09-11-1997 VC WS-MMINUTES OF WORKSHOP SESSION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA HELD THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1997 Present: Gail H. Vastola, Mayor Charles O'Meilia, Vice Mayor Tom Valente, Councilman David Norris, Councilman Dennis W. Kelly, Village Manager George W. Baldwin, Village Attorney Kathleen F. Kelly, Village Clerk Absent: ROLL CALL Larry Kelley, President Pro Tem Mayor Vastola called the meeting to order at 8:48 p.m. All members of Council were present except President Pro Tem Kelley, who was absent due to illness. All members of staff were present. PRELIMINARY CERTIFICATE _O___F APPROPRIATENESS -PUBLIC SAFETY BUILDING -" Discussion was held concerning the Planning Commission's findings and approval of preliminary plans, with conditions, of Village's application for a Certificate of Appropriateness for the proposed Public Safety facility. During discussion, the consensus of Council was that another type of fencing other than chain-link should be determined by the architect, and no tower will be placed on the property. The price submitted by American Wall Systems, Inc. should be considered by the architect for the project. Consensus of Council was to consider the wall as a separate issue, which could be started at any time. Other items agreed to by consensus were additional landscaping between Corsair Drive and the service alley, a 6-foot limitation on the proposed wall of a design and material similar to other walls existing on service alleys east of U. S. 1, a noise buffer for chiller unit, and relocation of the service road to west of the existing lift station. It was consensus of Council that if Mariner Key residents propose any other fencing of higher cost than that which has been customarily provided along service alleys by the Village, the cost of such must be borne by the Mariner Key Homeowner's Association or other entity. Vice Mayor O'Meilia asked for a statement for the record regarding the status of the gating project by Mariners Key. Larry Smith, representing the Mariners Key Association and also a number of individual Mariners Key residents, stated for the record that he °~-- could not say it was never going to happen in the future, but could say that he had been Minutes of Workshop Session Held Thursday, September 11, 1997 involved in several meetings wherein the general feeling among those who are officers or Board members is that gating is not going forward at this time. Mr. Smith told the Council that if the Village agrees to move the alley as requested and Mariners Key returns in the future with a gating plan, it will be the responsibility of Mariners Key to pay the costs. Vice Mayor O'Meilia added that if Mariners Key comes back with a proposal for a gated community later, they will have a problem making it work. Vice Mayor O'Meilia told Mr. Smith that Mariner's Key will have a gross problem, economic as well as engineering. Mayor Vastola reiterated that if any changes will be required at a future date, the Village will not pay for it. This will be placed on the Regular Session agenda of September 25, 1997. PUBLIC SAFETY FACILITY PROJECT -BUDGET CONSIDERATIONS Discussion was held concerning approval of design development phase of Gee & Jenson contract, including budget considerations, for the proposed Public Safety facility. Staff was directed to investigate other options for location of fuel pumps, and to get additional prices on the pump and tank. This item was forwarded to the Regular Session agenda of September 25, 1997. `-' PUBLIC SAFETY FACILITY -CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENT PHASE Discussion took place concerning authorizing Gee & Jenson to proceed with construction document phase for the proposed Public Safety facility. This will be placed on the Regular Session agenda of September 25, 1997. CORRIDOR STUDY - U. S. 1 -NORTH OF PARKER BRIDGE Jim Fleischmann of Land Research Management reported to the Council on the corridor study for land uses north of Parker Bridge. Discussion will continue on this issue at the next Workshop Session of September 25, 1997. KIWANIS CLUB DONATION -TREE PLANTING PROGRAM Discussion was held concerning a $700 donation by the Kiwanis Club for the development of a landscaping plan for Lakeside Park by a landscape planner. This was forwarded to the Regular Session agenda of September 25, 1997. 2 Minutes of Workshop Session Held Thursday, September 11, 1997 CCAB ENABLING ORDINANCE -AMENDMENT Discussion was held concerning changes to Article II of Chapter 9, Administrative Board, of the Village of North Palm Beach Code of Ordinances. The Village Manager requested that the required number of Board meetings of two per month be changed to a required one per month. An amendment will be prepared to allow the reduction for certain months during the summer only. It was noted that Section 9-22 of the Code still has a conflict, i.e. Country Club Manager instead of Country Club Administrator. Consideration will be given to dropping Section 9-22 in its entirety. This will be placed on the Regular Session agenda of September 25, 1997. CODE AMENDMENT -COUNTRY CLUB ADMINISTRATIVE BOARD -DEPARTMENTAL ORGANIZATION Discussion took place concerning amending Section 2-40, Departmental Organization, and Section 2-43, Policy and Procedures, of Article III of Chapter 2 of the Code by placing the Country Club Administrator under the Country Club Administrative Board. This was forwarded to the Regular Session agenda of September 25, 1997. `~'' CODE ENFORCEMENT -SPECIAL MASTER This will be returned to the next Workshop Session of September 25, 1997. CONSULTANT AGREEMENT -DEPARTMENTAL REORGANIZATION This will be returned to the next Workshop Session of September 25, 1997. ZONING-IN-PROGRESS MORATORIUM This was forwarded without discussion to the Regular Session agenda of September 25, 1997. ADJOURNMENT Having reached the curfew of 11:00 p.m., the meeting adjourned. ~-- °..- athleen F. Kelly, CMC, Villag Jerk 3