has also been During the coming year Streets Maintenance plans to: impacted by substantial rises in fuel cost, vehicle maintenance costs, • Emphasize higher levels of roadway landscaping maintenance personnel injuries and the cost of capital equipment. In the coming year, (fewer median weeds, less "open" median spots more lush plant the Administration is proposing a Pilot Program (in a targeted residential growth in medians, better trimming of shrubs) and appearance area)that maintains our collection service while reducing costs. This will including new plantings and/or brick-paver installation in specific require the distribution of wheeled containers that remain at the side of pilot testing areas along US 1. the house. On the scheduled collection days, the container will be taken • Develop a street swale landscaping and lighting plan to improve to the street, connected to our truck, dumped and then wheeled back up roadway appearance of Lighthouse Dr. to the side of the house. We will continue replacing our older single axle • Develop concepts and design ideas for improvement of street rear loading packer trucks with tandem axle trucks. Tandem axle trucks identification markers in the Village. reduce the number of landfill trips and overweight tickets thus improving staff productivity and lowering costs. The Division recognizes the The Streets Division construction and major renovation priorities for this substantial service impact and rising cost of staff's workplace injuries year's budget include: and Workman's Compensation claims. The Division will continue to discuss, train and promote safety practices and hold safety programs for • Robalo Court — Repair storm drain outlet that flows into the staff throughout the year. Earman River. • Dogwood Road—Repair storm drain line in swale area. Streets Maintenance Division Sidewalk Replacement - Due to the impacts, deterioration and damage of Village sidewalks by tree roots, the Division has This area conducts its operations as two distinct functional areas under budgeted funds for outside repair work as needed. two separate supervisors: 1) Streets Ground Maintenance and • Continue the Annual Street Asphalt Overlay - The general area 2) Roadway Maintenance. Streets Grounds Maintenance is responsible planned for next year is Ibis Way and Hummingbird Way. for mowing, weeding, landscape trimming, fertilizing, plantings and • Lighthouse Bridge - Per the Village Engineer's review of the general maintenance along all Village public roadways,the Public Safety annual FDOT report on this bridge, repairs have been Building, Village Hall, Library and the Public Services compound. recommended. The Engineer will prepare recommendations and Existing staff members will be realigned and re-tasked to include specifications for these remedial maintenance repairs and assist in maintenance of the 8 new medians being completed along Prosperity locating available grant money that may assist in paying for this Farms Rd. The crews will also maintain Northlake Blvd. landscaping at maintenance. Page 62 of 144 Public Works 0 FT (-1 FT) Director of Public Works 1 FT (+1 FT) 0 FT (-1 FT) Assistant Director of Public Works 1 FT (+1 FT) 0 FT (-1 FT) Accounting Clerk 1 FT (+1 FT) IF Facility and Vehicle Division Sanitation Division Grounds Maintenance Division OFT (-2 F Supervisor, Sanitation 1 FT � Sanitation Driver/Operator 6 FT Supervisor, Grounds Maintenance 1 FT Superintendent Facility&Vehicle Division 1 FT (+1 FT) Sanitation Collector 15 FT Irrigation Tech II 1 FT Trades Mechanic III 1 FT Grounds Maint. Worker 5 FT Trades Mechanic II 2 FT (+1 FT) OFT (-1 FT) c . I OFT (-1 FT) Mechanic 3 FT (+3 FT) e 0 FT (-1 FT) Custodian 3 FT Street Maintenance Division Supervisor, Street Maintenance 1 FT Trades Mechanic 11 1 FT Equipment Operator 11 2 FT Grounds Maint. Worker 1 FT Summary: Change: 47 FT 0 PT Page 63 of 144 PUBLIC WORKS ADMIN Adopted Budget Fiscal Year 2006-2007 Adopted 2005 Budget 2004 Actual 2003 Actual Personnel Regular Pay $ 195,700 $ 93,906 $ 346,131 $ 314,447 Overtime Pay - - 823 1,138 Benefits 107,171 54,555 114,837 112,282 $ 302,871 148,461 461,790 427,868 Operating Operating Costs 17,400 15,300 10,227 15,762 Materials & Supplies 10,000 3,150 12,190 10,974 Repairs &Maintenance 3,000 - 2,257 - Utilities 1,500 1,000 16,620 17,504 31,900 19,450 41,294 44,241 Capital Automotive - - - - Computer Hardware & Software - - 1,217 3,720 Construction&Renovation - - - - Machinery &Equipment - - - - - - 1,217 3,720 Total Expenses $ 334,771 $ 167,911 $ 504,302 $ 475,828 Page 64 of 144 SANITATION Adopted Budget Fiscal Year 2006-2007 Adopted 2005 Budget 2004 Actual 2003 Actual Personnel Regular Pay $ 754,922 $ 679,759 $ 666,849 $ 582,921 Overtime Pay 0 9,000 9,568 7,884 Benefits 660,239 582,459 251,744 245,016 $ 1,415,161 1,271,218 928,161 835,821 Operating Operating Costs 231,360 151,800 127,511 119,615 Materials & Supplies 161,100 124,300 87,698 101,359 Repairs &Maintenance 10,000 10,000 6,947 - 402,460 286,100 222,155 220,974 Capital Automotive 135,000 133,000 - 128,417 Computer Hardware & Software 0 1,500 - - Machinery &Equipment 0 19,600 - - 135,000 154,100 - 128,417 Total Expenses $ 1,952,621 $ 1,711,418 $ 1,150,317 $ 1,185,212 Page 65 of 144 FACILITY SERVICES Adopted Budget Fiscal Year 2006-2007 Adopted 2005 Budget 2004 Actual 2003 Actual Personnel Regular Pay $ 211,922 $ 248,541 $ 289,672 $ 244,258 Overtime Pay 0 6,000 5,138 4,000 Benefits 134,893 147,722 103,922 107,760 $ 346,815 402,263 398,732 356,018 Operating Operating Costs 47,665 23,750 2,762 3,392 Materials & Supplies 15,700 11,800 8,608 9,100 Repairs &Maintenance 146,500 165,708 106,693 126,368 Utilities 0 - - - 209,865 201,258 118,063 138,860 Capital Automotive 0 26,000 - - Computer Hardware & Software 0 1,500 - - Machinery &Equipment 0 6,600 - 2,624 - 34,100 - 2,624 Total Expenses $ 556,680 $ 637,621 $ 516,795 $ 497,502 Page 66 of 144 STREETS & GROUNDS Adopted Budget Fiscal Year 2006-2007 Adopted 2005 Budget 2004 Actual 2003 Actual Personnel Regular Pay $ 450,599 $ 458,034 $ 372,355 $ 309,107 Overtime Pay 0 1,500 2,898 1,876 Benefits 334,179 327,465 141,528 132,960 S 784,778 786,999 516,781 443,942 Operating Operating Costs 53,033 23,900 18,485 14,208 Materials& Supplies 138,450 90,600 55,650 64,945 Repairs& Maintenance 479,000 293,000 1,526 210,390 Utilities 145,000 80,850 82,436 76,636 815,483 488,350 158,097 366,179 Capital Automotive 0 - - - Computer Hardware& Software 0 1,500 - - Construction& Major Renovation 40,000 235,000 - 149,441 Machinery&Equipment 0 9,000 769 3,981 40,000 245,500 769 153,423 Total Expenses S 1,640,261 $ 1,520,849 $ 675,647 $ 963,544 Page 67 of 144 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE Adopted Budget Fiscal Year 2006-2007 Adopted 2005 Budget 2004 Actual 2003 Actual Personnel Regular Pay $ 172,784 $ 109,126 $ 94,970 $ 92,816 Overtime Pay 0 1,000 786 1,000 Benefits 111,532 68,709 36,455 43,773 $ 284,316 178,835 132,210 137,589 Operating Operating Costs 4,265 2,500 1,965 1,526 Materials & Supplies 13,050 12,000 8,122 9,402 Utilities 9,800 6,930 7,761 7,167 27,115 21,430 17,848 18,095 Capital Automotive 26,000 0 0 0 Construction&Renovation 20,000 118,000 - 1,893 Machinery &Equipment 0 3,600 3,385 8,157 46,000 121,600 3,385 10,050 Total Expenses $ 357,431 $ 321,865 $ 153,443 $ 165,734 Page 68 of 144 The Village of North Palm Beach Capital Plan DEPARTMENT CURRENT YR 2005-2006 2006-2007 2007-2008 Public Works A Automotive Inventory Life DEPARTMENT Qty Each Total Cost Qty Each Total Cost Qty Unit Cost Total Cost -BLAZER 2000(2) 7yrs Streets 0 0 0 0 0 2 21,500 43,000 3/4 Ton Truck(1/2 ton) 2002(l) 7 yrs Streets 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -5-10 PICK-UP TRUCKS 20000,2001(1),2002(2) 7 yrs Various Depts 0 0 0 0 0 6 14,000 84,000 -BUCKET TRUCK 2000(l) 7 yrs Facilities 0 0 0 0 0 1 46,000 46,000 Garbage Trucks 97(1),'98(1),'99(1),'00(1),'01(1),'02(1),'04(1) 7yrs Sanitation 1 133,000 133,000 1 135,000 135,000 1 133,000 133,000 Lightning Loader 2003(1)(requesting 2nd truck) 7yrs Sanitation 1 0 0 t i i 0,000 0 0 0 Dump Truck 1989(1) 10 yrs Streets 0 0 0 0 0 0 -SMALL DUMP TRUCK 2000(1) 7yrs Streets 0 0 0 0 0 1 26,000 26,000 -F450 CREW CAB TRUCK 2001(1) 7 yrs Streets 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3/4 Ton Utility Vehicle 1994(1),1999(1),2002(1) 7yrs Fleet/Facilities 1 26,000 26,000 1 26,000 26,000 0 0 Sub Total Automotive 159,000 161,000 11 332,000 B.Machinery&Equipment Sanitation Utility Vehicle 1997(1),1999(2),2001(4),2003(1) 4yrs Sanitation 1 19,600 19,600 0 0 0 0 -BACK HOE 1999(1) 10 yrs Streets 0 0 0 0 0 0 -CASE TRACTOR case 1988(1) 10 yrs Streets 0 0 0 0 0 0 Concrete Mixer 10yrs Streets 1 3,500 3,500 0 0 0 0 Rotary Mower 5 yrs Streets 1 5,500 5,500 0 0 0 0 Forklift,Fans&Reels (1) 10 yrs Fleet 1 3,600 3,600 0 0 0 0 Floor Scrubber 5 yrs Facility 1 6,600 6,600 0 0 0 0 Sub Total Machinery&Equipment 38,800 0 0 0 C Storm Water Improvements Firetree Canal 25yrs Streets 0 0 469;999 0 0 0 905 Dogwood 25yrs Streets 0 1 20,000 20,000 0 0 917 Dogwood 25yrs Streets 0 1 20,000 20,000 0 0 320 Southwind Drive 25yrs Streets 1 15,000 15,000 0 0 0 0 727 Hummingbird Way 25yrs Streets 1 40,000 40,000 0 0 0 0 Fairhaven Drive 25yrs Streets 1 30,000 30,000 0 0 0 0 Sub Total Storm Water Improvements 85,000 40,000 0 D.Fleet Garage Replace Asphalt in yard w/concrete; Fleet 1 20,000 20,000 Fleet 0 3-5,999 0 Fuel Tank Replacement 20yrs Fleet 1 102,000 102,000 0 0 0 0 Office&Loft Renovation Fleet 1 16,000 16,000 0 0 0 0 Sub Total Fleet Garage 118,000 20,000 0 E.Village Hall Parking Lot 10yrs Village Hall 1 35,000 35,000 0 0 0 0 F.Road Overlay Asphalt 10yrs Streets 1 205,000 205,000 1 375,000 375,000 1 374,000 374,000 G.Front Office Remodel 10 yrs Administration 1 25,000 25,000 0 0 0 0 H.Lighthouse Bridge 10yrs Streets 1 150,000 150,000 0 0 0 0 L Computer Hardware&Software Computer(all departments) 0 Sanitation 1 1,500 1,500 Streets 1 1,500 1,500 Facility Services 1 1,500 1,500 Gen Sery Village Hall 1 1,300 1,300 0 Sub Total Computer Hardware&Software 2 yrs 5,800 0 0 0 0 TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS 821,600 596,000 706,000 Page 69 of 144 Department of Community Development • Village Planner f/t position added to accurately revise the Village Code of Ordinances, assist in Annexation, Planning Issues and Plan Review Mission Statement • Transfer of one Accounting Technician II f/t position to the Public Works Department to assist in Office Duties Our Mission is to provide the best possible service for the Village • Two Code Enforcement Officer I f/t positions renamed to Code Residents and Community. Our department strives on continuing to Compliance Officers to more accurately reflect their duties to educate the Public to make the Village the best place to live, work and gain resident compliance to code enjoy life under the sun. • One Building Inspector I f/t position eliminated due to the creation of the Director of Community Development position Service Levels Narratives (who is also the Building Official) The Department of Community Development has reorganized the Department Director divisions, under the direction of the Department Director, to maintain and enhance the performance of job duties using the most effective and To accomplish the separation of the Building Department from Public cost efficient methods in fulfilling our tasks. Services and high demands of redevelopment; a Director of Community Development is recommended in this years proposed budget. The Building &Occupational Licenses Director of Community Development, also the Building Official, with • Processing Permit Applications the support of the Deputy Building Official will provide professional and • Inspections technical oversight to the Department, Village Administration and to the • Issuance of Occupational Licenses Public. Code Compliance Building& Occupational License Division • The Task of Enforcing the Village Codes • Staff Support to the Code Board • Educate the Public The Building Division consists of Permit Processing Plan Review, Inspections and the Issuance of Occupational Licenses. During this past Planning year we have made major revisions in how we view our process and the • Update the Current Code implementation of a new computer program. This will provide better • Assure Compliance in Development customer service and the deserved level of professionalism for our • Staff Support to the Planning Board residents. The Building Department with the collaboration of the • Annexation Finance Department has established an accounting system to track expenditures and revenues per adopted State Statue 553.80. We are The personnel and title changes for the FY 2006-2007 are as follows: proposing in this year's budget to purchase a plotter scanner enables us to print out oversize drawings on site to decrease utilization on outside • Director of Community Development f/t position added to services. As one our goals we will be in installing laptops and wireless accomplish the separation of the Building Department and Public service so that the inspectors can utilize the system out in the field to Services increase productivity. We will be reviewing our current occupational license fees for a possible five percent increase through an Equity Study Committee for next year's budget 2007/2008. Page 70 of 144 Code Compliance Division Community Development, the Deputy Building Official and Fire Chief have begun a closer Code collaboration between Code Compliance We will be changing Code Enforcement to Code Compliance to promote Division and Public Safety. a more "Community Friendly" cooperate atmosphere focusing on voluntary compliance and education. Code Compliance Division Planning Division consists of two full time Code Compliance Officers, working over lapping schedules that covers Monday thru Saturday. Staff is The creation of this Division is supported by the growing number of new encouraged to seek further Certifications as well as Training. With the developments, redevelopment, annexation and also the need to update implementation of the Black Bear Computer Program, Code Compliance our Village Code of Ordinances. This position will also review plans, Officers are able to share the files with colleagues and Administrative interpret state codes, review or enforce compliance of the Village Staff. We will also be installing laptops in the vehicles so that the Code Comprehensive Plan and provide staff support to the Planning Board. Compliance Officers will spend less time in the office and increase At the present time we are experiencing the developments of(3) major productivity out in the field. This also assists the Building and projects known as; Domain, Mariner Court and The Estates, we are Occupational Division when issuing Permits and Licenses. The case anticipated the development currently known as The Road House Grill, packets presented to the Code Board Members during the past year have (aka) Villa Porte and other redevelopments located on Prosperity Farms been revised to include additional data and photos assisting the Members Road and U.S. Highway 1. in their decision making task. Under the direction of the Director of Performance Measures 2006/07 2004 2005 2006 To increase inspections by 15%. Decrease waiting time for turnaround permits to 24 to 48 hours. Increase staff with 2 new positions. Install laptops in code vehicle to increase productivity. Install laptops in inspectors vehicle to allow verification of inspections immediately. Inspectors post inspections at time of inspection. Page 71 of 144 Community Development Planner 1 FT (+1 FT) Director of Community Development 1 FT (+1 FT) IF Deputy Building Official 1 FT Building Const. Inspector II 1 FT Building Const. Inspector 1 1 PT 0 FT (-1 FT) Administrative Coordinator 1 FT Permit& Licensing Tech 2 FT Code Enforcement Officer 1 0 FT (-2 FT) Code Compliance Officer 2 FT (+2 FT) Code Enforcement Officer 11 0 PT Summary: Change: 9 FT +1 FT 1 PT Page 72 of 144 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT & PLANNING Adopted Budget Fiscal Year 2006-2007 Adopted 2005 Budget 2004 Actual 2003 Actual Personnel Regular Pay $ 146,499 $ - $ - $ - Overtime Pay - - - - Benefits 53,387 - - - $ 199,886 - - - Operating Operating Costs 47,000 38,500 30,916 (2,822) Materials & Supplies - - - - Repairs &Maintenance - - - - Utilities 1,500 - - - 48,500 38,500 30,916 (2,822) Capital Automotive - - - - Computer Hardware & Software 2,500 - - - Machinery &Equipment - - - - Construction&Renovation - - - - 2,500 - - - Total Expenses $ 250,886 $ 38,500 $ 30,916 $ (2,822) Page 73 of 144 BUILDING Adopted Budget Fiscal Year 2006-2007 Adopted 2005 Budget 2004 Actual 2003 Actual Personnel Regular Pay $ 256,735 $ 341,920 $ - $ - Overtime Pay - 1,500 - - Benefits 130,078 200,873 - - $ 386,813 544,293 - - Operating Operating Costs 45,300 35,600 - - Materials & Supplies 18,000 8,550 - - Repairs &Maintenance 3,000 3,000 - - Utilities 16,500 18,500 - - 82,800 65,650 - - Capital Automotive - - - - Computer Hardware & Software 5,000 4,500 - - Machinery &Equipment 7,500 - - - Construction&Renovation - 25,000 - - 12,500 29,500 - - Total Expenses $ 482,113 $ 639,443 $ - $ - Page 74 of 144 CODE ENFORCEMENT Adopted Budget Fiscal Year 2006-2007 Adopted 2005 Budget 2004 Actual 2003 Actual Personnel Regular Pay $ 87,380 $ 77,592 $ - $ - Overtime Pay - 1,000 - - Benefits 67,346 30,492 - - $ 154,726 109,084 - - Operating Operating Costs 8,200 1,850 - - Materials & Supplies 11,000 2,500 - - Repairs &Maintenance - - - - Utilities 2,500 - - - 21,700 4,350 - - Capital Automotive - 16,500 - - Computer Hardware & Software 3,000 1,500 - - Machinery &Equipment - - - - Construction&Renovation - - - - 3,000 18,000 - - Total Expenses $ 179,426 $ 131,434 $ - $ - Page 75 of 144 The Village of North Palm Beach Capital Plan DEPARTMENT I CURRENT YR 2005-2006 2006-2007 2007-2008 Community Development Inventory Life DEPARTMENT Qty Each Total Cost Qty Each Total Cost Qty Each Total Cost A. Computer Hardware&Software Workstation Building 3 1,500 4,500 0 0 0 0 Workstation Code 1 1,500 1,500 0 0 LAPTOP&MOUNT IN INSPECTOR'S VEHICLES Building 0 1 5,000 5,000 0 LAPTOP FOR PLANNER Planning 0 1 2,500 2,500 0 LAPTOP&MOUNT FOR CODE OFFICER Code 0 1 3,000 3,000 0 Sub Total Computer Hardware&Software 6,000 10,500 0 B.Automotive S 10 P/U 2000(1)2002(1) Building 2 0 0 0 0 0 S10 Blazer 2000(l) Planning 0 0 23,009 0 0 Sport Utility 2006(l) 7 yrs Code 1 16,500 16,500 0 0 S 10 P/U 2000(2) Code 2 0 0 0 Sub Total Automotive 16,500 0 0 C.Machinery&Equipment Plotter&Scanner Building 0 1 7,500 7,500 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sub Total Machinery&Equipment 0 7,500 0 TOTAL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 22,500 18,000 0 Page 76 of 144 Recreation Department Partnerships • St. Clare's Catholic Church: The Village uses the multi-purpose sports fields, batting cage, Mission Statement concession stand and playground in exchange for their routine maintenance. The Recreation Department provides both family and individual recreation • First Presbyterian Church: programs and services to a wide variety of residents of all ages through a The Village uses shared parking at Osborne Park with the Church well-maintained parks system staffed and organized by recreation professionals offering Village-run recreational and competitive league- Programming sponsored recreation programs. The Recreation & Parks Department offers a wide variety of activity, classes, workshops, and leisure opportunity for all ages. Classes, Park Resources workshops, clinics, lectures are offered by 45+ independent contractors. Summer Camp programs for youth 3 — 12 years are conducted by the • Community Center- 1200 Prosperity Farms Rd. Department. The Recreation Department also offers an extensive list of Features a multi-purpose ball field, batting cages, sand volleyball travel trips throughout the year. court, fitness trail, tot lot, full gymnasium, stage theatre, and three outdoor basketball courts. Special Events • Osborne Park - 715 Prosperity Farms Rd. Features a multi-purpose building, six three wall racquetball courts, The Recreation Department offers a wide spectrum of special events two outdoor basketball courts, tot lot, two batting cages and two throughout the year from July 4th fireworks to the Holiday Lights Trolley. baseball fields. The Department also offers seasonal events as well as activities special to • Anchorage Park -603 Anchorage Dr. the Village like our annual Heritage Day, Dog Park Afternoon and annual Features two multi-purpose buildings, tot lot, dog park, two tennis Arts and Crafts Festival. courts, eight shuffleboard courts, two ball field, two sand volleyball courts, picnic area, a 189 space dry storage area, 35 wet storage slips, Sports and boat ramp. • Lakeside Park -East end of Lighthouse Drive. Adult recreational sports league opportunities are offered including softball, Features an outdoor basketball court, picnic pavilion, sand volleyball volleyball, and basketball.Youth recreational basketball and soccer are also court,beachfront area and a tot lot. operated by the Department. All other youth sport activities are offered • St. Clare Church fields -Prosperity Farms Road through local organized non-profit groups. Features two multi-purpose fields, batting cage, two outdoor basketball courts,tot lot and concession/restrooms. Organization Involvement • NPB Pool facility—951 US Hwy 1. Features an Olympic size swimming pool. diving towers, diving The North Palm Beach Youth Athletic Association organizes and manages boards, lap lanes, locker room facilities,pro shop and kiddies pools. youth baseball through the North Palm Beach County Little League baseball program. North Palm Beach Girl's Softball Association manages and operates the Girls NSA Fast Pitch Softball program. North Palm Beach Page 77 of 144 Girl's Basketball organizes and operates a basketball program for girls. The • Swim team training fees North Palm Beach Swim Club trains and holds county-wide competitions at . Private swim instruction &Learn to Swim fees the Village Pool. Marina Revenues Revenues • Yearly fees have been increased 15% for all lease/permit holders. The increase reflects the 1St step in a gradual adjustment to subsidize Program Activity Fees improvements in the Marina which includes increased security, All classes and seminars monies are shared 30%with the Village lighting, monitoring, and the overall beautification of Anchorage Park. Non Resident Fees • Wet Storage Slips All non-resident users of Village facilities and programs are charged: • Dry Storage Spaces • Classes and programs — A yearly fee of $15.00/lndividual; • Marina Decals $25.00/Family • Sports leagues — An extra fee is charged for non residents which The personnel/title changes for FY 2006-2007 are as follows: varies per sport • Facility usage—A higher rate is charged for non residents • Title update only for Recreation Director to Director of Parks and Recreation Facility Usa e Fees • Coordinator Recreation Programs position to be renamed to Assistant All monies collected for rental fees of recreation buildings and fields Director of Parks and Recreation and the pay grade adjusted from 25 to 29 to more accurately reflect the responsibilities of this position in Arts and Crafts relation to other Village departments and other Parks and Recreation All monies collected for classes taught by a Village employee departments in the area. • Addition of two substitute Pool Lifeguard p/t positions to be used Summer/Sprin Camps during summer hours to fill in when needed. No change in the The balance of all Camp revenues minus the expenses budget • Creation of six Pool Instructor p/t positions to teach in the Learn to Heritaee Day Swim program. No change in the budget. Sponsorships and ticket monies Current Year Events Pool Memberships Daily fees are collected for all users. Frequent users can elect to Parks &Recreation purchase a yearly membership. An increase of 15% for all memberships is planned to subsidize renovation of the locker rooms, . The annual 50'h Anniversary Heritage Day Celebration was one of pool deck and fencing. the Village's premier events creating a hometown excitement that touched all age groups. Other Pool Revenues • The Department assumed the management and operation of the • Pool rental fees for parties Anchorage Park Marina and Storage area. Plans are in the budget to • Tiki but rental fees ($25.00/3 hr) begin major upgrades at the facility. Page 78 of 144 • The Department assumed the management and supervision of Village • Initiated renovations of pool facilities which included adding Parks Maintenance division. umbrellas, resurfacing pool deck, upgrading fencing, locker room • The Department assumed the management and supervision of the renovations and painting pool. Village pool. facility • Increased revenues by securing percentage of swim instruction and • Applied for two State FRDAP parks grants totaling $400,000 in swim team training fees. 2005-06 for Anchorage Park to fund renovations and these grants are • Initiated monthly Summer Friday Night family-oriented pool parties currently ranked 11th and 12th in the State for funding • Applied for and were awarded two grants from the Florida AnchoLag_e Park Marina Department of Agriculture & Consumer Services Urban Community Forestry Division for a total of $65,000 for tree restoration at • Purchased Utility pedestals for wet slips at the Anchorage Park Anchorage Park Marina • Applied for and were awarded a grant from Keep Palm Beach County • Installed security cameras at the Marina which are monitored by the Beautiful Inc. in the amount of$10,000 to replace trees destroyed in NPB Police Dept. the storms at Lakeside Park. • Increased lighting in dry storage areas • Applied for a grant from the Florida Department of Transportation • Increased staff presence at Marina at night and on weekends Enhancement program in the amount of $400,000 for the • Modernized marina registrations, agreement leases and operational construction of walkways, bike paths and boardwalks at Anchorage procedures Park. • Renewal terms for leases of Marina storage were adjusted to coincide • Applied for a grant from the Florida Department of Environmental with Village's fiscal year Protection Office of Greenways and Trails program in the amount of • Filtered out illegal storage users and the marina is currently 100% $150,000 for construction/renovation of pedestrian trails/walkways at Lakeside Park capacity with Village's fiscal year• Applied for a grant from the Florida Inland Navigation District • Authenticated and updated storage user's waiting lists program in the amount of $150,000 for construction/renovation of walkways, and pedestrian waterway access at Lakeside Park New Year Initiatives • Obtained monies from the State of Florida through the office of Senator Jeff Atwater in the amount of$200,000 grant for the removal Parks &Recreation of the water treatment plant at Anchorage Park • Installed credit card capability for all transactions passing through the • Seek federal, state or county grants for continued parks and facility Parks &Recreation Department. renovations. • Hired a design/engineering firm to commence the Anchorage Park • Facilitate, implement and monitor awarded grants. improvements project • Continue to maintain and upgrade all public Park facilities and • Revived sailing program for youth and adults equipment throughout the Village ensuring safety and focusing on resident enjoyment. Village Pool • Enhance and maintain overall appearance of Village parks/facilities. • Continue improving quality of Heritage Day activities to generate • Linked the Village Pool and Anchorage Park office for registrations more resident participation. and memberships. • Offer more diverse travel opportunities to recreational and educational destinations for residents of all ages. Page 79 of 144 • Upgrade Community Center complex including gymnasium flooring, restrooms and stage. • Upgrade Arbor Day program. • Initiate a memorial trail program throughout Village Parks. • Offer an organized special event each month. Village Poo • Complete renovations of pool deck, fencing, locker rooms • Apply for State FRDAP parks grants totaling $200,000 in 2006-07 for the Village Pool. (State requires 100%Village match). • Initiate monthly water activities throughout the year • Integrate pool programs into the events at the Country Club • Add two substitute Lifeguard positions. To be used during Summer hours to fill in when needed.No change in the budget. • Add five swimming instructor positions to teach in the Learn to Swim summer program.No change in the budget. Anchorage Park Marina • Work closely with design/engineering firm to expedite Anchorage Park improvements project • Continue to work with the Council's Recreation & Waterways Advisory boards to create a conceptual plan for Anchorage Park • Continue beautification measures to Anchorage Park Marina • Commence work on removal of water treatment plant • Continue to maintain 100% occupancy in Marina wet & dry storage areas Page 80 of 144 Proposed Rates 2006-07 Fee Schedule for North Palm Beach Resident Non-resident Resident Non-resident Recreation Facilities/Programs perlhr per/hr per/hr perJhr Community Center $20.00 $100.00 $35.00 $100.00 after hours building charge $70.00 $150.00 after hours staff charge $15.00 $15.00 $15.00 $15.00 Anchorage Park Activities Bldg Room A $10.00 $20.00 $15.00 $25.00 Room B* $20.00 $50.00 $25.00 $55.00 Room C* $15.00 $25.00 $20.00 $30.00 after hours building charge $50.00 $85.00 $60.00 $95.00 after hours staff charge $15.00 $15.00 $15.00 $15.00 Anchorage Exercise Room $10.00 $20.00 $15.00 $25.00 Anchorage Art Room $15.00 $25.00 $20.00 $30.00 Anchorage Youth Art Room $10.00 $20.00 $15.00 $25.00 Osborne Park $20.00 $50.00 $25.00 $55.00 Ballfield Lights $20.00 $20.00 $25.00 $35.00 Sports Programs Youth Basketball $55.00 $65.00 $55.00 $65.00 Youth Soccer $50.00 $60.00 $55.00 $65.00 Coed Softball(per team) $150.00 $150.00 $175.00 $175.00 Men's Softball (per team) $395.00 $395.00 $400.00 $400.00 Pool Membership Fees Family $300.00 $450.00 $345.00 $520.00 Single $150.00 $225.00 $175.00 $260.00 Junior $80.00 $100.00 $92.00 $115.00 Masters $100.00 $140.00 $115.00 $161.00 Pool Daily Fees Adult $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 Child $2.00 $2.00 $2.00 $2.00 Marina Fees monthly Ramp Decal $50.00 $58.00 $4.83 Dry Storage $471.60 $493.00 $41.08 Wet Storage $1,426.44 $1,641.00 $136.75 Page 81 of 144 Parks & Recreation Director of Parks & Recreation 1 FT Assistant Director of Parks & Recreation 1 FT (+1 FT) Recreation Pool Parks Maintenance Anchorage / Rec. Programs Supervisor Parks Maintenance 1 FT 0 FT (-1 FT) Crew Foreman 1 FT Supervisor Recreation 1 FT Pool Director 1 FT Irrigation Technician 1 1 FT Recreation Assistants 3 PT Pool Supervisor 1 FT Park Maintenance Tech 4 FT Youth Art Instructor 1 PT Pool Lifeguard 14 PT(+2 PT) Grounds Maintenance Worker 1 FT Camp Counselor 4 PT Pool Instructor 6 PT (+6 PT) Parks Summer Staff 1 PT Independent Cont. 45 IC Comm. Center and Osborne Supervisor Recreation 2 FT Recreation Assistants 4 PT Camp Counselor 6 PT Independent Contractors 19 IC Summary: Change: FT = 15 PT = 39 (+8 PT) IC = 64 Page 82 of 144 RECREATION Adopted Budget Fiscal Year 2006-2007 Adopted 2005 Budget 2004 Actual 2003 Actual Personnel Regular Pay $ 409,971 $ 366,771 $ 335,661 $ 288,538 Overtime Pay 0 12,000 15,749 10,588 Benefits 194,761 166,190 91,737 86,768 $ 604,732 544,961 443,147 385,894 Operating Operating Costs 202,300 265,710 52,314 63,299 Materials & Supplies 36,250 44,750 14,005 13,264 Repairs &Maintenance 0 - - - Utilities 128,809 112,875 103,620 100,518 367,359 423,335 169,940 177,080 Capital Automotive 0 - - - Computer Hardware & Software 24,000 10,000 - 11,284 Construction&Renovation 0 - - - Furniture &Fixtures 10,000 6,500 - 2,557 Machinery &Equipment 0 3,000 - 39,951 Playground &Outside Equipment 36,000 31,000 - 14,274 Other 0 - - - 70,000 50,500 - 68,066 Total Expenses $ 1,042,091 $ 1,018,796 $ 613,086 $ 631,040 Page 83 of 144 PARK MAINTENANCE Adopted Budget Fiscal Year 2006-2007 Adopted 2005 Budget 2004 Actual 2003 Actual Personnel Regular Pay $ 295,410 $ 261,183 $ 212,602 $ 215,593 Overtime Pay 0 5,300 4,721 4,716 Benefits 213,979 176,692 86,639 90,245 $ 509,389 443,175 303,962 310,554 Operating Operating Costs 7,500 7,050 6,203 8,197 Materials & Supplies 66,700 43,150 32,599 42,559 Repairs &Maintenance 40,500 40,500 6,088 2,310 Utilities 4,116 3,675 4,517 4,062 118,816 94,375 49,408 57,128 Capital Automotive 24,000 - - 11,966 Computer Hardware & Software 0 - - - Construction&Renovation 200,000 235,000 - 1,500 Furniture &Fixtures 0 - - - Machinery &Equipment 8,000 29,000 - 2,625 Playground &Outside Equipment 0 - - - Other 20,000 - - - 252,000 264,000 - 16,091 Total Expenses $ 880,205 $ 801,550 $ 353,370 $ 383,773 Page 84 of 144 POOL Adopted Budget Fiscal Year 2006-2007 Adopted 2005 Budget 2004 Actual 2003 Actual Personnel Regular Pay $ 137,871 $ 126,391 $ 81,326 $ 81,646 Overtime Pay 0 - - - Benefits 53,272 46,187 18,269 19,210 $ 191,143 172,578 99,595 100,856 Operating Operating Costs 985 723 34,696 32,587 Materials & Supplies 25,650 21,940 16,678 19,055 Repairs &Maintenance 1,800 1,800 1,324 7,448 Utilities 50,668 43,155 51,039 35,255 79,103 67,618 103,736 94,345 Capital Automotive 0 - - - Computer Hardware & Software 0 - - - Construction&Renovation 3,600 - - - Furniture &Fixtures 30,000 - - - Machinery &Equipment 50,000 - - 2,101 Playground &Outside Equipment 0 - - - Other 0 - - - 83,600 - - 2,101 Total Expenses $ 353,846 $ 240,196 $ 203,331 $ 197,302 Page 85 of 144 The Village of North Palm Beach Capital Plan DEPARTMENT CURRENT YR 2005-2006 2006-2007 2007-2008 Recreation&Parks A.Automotive Inventory Life DEPARTMENT Qty Each Total Cart Qty Each Total Cost Qty Unit Cart Total Cart -BLAZER/SUV 2002(1) 7yrs 0 0 0 0 0 3/4 Ton Truck 1999(1) 7 yrs 0 0 0 1 24,000 24,000 0 0 S10 PICK UP TRUCK 2003(1) 7yrs 0 0 0 0 0 -BUS 0 0 0 79;009 0 0 -15 PASSENGER VAN 1999(1) 8yrs 0 0 0 0 0 1 25,000 25,000 Storage Trailer(T X IT) 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sub TotalAutomofive 0 24,000 25,000 B.Machinery&Equipment -PARK'S UTILITY VEHICLE 95(1),97(1),98(1);02(1),03(1) 10 yrs 0 0 0 0 0 2 14,000 28,000 Reel Mower 1998(1),2002(1),2004(1) 5 yrs 0 0 0 0 0 1 14,000 14,000 Rotary Mower 1998(1)2002(1) 5yrs 0 0 0 1 8,000 8,000 0 Tractor/Front End Loader 10 yrs 1 29,000 29,000 0 0 2 A/C Units(Anchorage Modules) 0 0 0 0 0 Generator 0 0 0 0 0 Pool Heaters 1 50,000 50,000 Trash Cans 0 0 0 0 0 Projector for Presentations 1 3,000 3,000 0 0 Sub Total Machinery&Equipment 32,000 58,000 42,000 C. Construction Resurface Gymnasium Floor 1 20,000 20,000 Resurface pool deck 20 yrs POOL 0 120,000 0 Paint pool 2yrs POOL 0 5,000 0 Replace fencing around wading pools 20 yrs POOL 0 3,500 0 Replace solar pool blankets 3 yr project 1/3 each year. 10 yrs POOL 0 3,600 0 1 3,600 3,600 Renovation of Osborne Recreation Bldg 1 200,000 200,000 0 0 0 0 Anchorage Park Renovation&Sewer Treatment Plant Demolition 0 0 0 1 1,500,000 200,000 1 400,000 400,000 Matching FRDP Grant for Anchorage 0 200,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Osborne Park-Parking Lot 1 35,000 35,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sub Total Construction 235,000 223,600 400,000 D. COMPUTER HARDWARE&SOFTWARE 1 10,000 10,000 0 0 0 Rec Trac Scheduler Recreation 0 1 10,000 10,000 0 Workstation Recreation 0 1 2,000 2,000 0 Software for Online Registration Recreation 0 1 12,000 12,000 0 Sub Total Computer Hardware&Software 10,000 24,000 0 E.Playground&Outside Equipment Playground Equipment 7 yrs 1 10,000 10,000 1 30,000 30,000 0 Lightning Detection Devices 10 yrs 3 7,000 21,000 0 0 Trash Cans 0 0 0 0 Backboards,Poles,Goals,Lakeside 0 0 0 0 Lightweight Player Benches 0 0 0 0 Sub Total Playgound&Outside Equipment 31,000 30,000 0 F.Furniture&Futures -Gym Mats 0 0 0 0 -Basketball Pole Guards 0 0 0 0 -Furniture for Anchorage Park 1 2,000 2,000 0 0 -New Heritage Banners 1 4,500 4,500 0 0 -Picnic Tables 1 6,000 6,000 0 -Chairs/Tables(outdoor) 1 7,000 7,000 0 -Furniture for Pool Deck 1 30,000 30,000 0 -Furniture(indoor) 1 3,000 3,000 0 Sub Total Furniture&Futures 6,500 46,000 0 TOTAL RECREATION&PARKS 314,500 405,600 467.000 Page 86 of 144 Library material circulation statistics were tracked manually, which created a potential for inaccuracies. This helps to explain some variances in the Mission Statement service levels indicated herein (see *FY2005/06 Materials circulated). Also prior to Fiscal Year 2005/06, staff maintained statistics on the The Village Public Library provides materials, services, and programs numbers of programs held, but not individual program attendance. for community residents of all ages providing personal enrichment, Although this information will still be collected manually, it will be enjoyment, and meeting educational needs. The Library has a special useful in providing a better overview of Library services offered. mission to children and their parents to encourage a love of reading FY 2003/04 FY2004/05 FY2005/06 FY2006/07 and learning. Actual Actual Anticipated Projected Service Levels Narrative Materials in collection 47,531 53,878 50,650 50,000 The Library provides materials in many formats, including book, Materials periodical, electronic, and audio-visual. Staff enters and maintains circulated 109,592 104,410 80,378 * 95,000 books and materials into the permanent collection, and periodically Cardholders purges outdated or worn materials for sale at the annual book sale. (new& 2,673 2,822 2,378 2,400 Staff processes all borrower registrations and requests and handles renewals oversight of the on-site meeting room. Library programs are Inter-library scheduled throughout the year and include story times, author lectures, Loan ILL 218 209 208 210 genealogy group meetings, book discussions, and other special events. Internet usage 4,608 5,749 8,820 9,500 The Library also offers a variety of reference services including simple Programs inquiries, research assistance, and inter-library loans of materials not offered 127 N/A 125 125 in the collection. The adult library has three electronic catalog Program computers and five computers available for public use all of which attendance I N/A N/A 1 2,500 1 2,500 have genealogy and Microsoft Office programs, and four of which are mainly used for internet access. The children's library has two It is worth noting that while Library statistics are a valuable tool for terminals reserved for the electronic catalog, and four computers gauging the amount of services offered, they do not indicate the containing educational software for children. quality of service being provided. Library personnel work hard to create a unique "brand" for the Village Public Library which cannot be The recent implementation of improved automated circulation expressed solely in numbers. software has allowed staff to track library statistics more efficiently and accurately. Previously, reference inquiry statistics and some Page 87 of 144 Current Year Events • Resignation of Ms. Kathie Olds as Library Director in April 2006. In addition to meeting the anticipated figures for library usage • Installed Learning Express for practice tests (SAT, GRE, statistics, the Library has accomplished a number of special projects AACT, ASVAB, & U.S. Citizenship) and courses in grammar, including: math, resume writing, and reading comprehension. • Installed two accessible book drops for both books and audio- Conducted an author luncheon and book sale. visual materials. • The "Friend's" presented the Library with a check for $9,000 acquired through their fund raising efforts. With this money, New Year Initiatives the "Friend's" selected a bulletin board, furnished the "Florida Collection Room," purchased uniform signage, a fax machine The general appearance of the Library needs improvement, for public use, small photocopier in the Children's Library, a specifically in the form of updated furniture for the adult and DVD player, art work, and a wireless microphone for use in the children's circulation desks, the adult reference desk, and new library Obert Meeting Room. computer carrels. The purchase of these items would go a long way • "Mystery Night" was huge success and staff is looking to toward improving both the appearance and the usability of these areas. increase the number of similar programs for next year. • Hosted multiple events in conjunction with the Village's 50th The purchase of a new eight-bank computer carrel will enable all of Anniversary celebrations including 50's themed movies, an the existing library catalog and internet computers to be housed in one open house, and the time capsule opening. location. This centralization of the computers will allow for a more • Installation of two air conditioner units for the Library. efficient and unified use of space within the Library. Similarly • Expanded Library hours in evenings and on weekends by updating the reference desk and possibly relocating it will allow for a improved scheduling of Library staff—no cost impact. more streamlined and organized use of both patron and staff space. • Increased annual purchase of audio-visual resources. • Updated Library Athena system with Sagebrush InfocentreTM (a New circulation desks for both the adult and children's areas will Web-based system allowing remote access to our Library's Online allow for the staff to have more organized and streamlined use of Catalog). space for processing patrons and charging and discharging of • Purchased eight computers for staff and patron use and enabled materials. Also, the new circulation desks will enhance and update the public access to the internet on more terminals. look of the Library interior, thereby making it more attractive to new • Installed computer reservation software on public access patrons. computers to eliminate confrontations caused by user time- limits. The purchase of these items is anticipated to be less than $50,000 and • Installed updated directional signage throughout the facility. money from the Library gift fund will be used to pay for them. Page 88 of 144 In addition to the purchase and installation of new furniture in the upcoming year, the Library plans to achieve the following goals and objectives: • Recruitment and selection of new Library Director. • Refurbishment or replacement of the upstairs carpeting. • Repair or replacement of all windows and / or window seals, repair and painting of damaged walls around windows, and repair or replacement of damaged hurricane shutters. • Increase in funding for audio-visual budgets to better meet growing demand. • Refurbishment or replacement of lobby tile, and front entry (exterior)lights. • Access to library materials on the Library page of the Village web site. • Access to genealogy websites from the Library page of the Village website. Page 89 of 144 Library Director of Library 1 FT IF IF Reference Children's Library Circulation Technical Services Librarian II 1 FT Librarian 1 1 FT Librarian 1 1 FT Libiariem t- 0 FT(-1 FT) Library Assistant 3 PT Library Assistant 2 FT Library Asst 111 1 FT(+1 FT) Library Page 1 PT Library Assistant 2 PT Library Asst 1 PT Library Page 1 PT Summary: Change: FT = 7 PT = 8 Page 90 of 144 LIBRARY Adopted Budget Fiscal Year 2006-2007 Adopted 2005 Budget 2004 Actual 2003 Actual Personnel Regular Pay $ 418,403 $ 371,168 $ 414,992 $ 334,243 Overtime Pay - - - - Benefits 193,471 162,994 120,703 114,959 $ 611,874 534,162 535,695 449,202 Operating Operating Costs 59,950 12,130 5,444 10,076 Materials & Supplies 5,550 7,425 6,381 6,915 Repairs &Maintenance - 0 435 1,295 Utilities 35,440 31,085 30,774 29,249 100,940 50,640 43,035 47,535 Capital Audio Book Collection 8,000 5,000 3,836 2,870 Books, Publs &Library Mat'l 58,000 55,000 54,977 55,107 Computer Hardware & Software 0 15,000 20,554 3,720 Construction&Major Renovation 0 - - 4,450 Furniture &Fixtures - - - 2,180 Machinery &Equipment 15,000 14,000 - - Digital Video 10,000 8,000 5,698 4,978 91,000 97,000 85,065 73,305 Total Expenses $ 803,814 $ 681,802 $ 663,795 $ 570,042 Page 91 of 144 The Village of North Palm Beach Capital Plan DEPARTMENT I CURRENT YR 2005-2006 2006-2007 2007-2008 Library Inventory Life DEPARTMENT Qty Each Total Cost Qty Each Total Cost Qty Each Total Cost A. Computer Hardware&Software Dell XP Computer Library 3 1,000 3,000 0 0 Dell Server Library 0 0 0 Computer Monitor&UPS Library 0 0 0 Laser Printer Library 2 200 400 0 0 2004-05 Final Budget reduced;itemized detail not provided Library 0 0 0 0 0 Software Library 1 500 500 0 0 PC Reservation System Library 1 1,800 1,800 0 0 Upgrade Athena to InfoCentre Library 1 1,000 1,000 0 0 LCD Projector Library 1 800 800 0 0 Computer server&4 terminals(5 items) Library 5 1,500 7,500 0 0 Sub Total Computer Hardware&Software 15,000 0 0 B.Machinery&Equipment Condensing Unit&Air Handler Unit Library 0 0 0 Condensing Unit Library 2 7,000 14,000 2 7,500 15,000 0 Library 0 0 0 Sub Total Machinery&Equipment 14,000 15,000 0 C.Books&Pub lications Adult Fiction&Non-Fiction;Juvenile &Young Adult Serial Publications& Reference Material;Periodicals& Newspapers;Microfiche Library 1 55,000 55,000 1 58,000 58,000 0 Library 0 0 0 Library 0 0 0 Sub Total Books&Pub lications 55,000 58,000 0 D.Audio Book&CD Collection Audio Books&CD's Library 1 5,000 5,000 1 8,000 8,000 0 Library 0 0 0 Library 0 0 0 Sub Total Audio Book&CD Collection 5,000 8,000 0 E. Video Cassette&DVD Collection Video Cassettes&DVD's Library 1 8,000 8,000 1 10,000 10,000 0 Library 0 0 0 Library 0 0 0 Sub Total Video Cassette&DVD Collection 8,000 10,000 0 TOTAL LIBRARY 97,000 91,000 0 Page 92 of 144 DEBT & OTHER Adopted Budget Fiscal Year 2006-2007 Adopted 2005 Budget 2004 Actual 2003 Actual Debt Service $ 949,428 $ 1,073,888 $ 995,765 $ 1,078,572 Other Addition to Designated Balance 0 0 6,168 6,012 Council Contingency 159,139 142,074 2,000 9,500 Village Manager Contingency 10,000 0 - 23,100 Capital - 0 - - Benefits - 0 60,773 622,480 Group Health Transition 0 85,000 842,000 658,000 Other - 0 275,789 - 169,139 227,074 1,186,730 1,319,093 Non-departmental Operating Costs 524,887 190,426 218,902 201,798 Materials & Supplies 36,000 25,000 24,157 12,920 Utilities 26,750 18,165 22,875 17,983 Capital 0 36,300 - - Other 0 500 23 - 587,637 270,391 265,956 232,702 Total Expenses $ 1,706,204 $ 1,571,353 $ 2,448,451 $ 2,630,367 Page 93 of 144 VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH COUNTRY CLUB COUNCIL'S ADOPTED BUDGET FISCAL YEAR 2006 - 2007 Page 94 of 144 Country Club Highlights 1 Target Maximum number of Memberships- 500 2 Membership Request Priority a. Existing Members ?? b. New Resident Membership Requests c. Non-Resident Membership Requests d. Corporate Membership Requests(limited to 3 individuals) 3 Membership Pricing a. All Memberships pre-paid unless guaranteed by Credit Card / New Members b. 5% Discount for existing Member 1-2 years c. 10% Discount for existing Members over 2 years 4 Member Benefits/Limitation a. Reserve 40% of T-Times for"Walk In" Non-Members during "High Season" b. 33% Discount on Cart Rates c. 15% Discount on Merchandise d. 33% Discount on Guest Rates e T-Time Schedule 7 days in advance (Walk-In max 3 days in advance) 5 Other-discussion and consideration a. Saturday T-Times b. Credit card required to reserve T-Time c. Charge for not cancelling reserved T-Time d. Member/guest tournaments e. Free play WPGA & MPGA f. In Season shot guns Page 95 of 144 NORTH PALM BEACH • Tennis operations • Food &Beverage COUNTRY CLUB GolLOperations In November 2006 the North Palm Beach Country Club will reopen its Mission Statement new golf course...becoming only the second public municipal golf course in the U.S. to bear the prestigious moniker of a Jack Nicklaus The Village of North Palm Beach Country Club is a quality recreational "Signature"Golf Course. facility providing golf, tennis and dining activities to residents, members and customers with exemplary customer service. The proposed is a Our new Nicklaus "Signature" course will have four sets of the tees so comprehensive plan that allows the Country Club to operate and remain each golfer may challenge this new course in a manner that is equal to self-sustaining through an integrated combination of pricing, marketing their individual game. The course will play up to 6,958 yards at a par and operating control plans that capitalize on the facility's ideal rolling of 71. locale adjacent to the Intercoastal Waterway, the golf club's brand new Jack Nicklaus "Signature" course design, and customer service In order to maintain modest fees for Village residents the Club improvements that reflect the high ideals of Club amenities, special recognizes and has planned to allocate 3 - 4 tee times for "walk-in" functions and user age groups. customers during high season and holiday periods. The high season walk-in golf fee will be $108 including cart for non-resident "walk-in" Service Levels Narrative customers. Local residents cards can be purchased for an annual fee of $15 that provide a 33% discount from the Club's retail "walk-in" rate. In offering quality experiences to our guests, the following goals have This plan recognizes that "walk-in" guest fees during holidays and our been established: areas tourist season play a great part in keeping resident prices low. • Continually plan and take actions that maintain and improve our Nicklaus "Signature"course at the highest level of appearance. The Village Administration anticipates a significant number of new • Promote our Club recreational activities to increase resident applications for membership to the new Nicklaus "Signature" golf participation,instruction and leisure activities at the Club. course. To provide reasonable member access to course play while • Create incentives for Village residents' participation in golf and preserving access to "walk-in" guests during high season and holidays, a tennis clinics, instruction and recreational competition. maximum of 500 golf memberships have been allotted for the year • Maintain an open and friendly atmosphere where all participants starting October 1St. Memberships will be prioritized as follows: are greeted and welcomed at the Club. • Renewal of existing Club Members • Provide enjoyable Club House dining, lounge, meeting and special • Residents of North Palm Beach event functions. • Non-Resident Applications Department Divisions Along with the new "Signature" course the proposed budget includes annual lease costs for a new fleet of 80 premium golf carts for player use. The North Palm Beach Country Club (NPBCC) offers a variety of The budget also reflects substantial funding increases for chemicals, services to the community through three operating areas: fertilizers, landscaping and capital equipment over past years. These • Golf Operations funding increases will help ensure our course is continually maintained Page 96 of 144 in an exemplary manner reflective of the Nicklaus "Signature" tournaments, and special events. F&B serves the membership and the designation. Course maintenance will be further supported the creation community offering service 7 days a week with special of new course management positions (Course Manager and Assistant events/entertainment monthly. Course Manager) who will work together to guide and oversee our Club's grounds maintenance staff team. This management partnership The personnel/title changes for FY 2006-2007 are as follows: will also work with the Club Golf Professional and Club Director to • Creation of one Course Manager f/t position maintain the entire facility at the highest level of care and appeal. . Creation of Assistant Course Manager f/t position and deletion of Superintendent Golf Course f/t position and the pay grade adjusted The golf budget reflects the full annual cost ($384k) of loan payments from 32 to 25 to more accurately reflect the responsibilities of this related to our 2006 course renovation. The plan also provides a position in relation to other Village departments and to other substantial contingency balance of $200k allowing flexibility and Country Clubs in the area response during this first year of our"Signature"course re-opening. Deletion of one Assistant Golf Professional f/t position • Creation of four PGA Apprentice p/t positions Club golf operations are open seven days a week offering individual, . Reclassification of one Accounting Technician I f/t position to group and clinic instruction from on-staff PGA Professionals, monthly Accounting Clerk f/t and the pay grade adjusted from 16 to 20 to tournaments for all levels of skill and experience and a lighted driving more accurately reflect the responsibilities of this position in range. The golf shop offers a variety of soft goods, golf accessories and relation to other Village departments clubs for sale. Tennis Current Year Accomplishments and New Year Initiatives During the year, the NPBCC has accomplished a significant amount of The tennis division includes 10 lighted Har Tru courts. Clinics, special projects including: instruction for individuals, and group classes and activities are available . Purchased and installed an automated point-of-sale (POS) system year round for adults and juniors. In the current fiscal year: the courts to more accurately and efficiently process memberships, pro shop were resurfaced; the irrigation system upgraded with a chlorinator; and purchases, and staff billing and reporting under the direction of the new tennis director the junior programs have . Appointment of Mr. Mickey Neal as Country Club Director in improve to meet Club expectations. Tennis summer camp and clinics are December 2005 well attended. Staff secured an agreement with Richard Waidelich . Negotiated Design Agreement with Nicklaus Design Group for the Tennis Services for merchandising at the pro shop to enhance renovation of the golf course and site membership services. This improved merchandising coupled with lesson • Negotiated Tennis Merchandise Agreement with Richard revenue from the teaching professionals is expected to bolster division Waidelich Tennis Service for to better serve members and guests. earnings. In the coming year, the NPBCC plans to achieve the following goals and Food and Beverage objectives: • Eliminate the Assistant Golf Professional position in favor of The food and beverage contractor is responsible for adding to the total adding four part-time "PGA Apprentice" positions. The PGA experience at the NPBCC. The contractor is responsible for maintaining Apprentices will be PGA certified golf instructor and will assist the the clubhouse restaurant and kitchens. The food and beverage division Head Golf Professional in supervising our service attendant staff works cooperatively with the golf, tennis, and pool divisions to enhance including daily work at the golf shop and on the course. Page 97 of 144 • Provide enhanced training and oversight to the eight part-time course Ranger positions improving monitoring and guidance of course play and activity at our Nicklaus "Signature" club. • Purchase the VI Golf Swing Analysis Software to allow instructional players to view, analyze, and diagnose faults with their swing. The system records player swing and then it is analyzed with the involvement of one of our Club's certified teaching professionals. • Create procedures calling for charge card requirements for non- Member golf reservations. • Improving physical condition of Club Administrative Office providing better customer service. • Utilize PGA Apprentice create an array of golf instructional clinics, events and demonstrations. • Promote Club "walk-in" use through promotional incentives to area hotels. • Create and expand a program that promotes junior golf interest, teaching and competition. Page 98 of 144 Country Club Administration Director of C/C 1 FT Administrative Coordinator 1 FT OFT (-1 FT) Accounting Clerk 1 FT (+1 FT) Tennis F & B Golf Course Maintenance Independent Superintendent Golf Course 1 FT Contractor 1 IC Deputy Superintendent 1 FT Tennis Director 1 FT 0 FT (-1 FT) Pro Shop Attend. 4 PT Greens Maintenance Tech 8 FT (+1 FT) Auto/Equip/Mechanic II 1 FT Grounds Maintenance Worker 2 PT Trades Mechanic 1 1 PT Golf Shop Head Golf Pro 1 FT Assistant Golf Pr 0 FT (-1 FT) Golf Attendant 1 FT Golf Attendant Carts PT 2 PT Clubhouse Grounds Golf Attendant Golf Shop PT 4 PT PGA Apprentice PT 4 PT (+4 PT) Trades Mechanic 11 1 FT Golf Attendant Ranger PT 8 PT Grounds Maintenance Worker 1 FT Summary: Change: FT = 19 (-1 FT) PT = 25 (+4 PT) Independent Contractor = 1 Page 99 of 144 COUNTRY CLUB BUDGET Adopted Budget FY 2006-2007 Original 2005 2004 2003 Golf Tennis F &B Admin Total Budget Actual Actual REVENUES Driving Range $ 234,000 - - - $ 234,000 $ 250,000 $ 225,253 $ 207,119 Membership 932,264 92,000 - - 1,024,264 661,538 645,613 725,629 Cart Rental 1,174,179 - - - 1,174,179 1,137,600 1,049,855 1,036,449 Greens Fees 846,679 - - - 846,679 390,000 267,772 242,371 Other 320,700 92,666 150,000 27,600 590,966 390,813 284,472 287,273 Total Revenues 3,507,822 184,666 150,000 27,600 3,870,088 2,829,951 2,472,965 2,498,840 EXPENSES Personnel 1,271,668 95,501 - 181,398 1,548,567 1,307,424 1,158,514 1,205,352 Materials & Supplies 431,700 8,200 400 9,200 449,500 284,100 233,115 244,331 Operating Costs 645,693 79,936 37,205 81,109 843,943 456,497 574,388 564,968 Debt Services 394,901 - - 104,000 498,901 104,000 17,002 23,228 Insurance/Other - - - 107,000 107,000 429,330 378,429 433,786 Capital 115,600 - 15,000 7,643 138,243 248,600 2,904 7,914 Total Expenses 2,859,562 183,637 52,605 490,350 3,586,154 2,829,951 2,364,351 2,479,579 Operating Income 648,260 1,029 97,395 (462,750) 283,934 0 108,614 19,261 80% 10% 10% 100% Administrative Allocation (370,200) (46,275) (46,275) (462,750) NET INCOME $ 278,060 $ (45,246) $ 51,120 $ - $ 283,934 $ - $ 108,614 $ 19,261 Page 100 of 144 Country Club Golf Shop Golf Course Maintenance Golf Shop Superintendent Golf Course 1 FT Head Golf Pro 1 FT Deputy Superintendent 1 FT Ass'stcai it 6ulf Pi- 0 FT (-1 FT) 0 FT (-1 FT) Attendant 1 FT Greens Maintenance Tech 8 FT (+1 FT) Golf A Golf Attendant Carts PT 2 PT Auto/Equip/Mechanic II 1 FT Grounds Maintenance Worker 2 PT Golf Attendant Golf Shop PT 4 PT Trades Mechanic I 1 PT PGA Apprentice 4 PT (+4 PT) Golf Attendant Ranger PT 8 PT Clubhouse Grounds Trades Mechanic II 1 FT Grounds Maintenance Worker 1 FT Summary: Change: FT = 15 (-1 FT) PT = 21 (+4 PT) Page 101 of 144 North Palm Beach Country Club Golf Rates 2006-2007 2006-2007 Golf 2005-2006 Proposed Golf(continued) 2005-2006 Proopsed Membership Rates/Discounts Cart Rental Resident Family $1,800.00 2,250.00 Member&Resident 18 Holes 18.00/1'erson 17.42 Single 1,097.00 1,350.00 9Holes 10.00/1'erson 10.05 .Junior 100.00 150.00 Non-member&Guests 18 Holes 21.00/1'erson 26.00 Non-resident Family 2,868.00 4,000.00 9Holes 13.00/1'erson 15.00 Single 1,716.00 2,500.00 Junior 125.00 200.00 Walking Fee(member only) 18 Holes 5.00/1'erson 12.00 Corporate 7,000.00 9,950.00 9Holes 3.00/1'erson 10.00 Golf Shop Merchandise Discount 15° Handicap Service Member 10.00 10.00 Non-member 25.00 25.00 * = 10%discount on renewals for existing members with more than Charity Cards n/a n/a 2 years of Club membership. 5%discount on renewals of existing League Play restricted to afternoon&offseason 15.02/Person 10%discount from walk-in memberships. Greens Fees: Greens Fee-Member no charge no charge Village Resident-(Using Resident Pass) 15%discount 33%Discount Winter Afternoon Rates (After 1:30pm/2:30 std) Guest of a member 15%discount 33%Discount December 22-Monday after Easter Morning Afternoon Mon-Thur 45.00/Person 73.00 63.00 Fr-Sun&Holidays 48.00/Person 82.00 72.00 Opening-Dec 21st&Tues. after Easter to May 30th Golf Club Rental Fee 18 holes $45.00 Mon-Thur 39.99/Person 53.00 43.00 9 holes 30.00 Fr-Sun&Holidays 39.99/Person 59.00 46.00 Summer(June 1 to Oct 31st) Golf Instruction 1 hour 80.00 Mon-Thur 30.00/Person 34.00 29.00 30 minutes 40.00 Fr-Sun&Holidays 35.00/Person 37.00 29.00 Junior Instruction (18 and under) 1 hour 50.00 30 minutes 30.00 Junior Rates(afternoon only-year round Wout cart) 12.00 12.00 Clinics- 1-day advacne 1 -day advance 20.00 day of clinic 25.00 Driving Range: (varies w/Specials&Promotions) Warm-up bucket 3.00 3.00 Small bucket 5.00 5.00 Medium bucket 8.00 8.00 Large bucket 10.00 10.00 Bag Room Storage 100.00 110.00 Special Events no outside weekend tournaments Resident Golf Card(annual Fee) $15 $15 Page 102 of 144 GOLF Adopted Budget Fiscal Year 2006-2007 Original 2005 REVENUES FY 2006-07 Budget 2004 Actual 2003 Actual Driving Range $ 234,000 $ 250,000 $ 225,253 $ 207,119 Membership 932,264 561,538 579,564 653,392 Cart Rental 1,174,179 1,137,600 1,049,855 1,036,449 Greens Fees 846,679 390,000 267,772 242,371 Other 320,700 196,400 162,018 159,508 Total Revenue 3,507,822 2,535,538 2,284,462 2,298,839 EXPENSES Personnel-Pay $ 822,218 714,110 701,112 719,584 Overtime 20,200 18,200 17,868 16,500 Benefits 429,250 323,119 234,122 260,878 1,271,668 1,055,429 953,102 996,962 Materials& Supplies-Fertilizers 125,000 80,000 70,765 66,395 Gas,Oil&Lubricants 31,350 27,000 13,210 13,621 Golf/Golf Course Supplies 40,700 31,800 31,824 29,255 Irrigation Supplies 2,650 10,100 6,757 11,908 Machinery,Equip.,&Office Supplies 57,400 52,700 38,953 49,476 Pesticides&Herbicides 75,000 43,000 39,177 31,676 Sand/Clay/Shell/Topsoil 22,500 19,950 14,307 14,317 Other 77,100 4,300 2,579 11,868 431,700 268,850 217,572 228,516 Operating Costs-Charge Card Fee 35,000 25,000 20,557 17,897 Equipment Rental 159,000 81,000 67,138 73,939 Golf Merchandise 100,000 78,000 75,021 71,907 Repairs&Maintenance 92,800 46,115 49,086 58,035 Utilities 108,850 86,805 82,694 76,805 Other 150,043 34,713 77,455 63,389 645,693 351,633 371,951 361,973 Debt Service-Bank of America($4.89 M) 394,901 0 0 0 Capital-Machinery&Equipment 105,600 60,000 0 0 Computer Hardware& Software 10,000 1,000 0 0 Construction&Major Renovation 0 149,000 0 7,914 115,600 210,000 - 7,914 TOTAL EXPENSES 2,859,562 1,885,912 1,542,625 1,595,365 Operating Income 648,260 $ 649,626 $ 741,837 $ 703,474 Administrative Allocation (370,200) Page 103 of 144 NET INCOME $ 278,060 Country Club Tennis Tennis Tennis Director 1 FT Shop Attendant 4 PT Summary: Change: FT = 1 PT = 4 Page 104 of 144 Village of North Palm Beach Tennis Memership Rates Proposed 2004-2005 2005-2006 2006-07 Tennis Membership (Annual only) RESIDENT *Family $440.00 $453.00 $474.00 * Single 340.00 350.00 369.00 Junior 55.00 85.00 89.00 NON-RESIDENT *Family 588.00 605.00 634.00 * Single 440.00 453.00 474.00 Junior 83.00 100.00 104.00 Page 105 of 144 TENNIS Adopted Budget Fiscal Year 2006-2007 Original 2005 FY 2006-07 Budget 2004 Actual 2003 Actual REVENUE Membership $ 92,000 $ 100,000 $ 66,049 $ 72,237 Special Events 15,000 12,040 35 - Guest Fees 10,000 29,000 16,795 18,405 Other 67,666 13,710 6,732 3,046 Total Revenue 184,666 154,750 89,611 93,687 EXPENSES Personnel -Pay $ 72,693 66,131 47,990 45,890 Overtime - - - - Benefits 22,808 19,985 12,869 13,503 95,501 86,116 60,858 59,393 Material & Supplies -Bldg Maint. Sup. 3,000 2,000 2,944 1,471 Mach. &Equip. Supplies 0 3,000 2,878 2,858 Sand/Clay/Shell/Topsoil 3,000 3,000 1,747 2,126 Other 2,200 2,550 2,714 1,667 8,200 10,550 10,282 8,122 Oper. Costs -Tennis Merchandise 1,800 1,000 0 0 Repairs &Maintenance 6,400 6,400 1,006 596 Utilities 13,770 8,625 8,900 9,493 Other $ 57,966 1,784 35,036 32,896 79,936 17,809 44,942 42,985 Captial - - 1,794 - TOTAL EXPENSES 183,637 114,475 117,876 110,500 Operating Income 1,029 $ 40,275 $ (28,265) $ (16,812) Administrative Allocation (46,275) NET INCOME $ (45,246) Page 106 of 144 Country Club F & B F & B Independent Contractor 1 IC Summary: Change: FT = unknown PT = unknown IC = 1 Page 107 of 144 F & B Adopted Budget Fiscal Year 2006-2007 Original 2005 FY 2006-07 Budget 2004 Actual 2003 Actual Revenue F &B Lease $ 115,000 $ 108,000 $ 62,321 $ 70,463 Other 35,000 26,063 24,130 29,946 Total Revenue 150,000 134,063 86,451 100,409 Expenses Materials & Supplies 400 400 11 419 Operating Costs Repairs &Maintenance $ 5,000 5,000 2,989 12,866 Public Events 0 2,400 1,520 450 Utilities 32,205 20,685 31,111 23,767 Other 0 2,350 2,101 2,000 37,205 30,435 37,722 39,084 Capital 15,000 - 1,110 - Total Expenses 52,605 30,835 38,842 39,503 Operating Income 97,395 $ 103,228 $ 47,608 $ 60,906 Administrative Allocation (46,275) Net Income $ 51,120 Page 108 of 144 Country Club Administration Administration Director of C/C 1 FT Administrative Coordinator 1 FT OFT (-1 FT) Accounting Clerk 1 FT (+1 FT) Summary: Change: FT = 3 PT = 0 Page 109 of 144 ADMIN Adopted Budget Fiscal Year 2006-2007 Original 2005 FY 2006-07 Budget 2004 Actual 2003 Actual Revenue Interest- SBA $ 25,000 $ 3,000 $ 3,450 $ 4,586 C/C Billing-Finance Charges 1,000 1,000 1,316 1,824 Other 1,600 1,600 7,675 (504) Total Revenue 27,600 5,600 12,441 5,905 Expenses Personnel-Pay $ 137,927 126,615 105,408 111,127 Overtime 0 1,000 1,315 - Benefits 43,471 38,264 37,830 37,870 181,398 165,879 144,553 148,997 Materials& Supplies 9,200 4,300 5,251 7,273 Operating Costs-Accounting&Auditing 7,500 5,000 4,463 6,013 Charge Card Fee 3,500 2,600 2,284 - Marketing 40,000 25,000 20,371 - Postage 6,500 6,500 5,804 6,234 Printing& Binding 7,000 2,500 1,522 1,730 Utilities 8,409 7,770 7,115 8,606 Other 8,200 7,250 78,215 98,343 81,109 56,620 119,773 120,926 Debt Service -First Union($ 600K) 80,000 80,000 16,667 22,059 Suntrust($ 100K) 24,000 24,000 0 0 104,000 104,000 16,667 22,059 Insurance/Other-Comp. General Liability 100,000 38,279 39,132 35,389 Reserves/Other 0 0 336,885 393,113 Special Legal Services 7,000 5,000 2,411 5,284 Administrator's Contingency 0 3,000 - - C/C Contingency 0 383,051 - - 107,000 429,330 378,429 433,786 Audio,Visual&Comm. System 6,143 0 - - Computer Hardware& Software 1,500 38,600 - - Total Expenses 490,350 798,729 664,672 733,042 Operating Income $ (462,750) (793,129) (652,231) (727, 137) 10 of 144 The Village of North Palm Beach Country Club Capital Plan 2005-2010 Country Club 5 YEAR CURRENT 2005-2006 2006-2007 A Automotive Inventory Life Qty Each Total Cost Qty Each Total Cost 1) Pick-Up Truck 1999(1) 5yrs 1 20,000 20,000 0 0 Sub Total Automotive 20,000 0 B.Machinery&Equipment 1994(1),1998(1),1999(1),2000(1),2003(3), - Lt Duty Utility VeMcle 2004(1) 6yrs 2 6,000 12,000 0 0 Heavy Duty Utility VeMcle 6yrs 1 12,000 12,000 1 15,000 15,000 -Slope Mower 2005(1) 7 yrs 0 0 0 0 1997(1),1998(1),1999(1),2000(1),2002(2),200 Triplex Mower 5(1) 5yrs 1 16,000 16,000 0 0 -Fairway Mower 2004(2) 6 yrs 0 0 0 0 Tractor 1997(1),2000(1),2001(1) 10 yrs 0 0 0 0 Rotary Mower 1999(l),2004(1) 6yrs 0 0 1 26,000 26,000 -52"Rotary Mower 2005(1) 6 yrs 0 0 0 0 0 -200 Gal.Sprayer 2002(1) 5 yrs 0 0 0 0 0 -Topdresser 2002(1) 5 yrs 0 0 0 0 0 -Trap Rake 2003(1) 4 yrs 0 0 0 0 -Walking Greens Mower 1995(2),1997(2),1999(2),2004(2) 5yrs 0 0 2 6,000 12,000 Greens Vacuum 0 0 1 10,000 10,000 -Walking Greens Mower Trailers 0 0 3 2,000 6,000 -Verticut Reels for Grooming Greens 0 0 3 1,700 5,100 -Aeritier 1997(1) 0 0 1 25,000 25,000 -Air Conditioner(s)-Dining Room Area 0 0 1 15,000 15,000 Jitney 0 0 1 6,500 6,500 -Turf Vacuum 1997(1) 10 yrs 0 0 0 0 0 -Bed Knife Grinder 1985(1) 15 yrs 0 0 0 0 -REEL GRINDER 1998(1) 15 yrs 0 0 0 0 Sub Total Machinery&Equipment 40,000 120,600 C Improvements Parking Lot Repair&Resurfacing 10 yrs 1 149,000 149,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sub Total Improvements 149,000 0 D.Computer Hardware&Software Computer Head Golf Pro 5 yrs 1 1,000 1,000 0 0 VI System Lessons&Training 0 0 0 1 10,000 10,000 Computer&Color Printer 0 0 0 1 1,500 1,500 POs System 7yrs 1 38,600 38,600 0 0 Sub Total Computer Hardware&Software 39,600 11,500 E.Audio,Visual&Comm.System Serveillance/SecutityCamera(with installation) 1 6,143 6,143 Sub Audio,Visual&Comm System 6,143 TOTAL COUNTRY CLUB 248,600 138,243 Page 111 of 144 Membership Rates Proposed Alternative Annual Current 2006/07 Fee $ change %Change Single/Family% Resident Single 1,097.00 1,350.00 1,500.00 253 23.1% Members 224 70% Family 1,800.00 2,250.00 2,500.00 450 25.0% 159 23% Jr. 100.00 150.00 200.00 50 50.0% 24 7% 64% Non-Resident Memberships 320 100% Single 1,716.00 2,500.00 784 45.7% Members 140 78% Family 2,868.00 4,000.00 1,132 39.5% 44 11% Jr. 125.00 200.00 75 60.0% 19 11% 36% Memberships 179 100°k Corporate 7,000.00 9,950.00 9,999.00 2,950 42.1% Memberships 499 100% Page 112 of 144 Published ctual Possible 2006/ 07 Weekend Weekday Weekend Weekday Weekend Weekday &Holiday &Holiday &Holiday Res/Mem High Season - Combined Rate Discount 12122-Monday after Easter Resident/Guest morning play discount cart fee 21 21 n/ 21 21 26 26 33% 17.42 17.42 Green fee 64 54 15% 48 44 82 73 33% 54.94 48.91 morning total 85 75 WaI - n 69 65 1 08 gg 72.36 66.33 Res/Guest 61.8 58.4 afternoon Rates 1:30 std. /2:30 daylightn svg. cart 21 21 21 21 26 26 33% 17.42 17.42 green fee 48 45 27 24 72 63 33% 48.24 42.21 afternoon total 69 66 48 45 98 89 65.66 59.63 -------------------------------------------- ----------------------------- Shoulder Season Rates Tuesday after Easter to-5130 and 11/1 -12121 morning play cart fee 21 21 21 21 26 26 33% 17.42 17.42 Green fee 46 41 28 24 59 53 33% 39.53 35.51 morning total 67 62 Walk-In 49 45 85 79 56.95 52.93 Res/Guest 44.8 41.4 afternoon Rates 2:30 daylight svg. /1:30 std. cart 21 21 21 21 26 26 33% 17.42 17.42 green fee 18.99 18.99 I 18.99 18.99 46 43 33% 30.82 28.81 afternoon total 39.99 39.99 39.99 39.99 72 69 48.24 46.23 -------------------------------------------- ----------------------------- Summer Rates 611 - 10131 before 3 p.m. cart 21 21 21 21 26 26 33% 17.42 17.42 gree fee 14 9 14 9 37 34 33% 24.79 22.78 Total 35 30 35 30 63 60 42.21 40.2 after 3:00 daylight svg/2:00 std. cart 21 21 21 21 26 26 33% 17.42 17.42 gree fee 4 1 4 1 29 29 33% 19.43 19.43 Total 25 22 25 22 55 55 36.85 36.85 Page 113 of 144 Internal Service Funds Health & Dental Workers' Comp & General Liability This fund accumulates resources and allocates the costs associated with health and dental benefits for employees paid by the Village. It also accounts for This fund accumulates resources and allocates costs for insurance coverage that receipts and payments related to the employees' and retirees' portion of will protect the assets of the Village and ensure that Village coverage meets all premiums ($373,566 and$52,152 respectively). Transactions are accounted for legal requirements. Fund insurance coverage includes general liability, in this Fund in order to provide the Village with better tracking and automobile, property, and workers' compensation. The mission of this fund is management of costs associated with Health and Dental benefits. to provide risk coverage for Village assets and resources as well as actively enforce safety programs and policies to ensure a safe "Village-wide" The Village entered into a fully insured health/dental plan effective July 1, environment. 2005. The Village is working with the agent of record to change the contract period to coincide with the fiscal year(October 1 —September 30). Since it was On October 1, 2005 notice of separation was given to the insurance pool to previously self insured the Village was unable to obtain a 15 month health which the village belongs -the municipal risk sharing pool South Eastern Risk contract until recently. The next renewal will coincide with the fiscal year Management Association (SERMA) administered by Employers Mutual Inc effective October 1,2007. (EMI). SERMA is anticipating an increasing in total premiums by more than $250,000 to the Village in the coming 2006-07 budget year. Total expenses budgeted for the fund equal $1,338,066 (as projected by EMI) and include a $100,000 reserve for out-of-pocket deductibles or premium increases. SERMA's estimated premium increase is 35%over the prior year. As the result of the recent hurricane seasons, our current insurer describes the property markets as "...inundated with requests for coverage. Capacity is shrinking daily. Underwriters are demanding and getting whatever amounts they deem appropriate." For the first time in many years, the Council has engaged a broker as agent of records for property casualty and workers comp (for the 2006-07 fiscal year). The Village will have the option of remaining with the SERMA pool, entering another risk sharing pool,or buying coverage under a fully insured plan. Under SERMA liability coverage the Village retains financial risk (SIR) for single-party claims between $100k - $225k (an SIR of $125k) and multi-party claims between $200k - $225k (an SIR of $25k). The Village also retains financial risk for all liability claims above$775k under SERMA's coverage. Page 114 of 144 Internal Service - Health 2006-2007 Revenue: Proposed A4902-12310 Village Manager Health Insurance $ 15,618 A4904-12310 Village Clerk Health Insurance 19,525 A5003-12310 Finance Health Insurance 36,537 A5004-12310 Information Technology Health Insurance 16,016 A5005-12310 Human Resources Health Insurance 15,618 A5519-12310 Facility Services Health Insurance 40,807 A5522-12310 Vehicle Maintenance Health Insurance 35,914 A5711-12310 Public Safety Health Insurance 343,829 A5812-12310 Fire Rescue Health Insurance 208,581 A6018-12310 Public Works Admin Health Insurance 20,308 A5206-12310 Community Planning Health Insurance 23,243 A6019-12310 Building Health Insurance 43,550 A6020-12310 Code Enforcement Health Insurance 23,243 A7020-12310 Sanitation Health Insurance 205,642 A7321-12310 Street Maintenance Health Insurance 125,194 A7927-12310 Library Health Insurance 51,179 A8023-12310 Park Maintenance Health Insurance 77,506 A8028-12310 Recreation Health Insurance 28,506 A8051-12310 Pool Health Insurance 8,199 L8045-12310 Golf Course Maintenance Health Insurance 84,356 L8046-12310 Golf Shop Health Insurance 16,208 L8050-12310 Tennis Health Insurance 4,100 L8056-12310 C/C Admin Health Insurance 27,342 L8059-12310 Clubhouse Grounds Health Insurance 23,243 Subtotal $ 1,494,264 Other Revenue Employee deduction receipts 373,566 Retiree receipts 52,152 Subtotal 425,718 Total Revenue 1,919,982 Expenses: Using employee information for plan choice Bid United Health-Net of employee portion&Retiree 1,494,264 Employee Portion 373,566 Retiree Portion 52,152 Total Expenses $ 1,919,982 Page 115 of 144 Internal Service - W/Comp & General Liability 2006-2007 Revenue Proposed Council Workers'Compensation $ 250 Village Manager Workers'Compensation 1,121 Village Clerk Workers'Compensation 860 Finance Workers'Compensation 1,757 Information Technology Workers'Compensation 833 Human Resources Workers'Compensation 737 Community Planning Workers'Compensation 908 Facility Services Workers'Compensation 21,311 Vehicle Maintenance Workers'Compensation 12,375 Public Safety Workers'Compensation 124,990 Fire Rescue Workers'Compensation 151,424 Public Works Admin Workers'Compensation 16,603 Building Workers'Compensation 21,098 Code Workers'Compensation 12,141 Sanitation Workers'Compensation 181,973 Street Maintenance Workers'Compensation 49,002 Library Workers'Compensation 16,799 Park Maintenance Workers'Compensation 30,465 Recreation Workers'Compensation 51,922 Pool Workers'Compensation 12,013 Golf Course Maintenance Workers'Compensation 46,221 Golf Shop Workers'Compensation 11,951 Tennis Workers'Compensation 3,104 C/C Admin Workers'Compensation 856 Clubhouse Grounds Workers'Compensation 4,565 Subtotal $ 775,279 Other Revenue Insurance-Comp. General Liabilty-Country Club 100,000 Insurance-Comp. General Liabilty-General Fund 462,787 Subtotal 562,787 Total Revenue 1,338,066 Expenses SERMA Insurance premium (Estimated 35%increase from prior year) 1,238,066 Reserve for Out of Pocket Expenses-Deductibles 100,000 Total Expenses $ 1,338,066 Page 116 of 144 Village Of North Palm Beach • Provides for procedures for "call back" and civil emergency pay including: TO: Honorable Mayor and Council 1. Classifications for employees (as "essential/mandatory," "essential," and "non-essential") for purposes of determining response to the FROM: Mark Bates, Village Manager civil emergency and corresponding pay; and 2. Definitions and examples of pay for employees, including DATE: September 12, 2006 increased compensation for employees required to respond in a civil emergency (including some provisions for double-time for hours SUBJECT: Proposed - Comprehensive Pay and Classification Plan actually worked during a declared emergency and provisions for over-time at 2006/2007 straight time rate for exempt employees). The proposed Pay Plan reflects the following recommended personnel classification changes. This Comprehensive Pay and Classification Plan ("Pay Plan") reflects all proposed / authorized Village employment position classifications Personnel Changes: and their related salary ranges for all Village employees for the fiscal year starting October 1, 2006. This Pay Plan also reflects employment The Pay Plan reflects proposed changes in Village employment benefits provided to employees unless separately negotiated in positions in three general categories: Title Changes (involving no collective bargaining agreements. change in compensation); position Additions/Changes/Deletions; and Other Pay Plan Adjustments (salary ranges, removing vacant/unused Village management will review this Pay Plan annually and make positions, etc.). recommendations on the classifications and pay ranges for all positions to maintain appropriate staffing resources in relation to competitive Title Changes Only market conditions and the needs of our annual Village budget / • Update Firefighter to Firefighter/EMT operating structure. The attached Pay Plan proposal is being • Update Sergeant, Detective Bureau and Sergeant, Public incorporated into the Manager's proposed budget for the coming fiscal Safety to Sergeant year beginning October 1, 2006. • Update Team Leader to Fire Rescue Lieutenant • Update Lieutenant, Public Safety to Lieutenant Pay Plan Recommendations • Chanze Sanitation Worker to Sanitation Collector • Update Recreation Director to Director of Parks and This year's Pay Plan includes: Recreation • A total average 8.2%pay increase in compensation 1. Includes a 4.2% October COLA(cost of living adjustment) and Position Changes - Additions/Deletions/Changes: 2. Provides for average 4.0% performance-based merit increases (0% -to- 5%). Additions: • Provides for monthly employer and employee health/dental • Add (+1)Police Officer f/t position insurance contributions • Add (+1)Fire Inspector f/t position PP- 1 Page 117 of 144 • Create(+1)Director of Community Development f/t position • Create (+1) Assistant Director of Parks and Recreation f/t • Create (+1)Planner f/t position position / Delete (4) Recreation Programs Coordinator f/t • Create (+6) Swim Instructor p/t positions position • Add (+2) Pool Lifeguard p/t positions • Create (+1) Greens Maintenance Technician f/t position / • Add (+1) Deputy Superintendent, Golf Course* f/t position Delete (4) Supervisor, Golf Course f/t position (*actually created as amendment to FY'06 pay plan) • Create (+4)PGA Apprentice p/t positions Deletions: • Delete (4) School Crossing Guard p/t position Additions/Deletions: • Delete (4)Building Construction Inspector I f/t position • Create (+1) Director of Human Resources f/t position / Delete • Delete (4) Assistant Golf Pro f/t position (4)Human Resources Manager f/t position • Create (+1) Assistant Director of Finance f/t position / Delete Other Chan ems. (4)Director of Accounting f/t position • Increase salary of Elected Officials from $31,200 annually • Create (+1) Network Support Specialist f/t position / Delete total (Mayor - $750/mo., Council - $500/mo.) to $46,800 (4) IT Systems Coordinator f/t position annually total (Mayor- $900/mo., Council - $600/mo.) • Create (+4) Accounting Clerk f/t positions / Delete (4) • Reclassify (1) Human Resources Specialist f/t position Accounting Technician III f/t, (4) Accounting Technician (increase of 5 grades) II f/t, (4) Accounting Technician I f/t, and (4) • Reclassify (1) Supervisor, Golf Course f/t position (decrease of Administrative Assistant f/t positions 2 grades) • Add (+2) Firefighter/Paramedic f/t positions / Delete (-2) Firefighter/EMT f/t positions Pension: • Create (+1) Director of Public Works f/t position / Delete (4) Director of Public Services f/t position Actuarial projections currently indicate that Village contributions for the • Create (+1) Assistant Director of Public Works f/t position / General/FPE Pension Plan Pension should be increased this year by a Delete (-1) Superintendent Public Services f/t position full 4%... to an employer level of 25.86%, and should be decreased by a • Create (+1) Superintendent Facility & Vehicle Division f/t full 5%...to an employer level of 15.53% in the Police/Fire Plan as position / Delete (4) Supervisor Vehicle Maintenance f/t outlined below: position • General /Management employees: 25.86% Village and 6% • Add (+1) Trades Mechanic II f/t position/Delete (4) Grounds employee contribution. Maintenance Worker f/t position • FPE employees: 25.86% Village and 6% • Create (+3) Mechanic f/t positions / Delete (4) Supervisor employee contribution. Facility Service f/t, (-1) Auto/Equipment Mechanic f/t, and • Fire employees; 15.53%* Village and 2% (4) Apprentice Mechanic f/t positions employee contribution. • Create (+2) Code Compliance Officer f/t positions/Delete (-2) • Police employees: 15.53%* Village and 2% Code Enforcement Officer I f/t positions employee contribution. PP- 2 Page 118 of 144 *Please note: This number could change due to revisions to the actuarial The Guardian Managed Dental Guard Plan projections which are currently in progress. Employee Only Coverage $ 0.00 per month Employee +Family Coverage $ 4.27 per month Health/Dental Insurance: The Guardian (DentalGuard Preferred)PPO Plan Employee Only Coverage $ 9.25 per month The Village has recommended and implemented a 15-month health Employee +Family Coverage $35.05 per month insurance program for the fiscal year starting July 1, 2006 and ending September 30, 2007. This term will bring the plan in line with the fiscal The above employee rates are based upon a total monthly plan cost as year and all other insurance products currently offered to employees. follows: The health insurance plan also offers three plan choices: employee, employee plus one (spouse or child), and family coverage while Health Insurance: continuing the same benefit coverages employees enjoyed previously. Additionally, the Village has recommended and implemented a 12- United Healthcare POS Plan month renewal of the existing dental insurance programs for the fiscal Employee Only Coverage $ 328.00 per month year 2006/07. Employee + One $ 850.94 per month Employee +Family Coverage $1168.76 per month With single coverage, for both the health and dental insurance plans, the United Healthcare HMO Plan lower cost plan is paid entirely by the Village. For employee plus one Employee Only Coverage $ 343.99 per month (health insurance only) and the family coverage options (for health and dental Employee + One $ 828.47 per month insurance), the lower cost plan is paid 80% by the Village and the balance Employee +Family Coverage - $1149.07 per month by the employee. Employees choosing higher cost plan options will pay 100% of the cost difference from the lower cost alternative. Employee Dental Insurance: costs are as follows: The Guardian Managed Dental Guard Plan Health Insurance: Employee Only Coverage $13.09 per month Employee +Family Coverage $34.43 per month United Healthcare POS Plan The Guardian (DentalGuard Preferred)PPO Plan Employee Only Coverage $ 0.00 per month Employee Only Coverage $22.34 per month Employee + One Coverage $122.56 per month Employee +Family Coverage $65.21 per month Employee +Family Coverage $183.90 per month United Healthcare HMO Plan RECOMMENDATION: Employee Only Coverage $ 15.99 per month Employee + One Coverage $100.09 per month The Administration recommends Commission consideration and Employee +Family Coverage $164.21 per month approval of the attached Resolution approving and adopting the Village's Comprehensive Pay and Classification Plan above. Dental Insurance: PP- 3 Page 119 of 144 RESOLUTION NO. Section 3: That this Resolution shall take effect October 1, 2006. A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF PASSED and ADOPTED by the Village Council of the Village of North THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, Palm Beach, Florida this day of SEPTEMBER, 2006. FLORIDA, ADOPTING THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH COMPREHENSIVE PAY AND CLASSIFICATION PLAN FOR FISCAL YEAR 2006/2007, AND AS AMENDED FROM TIME TO TIME, AND HEREBY ESTABLISHING A PAY MAYOR RANGE AND CLASSIFICATION PLAN FOR FISCAL YEAR 2006/07 COMMENCING ON OCTOBER 1, ATTEST: 2006; AMENDING THE VILLAGE'S PAY AND CLASSIFICATION PLAN; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS; AND, PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. VILLAGE CLERK WHEREAS, the Village Council of the Village of North Palm Beach recognizes the need to update its Comprehensive Pay and Classification Plan, based on the recommendation of the Village Manager, and desires to implement the revised plan effective October 1, 2006, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA: Section 1: That this Resolution does amend the Village of North Palm Beach Comprehensive Pay and Classification Plan, as amended from time to time, attached hereto and incorporated herein as specifically as if set forth at length here at, commencing on October 1, 2006. Section 2: That all Resolutions, or parts of Resolutions in conflict herewith, be and the same are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. PP- 4 Page 120 of 144 2006/2007 SECTION 4. IMPLEMENTATION VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH COMPREHENSIVE PAY AND The new pay plan will be implemented October 1, 2006. General CLASSIFICATION PLAN employees shall receive a 4.2% cost of living increase effective October 1, 2006. The pay range (grade) of each General Employee shall be increased as reflected in the attached classification plan. SECTION 1. ESTABLISHMENT Bargaining unit employees shall receive base wage increases only in accordance with their collective bargaining agreement. A Comprehensive Pay and Classification Plan for the Village of North Palm Beach (the "Pay Plan"), pertaining to all positions, including SECTION 5. HIRING PAY RATES those that may be specified elsewhere in negotiated collective bargaining agreements or individual employment contracts, is hereby The minimum rate established for a job class shall be paid upon established. This document will supersede and replace the pay related employment, except that the "New-Hired" rate in amounts above the provisions of the Village's Personnel Rules and Regulations. minimum may be authorized if the department head submits adequate written justification and such action is approved by the Village SECTION 2. DEVELOPMENT OF PAY RANGES Manager. Approval will be based on the exceptional qualifications of the appointee or inability to employ adequate personnel at the The Pay Plan establishes pay ranges (grades) for each classification. minimum rate. Such established salary ranges of pay have been determined with due regard to ranges of pay for other classes, relative difficulty and SECTION 6. MERIT INCREASE responsibility of positions in the class, prevailing rates of pay for similar positions, and the financial position of the Village and other All employees of the Village of North Palm Beach, except as provided economic considerations. Appendix A sets forth the pay ranges elsewhere, shall be eligible for a merit increase on their employee (grades) with minimum and maximum levels. Base pay is, by anniversary date. The anniversary date shall be defined as the definition, the pay level within pay range for each position employee's entry date into his/her present position. After the one year classification. Base pay may not exceed the maximum pay rate for the period in their present position, employees shall be eligible for a merit position classification. For General (non-bargaining unit) employees increase, as defined herein, and shall be eligible at their annual the Pay Plan provides for a pay range, without regard to specific pay anniversary date every year from that time forward. level within that range. Adjustments shown to salary ranges for FPE, PBA and IAFF positions will be subject to bargaining. Employees may be granted such merit increase from zero to five percent (0 - 5%) of salary, based upon documented and demonstrated SECTION 3. APPLICABILITY workplace performance as recommended by the employee's Supervisor and Department Director. All merit increases shall be submitted to the All employees of the Village of North Palm Beach, except as provided Village Manager (or Human Resources) Department for review, elsewhere, shall be compensated in accordance with this plan and the consideration and written approval prior to discussion or delivery to the exempt (salaried) and non-exempt positions, depending upon job employee. classification. Merit increases are not automatic. Such merit increase is contingent upon receipt of a satisfactory performance evaluation. Employees at the Page 121 of 144 PP- 5 maximum pay for their classification will not be eligible for a merit SECTION 8. DEMOTIONS /RECLASSIFICATIONS increase in their present Pay Plan classification, but may be eligible for a lump sum performance bonus. The Village Manager shall approve In the event of an involuntary demotion an employee will be placed in merit increases equal to or greater than 4.5%. Contractual provisions the same relative position for the lower position grade as he/she will govern bargaining unit employee merit increases. enjoyed in the previous classification, as long as the pay does not decrease more than 10%. For a voluntary demotion or position Lump Sum Performance Bonus: Employees whose compensation is reclassifications to a lower pay range (grade), employee shall be placed equal to or exceeds the maximum annual pay range for their position in the same relative position for the lower position grade while having shall be eligible for the annual performance incentive bonus program. their current pay "frozen" at their current level — with future pay Annual performance review bonuses would be paid lump-sum based adjustments being used to "offset" this higher pay level until fully upon written recommendation and documentation from the Department absorbed. Head; subject to written approval of the Village Manager or designee as follows: SECTION 9. TRANSFERS Exceptional Level II performance review rating - $ 1,200 Successful Level I through Exceptional Level I performance In the event an employee is transferred to a position with the same pay review rating - $ 900 grade, their rate of pay will remain the same. Development Required through Below Standards performance review rating - $ 0 SECTIONI0. PART-TIME PAY & MERIT INCREASE The bonus payment shall not be included in an employee's regular base rate of pay and shall not be carried forward in subsequent years. Part-time employees shall be paid the hourly wage as outlined in the attached Pay Plan, at the pay range (grade) minimum unless otherwise SECTION 7. PROMOTIONS/RECLASSIFICATIONS recommended by the Department Director, and approved by the Village Manager. In the event of a promotion or a position reclassification to a higher pay range (grade), employees will be placed in the new position's pay range Permanent Part-Time employees (who must be scheduled annually for work in (grade) at a base pay level that does not exceed more than 10% of the more than 46 or more weeks) shall be eligible for a merit increase upon base pay level they occupy in their current pay range not to exceed the receipt of a satisfactory evaluation. Part-time employees who leave pay range maximum. Upon the written recommendation of the Village employment and are subsequently rehired, are not considered to Department Director and written approval by the Village Manager, an have continuous service, and are eligible for a merit increase annually employee that is within two months of their existing anniversary / based upon their rehire date. annual review date may receive a merit increase prior to the implementation of their recommended promotion. Bargaining unit Seasonal part-time employees (scheduled during a 12-month period work for employees shall receive promotional increases in accordance with their less than 46 weeks), who have worked during the past season and return respective collective bargaining agreement, unless otherwise for the upcoming season, may be eligible for a merit increase at the negotiated. beginning of the upcoming season, when prior employment ended due to Village operational direction. Those employees who leave employment prior to the end of the season and may later be rehired by the Village, are considered new employees and not eligible for a merit increase upon their rehire date. Page 122 of 144 PP- 6 SECTION 11. OVERTIME/COMPENSATORY TIME A local emergency shall be deemed to have commenced when the Overtime is authorized by the Village Manager or Department Heads. Village Council or Village Manager files with the Village Clerk a Overtime is paid to hourly employees at one and one-half (1'/z) times declaration of local state of local emergency. Immediately following the hourly rate for all hours worked in excess of forty (40) hours per such declaration, the Village Manager (or designee) will inform each week. Upon prior approval of the Department Head or the Village Village department and office in as timely a manner as possible that a Manager hourly employees may receive compensatory time off for any state of civil emergency is in effect. work performed in excess of the regularly scheduled hours in a normal work week at one and one-half(1'/z) hours for every hour for overtime The provisions of this Civil Emergency Pay Policy shall become hours worked. Annual leave and holidays shall count as hours worked effective immediately following the declaration of a state of emergency for the purpose of computing overtime. Sick leave shall not count as and are considered from that point to take precedence over all other time worked when computing overtime. Compensatory time for hourly Personnel Rules and Regulations, policies, resolutions, of the Village of employees shall accrue to no more than sixty (60) hours. Unused North Palm Beach in the matters of pay, compensation, and leave as accrued compensatory time shall be paid upon termination of hereinafter set forth. The provisions of this Civil Emergency Pay employment. Bargaining unit employees shall receive overtime and Policy shall apply for the entire time period during which the declared compensatory time in accordance with their respective collective state of emergency exists. bargaining agreement, unless otherwise negotiated. Designation of employees for purposes of establishing pay and SECTION 12. CALL BACK AND CIVIL EMERGENCY PAY compensation: Call Back Pay: An hourly employee called back to work outside his/her A. In a manner to be determined by the Village Manager or his/her regularly scheduled hours due to an emergency or other urgent acting designee, all Village employees (regardless of full-time, part- situation, that does not include a declared state of local civil time, seasonal, exempt or non-exempt status) will be classified into one emergency, shall be paid for actual time worked at the regular pay rate of the following three categories: (or overtime rate if eligible) or a minimum of two hours, whichever is • A=Essential/Mandatory Personnel greater. No employee is entitled to nor shall receive standby pay or call The assistance of these employees is considered essential to the back pay during a period of declared local emergency as outlined Village's ability to function and provide public services in the below. Bargaining unit employees shall receive Call Back Pay in event of a civil emergency. accordance with their respective collective bargaining agreement, . B =Essential Personnel unless otherwise negotiated. Depending on circumstances and needs, the assistance of these employees may be required in the event of a civil emergency. Civil Emergency Pam Regular, part-time and seasonal employees who . C =Non-Essential Personnel are released from work or who are retained or called back to perform The assistance of these employees is normally not required during Village work during the threat or occurrence of a hurricane, severe a civil emergency event. storm, civil disaster, or other emergency conditions affecting the B. Employees who are classified as category "A" Village of North Palm Beach shall be entitled to civil emergency pay as (Essential/Mandatory Personnel) are expected to report for work at the outlined below. Bargaining unit employees shall receive Civil beginning of their assigned shift, work their entire shift, and be Emergency Pay in accordance with their respective collective bargaining agreement, unless otherwise negotiated. Page 123 of 144 PP- 7 prepared to work any overtime hours as may be required under Employee compensation: emergency conditions. A. Any employee classified as either "A" (Essential/Mandatory) or C. Category "A" employees may also be required to report for work "B" (Essential), who is not exempt from the overtime provisions of the on unscheduled days or hours, and should be prepared to perform tasks Fair Labor Standards Act, will be compensated as follows during a outside their normal scope of duties. Category "A" employees may be period of local emergency: required to remain at a designated facility during some portion of the 1. The employee will be paid their regular compensation of all emergency event. hours they are scheduled for work, but released from work. D. Employees who are classified as category "B" (Essential Example: If an employee's is scheduled to work from 8:00 Personnel) should be prepared to report for work, and should be A.M. to 5:00 P.M., but is released from work at 3:00 P.M., the prepared to work any overtime hours if required to do so. employee will be paid as though the employee worked until E. Category "B" employees may also be required to report for work 5:00 P.M., however, only those hours actually worked will be on unscheduled days or hours, and should be prepared to perform tasks counted for overtime purposes. outside their normal scope of duties. Category "B" employees may be 2. The employee will be compensated at a premium rate of double required to remain at a designated facility during some portion of the their regular base rate of pay for all hours actually worked, emergency event. including hours which would otherwise qualify for overtime F. Employees who are classified as category "C" (Non-Essential pay (time and one-half). Personnel) may be released from their normal work duties and Example: If an employee who earns $10.00 an hour is schedules as circumstances dictate, subject to the following conditions: scheduled and required to work at 8:00 A.M. but a local 1. The employee is to remain in periodic contact with their emergency was declared at 7:00 A.M., the employee shall be supervisor or other designated representatives in accordance paid $20.00 an hour for all hours actually worked until the local with departmental procedures; emergency ends. 2. Be available to respond to call back assignments as directed; 3. Any employee who is exempt from the overtime provisions of and the Fair Labor Standards Act, except the Village Manager, will 3. Be prepared to work any overtime hours that may be required in be compensated as follows: the employee will be paid their advance of or following an emergency event. regular weekly pay plus one (1) hour of straight time for each G. The Village of North Palm Beach retains the right to change at hour of work over 40 hours of work provided each hour of any time an employee's designation (as either "A", "B" or "C"), based additional pay corresponds to an hour worked during the period upon the type of civil emergency that exists, and upon the level or stage of emergency. of response that is deemed appropriate by Village management to Example: If a local state of emergency takes effect 8:00 A.M. address the civil emergency. on a Tuesday and ends 8:00 A.M. on Wednesday and the exempt employee is required to spend Tuesday night in the An employee who is directed to report for work during a declared civil Emergency Operations Center (5:00 P.M. Tuesday to 8:OOA.M. emergency, and fails to do so is subject to being disciplined, up to and Wednesday), the employee is entitled to 15 hours of additional including termination. In addition to any disciplinary action, the pay at straight time, provided they work the balance of their employee shall forfeit any compensation payable under these policies, ordinary work week(Monday through Friday). except compensation for hours actually worked. It is presumed, solely for the sake of the calculation of emergency pay, that an exempt status employee works an average of 40 hours per work week. Page 124 of 144 PP- 8 All employees are responsible for keeping accurate time logs/records General employee is authorized and directed by the Village Manager or for hours worked during a declared state of emergency. The submission designee to temporarily work in a higher pay grade classification, the of a request for compensation for time worked when the employee did employee shall be paid five percent (5%) above their base pay rate for not actually work during a period of local emergency is grounds for the period of time worked in the higher pay grade classification. termination of employment. Bargaining unit employees shall receive out-of-grade pay in accordance with their respective collective bargaining agreement, unless otherwise Leave requests approved prior to a declared emergency will be honored negotiated. if, in the opinion of the employee's department director, the employee's absence will not adversely affect the Village's ability to effectively SECTION 14. BENEFIT ELIGIBILITY respond to the emergency. However, all employees are subject to having previously approved leave cancelled, and new requests for leave Employees in full-time, budgeted positions (scheduled to work 40 or denied, based upon an overriding organizational need to have the more hours per week) are eligible for participation in the Village's employee report for duty to fulfill their job assignments during an pension plans, health and dental insurance, long-term disability emergency. Any off-duty employee who anticipates being unavailable insurance, employer paid life insurance programs, and sick leave to respond to a call back assignment associated with an emergency has incentive programs according to the requirements of these a responsibility to discuss their plans with their department director and plans/programs. request to be relieved from call back responsibilities for the anticipated duration of the emergency. The department director will evaluate the Part-time employees (scheduled to work less than 30 hours per week or employee's reasons for the request to be relieved of possible call back less than 1,560 hours per year) are not eligible to participate in the responsibilities and notify the employee of his/her decision as soon as Village's pension plans, health and dental insurance, long-term possible. All employees who request sick leave immediately prior to, disability insurance, employer paid life insurance programs, and sick during, or in recovery from a declared emergency may be required by leave incentive programs. the department director to submit appropriate medical documentation to verify their sick leave request. SECTION 15. MISCELLANEOUS BENEFITS/INCENTIVES Special Note: An employee who is on a previously approved leave that was not revoked prior to the specified civil emergency time period is Pension Contributions —Village pension contributions for General / not eligible for administrative leave with pay or any other form of FPE union employees will be just over twenty-five and a half percent special compensation that may be made available under the provisions (25.55%) of earnings. Village pension contributions for Police / Fire of this policy. pension employees will be just over fifteen and a half percent (15.53%) of earnings. The definition and limitations of earnings shall be as If the declared emergency time period should encompass a holiday, an outlined in each respective Village Pension Plan. employee is eligible to receive any applicable holiday pay they are due in addition to any special compensation that is to be paid to under the 457 Deferred Compensation Contributions — The Village will match conditions outlined above. a General employee's 457 Deferred Compensation plan based on a contribution rate of 50-cents for every dollar of employee contribution SECTION 13. WORK ASSIGNMENTS—HIGHER PAY GRADE — up to a monthly Village contribution limit of $60 mo. ($720 yr.). Benefits for union employees are subject to collective bargaining The Village administration recommends creating a pay system for agreement negotiations. General employees who work in a higher pay grade classification. If a Page 125 of 144 PP- 9 Short Term Disability Insurance — The Village's current Short Term ineligible for certification pay above the pay range maximum. For Disability Coverage shall continue for PBA and IAFF Employees only, certification requiring renewal or continuing education, the employee is unless otherwise negotiated. required to meet the appropriate renewal and to have the certification renewed in order to continue receiving the certification incentive pay. Long Term Disability Insurance — The Village's current Long Term In addition, if an employee receiving EMT certification is promoted to Disability Program shall continue for General, Management and FPE a Paramedic position, the EMT certification pay will be removed. employees only, unless otherwise negotiated. Benefits for union employees are subject to collective bargaining agreement negotiations. Life Insurance— The Village life insurance program for General /FPE union employees shall continue to be a level equivalent to the Health/Dental Insurance Benefit - For General employees, the maximum level allowed by IRS regulations before imputing added Village will pay full cost of the lower-cost single coverage and 80% of employee compensation ($50,000, or $25,000 after the age of 70). Unless the lower-cost employee plus one for health insurance and family otherwise negotiated, the life insurance program for PBA/ IAFF union coverage for health and dental insurance. Employees shall pay all costs employees shall continue to be 2-times the employee's base salary to a above the Village payment of above coverage including any increased maximum of$200,000. expense of higher-cost health/dental plans the employee may choose to select. Sick Leave Incentive Award Program — Regular full-time (non- probationary) General /FPE union employees who do not use any sick Flexible Spending Account — The Village's Flexible Spending leave within any continuous (6) six-month period are eligible to earn Account provides employees the ability to voluntarily set aside tax- eight (8) hours annual leave time as incentive for not using sick leave. deferred compensation for authorized personal expenses such as Benefits for other union employees are subject to collective bargaining medical expenses. agreement negotiations. Tuition Refund Program — The Village shall follow a tuition refund Certification Incentive - The certification incentive program will program that provides a maximum benefit of $400 per semester for continue to provide certification pay for job related certifications as technical or undergraduate classes and $450 per semester for graduate recommended by the Department Head and approved by the Village classes. The reimbursement amount depends on the cost of the class Manager. Certification incentive pay will be issued as follows: and the grade received. Employees must request approval for a course • Certifications requiring an examination and continuing prior to the start of the course (at the time of enrollment) and then must education - $1,000 submit proof of tuition amount paid and official grade report within • Certifications requiring continuing education and no thirty (30) days of successful completion of the course(s). The Village examination - $1,000 will make all approved payments within sixty (60) days of receipt of • Certification requiring an examination with no continuing the necessary paperwork. Benefits for union employees are subject to education - $500 collective bargaining agreement negotiations. The maximum number of certifications eligible for the certification incentive will be three per individual. The certification incentive will Employee Assistance Program (EAP) - The Village offers an not be included in the base pay rate, and payment will be prorated Employee Assistance Program through the Center for Family Services. based on the standard pay cycle. Employees whose base pay plus other The program offers various counseling and referral services and types of pay compensation has reached the pay range maximum will be provides for two counseling sessions per year paid by the Village. Page 126 of 144 PP- 10 VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH PAY RANGES - FY 2006/07 Includes 4.2% Range Adjustment effective October 1, 2006 *All union positions subject to ratification of Collective Bargaining Agreements New position for FY 06-07 Budget Salary Range Added for FY 06-07 Revised Salary Range Position eliminated in FY 06-07 BudA Title change only Position modified in FY 05-06 Budget #PT #FT Title Grade FLSA Minimum Midpoint Maximum 2 0 Golf Attendant(Carts/Starter) (PT) NUPT 6 14,088 17,589 21,344 8 0 Golf Attendant(Ranger/Driving Range)(PT) NUPT 8 16,255 20,295 24,628 10 0 Camp Counselor(PT) NUPT 10 18,623 23,250 28,215 2 0 Library Page(Perm. PT) NUPT 10 18,623 23,250 28,215 1 0 Parks Summer Staff(PT) NUPT 10 18,623 23,250 28,215 14 0 Pool Lifeguard(PT) NUPT 10 18,623 23,250 28,215 6 0 Pool Instructor NUPT 10 18,623 23,250 28,215 7 0 Recreation Assistant(Perm. PT) NUPT 10 18,623 23,250 28,215 0 1 Golf Attendant FPE* 11 19,526 24,379 29,571 4 0 Golf Attendant(Golf Shop) (Perm. PT) NUPT 11 19,526 24,379 29,571 4 0 NUPT 11 19,526 24,379 29,571 4 0 Pro Shop Attendant(Perm. PT) NUPT 11 19,526 24,379 29,571 1 0 Youth Art Instructor(PT) NUPT 11 19,526 24,379 29,571 0 3 Custodian FPE* 13 21,556 26,974 32,618 0 1 Clerical Specialist NU 14 22,685 28,328 34,310 1 0 Clerical Specialist(Perm. PT) NUPT 14 22,685 28,328 34,310 0 8 Grounds Maintenance Worker FPE* 15 23,701 29,682 35,890 2 0 Grounds Maintenance Worker(Perm. PT) NUPT 15 23,701 29,682 35,890 0 0 AGGGHRtiRg TeAhniAian I €PF=* 46 24,942 ai,i5fl a7,696 0 0 Accounting Technician I (Perm. PT) NUPT 16 24,942 31,151 37,696 0 8 Greens Maintenance Technician FPE* 16 24,942 31,151 37,696 0 1 Irrigation Technician I FPE* 16 24,942 31,151 37,696 FPE= Federation of Public Employees NUPT= Non-Union Part-Time IAFF= International Association of Firefighters PBA= Police Benevolent Association NU = Non-Union PBA-LT= PBA- Lieutenants Page 127 of 144 VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH PAY RANGES - FY 2006/07 Includes 4.2% Range Adjustment effective October 1, 2006 *All union positions subject to ratification of Collective Bargaining Agreements New position for FY 06-07 Budget Salary Range Added for FY 06-07 Revised Salary Ran Position eliminated in FY 06-07 B Title change only t Position modified in FY 05-06 Budget #PT #FT Title Grade FLSA Minimum Midpoint Maximum 0 2 Library Assistant FPE* 16 24,942 31,151 37,696 6 0 Library Assistant(Perm. PT) NUPT 16 24,942 31,151 37,696 0 15 Sanitation Collector FPE* 16 24,942 31,151 37,696 0 0 €PF=* 46 24,942 34,i5fl a7,696 0 4 Parks Maintenance Technician FPE* 17 26,297 32,843 39,727 0 2 Records Clerk PBA* 17 26,297 32,843 39,727 0 1 Tennis Director NU 17 E 26,297 32,843 39,727 0 0 APPFEIF.o McAh;;nm CrTC* 49 25a8 x4,424 41,647 0 0 Ally 49 25a8 x4;424 41;647 0 2 Permit&Licensing Technician FPE* 18 27,538 34,424 41,647 1 0 Trades Mechanic I (Perm. PT) NUPT 18 27,538 34,424 41,647 0 0 A..ee61RtiRg TeehRieiaR II €RF=* 4-9 28,893 36,i iG 44,giG 0 2 Equipment Operator 11 FPE* 19 28,893 36,116 44,016 0 1 Irrigation Technician 11 FPE* 19 28,893 36,116 44,016 0 1 Pool Supervisor FPE* 19 28,893 36,116 44,016 0 1 Public Safety Aide NU 19 28,893 36,116 44,016 0 6 Sanitation Driver/Operator FPE* 19 28,893 36,116 44,016 0 4 Accounting Clerk NU 20 30,361 37,923 46,273 0 1 Administrative Assistant NU 20 30,361 37,923 46,273 0 0 A61tGRg tiV8o Fn Rg8Rt M8Ghonin�C€R� 2-9 1 37,923 46,273 0 0 r lo f r o n,o rf+n o r I 29 ag,a6fl 3723 463 0 1 Crew Foreman FPE* 20 30,361 37,923 46,273 0 3 Mechanic FPE* 20 30,361 37,923 46,273 0 1 Pool Director NU 20 E 30,361 37,923 46,273 0 6 Emergency Dispatcher I PBA* 21 31,828 39,840 48,531 0 4 Trades Mechanic 11 FPE* 21 31,828 39,840 48,531 FPE= Federation of Public Employees NUPT= Non-Union Part-Time IAFF= International Association of Firefighters PBA= Police Benevolent Association NU = Non-Union PBA-LT= PBA- Lieutenants Page 128 of 144 VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH PAY RANGES - FY 2006/07 Includes 4.2% Range Adjustment effective October 1, 2006 *All union positions subject to ratification of Collective Bargaining Agreements New position for FY 06-07 Budget Salary Range Added for FY 06-07 Revised Salary Range Position eliminated in FY 06-07 B Title change only _ Position modified in FY 05-06 Budget #PT #FT Title Grade FLSA Minimum Midpoint Maximum 0 0 AGGGWRtiRg €PF=* 22 83,529 41,872 5 4 1 4 0 3 Administrative Coordinator NU 22 33,520 41,872 51,014 0 1 Automotive/Equipment Mechanic II FPE* 22 33,520 41,872 51,014 0 2 Code Corrce Officer FPE* 22 33,520 41,872 51,014 0 0 C;Adp F=nfnrnow.on+Q#iG8F II (Dorm DT) Nil IRT aa,529 41,872 54i 4 0 1 Library Assistant III FPE* 22 33,520 41,872 51,014 12 0 School Crossing Guard(PT) NUPT 22 33,520 41,872 51,014 0 3 Supervisor, Recreation FPE* 22 33,520 41,872 51,014 0 1 Emergency Dispatcher II PBA* 23 35,100 43,904 53,496 0 1 NU 23 35,100 43,904 53,496 0 2 Librarian I FPE* 23 35,100 43,904 53,496 0 1 Trades Mechanic III FPE* 23 35,100 43,904 53,496 0 0 €PF=- 24 86;996 46,047 56,295 1 0 Building Construction Inspector I (Perm. PT) NUPT 24 36,906 46,047 56,205 0 1 Deputy Village Clerk NU 24 36,906 46,047 56,205 0 1 Executive Secretary NU 24 36,906 46,047 56,205 0 1 Librarian II FPE* 24 36,906 46,047 56,205 0 0 Now WJ_t 24 86;996 46,947 56,295 0 1 Accountant NU 25 38,712 48,419 59,027 0 0 R8GF8§�EFegFamr,_A Nu 25 38,712 48-449 59-927 0 1 Supervisor, Grounds Maintenance NU 25 38,712 48,419 59,027 0 1 Supervisor, Parks Maintenance NU 25 38,712 48,419 59,027 0 1 Supervisor, Street Maintenance NU 25 38,712 48,419 59,027 0 0 CiFefin� IAFC* 26 49 39 69,788 6i961 0 2 Firefighter/EM IAFF* 26 40,630 50,788 61,961 0 20 Police Officer PBA* 26 40,630 50,788 61,961 0 1 Supervisor, Sanitation NU 26 40,630 50,788 61,961 FPE= Federation of Public Employees NUPT= Non-Union Part-Time IAFF= International Association of Firefighters PBA= Police Benevolent Association NU = Non-Union PBA-LT= PBA- Lieutenants Page 129 of 144 VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH PAY RANGES - FY 2006/07 Includes 4.2% Range Adjustment effective October 1, 2006 *All union positions subject to ratification of Collective Bargaining Agreements New position for FY 06-07 Budget Salary Range Added for FY 06-07 Revised Salary Range Position eliminated in FY 06-07 BudA Title change only Position modified in FY 05-06 Budget #PT #FT Title Grade FLSA Minimum Midpoint Maximum 0 1 Building Construction Inspector II FPE* 27 42,662 53,271 66,138 0 1 Head Golf Professional NU 27 E 42,662 53,271 66,138 0 0 oos„iIFG86 Manage Nu 2-7 € 42,662 5'� 66,i38 0 1 Human Resources Specialist NU 27 42,662 53,271 66,138 0 1 Paramedic IAFF* 27 42,662 53,271 66,138 0 1 Planner NU 27 E 42,662 53,271 66,138 0 2 PSO/Firefighter PBA* 27 42,662 53,271 66,138 0 0 Nu 27 42,662 5'� 66,i 38 0 0 96ipep see Vehice Maim+ an o WJ4 2-7 42,662 5874 8 0 1 Deputy Superintendent, Golf Course NU 28 E 44,806 56,093 69,523 0 1 Director of Country Club NU 28 E 44,806 56,093 69,523 0 15 Firefighter/Paramedic IAFF* 28 44,806 56,093 69,523 0 1 Network Support Specialist NU 28 E 44,806 56,093 69,523 0 0 4* �8 44,896 56,99a 0 1 Assistan NU 29 E 47,064 58,800 72,910 0 1 PSO/Firefighter/Paramedic PBA* 29 47,064 58,800 72,910 0 1 SuperintlWFacility&Vehicle Divisio�NU 29 E 47,064 58,800 72,910 0 0 IT Systems WJ4 49 € 49 4 6i,848 76;684 0 0 DiF8GtOF Of A&WRtiRg MMONVM Wok 49 € 49,11all 6i,848 76 34 0 3 Fire Rescue Lieutenant IAFF* 30 49,434 61,848 76,634 0 5 Sergeant PBA* 30 49,434 61,848 76,634 0 0 SeFgeaRt ID8t8A+i„8 ❑UPPA'' PR4* 49 49,11all 6x-848 76 34 0 0 SeFge +axe Safety PR 4* 49 49,11all 6i,848 76;684 0 1 Deputy Building Official NU 31 E 51,917 64,896 80,471 FPE= Federation of Public Employees NUPT= Non-Union Part-Time IAFF= International Association of Firefighters PBA= Police Benevolent Association NU = Non-Union PBA-LT= PBA- Lieutenants Page 130 of 144 VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH PAY RANGES - FY 2006/07 Includes 4.2% Range Adjustment effective October 1, 2006 *All union positions subject to ratification of Collective Bargaining Agreements New position for FY 06-07 Budget Salary Range Added for FY 06-07 Revised Salary Range Position eliminated in FY 06-07 B Title change only Position modified in FY 05-06 Budget #PT #FT Title Grade FLSA Minimum Midpoint Maximum 0 1 Assistant Director of Finance MNU 32 E 54,513 68,169 84,534 0 1 Information Systems Manager NU 32 E 54,513 68,169 84,534 0 1 Superintendent, Golf Course NU 32 E 54,513 68,169 84,534 0 1 ssistant Director of Public Works JMNU NU 33 E 57,220 71,554 88,711 0 1 ector of Human Resources 33 E 57,220 71,554 88,711 0 1 Director of Library NU 33 E 57,220 71,554 88,711 0 2 Wena� PBA-LT" 33 E 57,220 71,554 88,711 0 0 I urt.,.aRt P blie Safety RBATTr -3-3 _E 57,229 71,554 88,711-- 0 0 9kIp2FRt2R(d2Rt, o'er-RVnlin 98FVOG86 wi-t 43 71,554 +88,711 0 1 Village Clerk NU 33 E 57,220 71,554 88,711 0 1 Director of Parks and Recreation i NU 34 E 60,043 75,054 94,577 0 0 DiFeGteF ReGF,, N9 -34 € 69,$43 75,954 0 1 Assistant Fire Chief NU 35 E 63,090 78,777 99,319 0 1 EW NU 35 E 63,090 78,777 99,319 0 1 Fire Chief NU 35 E 63,090 78,777 99,319 0 1 Assistant Director of Public Safety NU 36 E 66,250 82,841 104,398 0 1 Director of Community Development NU 38 E 73,021 91,305 116,813 N9 -38 _E 73,921 9i'395 ii6,8ig 0 1 Director of Finance NU 39 E 76,746 95,820 122,681 0 1 Director of Public Safety NU 42 E 88,711 110,831 141,981 FPE= Federation of Public Employees NUPT= Non-Union Part-Time IAFF= International Association of Firefighters PBA= Police Benevolent Association NU = Non-Union PBA-LT= PBA- Lieutenants Page 131 of 144 VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH General Fund Expenditures - Budget Year 2006 - 2007 By Department Debt&Other 1,691,076 General Government 1,908,322 9% 10% Leisure Services 3,279,956 17% Community Development Public Safety 7,060,605 912,425 35% 5% Public Works,4,801,764 24% By Function Non-Op Debt Service: Contingency: Capital: 949,428 169,139 1,008,427 5% 1% 5% Operating: 3,996,870 21% Personnel: 13,314,769 68% Total $19,438,633 Page 132 of 144 VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH General Fund Revenues - Budget Year 2006 - 2007 Investment Income Fines & Forfeitures 2.0% 0.6% Non-Revenue (Loans) 0.3% ■Taxes -Ad-Valorem Taxes Charges for Services 5.9% a Utility Service Taxes Miscellaneous Intergovernmental 0.1% ❑Franchise Fees 6.7% Licenses & Permits ❑Sales & Use Taxes 6.1% ■Licenses & Permits Sales & Use Taxes 1.6% ❑Intergovernmental Franchise Fees ❑Charges for Services 4.6% Taxes-Ad-Valorem Taxes Utility Service Taxes 61.6% ❑Fines & Forfeitures 10.7% ■Investment Income 0 Non-Revenue (Loans) ❑Miscellaneous 19,438,633 Page 133 of 144 VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH BUDGET YEAR 2006 - 2007 TAXABLE VALUE & AD VALOREM TAX REVENUE Increase(+) 2005-2006 2005-2006 2006-2007 2006-2007 Decrease(-) V.M.PROPOSED ADOPTED V.M.PROPOSED FINAL over Prior Year GROSS ASSESSED VALUE: 1,659,859,990 1,667,949,738 1,999,331,298 1,999,331,298 19.87% BUDGETARY TAXABLE VALUE (95%): 1,576,866,991 1,584,552,251 1,899,364,733 1,899,364,733 19.87% PROPOSED OPERATING MILLAGE: 6.999 6.800 6.600 6.300 -7.35% ESTIMATED AD VALOREM TAX REVENUE 11,036,492 10,774,955 12,535,807 11,965,998 11.05% 2005-2006 Millage Rate 6.8000 mils Estimated Roll Back Millage Rate for 2005-2006 = 5.6722 mils Adopted Millage for 2006-2007 = 6.3000 mils Decrease from 2005-2006 Millage Rate = 0.50 mils Percentage increase over 2005-2006 Roll Back Rate = 11.07% MILLAGE TABLE 1.00 MIL = $ 1,899,000 .50 MIL = $ 949,500 .25 MIL = $ 474,750 .10 MIL = $ 189,900 Page 134 of 144 VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH Millage Rates 1998-2007 7.50 I I I I I I I o 7.00 --------------------- --------------------Iii---------- ----------'---- ' s. I I I I I I 6.800 I I I I I I I I 6.50 --------------------- -------------------- ----------------- I I I I I I I I 00 I I I I I I I I 6.00 -----------1----------1----------1----------1----------L-uu--------'----------i---------- ---------- I I I I . I I I I I I I I I I I I I 6600 00 5.50 ----- ---------------+--------------------+----------+--------------------+--------------------- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 5.00 ---------------------r--------------------r----------r--------------------r------------------ -- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 4.50 ---------------------r-------------------- ----------i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 4.00 --------- ------------ -------------------- ----------i ------------------------------------------ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 3.50 --------------------- -------------------- ------------------------------- ------------------ -- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 3.00 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 Fiscal Year Fiscal Millage Fiscal Millage Fiscal Millage Year Rate Year Rate Year Rate 1998 5.400 2001 5.750 2004 6.800 1999 5.600 2002 5.600 2005 7.270 2000 5.600 2003 5.800 2006 6.800 2007 6.300 Page 135 of 144 VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH Property Assessed Valuations 1998 - 2007 2,100 1 1 1 1 1 1,999 2,000 ----------------------- -----------7-----------r----------------------------------rt------------r------ - -------,-------------------------------- 1,900 ----------------------- -----------+----------- ---------------------------------- ----------- ------------- --------- 1,800 -----------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------- ------ - 1,700 ------------1-----------J-----------1-----------L-----------1-----------------------L-----------L------ ----------'------------'-----------!-----------L-----------'-----------------------!--------- -9,661--- 1,500 1,438 ------------------------------------------- 1,400 ----------------------------------- ----------- ------------------------------------- 1,300 ----------------------------------- ----------- ---------------------------- ----', -----------',-----------',------------ y 1297 1,200 ----------------------- -----------+-----------r-----------r----4,137-- ------ r-----------r-----------r----------- °— 1,100 ----------------------- -----------7-----------r------------- -------------------rt-----------r----------------------- m 1,000 -----------------------+-----------+-----9er----+----- ----+----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+----------- 900 -----------------------------------+---- ----- -----992---------------------------------------I----------------------- 800 ------------'--- 764-----_L--- -----L-----------L-----------'------------'-----------L-----------L----------------------- ' 804 700 ------769--------------------- ---!-----------L-----------'------------'-----------!-----------L----------------------- 600 ------------'------------'-----------?-----------'------------'------------'-----------'----------------------------------- 500 ------------',------------',-----------', -----------'-----------------------------------', -----------'------------------------ 400 ----------------------- T F----------------------------------7 x----------------------- 300 -----------------------------------7----------- ---------------------------------- -----------r----------------------- 200 ------------------------------------+-----------r----------------------------------rt-----------r----------------------- 100 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 Fiscal Year Fiscal Assessed Fiscal Assessed Fiscal Assessed Year Valuation Year Valuation Year Valuation 1998 760,999,508 2001 901,813,310 2004 1,297,803,114 1999 763,517,430 2002 992,018,426 2005 1,438,036,209 2000 803,891,323 2003 1,137,570,526 2006 1,661,199,249 2007 1,999,331,298 Page 136 of 144 VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH General Fund Expenditures as a Percent of Assessed Value 1998 -2007 1.60% 1.547% ° 1 1.40/° 1.279% 1.237% .309% � 1.158% ° 1.20% 1.059% 1.084% 1.086% ° 1.00%-Z a 0.80% Z 6 0.60% / 0.40% / 0.20% 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 Fiscal Year Fiscal Year Appropriation Assessed Value Percent 1998 8,808,841 760,999,508 1.158% 1999 9,765,452 763,517,430 1.279% 2000 9,948,036 803,891,323 1.237% 2001 13,947,270 901,813,310 1.547% 2002 12,986,918 992,018,426 1.309% 2,003 13,565,749 1,137,570,526 1.193% 2004 13,741,933 1,297,803,114 1.059% 2005 15,591,492 1,438,036,209 1.084% 2006 18,038,400 1,661,199,249 1.086% 2007 19,438,633 1,999,331,298 0.972% Page 137 of 144 VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH General Fund Debt Service 1998 - 2007 1,350,000 1,250,000 1,150,000 $1,019,200 $1,073,888 $1,019,840 1,050,000 $949,428 950,000 $911,299 850,000 N c 750,000 N $668660 $643,918 s 650,000 $545,000 550,000 450,000 $413,872 350,000 250,000 150,000 50,000 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 Fiscal Year Page 138 of 144 VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH GENERALFUND AD VALOREM TAX VS. BUDGET TABLE TAXABLE FISCAL ASSESSED VALUATION MILLAGE TOTAL PERCENT TOTAL PERCENT YEAR VALUE (95%of Assessed Value) RATE TAXES BUDGET BUDGET INCREASE 1973-1974 122,824,927 116,683,681 7.500 875,128 51.10% 1,712,568 20.41% 1974-1975 131,122,316 124,566,200 7.560 941,720 48.77% 1,930,826 12.74% 1975-1976 150,992,603 143,442,973 7.000 1,004,101 44.13% 2,275,403 17.85% 1976-1977 161,751,147 153,663,590 7.285 1,119,439 42.85% 2,612,307 14.81% 1977-1978 197,739,584 187,852,605 6.241 1,172,388 43.82% 2,675,514 2.42% 1978-1979 208,725,505 198,289,230 5.731 1,136,396 40.68% 2,793,369 4.40% 1979-1980 214,439,594 203,717,614 5.887 1,199,286 40.88% 2,933,470 5.02% 1980-1981 247,142,282 234,785,168 6.638 1,558,504 49.51% 3,147,929 7.31% 1981-1982 392,134,072 372,527,368 4.128 1,537,793 43.15% 3,563,970 13.22% 1982-1983 436,359,211 414,541,250 3.710 1,537,948 43.14% 3,565,039 0.03% 1983-1984 475,466,923 451,693,577 3.710 1,675,783 43.14% 3,884,354 8.96% 1984-1985 554,259,911 526,546,915 3.316 1,746,030 39.84% 4,382,737 12.83% 1985-1986 573,381,849 544,712,757 3.213 1,750,162 39.95% 4,381,273 -0.03% 1986-1987 597,345,504 567,478,229 3.422 1,941,910 38.69% 5,019,563 14.57% 1987-1988 609,892,736 579,398,099 3.670 2,126,391 37.01% 5,744,689 14.45% 1988-1989 622,176,312 591,067,496 4.250 2,512,037 41.32% 6,079,610 5.83% 1989-1990 664,034,291 630,832,576 4.500 2,838,747 43.58% 6,513,493 7.14% 1990-1991 673,570,383 639,891,864 4.200 2,687,546 41.81% 6,427,938 -1.31% 1991-1992 687,912,127 653,516,521 4.260 2,783,980 43.24% 6,437,880 0.15% 1992-1993 706,674,968 671,341,220 4.650 3,121,737 47.51% 6,571,256 2.07% 1993-1994 717,308,151 681,442,743 4.900 3,339,070 50.53% 6,608,096 0.56% 1994-1995 724,672,458 688,438,835 5.250 3,614,304 49.74% 7,266,881 9.97% 1995-1996 730,117,632 693,611,750 5.100 3,537,420 45.13% 7,838,450 7.87% 1996-1997 733,539,288 696,862,324 5.060 3,526,123 43.60% 8,086,964 3.17% 1997-1998 760,999,508 722,949,533 5.400 3,903,927 44.32% 8,808,841 8.93% 1998-1999 763,517,430 725,341,559 5.600 4,061,913 41.59% 9,765,452 10.86% 1999-2000 803,891,323 763,696,757 5.600 4,276,702 42.99% 9,948,036 1.87% 2000-2001 901,813,310 856,722,645 5.750 4,926,155 35.32% 13,947,270 40.20% 2001-2002 992,018,426 942,417,505 5.600 5,277,538 40.64% 12,986,918 -6.89% 2002-2003 1,137,570,526 1,080,692,000 5.800 6,268,014 45.00% 13,565,749 4.46% 2003-2004 1,297,803,114 1,232,912,958 6.800 8,383,808 61.00% 13,741,933 1.30% 2004-2005 1,438,036,209 1,366,134,399 7.270 9,931,797 63.70% 15,591,492 13.46% 2005-2006 1,661,199,249 1,578,139,287 6.800 10,731,347 59.49% 18,038,400 15.69% 2006-2007 1,999,331,298 1,899,364,733 6.300 11,965,998 61.56% 19,438,633 7.76% Page 139 of 144 GENERAL FUND REVENUE Adopted Budget Fiscal Year 2006-2007 ADOPTED 2005 Budget 2004 Actual 2003 Actual Taxes Ad Valorem Taxes $ 11,965,998 S 10,774,955 S 8,451,784 S 6,365,000 Utility Service Taxes Gas 72,000 97,200 55,778 53,841 Water 300,000 244,644 121,839 0 Telephone 780,000 750,516 776,298 797,366 Electricity 930,000 862,428 876,424 903,946 2,082,000 1,954,788 1,830,339 1,755,154 Franchise Fees Water 190,000 188,428 184,894 178,209 Electricity 700,000 616,308 664,823 701,567 Gas - 0 11,991 10,509 890,000 804,736 861,708 890,285 Sales&Use Taxes Billing Fees 100,000 99,624 94,732 90,462 Local Option Gas Tax 210,000 210,948 201,261 191,922 310,000 310,572 295,993 282,384 Licenses&Permits Building Permits 927,000 800,000 489,405 474,695 Village Occup Licenses 210,000 250,000 221,409 211,852 Contractor Registration 40,000 - - - Other 100 100 1,370 34,938 1,177,100 1,050,100 712,185 721,485 Intergovernmental 911-Sys Enhance Prog 24,475 11,700 66,491 55,160 Local Gov 1/2 Sales Tax 900,457 900,000 934,810 865,826 State Rev Share Proceeds 331,822 260,000 277,836 261,326 County Occup Licenses 30,000 20,000 26,246 31,861 Other 12,865 18,900 44,720 31,139 1,299,619 1,210,600 1,350,102 1,245,311 Charges for Services Village Clerk 5,280 3,640 6,234 2,185 Public Safety 308,245 223,331 236,575 200,438 Public Works 190,000 433,750 138,284 137,662 Building 1,000 100 80 360 Code Enforcement - - - - Planning&Comm Development 107,500 107,500 105,461 106,652 Recreation 524,250 573,836 354,525 290,099 Library 7,250 6,600 7,204 6,856 1,143,525 1,348,757 848,363 744,250 Fines&Forfeitures Public Safety 86,913 74,823 54,758 67,197 Building 8,500 8,500 7,811 6,267 Code Enforcement 15,000 15,000 12,576 2,815 Library 8,850 1,000 12,065 11,768 119,263 99,323 87,209 88,047 Other Investment Income 380,000 115,000 45,315 54,554 Non-Revenue(Loans)/Approp Fund Balance 50,000 350,000 230,000 403,000 Miscellaneous 21,128 19,569 152,699 125,292 451,128 484,569 428,014 582,846 Total Revenue S 19,438,633 S 18,038,400 S 14,865,697 S 12,674,76Page 140 of 144 General Fund Debt Service Detail Schedule A8535 DEBT SERVICE EXPENSES FIRST UNION(6.5M) 427,228.00 Matures 02/01/2017 BANK OF AMERICA(2.8M) 332,000.00 Matures 05/31/2011 FIRST UNION($588,000) 72,000.00 Matures 03/22/2009 SOUTH TRUST($403,000) 44,600.00 $132,000 Paid off 01/30/06$271,000 Maturity 01/2010 WACHOVIA BANK($230,000) 45,600.00 Matures 08/01/2009 SUNTRUST($123,500) 28,000.00 Matures 02/15/2010 TOTAL DEBT SERVICE EXPENSES 949,428.00 Page 141 of 144 General Fund Debt and Other Non-Departmental Detail Schedule DEPT TYPE SUBTYPE DESCRIPTION Proposed GENERAL SERVICE VILLAGE HALL OPERATING MATERIALS &SUPPLIES NEWSLETTER SUPPLIES 36,000.00 GENERAL SERVICE VILLAGE HALL OPERATING OPERATING COSTS POSTAGE 42,000.00 GENERAL SERVICE VILLAGE HALL OPERATING OPERATING COSTS RENTAL-POSTAGE EQUIP 2,600.00 GENERAL SERVICE VILLAGE HALL OPERATING OPERATING COSTS RENTAL-COPIER EQUIP 9,500.00 GENERAL SERVICE VILLAGE HALL OPERATING OPERATING COSTS INSURANCE- PACKAGE/GENERAL LIAB 462,787.00 GENERAL SERVICE VILLAGE HALL OPERATING OPERATING COSTS PRINTING & BINDING 8,000.00 GENERAL SERVICE VILLAGE HALL OPERATING UTILITIES TELEPHONE 4,000.00 GENERAL SERVICE VILLAGE HALL OPERATING UTILITIES ELECTRICITY 19,500.00 GENERAL SERVICE VILLAGE HALL OPERATING UTILITIES WATER&SEWER 3,250.00 587,637.00 Page 142 of 144 Golf-Other Materials and Supplies Cost Detail DEPARTMENT TYPE SUBTYPE DESCRIPTION PROPOSED GOLF MATERIALS &SUPPLIES OTHER MATERIALS &SUPPLIES TREES&SOD-GOLF COURSE MAINTENANCE 75,000.00 GOLF MATERIALS &SUPPLIES OTHER MATERIALS &SUPPLIES MISC. OPERATING SUPPLIES 800.00 GOLF MATERIALS &SUPPLIES OTHER MATERIALS &SUPPLIES TREES&SOD-CLUBHOUSE GROUNDS 1,300.00 77,100.00 Page 143 of 144 Golf-Other Operating Cost Detail DEPARTMENT TYPE SUBTYPE DESCRIPTION PROPOSED GOLF OPERATING OTHER OPERATING PHYSICAL EXAMS-GOLF COURSE MAINTENANCE 500.00 GOLF OPERATING OTHER OPERATING UNIFORM RENTAL-GOLF COURSE MAINTENANCE 6,500.00 GOLF OPERATING OTHER OPERATING TREE TRIMMING-GOLF COURSE MAINTENANCE 4,000.00 GOLF OPERATING OTHER OPERATING TRAVEL-GOLF COURSE MAINTENANCE 1,193.00 GOLF OPERATING OTHER OPERATING SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL-GOLF COURSE MAINTENANCE 8,000.00 GOLF OPERATING OTHER OPERATING UNIFORMS&SHOES-GOLF COURSE MAINTENANCE 750.00 GOLF OPERATING OTHER OPERATING BOOKS, PUBLS., &SUBSC.-GOLF COURSE MAINTENANCE 100.00 GOLF OPERATING OTHER OPERATING MEMBERSHIP&DUES-GOLF COURSE MAINTENANCE 400.00 GOLF OPERATING OTHER OPERATING CONFERENCE&SEMINARS-GOLF COURSE MAINTENANCE 1,800.00 GOLF OPERATING OTHER OPERATING PHYSICAL EXAMS-GOLF SHOP 600.00 GOLF OPERATING OTHER OPERATING CONTRACTUAL SERVICES-GOLF SHOP 4,500.00 GOLF OPERATING OTHER OPERATING PRINTING&BINDING-GOLF SHOP 17,500.00 GOLF OPERATING OTHER OPERATING TROPHIES,AWARDS&PRIZES-GOLF SHOP 2,500.00 GOLF OPERATING OTHER OPERATING UNIFORMS&SHOES-GOLF SHOP 2,500.00 GOLF OPERATING OTHER OPERATING MEMBERSHIP&DUES-GOLF SHOP 2,000.00 GOLF OPERATING OTHER OPERATING PRO TEACHING EXPENSE-GOLF SHOP 90,000.00 GOLF OPERATING OTHER OPERATING GOLF CLUB RENTAL EXPENSE-GOLF SHOP 4,000.00 GOLF OPERATING OTHER OPERATING UNIFORM RENTAL-CLUBHOUSE GROUNDS 1,200.00 GOLF OPERATING OTHER OPERATING EXTERMINATING-CLUBHOUSE GROUNDS 1,600.00 GOLF OPERATING OTHER OPERATING UNIFORMS&SHOES-CLUBHOUSE GROUNDS 400.00 150,043.00 Page 144 of 144