06-25-1997 VC B WS-MMEMORANDUM TO: Mayor & Village Council FROM: Dennis W. Kelly, Village Mana er DATE: June 30, 1997 RE: Budget Workshop Minutes of June 25, 1997 The• following represents, in essence, the budget workshop minutes of the-North Palm Beach Village Council on Wednesday, June 25, .1997, convening at 7:00 p.m. All Council members were present .and the following Country Club Administrative Board members were present:. Chairman Jerry Nblan, Leonard Pellegren, and Arnold Hess. Staff present were Dennis Kelly, Village. Manager; Shaukat Khan, Finance Director; and John Scott, Co-head Professional. The Village Council started the budget workshop. meeting by correcting the minutes of June 24 regarding revenues wherein they did not come to consensus to exclude Junior walking fee after 2:00 p.m:, but only discussed. The following changes to the budget-were made or discussed: GOLF COURSE REVENUES • Exclude Juniors paying walking fee after 2:00 p.m. (under 18 years. of age) and for resident Juniors (qualified as a Junior member). • L4600-09100, Appropriated Retained Earnings, from $272, 888 to a number to be adjusted to balance the budget. GOLF COURSE MAINTENANCE • L8045-33430, Tree Trimming, from $11,350 to $16,850, to remove 25 trees in the vicinity of number 1 green and number 8 tee. This concluded the, budget workshop for the Country Club Fund and the Village Council „_, proceeded discussions on the General Fund, starting with the Public Safety Department and the Emergency Medical Services Division. Present for this discussion were: Public Safety Director Bruce Sekeres, Paramedic/Sergeant Jack Watrous, Fire Chief J.D. Armstrong, PSO Lieut. Clay Walker, Volunteer Fire Fighter Bill Carson. The following changes were recommended: • Paramedic Team Leader -obtain clarification from Medical Director describing the Team Leader's job responsibilities. • Page 93, PSO vacant position -staff to determine why increment pay is $2,000 instead of $3,000; in addition, staff is to determine why the annual salary for the two vacant positions is at $24,879 instead of the starting salary of $26,809. • Account No. 6416-66490, Machinery and Equipment, from $8,065 to $11,645, for purpose of including two automatic vent with pedicycle at $2,490 each for a total of .$4,980; for one automatic external defibrillator at $4,485; and for two fiberoptic laryngoscopes at $1,090 each for a total of $2,180. • Extensive discussion ensued regarding the status of Fire Truck No. 3 as to whether to keep the truck and put it under cover, or sell the truck as surplus. Staff was instructed to shop around for a surplus price and potential buyers. Once a surplus price is determined, report back to the Council for .further action. • Discussion ensued regarding the Benjamin School Lease for the North Substation. The start date for that lease was August 15, 1993, or prior to commencement of site preparation by the Village for its Public Safety Substation, whichever is later:. Staff is charged to clarify when that later date may have started. and determine when the agreement expires. Staff will do additional research and report back as to the terms and conditions of the agreement. • Request was made to look into the cost of covering the new fire truck that protrudes out the garage door of the fire station. GARDNER NORTH SUBSTATION • 6417-34110 from $800 to $1,370 to reinstall pay telephone. • 6417-66415, Computer Hardware and Software, from $1,795 to 0 to remove desktop computer. • 6417-66490, Machinery and Equipment, from $2,555 to $12,255, to include 12 lead diagnostic EKG monitor. • 6417-11210,. Regular Pay, $87,283: Staff is to examine differences in annual .salary under the 97-98 column found on page 103, which is the detail to the regular pay schedule. REVENUE -TRANSPORT/AMBULANCE SERVICE ..._ • Staff is charged to review estimates under Account A0911-04600 to determine if the revenue estimates should not be increased. 2 • 6418-Page 107, under major changes in 1997-98, scratch the following, "^^~~to Qei~elc~thc~-~4L~ t~an~^~r .near-- • Inequities between Public Safety EMS transportation unit account 6418-Regular Pay, and Public Safety Fire Prevention account 5812-Regular Pay; provide a plan reflecting equity between paramedics with fire certification and fire fighters with paramedic certification. This concluded the workshop session; the Village Council adjourned at 10:00 p.m. with the understanding that Public Safety Department would reconvene on Monday, July 7, 1997, 7•:00 p.m., to continue with the Public Safety Department, Law Enforcement Division. This memorandum represents, in essence, the minutes of the Village Council budget workshop. DWK: sh cc: Shaukat Khan, Finance Director Country Club Administrative Board Sheila Dewberry, Club Administrator Bruce F. Sekeres, Public Safety Director rr Joseph Peduzzi, President, Volunteer Fire Fighters 3