03-10-1959 VC REG-M• MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETIlVG OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH HELD AT THE NORTH PALM BEACH COUNTRY CLUB ON MARCH 10, 1959 Present: Richard E. Ross, Mayor Jay H. White, Vice-Mayor Charles A. Cunningham, Councilman Herbert A. Ross, Councilman John A. Schwencke, Councilman Albin R. Olson, Village Manager and Clerk John M. Farrell far C. Robert Burns, Village Attorney ' Mayor Ross called the meeting to order and requested the Clerk call the roll. Mayor Ross requested the Clerk read the minutes of a regular meeting of the Village. Council held February 10, 1959• On motion of Councilman Cunningham, seconded. by Councilman Ross, • e11 members voting aye, the minutes were approved as read. Mayor Ross requested the Clerk read the minutes of a special meeting of the Village Council held February 24, 1959• On motion of Vice-Mayor White, seconded by Councilman Cunningham, all members voting aye, the minutes were approved as read. +, On motion of Councilman Ross, seconded by Vice-Mayor White, all members voting aye, the following report of the Treasurer eras approved: TREASURER' S REPORT March 10, 1959 General Cigarette ' Fund Tax Fund CASH ON HAND, February 10, 1959 $ 7,920.81 $ 3,610.66 ADD: Permits 2,766.85 Occupational License 3,425.00 Taxes x+,409.94 Individual License 4.50 Dog License 1.00 Franchise, So. Bell 105.07 Franchise, Green's Fuel 509.20 Council Candidates Fees 80.00 Boat Lift Keys 7.00 Cigarette Tax, 2-12-59• 1,789.51 Cigarette Tax, 3-9-59 1,186.06 _ 11,307.06 19, 227.$7~58~.23 • DEDUCT: Disbursements February 10, 1959 - March 9~ 1959 i3~2~-7.lF8 BALANCE: March 9, 1959 - $ 6,011.89 $ 6,586.23 On motion of Councilman Ross, seconded by Councilman Cunningham, all members voting ' aye, proposed Ordinance #44 entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, PALM BEACH COUNCY, FLORIDA, AMENDING ORDINANCE N0. 20, THE SAME BEING THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE VIC,LAGE, BY REMOVIlVG CERTAIN PROPERTY FROP+I THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION C-1A, L7S~fITED CONP~RCIAL DISTRICT, AND RECLASSIFYING 8?,ID PROPERTY AS R-2, MULTIPLE FAMILY DWELLING DISTRICT; BY REMOVING CERTAIN PROPERTY FROM THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION R-l, SINGLE FAMIC.Y DWELLING DISTRICT, AND RECLASSIFYING SAID PROPERTY AS R-2, MULTIPLE FAMILY DWELLING DISTRICT; BY REMOVING CERTAIN ' PROPERTY FROM ZONIlUG CLASSIFICATION R-1, SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING DISTRICT, AND RECLASSIFYING SAID PROPERTY AS C-lA, L?NfITED COMMERCIAL DISTRICT; BY AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE VILLAGE CLERK TO REFLECT SAID ZONING CHANGES ON THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP; BY REPEALING ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH; AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. was placed on second reading and read by title only. idinutes • March 10, 1959 Page ~2 On motion of Councilman Ross, seconded bg Councilman Cunningham, all members voting aye, proposed Ordinance entitled: ' AN ORDINANCE OF '~ VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, AMENDING ORDINANCE N0. 20, THE SAME BEING THE TAE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE VILLAGE, BY REMOVING CERTAIN PROPERTY FROM THE ZONIlVG CLASSIFICATION C-1A, LIMITED COMMERCIAL DISTRICT, AND RECLASSIFYING SAID PROPERTY AS R-2, MULTIPLE FAMIS,Y DWELLING DISTRICT; BY REMOVING CERTAIN PROPERTY FROM THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION R-1, SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING DISTRICT, AND RECLASSIFYING _ SAID PROPERTY AS R-2, MULTIPLE FAMILY DWELLING DISTRICT; BY REMOVING CERTAIN PROPERTY FROM ZONING CLASSIFICATION R-1, SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING DISTRICT, AND ' RECLASSIFYING SAID PROPERTY AS C-IA, LIMITED COMMERCIAL DISTRICT; BY-AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE VILLAGE CLERK TO REFLECT SAID ZONPttG CHANGES ON THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP; BY REPEALING ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH; AND FOR OTfH;R PURPOSES. was enacted. The Statistical Data Report for the month of February was distributed to the Council. _ C~ On motion of Councilman Ross, seconded by Councilman Cunningham, a71 members voting _ aye, the list of accounts payable was approved for payment. There being no further business to cane before the Council, on motion of Councilman Ross, seconded by Councilman Cunningham, all members voting aye, the meeting was ad,~ourned to meet at 8:00 p.m., April 14, 1959• l,,,J~c~[f+uw~ Sea... Village Clerk • Minutes March lo, 1959 Pace #3 ACCOUi77.'S PAYABLE 0 Tex Cole ~ 20.00 Jim Robertson Typewriter Co. 150.00 Leahy Press 8.35 Mullins Lumber Co. 233.39 B. D. Cole Insurance 197.50 Dolan Tire Co. 33•~-6 Y7aLl.,y Lock Co. 11.76 Riviera Camera Center .3.28 Thompson's Hardware 12.48 American Safety League 51.76 Phillips Press 82.10 Arrow Electric Co. 21.51 Tucker Marine 71.47 Gentry Bros. 52.50 Sewe71 Hardware 73.16 Riviera Drugs 4.60 B. F. Goodrich 41.14 Boykin Printing 22.90 Ralph Rose Co. 75.00 City Managers Association 10.25 R. S. Polk Co. 32.00 Wagner Signs 10.00 Rubin Construction 53.51 Ace Stamp Co. 13.50 Sheffield Electric 27.38 Kelsey Landscaping 396.90 Bill's Signs 104.$0 Sealtest Dairies 11.68 Phillips Petroleum 292.46 Lee Shepherd, Jr. 1,535.00 Singer Shores Camp 160.00