08-03-2011 VC B WS-M MINUTES OF THE BUDGET WORKSHOP SESSION • VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA AUGUST 3, 2011 Present: Darryl C. Aubrey, Sc.D., Mayor William L. Manuel, President Pro Tern T.R. Hernacki, P.E., Councilman Robert A. Gebbia, Councilman James Titcomb, Village Manager Melissa Teal, CMC, Village Clerk Absent: David B. Norris, Vice Mayor ROLL CALL Mayor Aubrey called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. All members of Council were present, except Vice Mayor Norris, who was ill. All members of staff were present, except the Village Attorney. Finance Director Samia Janjua, Community Development Director Chuck Huff Public Safety Director Robert O'Neill, Fire Chief J.D. Armstrong, and Public Works Director Wiley Livingston were present. The purpose of the meeting was to review the Public Safety and Public Works departmental budgets. MILLAGE RATES AND SERVICE FEE COMPARISONS Pursuant to Council request, Mr. Titcomb provided a comparison of millage rates, service fees, non-ad valorem assessments, and Special Taxing Districts in surrounding municipalities. PUBLIC SAFETY DEPARTMENT Mr. Titcomb noted the Public Safety Department achieved recertification by the Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies (CALEA). • combined Law Enforcement, Fire Rescue, and General Services-Public Safety Facility budget expenditures were $5,019,659 or 69.4% of the FY 2011 budget for the 3rd Quarter ending 6/30/11 • in FY 2011,310 ofthe property tax dollar went to North Palm Beach,with 200 to Public Safety • zero cost-of-living (COLA) or market adjustment • step increase as required by collective bargaining agreements • 6.87% increase in health insurance projected • 20.03% Village pension contribution, up 2.17% over FY 2011, and 2% employee contribution from date of hire • 15% defined contribution pension plan mandatory for all newly hired non-certified PBA union eligible employees • • $7,515,901 combined Law Enforcement, Fire Rescue, and General Services-Public Safety expenses for FY 2012;4% increase over FY 2011;personnel costs comprise 92%of budget Minutes of Village Council Budget Workshop Session held August 3, 2011 Page 2 of 4 LAW ENFORCEMENT • Mr. Titcomb reviewed law enforcement revenues. Mrs. Janjua explained how outside service and donations are recorded. Discussion took place regarding the step plan. Discussion ensued regarding 175/185 pension funds received pursuant to Florida Statutes. • $105,400 total police revenues • $4,352,845 personnel costs; 6% increase over FY 2011 • $204,220 operating costs; 16% decrease from FY 2011 • $57,582 capital expense to replace 2 vehicles; 22% decrease from FY 2011 • $4,614,647 total expenses; 4% increase over FY 2011 • Director of Public Safety position reclassified to Chief of Police • 43 full-time employees, 12 part-time employees, 5 volunteers FIRE RESCUE Discussion took place concerning personnel and revenues. Chief Armstrong reviewed the reorganization of Fire Rescue personnel and explained the increased revenue from ambulance fees. Discussion was held regarding the turn-around time on fire inspections and the fire plan review fee. Discussion took place concerning Worker's Compensation, overtime, and training. • $332,800 total fire revenues • $2,532,154 personnel costs; 2% increase over FY 2011 • $176,631 operating costs; 2% decrease from FY 2011 • zero capital expenses • $2,708,785 total expenses for FY 2012; 2% increase over FY 2011 • delete 1 full-time Admin/Training Lieutenant position; add 1 full-time Captain position • 24 full-time employees and 18 volunteers GENERAL SERVICES—PUBLIC SAFETY Discussion took place regarding the Five-Year Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) and it was suggested that staff consider ways to even out projected CIP expenditures, in order to avoid large fluctuations from year-to year. Discussion ensued on funding the CIP, by designating budget savings at year-end to a capital fund instead of undesignated reserves. Mrs. Janjua suggested that such funds not be restricted to a specific department. Council will consider this idea at the end of its budget discussions. Discussion was held concerning the quality and lifespan of the air conditioning chiller. Mr. Livingston explained operating conditions and cost of replacing components. • no personnel costs associated with this budget • $130,969 operating costs for FY 2012; 13%decrease from FY 2011 • $61,500 capital expense to replace air conditioning chiller • $192,469 total expenses for FY 2012; 28% increase over FY 2011 • [continued on next.page] Minutes of Village Council Budget Workshop Session held August 3,2011 Page 3 of 4 PUBLIC WORKS 11111 • combined Administration, Sanitation, Facility Services, Streets & Grounds, and Vehicle Maintenance budget expenditures were at 63.8%of the FY 2011 budget for the 3rd Quarter ending 6/30/11 • in FY 2011, 310 ofthe property tax dollar went to North Palm Beach,with 80 to Public Works • no cost-of-living(COLA) or market adjustment • General and FPE employees receive 0-5% merit increase as required by collective bargaining agreements • 6.87% increase in health insurance projected • 19.57%required Village contribution to General Employees Pension Plan and 6% employee contribution from date of hire • 15% defined contribution pension plan mandatory for all newly hired non-union eligible employees • $424,273 total revenues, including $365,000 in commercial waste disposal fees and $47,273 in SWA recycling revenue sharing • $4,092,404 combined Administration, Sanitation, Facility Services, Streets & Grounds, and Vehicle Maintenance expenses for FY 2012; 3%decrease from FY 2011 • 37 full-time employees; no personnel changes; personnel costs comprise 65%ofbudget PUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATION • $326,072 personnel costs; 1% increase over FY 2011 • $34,711 operating costs; 12%decrease from FY 2011 • zero capital expenses • $360,783 total expenses for FY 2012; 1%decrease from FY 2011 FACILITY SERVICES • $293,376 personnel costs; 1% increase over FY 2011 • $339,655 operating costs; 1% decrease from FY 2011 • zero capital expenses • $633,031 total expenses for FY 2012; 12% decrease from FY 2011 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE Regarding increased operating costs, Mr. Livingston noted a 9% increase in the cost of tires. Discussion took place concerning cost and availability of parts for the three-wheeled vehicles. Mr. Livingston anticipates being able to maintain these vehicles for another three to four years. • $191,603 personnel costs; 3%increase over FY 2011 • $198,325 operating costs; 9% increase over FY 2011 • zero capital expenses • $389,928 total expenses for FY 2012; 6%increase over FY 2011 • [continued on next page] Minutes of Village Council Budget Workshop Session held August 3, 2011 Page 4 of 4 SANITATION • • $1,308,396 personnel costs; 1% decrease from FY 2011 • $155,150 operating costs; 12% increase over FY 2011 • $26,000 capital expense for"Quick Tip" dumpster attachment • $1,489,546 total expenses for FY 2012; 0% increase over FY 2011 STREETS AND GROUNDS • $537,855 personnel costs; 0% increase over FY 2011 • $681,261 operating costs; 6%decrease from FY 2011 • zero capital expenses • $1,219,116 total expenses for FY 2012; 4% decrease from FY 2011 COUNCIL CONSENSUS ITEMS • consider creating a capital fund using budget savings determined at year-end ADJOURNMENT With no further business to come before the Council, the meeting adjourned at 8:47 p.m. • / ice/ _ ' Melissa Teal, CMC, Village Clerk •