12-08-1959 VC REG-M• MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH HELD AT THE NORTH PALM BEACH COUNTRY CLUB DECEMBER 8, 1959 Present: Jay H. T,iIlhi.te, Mayor Walter E. Thomas, Vice-N~.yor Richard E. Ross; Councilman William Young, Councilman Albin R. Olson, Village Manager and Clerk Absent: Charles A. CurLningham, Councilman C. Robert Burns, Village Attorney Mayor White called the meeting to order at 8:00 p.m, and requested the Clerk call the roll. Mayor White requested the Clerk read the minutes o£ a regular meeting of the Village Council held November 10, 1959. Gn motion of Councilman Ross, seconded by Vice- • Mayor Thomas, all members voting aye, the minutes were approved as read. On motion o£ Vice-2hayor Thomas, seconded by Councilman Ross, all members voting aye, the Following report of the Treasurer was approved: TREASURERS REPORT December 7, 1959 General Cigarette Fund Tax Fund CASH ON HAND, November 10, 1959 $ 1,237.07 $ 363.22 ADD: Permits 1,690.40 Occupational License 427.50 Taxes IE5,968.70 Lot Clearing 49D.00 Court Fines 25.00 Dog Licenses 11.DD __ Boat Key 4.00 48,616.60 $49,853.67 $ 363.22 DEDUCT: Disbursements 39,30.10 - - BALANCE, December 7, 1959 $10,023.57 $ 363.22 On motion of Vice-Mayor Thomas, seconded by Councilman Ross, a71. members voting aye, proposed Ordinance #51 entitled . • AN ORDINANCE OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, AMENDING ORDINANCE N0. 13 FASSID AND ADOPTID. MARCH 25, 1957, AS AMr"iIDID BY AMENDING SECTION 10 THEREOF BY MJDIF'Y1TIG THE PENALTIES TO BE INIPOSID FOR ENGAGING IN BIISINESS WITHIN THE VILLAGE WITHOUT AN OCCUPATIONAL LICENSE; BY AMENDING SECTION 11 THERB~F TO PROVIDE FOR A P'D RE DETAILED, COMPREHENSIPE SCHEDULE OF LICENSE TAXES TO BE LEVIID UPON THE VARIOUS BUSINESSES, PRO- FESSIONS, AND OCCUPATIONS BEING ENGAGED IN AND CARRIID ON tdITHIN THE CORPORATE LINaTS OF THE VILLAGE BY PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECT~rVE DATE HEREOF. eras placed on second reading and read by title only. On motion of Vice-Mayor Thomas, secorrled by Councilman Ross, all members voting aye, proposed Ordinance #51 was enacted. • Ptinutes December 8, 199 Page ¢€2 On motioa of Councilman Ross, seconded by Councilman. Young, all members voting aye, proposed Ordinance X50 entitled AN ORDINANCE OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, PALM BEACH COUNTY, ETARIDA, PPOHIBI^tING THE RECKLESS, CARELESS OR Iv~GLIGE~FT OPERATION OF BOATS WITHIN SAID TOWN; DECLARING CERTAIN SPEEDS WITHIN DESIGNATED AREAS TO BE UNLAWFUL AND PRIMA FACIE ErTIDENCE OF RECKLESSNESSS REGUI~AT3NG SGTIP~i'LIIJG WITHIN CERTAIlV AREffi~ PROVIDING PEIJALTIES FOR VIOLATION; AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. was placed on second reading and read by title only. On motion of Vice-Mayor Thomas, seconded by Councilman Young, ail members voting aye, proposed Ordinance #50 was enacted. The matter of the village participating as a member of the newly organized Tri- County Governmental League was discussed. It was pointed out the function of the League_ _ is to process facts to encourage the State Legislature to establish points of order for equal representation and equal distribution of fur~.s for roads and bridges. The Village Manager was authorized to affect the Village membership and forward the arunzal membership dues of $12.0. Plans for a community center type building proposed to be constructed in the leased recreation area were presented the Council for consideration. The Village Manager was instructed to inform the village citizens of the building plans. and to secure an expression of their attitude towards such a building at this time. The Village P4anager was instructed not to permit the village fire apparatus to - leave the village area for purposes of participating in parades and other comparable non- protective activities until such time as the village had a second fire apparatus. The matter of the appointment of two representatives to the Palm Beach County Resources Development Board was discussed. On motion of Councilman Ross, seconded by Vice-Mayor Thomas, all members voting aye excepting Councilman Young who abstained, the Village Clerk was instructed to have an appro- ___ priate resolution prepared reappointing Councilman Cunningham and appointing Councilman Young to the Board. On motion of Councilman Thomas, seconded by Councilman Ross, all members voting aye, the list of accounts payable was. approved for payment. • There being no further business to come before the Council, on motion of Councilman Rossi seconded by Councilman Young, all members voting aye, the meeting was adjourned at 9:30 p.m. C,~~L,~~iw K . ~S Cn~ • -- Village Clerk C~ C' -„~,~~ ~- (l ~~ ~ ~ 'F C~ I 1 U THE PALM BEACH POST Published Every Weekday West Palm Beach, Palm Beach County, Florida PROOF OF PUBLICATION STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH S Ed . F . S tll.mp~---._-- Before the undersigned authority personally appeared ._.......___.___. who on oath says that he is........ ~1tDr _ _ _of The Palm Beach Post, a daily newspaper published at West Palm Beach in Palm Beach County, Florida; that the at- Notice; ro. tacked copy of advertisement, being a.......-_.v.----------- --- in the matter of._.... ~Qt=u?~'~ Or(3111CI1CO __-_.__--- .-..-_._~. -_Court, was published in said newspaper in the in the..-....__-_-~~ issues of-....-T~TDTF.~...2C1•1----~958--...._ _~.-..-._ •..._, Affiant further says that the said Palm Beach Post is a newspaper published at West Palm Beach, in said Palm Beach County, Florida, and that the said newspaper has here- tofore been continuously published in said Palm Beach County; Florida, each weekday and has been entered as second class mail matter at the post office in West Palm Beach, in said Palm Beach County, Florida, for a period o£ one yeaz next preceding thefirst pub- lication of the attached copy of advertisement; and aft"iant further says that he has neither paid nor promised any person, £rm or corporation ar~v discount, rebate, commis- siori or refund for the purpose of securing this advertisement for publicat//i~~on in the said newspaper. ~- 20th Nov_.__- . _...a Sworn -to and subscribed before me thi ....-_.. d of......_._._ ...,...... Notarv Publie, Sfpte of Floiidp of Iprge _ ~x.. ~nmmission expires Feb. 28, 1459. __ 'ionded by Moss. Banding & tnsvrpnoe Co. r1 u u Lam' Minutes December 8, 1959 Page ~3 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE Tom Wood, Inc. Ramie Distributing Co. Florida Offset Printing Tropical Ceramics Kelsey City Laxxlscaping Co, Latham Construction Co. County Chemical Co. Ferrin Sign Co. Florida Masonry Co. Union Pencil Company J. P. Carroll, Inc. Minnesota Mining Company De Vines Lamp Supply Addressograph Multigraph Cosp.' B. D. Cole, Inc. Halsey and Griffith Rubin Construction Company Hughes Supply Company Addressograph-Multigraph Corp. R. A. Grey Hopkins Marine Hardware Company S7imts Auto Repair 8,998.00 216.00 13.80 90.00 51}0.00 1,94.00 16.50 21.00 150.00 23.29 76.95 159.00 270,6. 53.51 188.83. 191.35 S.O. b8 2,105.11 83.07 2l~., 00 50.05 33.78 u