07-12-1999 VC B WS-M~, ~~~ ~M~ _~~~ Office of the Village Manager DENNIS W. KELLY (561) 848-3476 Faz: (561) 848-3344 E-mail: villnpb~evcom.net Date: July I5, 1999 To: Mayor & Village Council From: Dennis W. Kelly, Village Manag RE: Village Council Budget Workshop of July 12,1999 The Village of NORTH PALM BEACH 501 U.S. Highway 1 North Palm Beach, FL 33408 The Village Council met in workshop session on Monday, July 12, 1999, at 7:00 p.m. to review the proposed Country Club budget for FY 99-00. All Council members were present; Country Club Advisory Boazd members present were: Chainman Arnold Hess, members Paul Lambrakis, Bob Below and Patti Unruh; staff present were Village Manager Dennis Kelly, Finance Director Shaukat Khan, Assistant Village Manager Doug Smith, Country Club Administrator Ron Albert, Golf Course Maintenance Superintendent John Morsut, Co-head Pro John Scott, Assistant Golf Pro John Smith. The Council entered into budget workshop discussions and made the following changes (see attachment): The Council ended their discussion with the Golf Shop budget and there being no further business to come before the Council, they stood adjourned at approximately 10:00 p.m.; they will start with the Golf Carts portion of the budget on Monday, July 19, 1999 in workshop session at 7:00 p.m. DWK:sh Attachment cc: Country Club Advisory Boazd Shaukat Khan, Finance Director Doug Smith, Assistant Village Manager Ron Albert, Country Club Administrator John Morsut, Golf Course Maintenance Superintendent MEMORANDUM r.,. From• Course L8045-35217 L8045-66490 Machinery 8 Equip. Increase parts cleaner from -0- to $1,000. L8045- L8059- L8059- L8059- Machinery 8 Equip Supplies Reduce by $1,000 and increase parts cleaner under Capital Outfay from -0- to $1,000 (see following changes). Part-time Pay Council directed staff to maintain part-time hourly rates and titles as reflected in the current draft budget pending review and action on the consultant's salary survey performed by Human Resource Performance Consultants. If the Council adopts the HRPC recommendations, then the hourly rates and titles will be changed in the budgets, per the Council's directive. If the Council does not adopt the HRPC recommendations, then the hourly rates and titles for part- timers will reflect the same hourly rates as the full-timers. Golf Course Maintenance Page 167-Goals, change goal statement from continue improving to improve aesthetics and playability of the golf course. Clubhouse Grounds Page 217 change goals' language: from ensure that to provide a safe and clean environment, scratch is provided,• the new goals statement should read: Provide a safe and clean environment for all members and the general public. Clubhouse Grounds Change the objectives: first bullet from ensure clubhouse grounds are groomed to clubhouse grounds are to be groomed and well maintained on a daily basis. Clubhouse Grounds Major changes: Second bullet "implement landscape plan on U.S. 1 - $100,000. Add third bullet beautification of clubhouse (including signage) - $50,000. $35,000.00 534,000 $70,750.00 571,750. 1 of 2 Grounds Shop Account No. Name Remarks From: To: L8059-33190 Other Professional According to the CCAB minutes of May 24, 1999, the $3,000 listed $3,000.00 $0. under their column should have been -0- to begin with. The Council changed from $3,000 to -0- is to reflect the CCAB's earlier action. L8059-33440 Exterminating Staff to break out the cost of exterminating among the various $3,780.00 $900 divisions within the CC budget. . L8059-35214 Building Maint. Supplies Reflect actual expenditures for 8 months $3,000.00 $1,500. L8059-66210 Const. 8 Major Renovation The $100,000 for implementing landscape plan for U.S. 1 and $0.00 $150 000. $50,000 to implement beautification and signage for the clubhouse. , L8046- Golf Shop Reflect organizational changes from 2 Co-head Pro's to 1 Head Pro with 3 Assistant Pro's. Two of the assistant Pro's to come under the golf shop and one Assistant Pro to come under the driving range budget. Staff to develop organization chart and various salaries and costs to reflect the new organization. On page 179, change the titles from the 2 Co-head Pro's and 1 Assistant Pro to 1 Head Pro and 2 Assistant Pro's. L8046-35530 Golf Merchandise Increase merchandise purchasing $60,000.00 $100,000. L2246-02301 Revenues -Golf Merchandise To increase revenues from merchandise sales in golf shop. $70,000.00 $130,000. 11of2