07-27-1995 VC WS-MMINUTES OF WORKSHOP SESSION "- OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA HELD THURSDAY, JULY 27, 1995 Present: Tom Valente, Mayor V. A. Marks, M. D., Vice Mayor Larry Kelley, President Pro Tem Gail Vastola, Councilman Charles O'Meilia, Councilman Dennis W. Kelly, Village Manager George W. Baldwin, Village Attorney Kathleen F. Kelly, Village Clerk ROLL CALL Mayor Valente called the meeting to order at 8:17 p.m. All members of Council were present. All members of staff were present. STATEMENTS FROM THE PUBLIC Mort Levin, Village representative to the Beaches and Shores Council, reported that the Palm Beach County Board of County Commissioners voted tentatively to reduce the 1995-96 bed tax financing for beach renourishment and related projects in favor of sports and film-making. Mr. Levin asked that the Village Council support the Beaches and Shores Council in their opposition to the reduction either by letter or resolution to the County Commissioners. A resolution will be prepared for the Regular Session of August 10, 1995 opposing the reduction in funding for Beaches and Shores. Mr. Levin was asked to forward to the Village Council any backup material he may have on this matter. PLAT APPROVAL -SUN COVE ESTATES Discussion was held concerning a proposed resolution authorizing and directing the Mayor and Village Clerk to sign a certain plat known as Sun Cove Estates and seeking forth restrictions thereon. The applicant has proposed a cash contribution of $2,420.00 based on his determination of the fair market value of the platted unimproved lots being $48,400.00. The Council requested a written appraisal of the property, and will place this item on the Regular Session agenda of August 10, 1995. POOL MANAGER'S CONTRACT Discussion was held concerning a draft agreement between the Village of North Palm Beach and Richard E. Cavanah, Pool Manager, for the North Palm Beach Swimming Pool Minutes of Workshop Session Held Thursday, July 27, 1995 and its operations. This was forwarded to the Regular Session agenda of August 10, 1995 with minor changes recommended as follows: 1) All references to "Country Club Manager" should be changed to "Country Club Administrator"; 2) Page 1, Section 1.C. - delete Country Club Manager; 3) Page 1, Section 1.D. -Change Country Club Manager to "Country Club Administrative Board"; 4) All standard language should read the same in both the Pool Manager's contract and the Tennis Professional's contract; 5) insert language stating that the Village Council shall receive copies of all HRS inspections. TENNIS PROFESSIONAL'S CONTRACT Discussion was held concerning a draft agreement between the Village of North Palm Beach and Frank "Buddy" Goeltz as Tennis Professional for the North Palm Beach Country Club. This item will be placed on the Regular Session agenda of August 10, 1995 with the same corrections as noted during discussion of the Pool Manager's contract. Additionally, Page 1, Section 1. COMPENSATION AND DUTIES, last sentence: correct "in concern" to "in concert". Page 1, Section 1.C, needs clarification of the last sentence (use H. in Pool Manager's contract as guideline). Page 4, A.4. is considerably .•• different from language in Pool Manager's contract and should be made compatible. RANT CONTRACT FOR COMPREHENSIVE PLAN UPDATES The Village Council discussed a proposed contract for grant funds available from the Department of Community Affairs in the amount of $14,069.00. A resolution authorizing signature of this contract will be placed on the Regular Session agenda of August 10, 1995. The Finance Director was asked to put $14,069 into next year's budget under Revenues. BUDGET TRANSFER FOR VILLAGE ATTORNEY RETAINER ACCOUNT Discussion took place concerning a budget transfer of $13,000 from A5540-49911 (Council Contingency) to A51 05-331 1 1 (Monthly Retainer Account) for additional funds for the remainder of the 1994-95 fiscal year. This was forwarded to the Regular Session agenda of August 10, 1995. COUNTRY CLUB RESTAURANT LEASE Discussion was held concerning a proposed lease agreement between the Village of North Palm Beach and C. J. VanSchaffelaar for operation of the North Palm Beach "'- Country Club restaurant and other food and beverage concessions. During discussion, 2 Minutes of Workshop Session Held Thursday, July 27, 1995 the Council was informed that additional proposals had come in but had not been received or addressed by the Country Club Administrative Board. The Country Club Administrative Board was directed to review any additional proposals at its August 7th meeting. Any questions Council members have on the proposed Van Schaffelaar contract will be submitted in writing prior to the next meeting. This item will be brought back to the next workshop on August 10, 1995. CODE AMENDMENT TO ALLOW COMPUTERIZED CHANGES TO OFFICIAL ZONING MAP Discussion was held concerning an amendment to the Village Zoning Code to change Sec. 45-17(3)(a) to reflect use of computer technology in updating zoning map validation. This will be placed on the Regular Session agenda of August 10, 1995. ADULT ENTERTAINMENT ORDINANCE Discussion took place concerning direction to staff to develop a regulatory Adult Entertainment ordinance and whether the Village should "opt out" of the County's Code or supplement the County Code relating to adult entertainment. Consensus of Council was to supplement the County's Adult Entertainment Ordinance. A draft ordinance '""' prepared by LaRue and Associates will be brought back to the next workshop on August 10, 1995. PROSPERITY HARBOR SOUTH P.U.D. Discussion was held concerning conditions and revisions to the Prosperity Harbor South Planned Unit Development. This will be placed on the Regular Session agenda of August 10, 1995. All revised drawings and backup must be submitted by noon on Friday, August4, 1995 in order to be placed on the agenda for August 10, 1995. PROSPERITY HARBOR NORTH P.U.D. Discussion continued concerning the Planning Commission's recommendations regarding the application for Prosperity Harbor North Planned Unit Development. This item will return to the next Workshop Session on August 10, 1995 for continued discussion. ADJOURNMENT Having reached the curfew of 11:00 p.m., the meeting adjourned. athleen F. Kelly, CMC, Village Jerk 3