07-14-1993 VC B WS-MMEMORANDUM VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH TO: Mayor & Village Council FROM: Dennis W. Kelly, Village Mana DATE: July 1b, 1993 RE: BUDGET WORKSHOP WEDNESDAY, JULY 14, 1993 ~"~ This memorandum serves as the minutes of the Budget Workshop session of the Village Council of the Village of North Palm Beach for Wednesday, July 14, 1993. Mayor V. A. Marks convened the meeting at 7:00 p.m. All Council members were present; also present were Village Manager, Finance Director and Village Clerk during the Village Clerk and Village Council's portion of the budget. Based on consensus, the Village Council made the following changes: FROM_ TO: VILLAGE CLERK A4904-11110 Executive Salaries $29,835 $30,835 (it was Council consensus to initiate this $1,000 salary increase immediately, but to also reflect the change for next year's budget; purpose of the increase is in recognition of the Village Clerk's earning her Municipal Clerk's certification) A4904-11210 Regular Pay 18,b58 20,000 VILLAGE COUNCIL A4801-34010 Travel 2,525 30U A4801-35410 Books, Publication & 90 -0- 5ubscriptions ,._. A4801-35420 Membership & Dues 4,836 73b A4801-35430 Conference & Seminars 750 -0- VILLAGE ATTORNEY No Changes Made FINANCE ,.~• A5003-11110 Executive Salaries 49,118 50,118 (purpose of $1,000 increase is in recognition of Finance Director earning Florida Municipal Finance Officer's certification) VILLAGE MANAGER A4902-33190 Other Professional Services 20,000 10,000 A4902-35440 Training & Education 1,475 550 DEBT SERVICE No Changes Made GENERAL FUND RESERVE A5540-49900 Village Manager Contingency 8,000 -0- Consensus among Council was directed to staff to develop a comprehensive listing by department of computer hardware cost. It was consensus to meet on Monday, July 19, 1993 at 7:00 p.m. to continue working toward balancing the budget and also agreed to meet on Monday, July 26, 1993 to receive feedback from staff regarding major changes to the budget and set the tentative millage rate before the July 30, 1993 deadline. DWK:sh cc: Shaukat Khan, Finance Director Kitty Kelly, Village Clerk -2-