Ordinance 1987-004 Annexation PepperwoodPepperwood Subdivision ORDINANCE NO. 4-87 AN ORDINANCE OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM DEACH, FLORIDA, ANNEXING 7'O 7'HE VILLAGE CERTAIN AREAS OF PROPERTY; PROVIDING A LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPERTY PROPOSED TO BE ' ANNEXED; REDEFINING 7'HE BOUNDARIES OF THE VILLAGE TO INCLUDE SAID PROPERTY; CALLING FOR A REFERENDUM ELECTION IN THE VILLAGE AND WITIIIN THE AREA PROPOSED TO BL•' ANNEXED; DIRECTING THE VILLAGE CLERK 1'O PUBLISH NOTICE OF THE REFERENDUM; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE llA'fE. IlE IT ORDAINED BY THL•' VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA: Section 1. The Village of North Palm Beach, Florida, hereby annexes to the Village a compact, contiguous parcel of land as described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof. Section 2. The boundaries of the Village of North ' Palm IIeach, Florida, are hereby redefined to include the above- described property and said property is hereby declared to be within the corporate limits of the Village of North Palm Beach, Florida. Section 3. A referendum election shall be held on March 10. 1987, within the Village and within the above-described property proposed to be annexed hereby or approval of the proposed annexation. For ease of identification in the referendum, the property to be annexed Herein shall be identified as Section "g" The referendum shall be worded on the ballot as follows: Should the Village of North Palm Beach, Florida, annex to the Village that ' certain property as described in Ordinance No. 4-87 of the Village of North Palm Beach, Flo da? Section 9. The Village Clerk is hereby directed to publish notice of the referendum election at least once a week for four (4) consecutive weeks immediately preceding the date of the referendum and in a newspaper of general circulation, and to otherwise comply with the requirements of Fla. Stat. § 171.011, et. seq. Section 5. This Ordinance shall become effective upon approval by referendum election of the proposed annexation by a separate majority of those voting within the Village and those voting within the property to be annexed and in accordance with ' the other pertinent provisions of Chapter 171, Florida Statutes. PLACED ON FIRST READING THIS 8th DAY OF ~IANUBRy ,1987. PLACED ON SECOND, FINAL READING AND PASSED THIS 22nd DAY OF JANUARY 1987. 1 ATTEST: ~~ ~~~ C hie i age er ~~~.~~~ , _~ ~~ -2- • LEGAL DESCRIPTIONS SECTION "B" f~!F?1-E _: Ah1D 60LIND5 DESCRIFTICiI-., ,•, r•~s.:rEL OF LFalJD L`r'ItJG IPJ SECIICRJ ~, IDt~RJSHIF' 4~ 30LI'fH •'-,'JGE 13 E~;ST, F'ALI1 E:F-,~;,~I ~^,UL1P1T•~', F'LUr•:I[.~~', t10F'E F~"~RTIC.IIL `L` D'e'~Ci?IF:Ef~ AS Fi~!.Lrn.J•=.: .~ IF1c.r;Cirlr, r1T TiIE rA-iF'TH rti1;-;RTEF? ~:nF11ER pF P:r-SID 'GrGT:rgd '- /i!I[IJi r ';UUTH r-iUQJr; 'f HL !JCiF..TH 3CIIITH i!ilrif::TEf, ;El:'f1ClIJ L11 l nr S~,iU 3EC:TIOh! :? :; !`I'-:1r;JCE OF ,=sri F=EET l'p TF!E F'OIFJI" i_iF GGi31fJrJI11G HIJD THE !dORTHEH'oT CURIJE:F: OF lF1E F'r,P.C'El. nF La;~.C~ F'EII•!i, HEREIFJ U~5CPIEE(?: THEFJCE IJE:7 rLO1JG THE NOF'TH t_i!Jc C'F 1 HE GE. 1 %~ f1F THE FJF I:'4 OF 'fHE PJI,I 1%q OF THE 3r,ID ',~FCi , ~i..1 ::. „ DI'='rr=dJ~_E. _~F _.bf+ FEET: THEPJCE SUUCH ALU6JG THE 4~IE:=a LIN _ C ' 1F{F: E '..'4 r"1F tIIF 1JE 1:'~7 OF THE h1i:J 1%a OF THE Fvif.~ ECtICiI ~: ! I?T~~'r1CE i~F _ ~ i E_i_T: TI-IEhdi E sO'.JiH ',I_t:?hJG THE: l•iC3T LPa ; r. He I1C 1.'4 OF THE f. .= 1!4 OF THE IF;1 1:/4 OF Sr?iD =:Er'{ I~:;.: C ;, C1 =~7.;'1r:E OF ~_ c..:ZS FEET; THENCE EAST ALUFJG THE ~CUTH L 't;'~ ~:;F- iir" I~C;r;-IH 1:'~ 0" THE rJE 1:'4 OF THEE. SE I%:} OF THE: P,I(•:I 1-'-, ~; iSTriPJCE OF 6t0 FEET; THEIJCE tdOF:a"EI r;LOFJG THE NOF?l'H-=~LiLrfH t?:b,f'iFF ~:El.l'IOW LItJE CrF SF',IC! SECTION ~~ F; DISTFdJCE Or ': '.6' "EE7 TG THE POINT OF BEGIfJNING.