07-21-1999 VC B WS-M~-` ~~`~~ ~~ ~~~ ~~~~ Office of the Village Manager DENNIS W. KELLY (561) 848-3476 Fax: (561) 848-3344 E-mail: villnpb~evcom.net Date: July 26, 1999 To: Mayor & Village Council From: Dennis W. Kelly, Village Mana 12E: Village Council Budget Workshop of July 21,1999 The Village of NORTH PALM BEACH 501 U.S. Highway 1 North Palm Beach, FL 33408 The Village Council met in workshop session on Wednesday, July 21, 1999, at 7:00 p.m. to review vazious proposed departmental budgets (Village Clerk, Recreation, Special Events, Library, Village Council, Village Attorney, Village Manager and Finance) for FY 99-00. All Council members were present; staff present were Village Manager Dennis Kelly, Finance Director Shaukat Khan, Assistant Village Manager Doug Smith, Village Clerk Kitty Kelly, Recreation Director Mark Hodgkins, Library Director Nancy Moore and Library Advisory Boazd Chairman Thomas Farley. The Council entered into budget workshop discussions starting with Village Clerk and made changes per the attached workshop changes sheet (attached). The Council completed their workshop session at approximately 10:00 p.m. and completed all of the above listed departments. There being no further business to come before the Council, they stood adjourned at 10:00 p.m.; they will start with the General Fund, Public Services Department, budget on Monday, July 26, 1999 in workshop session at 7:00 p.m. DWK:sh Attachment cc: Shaukat Khan, Finance Director Doug Smith, Assistant Village Manager Kitty Kelly, Village Clerk Mark Hodgkins, Recreation Director Nancy Moore, Library Director Ron Albert, Country Club Administrator MEM ORANDUM ~..~ VILLAGE COUNCIL BUDGET WORKSHOP CHANGES (7-21-99) Preliminary comments from Councilman O'Meilia regarding corrections to the budget workshop memorandum dated July 20 representing discussions of July 19, 1999. On page 4 of 4 of those minutes, the following correction was made: strike through the words in the very last sentence, "...and plan on developing a restaurant minimum..." such that the sentence will read The consensus of fhe Council was to not do an assessment this year, but to study the matter for next year. Dept. Account No. Name COUNTRY CLUB L2246-08100 Food & Beverage Lease REVENUES VILLAGE CLERK A4904-11230 Certification Pay A4904-33491 VILLAGE COUNCIL A4801-11110 A4801-34811 A4801-35420 A4801-35420 A4801-35420 Remarks Strike, "projected contract with Eddie D" Subject to review by Village Council prior to making final commitment. Contractual Services Staff to do a comprehensive analysis of all computer maintenance requests and determine what services can be provided by the Information Systems Specialist and determine what services will require budget support. Executive Salaries Staff is to survey Council salaries of comparable cities in the area. Employee Relations Staff to review policy on employee relations throughout the various departments. Membership 8 Dues To incorporate membership/annual dues to join the National League of Cities in the amount of $550. Membership & Dues Increase the annual dues/membership for the Palm Beach County Municipal League. Membership 8 Dues National League of Cities annual dues/membership: From: To: $8,200.00 $8,950.00 $5,400.00 $5,600.00 $0.00 $550.00 f" ~1 of 4 Dept. RECREATION Account No. A4801 A8028 A8028 A8028 A8028 A8028-34660 A8028-66422 A8028 A8028 Name Remarks On page 20, Travel, Training & Conference detail, under the column Employee Name, delete the parenthetical 5 such that the column will read Council members, with no number, under the column titled Organization, after the Florida League of Cities put a slash and add National League of Cities. Organization Chart to be included in final draft (include outside instructors under contract with the Village as part of the organization chart. Recreation Director to provide Goals & Objectives as part of his summary sheet on page 145. On page 145 under Major Changes in 1999-2000, the first bullet is to be changed as follows: between the word teen and special insert a slash; after the word events, add /youth athletics. Councilman Vastola provided a verbal report regarding the recreation survey as discussed by the Recreation Advisory Board. Staff to continue working with the Recreation Advisory Boani in developing the survey with a draft of the survey to be submitted to the Village Council for their review before being sent out to the public. From: To: R 8 M PA and Communication Systems For security system for Community Center. $1,000.00 $4,500.00 Playground 8 Outside Equipment Add two benches and two picnic tables and change the detailed amount $34,500.00 $36,500.00 on page 154 from $6,000 to $8,000. On page 150 under the Personnel Worksheet under Job Title column, the job titled Teen/Special Event is to be changed to a more appropriate title. The new title is to be accompanied with a job description and a salary range. Recreation Director is to coordinate with Public Services Director in determining cost to provide a shade cover for the volleyball courts at Anchorage Park. ~2Of4 Dept. Account No. Name Remarks Frorn: TO: SPECIAL EVENTS A8229 Discussion ensued regarding reopening ceremony for the Country Club with consensus to fund the reopening out of the Country Club budget in the amount of $5,000. All former Mayors and former Council members are to be invited. LIBRARY A7927 Staff to provide an Organization Chart for the budget draft. A7927 On page 135 under the Objectives, the third and fifth bullets are to be deleted; the fourth bullet the word pursue is to be scratched and replaced with the word provide wherein the new third bullet will read, provide adequate parking for library patrons. " A7927 Village Council brought up the issue of inserting the Village logo wheel as part of the frontage/signage on the Public Safety Building. A7927-33190 Professional Services Re-insert space and lighting study to determine ade uate use of s ace 4 P $0.00 $8,000.00 in the adult library. A7929 ON page 139, Personnel Worksheet, the following changes were made: Job Code 7927-0102 will be changed from Library Assistant to Librarian 1. Under part-time, delete Librarian Mary Lou Stant. Under Regular Employee re-instate Reference/Computer Librarian (Job Code No. to be determined). The above referenced changes will not become effective until December 1, 1999. VILLAGE A5105-33113 Labor Services Anticipate less demand for the Tabor attorney after PBA contract is ATTORNEY completed for athree-year contract period. $15,000.00 $10,000.00 A4902 On page 21 amend the organization chart where the Country Club Administrative Board is listed change it to Country Club Advisory Board. In addition, add a block under the organization chart next to the VILLAGE Recreation Department representing the Country Club Department. MANAGER A4902 On page 22 under the goal statement, change as follows: in the second line the third to the last word, as" is to be changed to , "a" and strike the last two words in that paragraph, "as permitted" wherein the statement will read "...laws and actions in a cost effective manner..." ~3of4 Dept. Account No. Name Remarks A4902 On page 22 under the Objectives strike the words improve at the beginning of bullets of 1, 4 and 5 and replace the words improve with the words enhance in the same bullets. A4902 On page 29, Travel, Training $ Conference budget detail, under the Employee Name column the 4th listing from the bottom, strike Kelly, leave Smith for the Palm Beach County City Management Association Annual Retreat; on that same column, second line from the bottom, after the name Smith insert a slash and insert Moore for mileage reimbursement. FINANCE A5003 On page 30, Organization Chart, where the block reads Executive Secretary, change to Administrative Secretary. A5003-11230 Certification Pay To be reviewed by Council. A5003 Under Job Title Account Clerk II for Employee Name strike Bavec, Angela and replace with Wezenski, Darlene. Finance Director to make adjustments under the salary column 98-99 and the salary column 99- 00. A5003 On page 39, Travel, Training & Conference budget detail, under Director, the second line GFOA Conference, under the destination column change out of state to Chicago. The following items were discussed intermittently during the budget workshop:(1) staff to obtain status of engineering work on the Herb Watt Building/parking area around the library. (2) Staff to develop draft policy on out-of-state travel. (3) Staff to develop summary of all new positions as suggested in the budget. (4) Staff to update inventory list of office equipment, plus various maintenance agreements. (5) Village Manager provided Council with update on post employment certification and will revisit that issue and develop recommendation for future Council meeting. (6) Village Manager provided update on the Public Safety Aide job description and proceed to complete the updating of the job description and proceed to hire personnel for those two positions. In closing, the Council decided to amend the workshop schedule to change Debt Service, Reserve and Revenues from Tuesday, July 27 to Monday, July 26 and Tuesday, July 27 will be dedicated to discussing the salary survey by Human Resource Performance consultants and the Public Safety Organization Analysis from the Center for Public Safety Options. Setting the mileage rate will be rescheduled from Thursday, July 29 to Wednesday, July 28. The open date will be rescheduled from Wednesday, July 28 to Thursday, July 29, 1999. From: To: P \4 of 4