12-10-1956 VC REG-M MINUTES OF MEETING OF VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH GF NCFtTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA HELD ON THE 10th DAY OF DECEMBER, 1956. °~ ~, # # x ' The regular meeting of The Village Council of "The Village of North Palm Beach Florida", was held in the North Palm Beach Country Clubhouse, in such Village at 3 O'clock P.M. on the 10th day of December, 1956, X 3E r~' T Tom' - RCLL The following Councilmen were present and answered the Roll Call: ' CALL MAYOR C.A. CUNNINGHAM JGHN A. SCHWENCKE JAY H. WHITE YK.:' .~ x ~c ~. ABSENTEES Mayor Cunningham reported that Councilman John A. Mac Arthur is out of the • State at the present time, and Councilman Schrorencke reported Vice-Mayor Richard E. Ross is out of the city on business and would not be able to attend. ~ # # 3; # QUORUM It appeared a quorum was present, whereupon, by acclamation, Mayor Cunningham PRESENT assumed the Chairmanship of the meeting and he asked Robert C. Tu££ord, Village Clerk, to take the minutes of the meeting. ~ ~ ~ ~- r~ MINUTES Mayor Cunningham inatructed the Village Clerk to read the minutes of the previous meeting, which was done, and after a few changes were noted, the Village ' Clerk was instructed to incorporate these changes in the minutes. Councilman Schwencke, seconded by Councilman White, moved the .adoption of the minutes, subject to these changes. Upon Roll Call, all Councilmen present voted aye, and the minutes were adopted 'Kn' rYC YR K 1i~ NEW Mayor Cunningham reported there was nothing new to report concerning a group BUSINESS of property owners interested in becoming annexed to 1tThe Village of North Palm Beach," and the Council unanimously agreed these property owners would have to make their own decision relative to this matter. of x Police Chief Albert Dudden read to the Council a report of the November activities in his department, and also gave an accounting of the equipment and Personnel in the Police Department, Mayor Cunningham complimented Chief Dudden on a most ' excellent report. Police Chief Dudden also presented to the Council a schedule of Rules and Regulations dated November 13, 1956 governing activities of the members of the Police Department of "The Village of North Palm Beach, Florida." After seme discussion Councilman White made a motion that this schedule be made a part of these minutes, whereby Councilman Schwencke seconded the motion and upon Roll Call all Councilmen present voted aye, and the motion was adopted. :~ x ~= -~ ~ Mr. L.E. Dickerson, our new Building 0£ficial, discussed easements and related • matters with the Council and the Council unanimously agreed Mr. Dickerson could start issuing Building Permits immediately, starting with today's date December 10, 1956, # ~ ~ ~ ~- MINUTES OF MEETING OF VILLAGE COUNCIL. OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA HELD ON THE 10th DAY OF DECEMBER, 1956 (CONTINUID ) ~ ~ ~ x The Village Olerk read a letter from American La France Croporation dated October 25, 1956, formally accepting our contract with that firm for the purchase of one American La France Ford 500 G.P.M. Pump and Hose Car with 500 gallon Booster Tank and Cab, and upon motion by Councilman Schwencke, seconded by Councilman White, all Councilmen present voted aye, and the motion formalizing the acceptance of this contract was adopted, x ~ r ;~ ~ Councilman Schwencke moved, seconded by Councilman White thet Mr. L,E, Dickerson be appointed as the representative of "The Village of North Palm Beach, _ - Florida" to the architectural Committee. Upon Roll Call, all Councilmen present --_ voted aye, and the motion was adopted, __ - -. ~- :~ ~ ~ ~ ~d,: Motion was made by Councilman Schwencke, seconded by Councilman White, _ _--_ - ~ that Mr. Burns, out Village Attorney, prepare an official Resolution for the employment of Mr. Albin Olson as Village Manager for the Village of North Palm _ Beach, Fla. Upon Roll Call, all Councilmen present voted aye and the motion was adopted. ^ # ~- >.; a~ Councilman Schwencke moved, seconded by Councilman White, that the Council formally adcept the proposal of the engineering firm of Brockway, Weber and Brockway to furnish the Village with engineering services as outlined in their letter of November 26, 1956. Upon Roll Call, all Councilmen present voted aye, and the motion was adopted. i X T SI', Y ~t The Tax Collector presented to the Council a tentative budget for the • fiscal year November 1, 1956 - October 31, 1957, and the Tax Assessor and Mayor were authorized to exhibit the budget to the Riviera Beach Bank, relative to making a loan with that bank in order to help the Village defray its' first years expenses, An application of North Pa1n Beach, Inc, for a Beer License at the North Palm Beach Country Club was approved and the Village attorney was directed to submit a liquor ordinance at the next meeting. ,~ ~ ~ # # There being no further business to come. before the Council, the meeting was adjourned, to meet again January 7th,1957. ~ ~ ~,`'~ • VILLAGE CLERK