06-28-1993 BC B WS-M MEMORANDUM VII.LAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH TO: Mayor & Village Council FROM: Dennis W. Kelly, Village Mana er DATE: June 29, 1993 RE: BUDGET WORKSHOP -MONDAY, JUNE 28, 1993 !"~ This memorandum serves as the minutes of the Budget Workshop Session of the Village Council, Village of North Palm Beach. All Council members were present, as were all members of the Country Club Administrative Board. Also present were Village Manager, Finance Director, Country Club Manager, and Golf Course Maintenance Superintendent. The following represents the changes made by the Village Council meeting in budget workshop session on Monday, June 29, 1993: COUNTRY CLUB From: To: GOLF SHOP L8046-66490 Machinery & Equip. $11,200. $9,600. POOL L8051-33432 Pool Manager Contract $15,383. $14,935. The Village Council reviewed the various Country Club revenues and made no changes to those projections. During the course of discussing expenditures the Council reached consensus on operating the Country Club restaurant for the entire FY 93-94. In addition, there was a consensus to continue using three golf professionals, as opposed to reverting to _ one professional with two assistants. Council directed staff to examine the following issues: ^ Minimum/maximumranges for golf course maintenance laborers ^ Set up inventory control policy showing revenue/expenses for the Golf Shop. Mayor & Village Council June 29, 1993 Page 2 ^ Look into status of irrigation pump at the tennis courts. There was consensus among the Council to support transfer of funds in the FY 92-93 budget to be expended this summer for certain capital equipment purchases from Golf Course Maintenance and Tennis. Council instructed Alan Sayer, Country Club Manager, to develop organization charts for each of the departments under the Country Club. Upon reaching 10:00 p.m. it was consensus of majority of the Council to continue reviewing the budget up through Pool and Food and Beverage Accounts and, subsequently, adjourned at approximately 10:15 p.m. DWK:sh cc: Shaukat Khan, Finance Director Country Club Administrative Board Alan G. Sayer, Country Club Manager