02-09-1995 VC WS-MMINUTES OF WORKSHOP SESSION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA HELD THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1995 Present: Gail H. Vastola, Mayor Tom Valente, Vice Mayor V. A. Marks, M. D., President Pro Tem Larry Kelley, Councilman Paul D. Moore, Councilman Dennis W. Kelly, Village Manager George W. Baldwin, Village Attorney Kathleen F. Kelly, Village Clerk ROLL CALL Mayor Vastola called the meeting to order at 7:52 p.m. All members of Council were present. All members of staff were present. ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT By consensus, the Council moved Item 6.a. ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT forward for discussion at this time. Deborah Diaz of Haas, Diaz & Company, presented financial highlights for the Year Ended September 30, 1994 to the Village Council. The Annual Financial Report was forwarded to the Regular Session agenda of February 23, 1995. BILL 769 -CREATING NEW ZONING DISTRICT TWIN CITY MALL AREA Discussion was held concerning a proposed ordinance amending the Village Code of Ordinances to create a new zoning district to be known as C-3 Regional Business District for Twin City Mall area. Section 5, Paragraph e. of North Palm Beach draft, Page 7 relating to the "spacing of adult bookstores or theaters" will be modified or eliminated. Further, the subject matter of the North Palm Beach Code and the Lake Park Code shall be identical. This item will be placed on the Regular Session agenda of February 23, 1995. BILL 770 -REZONING OF TWIN CITY MALL PROPERTY Discussion was held concerning Bill 770, a proposed ordinance rezoning Twin City Mall _ area from C-1 Neighborhood Commercial to C-3 Regional Business District, and amending the official zoning map of the Village. This item was forwarded to the Regular Session agenda of February 23, 1995. Minutes of Workshop Session Held February 9, 1995 BILL 771 -AMENDING GENERAL FUND BUDGET FOR FY 1994-95 -EMS GRANT Discussion took place concerning Bill 771, a proposed ordinance amending the North Palm Beach General Fund Budget for Fiscal Year 1994-95 to appropriate funds for an EMS grant. This was forwarded to the Regular Session agenda of February 23, 1995. BILL 772 -AMENDING POLICE AND FIRE PENSIONS & RETIREMENT SYSTEMS - PRERETIREMENT DEATH BENEFITS Discussion was held concerning Bill 772, a proposed ordinance amending Subsection (d) of Section 2-161 of Article V, Pensions and Retirement Systems for Fire and Police employees of Chapter 2 of the Code of Ordinances of the Village and retitling same from "Death Benefits" to "Preretirement Death". This will be placed on the Regular Session agenda of February 23, 1995. BILL 773 -AMENDING GENERAL FUND BUDGET FOR FY 1994-95 -POLICE AND FIRE PENSION EMPLOYEES' PRERETIREMENT DEATH BENEFIT Discussion took place concerning Bill 773, a proposed ordinance amending the North Palm Beach General Fund Budget for Fiscal Year 1994-95 to appropriate funds for death benefit option for active and vested employees covered by the Police and Fire Pension Plan who die before retirement age. This was forwarded to the Regular Session agenda of February 23, 1995. RESTAURANT OPERATION Discussion was held concerning the Country Club Restaurant operation and issuing Requests for Proposals for contract operation, as recommended by the Country Club Administrative board. The Council requested further discussion with the Country Club Administrative Board. A possible joint workshop between the Village Council and the Country Club Administrative Board may be scheduled in the near future. WORK SCHEDULE CHANGE FOR PUBLIC SAFETY'S FIRE DIVISION Discussion took place concerning a proposed work schedule change for Public Safety Department's Fire Division from five 8-hour days to four 10-hour days. This will be placed on the Regular Session agenda of February 23, 1995. 2 Minutes of Workshop Session Held February 9, 1995 PERSONNEL RULES AND REGULATIONS Discussion took place concerning a draft Family Medical Leave policy to be added to the Village Personnel Rules and Regulations. Page 3 of the draft, under Recertification, language will be added to clarify the time frame for recertification. "From time to time" will be changed to "every six months". Page 4 under "If the employee decides not to return", second sentence: "the Village may" will be changed to read "the Village shall". On page one of the draft under II. DEFINITIONS, eligibility will be clarified as it pertains to full and part-time employees. This will be placed on the Regular Session agenda of February 23, 1995. BILL 774 -AMENDING CODE TO DEFINE "ANTIQUES" Discussion was held concerning Bill 774, a proposed ordinance amending Section 45-2, Definitions, of Appendix C-Zoning of the Code of Ordinances to provide a definition for the word "antiques". The will be placed on the Regular Session agenda of February 23, 1995. BILL 775 -AMENDING THE CODE TO INCLUDE NEW ZONING DISTRICT OF C-3 REGIONAL BUSINESS DISTRICT) Discussion was held concerning Bill 775, a proposed ordinance amending Section 45-16, Division of Village into Districts, of Appendix C-Zoning of the Code by adding a new district known as C-3 (Regional Business District). This item was forwarded to the Regular Session agenda of February 23, 1995. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Council, the meeting adjourned at 9:10 p.m. Kathleen F. Kelly, CMC, Village Clerk 3