Ordinance 1982-014 Rezoning the "Delacorte Site" ORDINANCE N0. 14-82 AN ORDINANCE OF THE VILLEtGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, REZONING A 10-ACRE TRACT LOCATED ON PROSPERITY FARMS ROAD IN THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, COMMONLY KNOWN AS THE "DELACORTE SITE", FROM ZONING DISTRICTS R-1 AND R-2 TO ZONING ' DISTRICT P-PUBLIC. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA: Section 1. That certain 10-acre tract located near Prosperity Farms Road and the extension of Burns Road in the Village of North Palm Beach, popularly known as the "Delacorte Site", the legal description of which is attached hereto as Exhibit "A", and by reference made a part hereof, be, and the same is hereby, rezoned from Zoning Districts R-1 and R-2 to Zoning District P-Public. Section 2. The Village Clerk is hereby directed to cause the official zoning map of the Village to be amended by entering the change set forth. above on the official zoning map through crosshatching or other appropriate means, including redraft by an engineer, if necessary. The Mayor and Village Clerk are further directed to sign an entry on the official zoning map as follows: "On the 12th day of August , 1082, by official action of the Village Council, the following changes were made in the official zoning map: That certain 10-acre tract located near Prosperity Farms Road and the extension of Burns Road in the Village of North Palm Beach, popularly known as the. "Delacorte Site", was changed from Zoning District R-1 and R-2 to Zoning District P-Public." There shall be a space provided for signature by the Village Mayor, whose signature shall be attested by the Village Clerk. Section 3. This Ordinance shall take effect immediately upon passage. PLACED ON FIRST PUBLIC HEARING THIS 14th DAY OF JANUARY, 1982. PLACED ON SECOND PUBLIC HEARING THIS 11th DAY OF FEBRUARY, 1982. PLACED ON FIRST READING THIS 22nd DAY OF July 1982 PLACED ON SECOND, FINAL READING AND PASSED THIS 12th DAY OF, AUGUST 1982. ~~ MAYOR ATTEST: VILLAGE CLERK EXHIBIT "A" A parcel of. land •in the Plortheas 7o~;mship 42 South, Range 43 East, Florida, being more particularly t Quarter of S^ction 8, Palm Beach County, described as follows: Comencing at the South~;rest corner of said tortheast Quarter; thence South 89° 46' 53" East, along the South line of said tortheast Quarter, (the South line of said Northeast Quarter is assumed to bear South S9' 46' 53" East and all other bearings are relative thereto) a distance of 105.0 feet to a point on the East fright--of- 41ay line of ProsperityFarms Road; thence Morth 0' 35' 37" East-along said. East Right-of-blay line, a distance of 729-.74 feet to ttie PUItlT OF BEGIU~IttG of t%;e hereinafter described parcel; thence continue tlorth. 0' 35' 37 " East along said East Right-of-Way line a distance of 584.55 feet to a point on a line 20.0-feet South of, ti•rhen measured at rigfit angles to, and parallel ~•ri th the tlorth 1 the of the Southwest Quarter of the Ptorth- east Quarter of said Section 8; thence South 89' 58' 27" East, along said parallel .line, a distance of 876.61 feet to a point; thence South 25° 12' 15" l•lest Parallel to the Flest P,ight-of-Way line of the tlorth Palm Beach llaten~ray as shown on the Plat of GOLF COURSE ADDITIOt! HO 2_, VILLAGE OF tJORTH PALt•1 BEACH, as recorded in Plat Book 2ct, Page 67, Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida, a distance of 652.51 feet to a point o n the Easterly Prolongation of the tlorth Right-of-4lay line of Burns Road, as described in Official Record Book 1241, Pages 259 and 260, Public P.ecords of Palm Beach County, Florida; thence North 89' 24' 23" hest along said prolongation a distance of 60+.83 feet to a point on said East Right-of-6day line of Prosperity Farms Road and the POIPIT OF BEGItI~lIHG. SUBJECT TO an easement for bike riding purposes over and• across the 41est 10.0 feet thereof. Containing in all 10.0 acres, more or less.