07-20-1998 VC B WS-MMEN TO: Mayor & Village Council FROM: Dennis W. Kelly, Village Mana r DATE: July 22, 1998 DUM RE: Village Council Budget Workshop of July 20, 1998 The Village Council met iri workshop session on Monday, July 20, 1998 at 7:00 p.m. to review the following departments proposed budgets: General Services Public Safety Building, General Services Village Hall, and Public Services. All Council members were present except Mayor David Norris; other present were Public Safety Director Bruce Sekeres, Public Services Director Tom Hogarth, Public Works Supervisor Bill Reinert, Finance Director Shaukat Khan and Village Manager Dennis Kelly. The following represent the basic changes and discussion developed by the Village Council as a consensus, and this memorandum represents the minutes, in essence, of the above referenced meeting: General comments were rendered by Vice Mayor Charles O'Meilia regarding the revision to the Detective Sergeant salary that was previously earned by Det. Sgt. Ralph Pauldine. Requested it be graded back to a starting salary for Detective Sergeant. Requested a review by staff of copiers and other office machinery to be brought back for the workshop of July 27. DEPARTMENT- GENERAL SERVICES -PUBLIC SAFETY`BiFQ,DING ACCOUNT NO. NAME REMARKS ' . FROM TO A5510-34310 Electricity $48,000 $30,000 A5510-34422 Rental-Copier Revise copier cost to reFlect a 7-month operation in the Pubiic Safety building vs. a 12-month operation. $7,200 $4,200 While Public Safety Director Bruce Sekeres was still present for the meeting, we discussed the following Public Safety follow-up items from the previous night's workshop meetings: PUBLIC SAFETY REVENiJES A09 1 1-04600 Ambulance Fees $111.000 $140.000 9 X1 200-02 1 90 1 l System Enhancement $226 DDD y,z 907 E YPENSES . A57 1 1 66440 - Audio, Visual & Communication Systems 599,000 ~9•~ A57 1 1 66490 - ivtachinery & Equip. $96,000 SI,000 At this point in the workshop, the Vice Mayor recognized Mr. Norm Schmozer, 637 Shore Road, North Palm Beach, who presented a proposal on dredging the waterways throughout North Palm Beach. The Council directed staff to develop an RCA for the August 13 Village Council workshop to allocate funds for engineering work in the amount of $13,000 to conduct an analysis of the NPB waterways and canals. Discussion ensued regarding the van requested by the Recreation Department. This item got included and excluded on one or two occasions throughout the discussion. The last consensus of the Council was to keep the van in the budget in the amount of $18,475 to be financed through alease-purchase option over a five year period. DEPARII~N't-PUBLIC SERVICES ADMINISTRATION ACCOIINT NO. NAMB R .1~RRS ~~ TO A6018 Page 120, under the Personnel Summary for all departments and all pages throughout the budget, where it states Other executives, scratch the word other. A6018 Page 121, correct a typo on the line titled value New Buildings and Additions, under the column titled Projected 1997-98 from $25,000 to $25 million and include that same number on the same line under the projected 1998-99 column. A6018-11230 Certification Provide an explanation why the actual Pay - March 98 six months experience column is reported at 0. A6018-113_00 Part-time Pay This is a clarification on a typo to bring $13,270 $13 536 the correct number in line with the , reported back-up explanation.' A6018-66410 Automotive Village will develop a leasing program for $18,250 -0- this item. A6018- Page 124, Personnel Worksheet for the proposed new position of Code Officer, under the annual salary 98-99 column, change $13,270 to $13,536 and on that same line for the hourly rate 98-99 change 12.760 to 13.015/ FACILITIES MAINTEAIArTCE ~.~ A5519 Page 132, in the Personnel Worksheet on [he line titles Custodian for the new position, the annual salary 98-99 in the amount of $17,786 is to be recalculated on a 7-month salary to start with the opening of the new Public Safety building. In addition, this item is to be budgeted for a part-time person for the first 5-months of FY 98-99. A5519-66410 Automotive Staff to include a lease a lieu of a capital purchasel+mLeasemoa tin is to be based on a P yment $20,000 purchase price. SANITATION A7020-343 40 Solid Waste Disposal $60,000 $73,000 STREETrMAINTENANCE A7321-3 6 4 81 R & M Street Resurfacing $45,000 _0_ A7321 3 - 4682 R & M Street Paving $18,000 $20,000 A7321 -66490 Machinery & Equipment This item to be financed as a lease payment. $45,720 -0- A7321 -66410 Automotive This item is to be part of the lease package for the purchase of a new stake body truck. A7 2 3 1-66490 Machinery & Equipment This item is to be a lease payment for a new tractor. DEPARTMEDTP - RECREATION i' ACCO@1'P NO. ~~ RBMARRS ~~ TO A8 028-35218 Auto Parts Supplies $2,000 $300 DWK:sh cc: Bruce F. Sekeres, Public Safety Director Tom Hogarth, Public Services Director Shaukat Khan, Finance Director '~..~