07-26-1993 VC B WS-M~~~~, ~~ PAL1A0~ MEMORANDUM VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH TO: Mayor & Village Council FROM: Dennis W. Kelly, Village Manag DATE: July 29, 1993 RE: BUDGET WORKSHOP MONDAY, JULY 26, 1993 This memorandum serves as the minutes of the Budget Workshop session of the Village r"" Council of the Village of North Palm Beach for Monday, July 26, 1993. Mayor V. A. Marks convened the meeting at 7:00 p.m. All Council members were present; also present were the Village Manager, Finance Director and Public Services Director. Public Services Director Charley O'Meilia presented a report regarding the gas tank remedial action programs for both the Country Club and the Public Services building. Based on his report, it was consensus of the Council that $75,000.00 be incorporated as both a revenue and an expenditure for the next budget year. Following an additional report from Mr. O'Meilia regarding Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requirements, the Council opted to reinstate $20,000.00 in expenses in order to satisfy those requirements. The attached itemized list reflects the additional $20,000.00 reinstated for ADA implementation. SANITATION FROM: TO: Account A7020-34340 Solid Waste Disposal $148,600. $97,400. It was consensus of the Council to establish a tentative millage rate of 4.90 mills. This is the millage rate that will be advertised in the newspaper preceding the public hearings in September and will also be posted on the various individual tax bills mailed to the residents' ..... addresses. It was consensus of the Council to increase the Utility Tax from 6°~o to 7%. It was consensus to reduce the Unappropriated Fund Balance from $250,000.00 to $200,000.00. Mayor & Village Council July 29, 1993 Page 2 It was consensus of Council to increase all non-union full-time employees and permanent part-time employees' wages by three (3) percentage points. At approximately 9:00 p.m. the Council recessed their workshop meeting and convened the Executive Session for collective bargaining negotiation strategy discussions. Following the Executive Session Council reconvened the budget workshop meeting and proceeded in the evaluation of the Village Manager. Following the evaluation, it was consensus of the Council to grant the Village Manager a four (4%) percent salary increase. The Council continued working on reducing the Unappropriated Fund Balance from an estimated $200,000.00 down to 0. Following a short discussion, it was consensus of the Council to refer the budget back to staff with instructions to reduce the budget by three (3%) percent in order to effectuate enough savings to generate $200,000.00 in cost savings to offset the amount in the Unappropriated Fund Balance. The Council set the next budget workshop for Tuesday, August 3, 1993 at 5:30 p.m. in the Village Hall conference room. DWK:sh Attachment ADA MODIFICATION PLAN COUNCIL BUDGET WORKSHOP DT. 7-26-93 (REVISED) Project: Council/V1/heelchair Lift Village Hall Library/Elevator Library Recreation/St. Clares Recreation/Comm. Ctr. Recreation/Comm. Ctr. Lift Recreation/Herb Watt Recreation/Herb Watt (restroom) Recreation/Osborne Park Recreation/Anchorage Modular Year 1 Year 2 Cost 9~ 3-94~ t94_95~ $11,000 $11,000 2,640 2,640 2,500 2,500 6,000 6,000 2,450 2,450 2,200 2,200 5,500 5,500 1,600 1,600 8,000 8,000 3,200 3,200 1, 800 1, 800 $46,890 $30,390 $16,500