07-14-1998 VC B WS-M~' ~~~ ~~~~ MEMORANDUM TO: Mayor & Village Council FROIvI: Dennis W. Kelly, Village Manage DATE: July 15, 1998 RE: Village Council Budget Workshop of July 14, 1998 The Village Council met in workshop session on Tuesday, July 14, 1998 at 7:00 p.m. to review the proposed Country Club budget for fiscal year 98-99. All members of Council were present; Country Club Administrative Board (CCAB) members present were: Chairman Leonard Pellegren, Arnold Hess, Robert Harshman, Paul Lambrakis and Debbie Svec. Staff present were Village Manager Dennis Kelly, Finance Director Shaukat Khan, Country Club Administrator Ron Albert, Golf Course Maintenance Superintendent John Morsut, Pool Manager Dick Cavanah, Tennis Pro Buddy Goeltz, and Golf Pro John Scott. The following represent the basic changes and discussion developed by the Village Council as a consensus, and this memorandum represents the minutes, in essence, the minutes of the above referenced meeting: SiJNINIARY: The Village Council addressed revenues, and in particular walking fee revenues. In addition, Council discussed policy regarding time for walkers to use the golf course. A number of citizens spoke during this discussion to express their positions and opinions regarding the walking fee and walking policies. The Council entered into discussion with the CCAB regarding the fees. The general consensus was to refer the issue back to the CCAB for further review and for them to submit afollow-up report on Monday, July 27, 1998. DEPARTMENT -GOLF COURSE REVENUES ACCOUNT NO. NAME REMARKS FROM TO L2100-05235 Golf Handicap Staff to provide back-up justification for the handicap Service service. Council to revisit the proposed revenue following the submission of the justification. L2100-07110 Tee Time Fee Preserve the line item for future consideration of an -0- SI00 automated tee time system. \,.,,i L2100- Memberships-General CCAB to review justification for the recommended revenue amounts for membership fees. Rates & Fees CCAB to review and make recommended changes for the Schedule July 27 meeting. Under the Rates and Fee Schedule the definition for Juniors under Pool should be changed from 4-18 years to 4-17 years. DEPARTMENT-GOLF SHOP ACCOUNT NO. NAME REMARKS FROM TO L8046 Councilman Eissey raised the issue of privatizing the Golf Shop. Mayor Norris indicated that the CCAB is to investigate the prospect of privatizing the Golf Shop after completion of the redecorating project. L8046 Councilman Eissey presented 6 items for changing the enabling ordinance regarding the structure, duties and responsibilities of the CCAB. The consensus was to forward theses items to a future Council agenda for discussion and action. Village Manager was directed to submit Councilman Eissey's ideas to the Country Club Administrative Board and the Village Council for continued discussion. L8046- Golf Shop In addition to the Golf Shop Division, all Country Club Divisions under their respective goals and objectives where the word "would" is used as the compound verb is to be changed to "to". For example, page 315 under the objectives it reads, "Staff would take over the duties..." is to be changed to read, "Staff to take over the dudes...". '146- Golf Shop Page 315, Performance Data, Projected 1998-99, the numbers do not collate with the revenue number and are to be corrected. L8046- Personnel Work Sheet Page 318. CCAB to review recommendations to change Assistant Pro to Head Cashier/Starter and report recommendations back at the July 27 meeting. DEPARTMENT -DRIVING RANGE ACCOUNT NO NAME REMARKS FROM TO L8048- Driving Range Page 326 under Driving Range proceeds at the bottom of 5120,000 S130,000 the page under the Projected 1998-99 column, change: L8048- Personnel Worksheet Page 328. Changing the Assistant Pro to Head Driving Range Attendant and proposed part-time ball picker is _. referred back to the CCAB for their review and comments to be presented during the July 27 meeting. DEPARTMENT -TENNIS ACCOUNT NAME REMARKS FROM TO L8050- Tennis Page 330, Tennis Pro is to develop more detailed objectives to reflect implementation of the goals. L8050- Tennis Page 330, under objectives, include hurricane shutters for installation at the clubhouse. L8050- Tennis Page 331. Tennis Pro is to provide updated projected figuces under the 1998-99 column. ``./ L8050- Tennis Page 334. The Court Attendant position deletion date of April 1, 1998 is to be changed to July 27, 1998. DEPARTMENT-POOL ACCOUNT NO NAME REMARKS FROM TO L8051- Pool No change There being no other business to come before the Council, the workshop adjourned at approximately 10:00 p.m. DWK: sh cc: Country Club Administrative Board Shaukat Khan, Finance Director Ron Albert, Country Club Administrator John Morsut, Golf Course Maintenance Superintendent Kitty Kelly, Village Clerk Dick Cavanah, Pool Manager ~`~'' Buddy Goeltz, Tennis Pro John Scott, Golf Pro