07-09-1996 VC B WS-M~am~accE, ~~ k ~•o~ ~'yPALMO~~ ~~ MEMORANDUM TO: Mayor & Village Council FROM: Dennis W. Kelly, Village Man er DATE: July 19, 1996 RE: Budget Workshop Minutes of July 9, 1996 The following represents, in essence, the budget workshop minutes of the North Palm Beach Village Council of Tuesday, July 9, 1996, convening at 7:00 p.m. The following Council members were present: Mayor V.A. Marks, M.D., Vice Mayor Tom Valente, Councilman Charley O'Meilia and Councilman Gail Vastola. President Pro Tem Larry Kelley arrived approximately 8:00 p.m. Staff present were Village Manager Dennis Kelly and Finance Director Shaukat Khan; Public Safety Director Bruce Sekeres was present for a short presentation at the ,,~ beginning of the workshop. The Village Council reconvened their review with a briefing by the Public Safety Director regarding the threat of Hurricane Bertha. Following that briefing, the Village Council reconvened their review of the proposed 1996-97 budget starting with the Finance Department. The following items were discussed and/or changed: ITEM: VILLAGE MANAGER FROM: TO: • P. 25-remove the Personnel Officer position from the Organization Chart. • P. 26-Goals, scratch the words to continue progress on implementing and insert the word implement wherein that goal will read, "Implement the Village's Pay Classification Plan,..." • Remove the second bullet under the Goals regarding develop policies that will enhance the performance of personnel... • P. 27-Objectives, remove the first bullet, "Initiate Pay for Performance Plan." • Remove the second bullet regarding establishing a Personnel Officer (new position). • Modify the third bullet to read as follows, "Revise Personnel Rules and Regulations." The remainder of that sentence is to be removed. • Modify the language at the sixth bullet regarding carry out reorganization plan by eliminating the word two and changing officers from plural to singular; the sentence now reads as follows, "Carry out reorganization plan calling for additional Code Enforcement Officer;" and the remainder of that sentence remains the same. A4902-11110, Executive Salaries $102,400 $75,000 ~,,, ITEM: FROM: TO: A4902-34620, R & M Building and Grounds $984 -0- A4902-35293, Refreshment $3,500 -0- A4902-34811, Employee Relations -0- $500 A4902-?????, Proposed Personnel Officer set-up $5,200 -0- • Council instructed Manager to revise the budget message to reflect the changes made by Council reflecting the Council's priorities. • Upon purchase of chairs for the Village Manager's office, two (2) of the old chairs are to be sent to Public Services for their use. • The Refreshment and Supplies Account A4902-35293 is to be moved to General Services Account in the amount of $3,000. • A coffee (Refreshments and Supplies) account is to be established for Public Services. GENERAL FUND RESERVE A5540-49925, Performance Raise $150,000 -0- .- Performance raises to be held in abeyance until next year for reconsideration by the Council. • Council then entered into a lengthy discussion regarding salary raises for Department Heads and non union personnel. The following salary increases were approved/scheduled effective October 1, 1996: Ms. Sheila Dewberry, Country Club Administrator $34,830 $37,600 Bruce Sekeres, Public Safety Director $55,411 $65,000 Dennis W. Kelly, Village Manager $70,000 $75,000 Melissa Teal, Deputy Clerk $22,884 $25,000 • All of the following Department Heads or Supervisors were approved/scheduled fora 7 increase effective October 1, 1996: John Morsut, Golf Course Maintenance Superintendent Shaukat Khan, Finance Director Nancy Moore, Library Director Mark Hodgkins, Recreation Director Tom Hogarth, Public Services Director Kitty Kelly, Village Clerk J.D. Armstrong, Fire Chief • All other non union employees are to receive a 4% across-the-board salary increase effective October 1, 1996. • All minimum maximum ranges in the Pay Classification Plan for non-union employees are to be raised 2% effective October 1, 1996. • All part-time personnel employed at the pool and tennis facility at the North Palm Beach Country Club are to be increased to $7.50 per hour effective October 1, 1996. ITEM: FROM: TO: • Council discussed length of service pay adjustments, per the Cody Study, on selected employees. Reference the attached June 27, 1996 memo to Kelly from Khan, along with Exhibit "A", detailing the distribution of the length of service pay adjustment. • Council approved to adjust the salaries of those employees listed under item A and B of the just referenced memo, (A) Department Head General Fund, Country Club and (B) Non-union General Fund, Country Club respectively. These adjustments are to be effective August 1, 1996. A5540-49915, Reserve-Raises and Benefits $148,000 $333,000 $35,000 is added to provide funding for the length of service pay adjustment per Cody Study for those 36 employees identified under a Collective Bargaining Agreement, per the just referenced memo of June 27, 1996, and $150,000 is included that was previously budgeted under A5540-49925, Performance Raise. • The Council then set the tentative millage rate at 5.10. The meeting was adjourned at approximately 10:00 p.m. It was decided this was the last budget workshop and there would not be a budget workshop on Wednesday, July 10, 1996. Council reserved its right to reconvene the workshops prior to the September hearings, if necessary, to clarify any fmal budget issues before the public hearings. DWK: sh cc: Department Heads