07-06-1993 VC B WS-MMEMORANDUM VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH TO: Mayor & Village Council FROM: Dennis W. Kelly, Village Manager DATE: July 7, 1993 RE: BUDGET WORKSHOP -TUESDAY, JULY 6, 1993 This memorandum serves as the minutes of the budget workshop session of the Village r~ Council of the Village of North Palm Beach for Tuesday, July 6, 1993. Mayor V. A. Marks convened the meeting at 7:00 p.m. All Council members were present, as were the Village Manager, Finance Director and Public Services Director. Prior to examining the budget detail the Council spent approximately 45 minutes discussing various strategies and approaches to developing a balanced budget based on capital acquisition, as opposed to expenditure reductions. Mayor Marks presented a proposal regarding capital acquisition through a form of short-term borrowing; Councilman Valente discussed his memorandum to the Mayor and Council dated June 28, 1993 regarding various recommended cuts and alternative sources of revenue and Council, in general, discussed approaches to the budget relative to combining cuts with revenue increases. No specific consensus was reached following this discussion and from that the Council moved into discussing specific line items in the draft budget. Based on consensus, the Village Council made the following changes: PUBLIC SERVICES ADMINISTRATION: No Changes FACILITIES MAINTENANCE A5519-66410 SANITATION A7020-34340 Automotive Solid Waste Disposal From -0- $110,000 To: $14,000 $148,600 (subject to additional review) Mayor & Village Council July 7, 1993 Page 2 From: To: STREET MAINTENANCE A7321-34681 R&M Street Resurfacing 60,000 60,000 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE A5522-34340 Solid Waste Disposal 1,650 1,800 PARK IVI.AINTENANCE A8023-34340 Solid Waste Disposal 8,559 9,300 COMMUNITY PLANNING A5206-33191 Erosion Control Study 8,000 -0- (C17/NL Blvd.) """sENERAL SERVICES A5509-34340 Solid Waste Disposal 826 900 (subject to additional review) Mayor Marks indicated that there would not be a budget workshop on Thursday, July 15, 1993 based on the past practice that the Council not meet more than three nights a week on budget workshop. Because Council completed Public Services Department review in one night instead of the two nights scheduled and due to the fact the budget workshop schedule is department specific and no other departments were scheduled for Wednesday, July 7, the budget workshop scheduled for Wednesday, July 7, 1993 has been canceled. There being no other business to discuss during the budget workshop, the meeting adjourned at approximately 10:00 p.m. DWK:sh