Ordinance 1978-009 Amends Standard Building Code 1976 Edition Including AppendicesORDINANCE N0, 9-78 AN ORDINANCE OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEAC}{, FLORIDA, 1 AMF,NllING CHAPTF,R 6 OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH CODE, T}{E BUILDING CODE FOR THE VILLAGE, BY ADOPTING BY REFERENCE THERF,TO THC STANDARD BUILDING CODE, 1976 EDITION, INCLUDING APPENDICES A, R, C, I:, F, }{, I, {. AND M THERETO AND SETTING FORTH AMENDMENTS TO SAID STANDARD BUILDING CODE. BF. IT ORDAINED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA: Section 1. Section 6-11 of the Village of North Palm Beach 1 Code is hereby amended to read as follows: "Sec. 6-11. ADOPTED BY REFERENCE---Under the authority of Section 163.295, Florida Statutes, the Village of North Palm Beach hereby adopts by reference hereto, the Standard Building Code, 1976 Edition, including Appendices A, B, C, E, F, H, I, L and M, and the recommended amendments of the Palm Beach County Building Code Advisory Board, as the building code for the Village. There has been for at least ten days last past and shall be during the time that this code is in effect, three copies of such code and recommended amendments kept available for public use, inspection and examination." Section 2. Section 6-12 of the Village of North Palm t3eac}t Code is hereby amended to read as follows: "Sec. 6-12. AMENDMENTS, CORRECTIONS AND ADDITIONS---The following amendments, corrections, and additions to the recommended amendments of the Palm Beach County Building Code Advisory Board are hereby made and adopted; said amendments, corrections and additions being set forth herein with reference to and prefaced by the Section number and title of said amendments, as follows: 1 SECTION 10/.4 - SCHEDULE OF PERMIT FEES, CHARGES AND EXPENSES. Delete existing first paragraph and rewrite as follows• 1 A On all buildings, structures or alterations requiring a building permit as set forth in Section 105. fee shall be paid as required at the time of filing application in accordance with the following schedule of total val- uation of the structure. Total valuation may be established by submission of a signed, norarized contract. A. BUILDING PERMITS Amount Fee $s7,ooo. 58,000. s9,ooo. 60,000. 61,000. 62,000. 63,000. 64,000. 65,000. 66,000. 67,000. 68,000. 69,000. 70,000. 71,000. 72,000. 73,000. 74,000. 75,000. 76,000. 77,000. 78,000. 79,000. so,ooo. 81,000. 8z.ooo. 83,000. 84,000. 85,000. 86,000. 87,000. 88,000. 89,000. 90,000. 91,000. 92,000. 93,000. 94,000. 95,000. 96,000. 97,000. 98,000. 99,000. 100,000, Amount Fee Under $100. 100. 500. 2,000. 3,000. 4,000. 5,000. 6,000. 7,000. 8,000. 9,000. 10,000. 11,000. 12,000. 13,000. 14,000. 15,000. 16,000. 17,000. 18,000. 19,000. 20,000. 21,000. 22,000. 23,000. 24,000. 25,000. 26,000. 27,000. 28,000. 29,000. 30,000. 31,000. 32,000. 33,000. 3~{, OOD. 35,000. 36,000. 37,000. 38,000. 39,000. 40,000. 41,000. 42,000. 43,000. 44,000. 45,000. x{6,000. ~} 7, 000. 48,000. 49,000. 50,000. 51.,000. 52,000. 53,000. 54,000. 55;000. 56,000. - 499. - 1,999. - 2,999. - 3,999. - 4,999. - 5,999. - 6,999. - 7,999. - 8,999. - 9,999. - 10,999. - 11,999. - 12,999. - 13,999. - 14,999. - 15,999. - 16,999. - 17,999. - 18,999. - 19,999. - 20,999. - 21,999. - 22,999. -.23,999. - 24,999. - 25,999. - 26,999. - 27,999. - 28,999. - 29,999. - 30,999. - 31,999. - 32,999. - 33,999. - 34,999. - 35,999. - 36,999. - 37,999. - 38,999. -.39,999. - 40,999. - 41,999. - 42,999. - 43,999. - 44,999. - 45,999. - 46,999. - 47,999. - 48,999. - 49,999. - 50,999. - 51,999. - 52,999. - 53,999. - 54,999. - 55,999. - 56,999. $ 5.00 8.00 ls.oo 20.00 25.00 30.00 35.00 40.00 45.00 50.00 55.00 60.00 65.00 70.00 75.00 80.00 85.00 90.00 95.00 100.00 105.00 110.00 115.00 120.00 125.00 130.00 135.00 140.00 145.00 150.00 155.00 160.00 165.00 170.00 175.00 179.00 183.00 187.00 191.00 195.00 199.00 203.00 207.00 211.00 215.00 219.00 223.00 227.00 231.00 235.00 239.00 243.00 247.00 251.00 255.00 259.00 263.00 267.00 - 57,999. - 58,999. - 59,999. - 60,999. - 61,999. - 62,999. - 63,999. - 64,999. - 65,999. - 66,999. - 67,999. - 68,999. - 69,999. - 70,.999. - 71,999. - 72,999. - 73,999. - 74,999. - 75,999. - 76,999. - 77,999. - 78,999. - 79,999. - 80,999. - 81,999. - 82,999. - 83,999. - 84,999. - 85,999. - 86,999. - 87,999. - 88,999. - 89,999. - 90,999. - 91,999. - 92,999. - 93,999. - 94,999. - 95,999. - 96,999. - 97,999. - 98,999. - 99,999. -100,999. $271.00 275.00 279.00 283.00 287.00 291.00 295.00 299.00 303.00 307.00 317..00 315.00 319.00 323.00 327.00 331.00 335.00 339.00 343.00 347.00 351.00 355.00 359.00 363.00 367.00 371.00 375.00 379.00 383.00 387.00 391.00 395.00 399.00 403.00 407.00 411.00 415.00 419.00 423.00 427.00 ~{31.00 435.00 439.00 443.00 $101,000. - $444.00 plus $1.50 per $1,000 valuation over $101,000. MOVING BUILDING - $10.00 DEMOLITION $10.00 DRIVEWAYS & SIDEWALKS - $15.00 CONDEMNED BY CITY - No fee for demolition. STRUCTURAL PEST CONTROL - $5.00 UNDERGROUND FUEL - Value as above plus $.10.00 fire inspection fee. -2- 1 lOG.S Special Inspector. Add new paragraphs (e) and (f) 2 (e) In lieu of Section 106.5 (a) (b) (c) and (d) the Building 3 Official may require, at his discretion, the contractor of a commercial 4 building of 5,000 square feet or more of floor area on the ground floor 5 or an apartment house of thirty (30) or more apartments to pay the ' 6 Village of North Palm Beach an hourly inspection fee, monthly on demand. 7 The certification of the number of hours to be charged shall be made by B the Building Official monthly. The hourly rate for the inspection f'ee 9 shall be established yearly by the Village Manager prior to 1 November 10 of each fiscal year. 11 (f) Factory Built Housing, as defined in the Florida Factory 12 13uilt Housing Act of 1971, Part IV, of Chapter 443, as amended, Florida 13 Statutes, shall be inspected by the Building Department during the 1~4 placing of the buildings on the foundations. This inspection shall cover 15 the unloading and erection of the building components and the hook-up ](, of t}ie utility lines. An hourly inspection fee, in addition to the 17 regular building permit fee, shall be charged by the Village to t}~e ' 18 contractor for regular building permit fee, shall be charged by the 19 Village to the contractor for this inspection time. The certification 20 of the number of hours inspection time to be charged shall be made by 2l the Building Department. The hourly rate for the inspection fee shall 22 he established yearly by the Village Manager prior to 1 November of 23 each fiscal year. 2~1 109.1 (a) REQUIRED FOR CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY. Add new paragrap}~ 25 A certificate of occupancy shall not be issued by the Building 26 Official until a certified survey of the property, locating all existing 27 improvements and property lines for said property shall be furnished to 28 the Building Official. 29 SECTION 111 - Delete Section - See Contractors Board Ordinance. 3E1 SECTION 112 - Delete Section - See Contractors Board Ordinance. 31 SECTION 113 - Delete Section - See Contractors Board Ordinance. 32 SECTION 114 - Delete entirely. -3- 6 304. Add paragraph 11 as follows: 7 11. One and two family dwellings and private garages may be erected 8 of type VI wood frame construction in zoning classification R-1 and R-2 9 only providing such buildings are set back from side and rear property 10 lines at least ten (10) feet. ' 1.l 506 - HI GI[ RISF, SPECIAL PROVISIONS. Delete in amendment and substitute 12 the following Section 506.1. 13 506.1 - SCOPE 14 These requirements shall apply to all apartment houses, hotels and ]5 office buildings having floors used for human occupancy located more than 16 four (4) stories or forty (40) feet above the average grade. Such build- ]) ings will be required to provide sprinkler protection. 18 506.11 - Areas of Refuge - Delete. 19 509.1 - LIQUID FUEL REQUIREMENTS - Delete in amendment and substitute 20 the following: 21 1. Permit required when capacity over two gallons. It shall be 22 unlawful for any person to install, place, locate, bury, erect, or main- , 23 tain, or to aid or assist in the installation, placing, locating, burying, 24 erecting, or maintaining any tank designed or intended to be used for the 25 storage of any liquid commonly used for fuel, such as, liquefied petroleum 2E~ Gas, gasoline, kerosene, diesel oil or like substances, having a total 27 capacity of over two gallons trpon any property or premises within t}re 28 Village, unless there first be secured from the Village Building I)epart- 29 meat a written permit. 30 Appendix M - Standards - Add: 37 1976 Standard Building Code Standard for Installation of Roof Coverings. U -4- Section 3. Any person, firm, or corporation who shall violate a provision of this Ordinance, or fail to comply therewith, or with any of the requirements thereof, shall be guilty of a misde- meanor. F.ach such person shall be deemed guilty of a separate offense for each and every day or portion thereof during which any violation of any of the provisions of this Ordinance is committed or contimaed, and upon conviction of any such violation, such person shall be punished by a fine of not less than fifty ($S O) dollars nor more than five hundred ($500) dollars, or by imprisonment not exceeding six (6) months, or by both such fine or imprisonment. Section 4. This Ordinance shall take effect immediately 1 1 upon passage. PLACED ON FIRST READING THIS 27TH DAY OF APRIL, 1978. YLACF;D ON PUBLIC HEARING THIS 25TH DAY OF MAY, 1978. YLACF,D ON SECOND, FINAL READING AND PASSED THIS 25TH DAY OF MAY, 1978. (Village Seal) ATTEST: /s/ Dolores R. Walker Village Clerk /s/ Al Moore MAYOR