07-23-1991 VC B WS-M.i ,,v ,. ~« • ~A~ ~, `~: y'•.+.... v dJ' M E M O R A N D U M VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH T0: Mayor & Village Council FROM: Dennis W. Kelly, Village Manag RE: Budget Workshop Minutes - Tuesday, July 23, 1991 DATE: July 24, 1991 ~- The following represents the North Palm Beach Village Council's workshop session discussing the Village Manager's, Law Enforcement Overtime/North End Substation, General Services, Public Service Administration and Facilities Maintenance. Mayor Gardner convened the meeting at 7:00 p.m. All Council members were present. In addition, the Village Manager, Finance Director, Public Safety Director and Public Services Director were present. The following items were discussed with the following changes: EXPENDITURES: Village Manager: 1. A4902-34010 - Travel from $410 to $1,780. 2. A4902-35430 - Conference and Seminars from $72 to $582. 3. A4902-35440 - Training and Education Courses from $7,650 to $2,150. 4. A4902-66430 - Furniture and Fixtures change number requested from two (2) to one (1) and change $500 to $250. 5. A4902-66440 - Audio, Visual and Communication - Cellular Mobile Telephone change from $449 to $0. ,_,_ Mayor & Village Council July 24, 1991 Page 2 Law Enforcement: Discussion regarding north end substation with proposals submitted by Public Safety Director. Council agreed to increase Law Enforcement Overtime Pay from $14,549 to $56,205 (A5711-11400}. Community Planning: 1. A5206-33192 - Earman River Erosion Study change from $5,000 to $0. 2. A5206-33193 - Space Study - Village Hall change from $20,000 to $0. 3. A5206-33194 - Comp Plan Amendments change from $20,000 to $10,000. General Services: No changes made in this department. Public Service Administration: 1. A6018-34110 - Telephone change from $4,000 to $3,740. 2. A6018-34310 - Electricity change from $3,620 to $3,100. Facilities Maintenance: 1. A5519-35294 - Uniforms and Shoes change from $470 to $520. The meeting adjourned completing Facilities Maintenance expense at 10:00 p.m. This memorandum will represent and serve as the minutes of the above stated Village Council workshop of the FY 91-92 budget. DWK:sh Attachment -- cc: Department Heads TA4902 EMPLOYEE NAME ORGANIZATION D.W. KELLY * D.W. KELLY * D.W. KELLY D.W. KELLY SALLY HART SENIOR EXEC. INSTITUTE ICMA FLC PBCCMA INSTITUTE OF GOVT VILLAG] TRAVEL, TRAIT BUI DEPT: VILLAG] DESCRIPTION MANAGEMENT COURSE ANNUAL CONFERENCE PRE-LEGIS. CONFERENCE MONTHLY LUNCH MEETINGS TRAINING SEMINAR DESTINATION OF NORTH iING & CONI )GET YEAR 's MANAGER DAYS BOSTON, MA NEVADA TALLAHASSEE WEST PALM PBCC/FAU TOTAL * SUBJECT TO NON-APPROVAL OF SENIOR EXECUTIVE INSTITUTE MANAGEMENT COURSE AT BOSTON 3 WEEKS 6 DAYS 3 DAYS 1 DAY/MO. 3 DAYS PALM B] ~ERENCE L992 TRAVEL METHOD AIR AIR AIR PERS. AUTO PERS. AUTO 'sACH WORKSHE] TRAVEL REQUEST 0 1,196 549 0 35 _1,780- ~T CONF. REQUEST 0 450 60 72 0 582 TRAINING REQUEST 2,000 0 i 0 0 150 HEAD REQUEST 7,875 0 0 72 185 2,150 8,132 VIL. MGR. RECOMMEND 7,875 0 0 72 185 __-8,132_ FINAL 2,000 1,646 609 72 ~I 185 _4,512_