Ordinance 1978-007 Subdivision & Development of LandORDINANCE N0. 7-78 1 AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING PROCEDURES AND STANDARDS FOR THE SUBDIVISION AND DEVELOPMENT OF LAND AND FOR THE SURVEYING AND PLATTING THEREOF; DEFINING CER- TAIN TERMS USED HEREIN; PRESCRIBING STANDARDS OF IMPROVEMENTS TO BE INSTALLED BY THE DEVELOPER: ES- TABLISHING PROCEDURES FOR PRELIMINARY AND FINAL APPROVAL OF PLATS; PROVIDING FOR MODIFICATIONS AND EXCEPTIONS TO THESE REGULATIONS: PROVIDING FOR THE METHOD OF ADMINISTRATION AND AMENDMENT: ESTABLISH- ING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION: AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA: ARTICLE I IN GENERAL ;-J 1 Section 36-1. Short Title This ordinance shall be known and may be cited as the Subdivision Regulations of North Palm Beach, Florida. Section 36-2. Enactment and Authority Pursuant to Chapters 163 and 177, florida Statutes, the Village of North Palm Beach, Palm Beach County, Florida, does hereby ordain and enact into law these Subdivision Regulations. Section 36-3. Jurisdiction These regulations shall govern all subdivision of lands within the corporate limits of North Palm Beach, Florida, as now or hereafter establish- ed. Section 36=4. Purpose and Intent These subdivision regulations are intended to aid in the cocrdina- tion of land development in accordance with orderly physical patterns; to discourage haphazard, premature, uneconomic; or scattered land development; to encourage development of economically stable and healthful communities; to insure proper identification, monumentation and recording of real estate boundaries; to insure to the purchaser of land in the subdivision that ad- equate and necessary physical improvements of lasting quality will be instal- led by the developer and insure that citizens and taxpayers will not bear this cost; to provide for safe and convenient traffic circulation; to pro- vide an efficient, adequate and economic supply of utilities and services to new land developments; to prevent periodic or seasonal flooding through pro- vision of protective flood control measures and drainage facilities; to pro- vide public open spaces in new land developments through the dedication or reservation of land for recreational, educational, and other public purposes; to help conserve and protect physical, economic, and scenic resources; to promote the public health, safety, comfort, convenience and general welfare; and to serve as an instrument of comprehensive plan implementation authorized by Chapter 163, Florida Statutes. -1- Section 36-5. Definition of Terms General Terms L Except as otherwise provided herein, all words shall have the customary dictionary meaning. The present tense includes the future tense and the future tense includes the present tense. The singular number in- cludes the plural and the plural includes the singular. The word "shall" is always mandatory. Section 36-6. Specific Terms 1. AASHTO - American Association of State Highway and Transporta- tion Officials. 2. Abutting Property - Property that is immediately adjacent or across a public right-of-way from a property being subdivided. 3. Alley - A right-of-way providing a secondary means of access to abutting properties having the principal frontage on a street. 4. Block - A group of lots existing within-well-defined and fixed boundaries, usually being an area surrounded by streets or other physical barriers. 5. Building - Any structure designed or built for the support, en- closure, shelter or protection of persons, animals or chattels of any kind. 6. Building Setback Line - A line within a lot or other parcel of land so designated on the preliminary plat, between which line and the ad- jacent boundary of the street upon which the lot abuts, the erection of a building is prohibited as prescribed by the Zoning Ordinance. 7. Clerk - Clerk of the Circuit Court of Palm Beach County, Florida. 1 8. Curb or Curb Line - The inside vertical face of a masonry curb, the center line of a valley gutter, or the edge of the pavement where no curb. or gutters exist. 9. Developer - A person, partnership or corporation or duly author- ized agent, who undertakes the subdivision of land under these regulations 10. Developments of Regional Impact - A project requiring approval by the designated regional planning agency. 11. Dwelling - A building or portion thereof designed or used ex- clusively for residential occupancy. 12. Easement - An interest in land granted fora specific purpose or purposes but not conveying title to real property. Use of arty easement is restricted as indicated on plat. 13. Engineer - A Professional Engineer registered to practice en- gineering by the State of Florida who is in good standing with the Florida State Board of Engineer Examiners. 14. Final Plat - A finished drawing of a subdivision showing com- pletely and accurately all legal and engineering information and certification necessary for recording. 15. flood - A temporary rise in water level that results in inunda- tion of areas not ordinarily covered by water. 16. Flood Fre uenc -The statistically determined average of how often a specific flood eve or discharge may be equalled or exceeded. 17. Flo - The channel of a watercourse and portions of the ad- joining flood plain w ich are reasonably required to carry and discharge the regulatory flood. -2- 18. Floodw Frin e - The area adjoining a watercourse which, al- though not lying wit in a floodway, has been or may hereafter be covered by a regulatory flood. 11 L~ 19. Frontage - The length of the property line of the lot, lots, or tract of land abutting a public street, road, highway, or other right-of-way. 20. Grade - The inclination, with the horizontal, of a road, unim- proved land, etc., which is generally expressed by the vertical rise or fall as a percentage of the horizontal distance. 21. Improvements - Physical changes made to raw land, ahd structures placed on or under the land surface, in order to make the land more usable. Typical improvements in these regulations would be grading, street pavements, curbs, gutters, drainage ditches, storm and sanitary sewers, utility lines of all types, street name signs, permanent control points "P.C.P.s," permanent reference monuments "P.R.M.s," etc. 22. Land Surveyor - A land surveyor registered under Chapter 472, Florida Statutes, who is ih good standing with the Florida State Board of Engineer Examiners. 23. Lot - A parcel of land contained within property lines of a specific area, including land within easements and building setback lines of said area, but excluding any land within street right-of-way. The word "lot" includes the words "plot, parcel and tract." a. Corner Lot - a lot abutting upon two or more streets at a street intersection, or abutting upon two adjoining and deflected lines of the same street that form an interior angle of less than one hundred thirty-five degrees (135°). b. Interior Lot - A lot other than a corner lot having front- age only on one street. c. Double Frontage Lot - A lot other than a corner lot having frontage on two or more streets or two portions of the same street. d. Lot Depth - The average horizontal distance between the front and rear property lines of a lot. e. Lot Width - The distance, measured along the building set- back line, between two side property lines of a lot. 1 24. Performance Bond or Surety Bond - An agreement by a subdivider or developer with the Village Council for the amount of the estimated con- struction cost guaranteeing the completion of physical improvements accord- ing to plans and specifications within the time prescribed by the agreement. 25. Permanent Control Point "P.C.P." - A secondary horizontal con- trol monument which shall be a metal marker with the point of reference marked thereon or a four inch by four inch concrete monument a minimum of twenty-four inches long with the point of reference marked thereon. "P.C.P.s" shall bear the registration number of the surveyor filing the plat of record. 26. Permanent Reference Monument "P.R.M." - A one half inch metal rod a minimum of twenty- our Inc es ong or a one and one-half inch minimum diameter metal pipe a minimum of twenty inches long, either of which shall be encased in a minimum six (6) inch diameter solid block of concrete, or a con- crete monument four inches by four inches, a minimum of twenty-four inches long, with the point of reference marked thereon. A metal cap marker, with the point of reference marked thereon, shall bear the registration number of the surveyor certifying the plat of record, and the letters "PRM" shall be placed in the top of the monument. 27. Person - The word "person" includes "firm, corporation, associa- tion, organization, trust, estate or partnership." -3- 28. Plat - A map or drawing on which a subdivision plan is presented which depicts a complete and exact representation of the proposed subdivision and other information required by these regulations. 1 1 29. Preliminary Plat - A tentative plat of a proposed subdivision showing the proposed layout of the tract in sufficient detail to indicate the suitability of the proposed subdivision of land. 30. Reach - A hydraulic engineering term to describe longitudinal segments of a stream or river. A reach will generally include the segment of the flood hazard areas where flood heights are influenced by a man-made or natural obstruction. In an urban area the segment of a stream or river be- tween the consecutive bridge crossings would typically constitute a reach. 31. Regulatory flood - The flood which is representative of large floods known to have occurred in the area and reasonably characteristic of what can be expected to occur. The regulatory flood generally has a flood frequency of 100 years as determined by the Federal Insurance Administration from an analysis of floods at a particular site and other sites in the same general region. 32. Right-of-Wad - Land dedicated, deeded, used, or to be used, for a street, alley, walkway, boulevard, drainage facility, access for ingress or egress, or other purposes by the public, certain designated individuals, or governing bodies. 33. Sidwalk - That portion of the street right-of-way outside the roadway, which is improved for the use of pedestrian traffic. 34. Street - Any access way such as a street, road, highway, boule- vard, alley, parkway, circle, court or cul-de-sac, and also includes all of the land lying between the right-of-way lines as delineated on a plat showing such streets, whether improved or unimproved, but shall not include those access ways such as easements and right-of-way intended solely for limited utility purposes such as for electric power lines, telephone lines, water lines, drainage and sanitary sewers and easements of ingress and egress. a. Arterial Street - A highway used primarily for through traffic,. carrying heavy volumes of predominantly long- distance traffic, usually on a continuous route. b. Collector Street - A street which, in addition to pro- viding access to abutting properties, carries traffic between local streets and the system of arterial streets and highways. c. Local Street - A street of limited continuity used pri- marily for access to abutting properties and not for through traffic. d. Marginal Access Street - A local or collector street, parallel and adjacent to an arterial or collector street providing access to abutting properties and protection from arterial or collector streets (also called Frontage Street). 1 e. Cul-de-Sac - A local street of relatively short length with one end open and the other end terminating in a vehicular turnaround. 35. Subdivider - Any person, firm, partnership, association, co r- poration, estate, or trust or arty other group or combination acting as a unit, dividing or proposing to divide land so as to constitute a subdivision as herein defined, including an agent of a developer. 36. Subdivision - All divisions or re-subdivisions of a tract or parcel of land into two or more contiguous lots, building sites, or other divisions including all divisions of land involving the dedication of a new street or change in existing streets; provided, however, that the following -4- shall not be included within this definition nor be subject to the provisions of these regulations: a. Any division of land directly from inheritance, either by testate or intestate, shall be exempted from the pro- visions of these regulations, provided that such division is not accomplished through recorded plats. 1 1 1 b. Any deed of gift, for any parcel of land given without val- uable consideration to any member of the donors immediate family shall be exempted from the provisions of these reg- ulations, provided that such division is not accomplished through recorded plats. c. The public acquisition of strips of land for the widening or opening of streets. 37. To Plat - To provide or subdivide lands into lots, blocks, par- cels, tracts, sites, or other divisions, however the same may be designated, and the recording of the plat in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Palm Beach County. 38. Use - The specific purposes for which land or a building is designated, arranged, intended, or for which it is or may be occupied or main- tained. 39. Utilities - Includes but is not limited to water systems, el- ectrical power, sanitary sewer systems, gas systems, storm drainage systems, telephone and television cable systems. 40. Village Council - The legal governing body of the Village of North Palm Beach. ARTICLE II PROCEDURES FOR SUBDIVISION PLAT APPROVAL Section 36-7. General Before any land under the jurisdiction of these subdivision regu- lations is to be subdivided which will require any new street, alley, ease- ment or public right-of-way to be created or before any building, street, drainage, or utility construction in said subdivision is begun, plans shall be submitted to the Planning Commission and approved by the Village Council according to the procedures established herein. Section 36-8. qualification of Person Making Survey Every subdivision of lands made within the provisions of these reg- ulations shall be made under the responsible direction and supervision of a land surveyor who shall certify on the plat that the plat is a true and cor- rect representation of the lands surveyed, that the survey was made under his responsible direction and supervision, and that the survey data complies with all requirements of these regulations and Chapter 177, Florida Statutes. The certification shall bear the signature, registration number and the official seal of the land surveyor. Section 36-9. Pre-application Conference Prior to the preparation of the preliminary plat, the subdivider or his agent shall informally seek the advice of the Village Council, the De- partment of Public Services, and other responsible agencies, in order to be- come familiar with the subdivision requirements and provisions of the Com- prehensive Plan affecting the territory in which the subdivision is proposed to be located. The subdivider shall submit ten (10) copies of the adequate plans and data to clearly show existing conditions of the site and its vicini and the proposed layout of the subdivision. It is intended that this pro- radure will assist the subdivider in preparing a plat which will meet the re- quirements of these regulations. This procedure does not require a formal application or fee. -5- Section 36-10. Preliminary Plat Procedure Prior to the cutting or grading of any street or the making of any street improvements or the installation of utilities, the subdivider shall secure from the Village Council an approval or conditional plat approval for a preliminary plat and construction plans of the proposed subdivision in ac- cordance with the following procedure: 1. Application for Preliminary Plat Approval ~~ In order to formally seek action on the preliminary plat, the subdivider shall submit an application form, a minimum of twenty (20) copies of the prelim- inary plat and the application fee to the Department of Public Services. 2. Developments of Regional Impact For all subdivisions that are presumed to be Develop- ments of Regional Impact as provided in Chapter 380, Florida Statutes, and Chapter 22F, Florida Administrative Code, a copy of the preliminary plat and a completed application for development approval shall be submitted to the Village Council, the regional planning agency and the state land planning agency. A development order shall be issued prior to the review and approval of con- struction plans as provided in Section 36-12 of these regulations. Fees 1 A fee of one hundred fifty dollars ($150.00) shall be paid to the Village by the subdivider at the time of filing the application to defray the cost of filing said application, notifying interested parties and hold- ing a hearing on the preliminary plat. In addition, a fee of two hundred dollars ($200.00) per lot layout plat she8t shall.'.be paild to defray the cost of en- gineering review. 4. Review Comments 1 The Department of Public Services shall forthwith trans- mit one (1) copy of the preliminary plat to the Village Engineer, copies to the Village Council and additional copies to appropriate agencies. Each of these agencies shall review the preliminary plat and submit any written recommendations to the Planning Commission, which shall hold a public hearing on the preliminary plat with due public notice as defined in Chapter 163.170, Florida Statutes. The subdivider, or his duly authorized re- presentative, shall attend these meetings of the Plan- ning Commission to discuss his preliminary plat. Planning Commission Review The Planning Commission review shall include considera- tion of the review comments. In addition, particular attention shall be given to the arrangement, location and width of streets, their relation to the topography of the land, water supply, sewage disposal, drainage, lot sizes and arrangement, the present or future develop- ment of adjoining lands, and the requirements of the Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Ordinance. Planning Commission Action Following the hearing Wing Commission shall one of the following on the preliminary plat, the Plan- recommend to the Village Council actions: -6- 1. Issue a certificate of preliminary plat approval. 2. Issue a certificate of conditional plat approval, subject to any necessary mod- ifications which shalt be noted on the preliminary plat or attached to it in writing. 1 3. Disapproval of the preliminary plat or any portion thereof, stating the reasons for disapproval in writing. The sub- divider may reapply for preliminary plat approval in accordance with provisions of this section. Notification of Action The recommendation of the Planning Commission and the action of the Village Council shall be noted on two (2) copies of the preliminary plat, one (1) copy of which shall be returned to the subdivider and the other retained by the Department of Public Services. 8. Failure of the Planning Commission to Take Action Failure of the Planning Commission to make a recommenda- tion to the Village Council, as required by paragraph 6 of this section, within ninety (90) days of filing the preliminary plat, shall give the applicant the right to appeal directly to the Village Council for action, un- less the applicant agrees to an extension of time. 9. Effect of Approval Approval of the preliminary plat by the Village Council shall not constitute approval of the final plat but shall be deemed an expression of approval of the layout sub- mitted as a guide to the preparation of the final plat. Preliminary approval shall expire and be of no further effect twelve (12) months from the date of preliminary approval unless the time is extended by the Village Council prior to expiration; otherwise, the subdivider must reapply for preliminary plat approval in accordance with provisions of this section. Section 36-11. Preliminary Plat Specifications The preliminary plat shall be drawn clearly and legibly at a scale of at least one (1) inch equals one hundred (100) feet using a sheet size of twenty-four (24) inches by thirty-six (36) inches, reserving a three (3) inch binding margin on the left side and a one (1) inch margin on the other three sides. If more than one (1) sheet is required, an index map relating each sheet to the entire subdivision shall be shown on the first sheet. The pre- liminary plat shall contain the following information: 1. Proposed name of subdivision. 1 Name, address and telephone number of the subdivider and agent of the subdivider. 3. Name and registration number of surveyor. 4. Date of survey, north point, graphic scale, date of plat drawing and space for revision dates. Vicinity map showing location with respect to major roads and acreage of the subdivision. -7- 1 1 1 6. Boundary line of the tract by bearing and distance. 7. Legal description of the tract to be subdivided. 8. Names of owners of adjoining land with their approx- imate acreages. 9. Existing streets, utilities and easements on and ad- jacent to the tract, including the location and size of each and the invert elevation of sewers. 10. Other existing improvements including buildings on or adjacent to the tract. 11. Preliminary layout including streets, alleys and ease- ments with dimensions and proposed street names, lot lines with approximate dimensions, land to be reserved or dedicated for public uses, and any land to be used for purposes other than single family dwellings. 12. Block letters and lot numbers. 13. Zoning district boundaries on and abutting the tract. 14. Proposed method and approval by all franchised utilities of water supply, sewage disposal, drainage, street light- ing and electrical distribution system. 15. Minimum building front yard setback lines. 16. Typical street cross-sections for each street classifi- cation. 17. Natural features including lakes, marshes, or swamps, water courses, land subject to flooding, wooded areas and isolated trees having a trunk caliper of six (6) inches or more at a height of four (4) feet above the ground. In lieu of this requirement, the applicant may furnish aerial photographs of the area in question. Aerials to be no more than two (2) years old and to a scale of a maximum of one foot to 200 feet. 18. Surface drainage with direction of flow and method of disposition indicated. 19. Soil survey map. 20. Subsurface conditions of the tract showing: subsurface soil, rock and groundwater conditions; location and results of soil percolation tests; location and extent of muck pockets. 21. Existing covenants and restrictions. 22. Any other information that may be considered necessary for full and proper consideration of the proposed sub- division. 23. Inscription stating "NOT FOR FINAL RECORDING." 24. Flood Hazard Reports - If the proposed subdivision is in an area subject to flooding as determined by the Village Engineer then the subdivider shall submit three valley cross sections including the channel of the stream at points specified, topographic information for areas adjoining sides of the channel, cross sections for land to be occupied by the proposed development, high- water information, boundaries of area subject to ponding, and other pertinent information. -8- The Department of Public Services shalt transmit one (1) copy of this information described to the Village Engineer or other expert person or agency for technical assistance, where necessary, in evaluating the proposed project in relation to flood heights and velocities, the seriousness of flood damage to the use, the adequacy of the plans for protection and other technical matters. The Planning Commission, with technical assistance, shall estimate the discharge of the regulatory flood, determine the specific flooding threat at the site of the proposed subdivision and determine whether the subdivision is located in a floodway or flood fringe area by: I ~~ a. Calculation of water surface elevations and flood pro- tection elevations based upon a hydraulic analysis of the capacity of the stream channel and overbank areas to convey the regulatory flood. Flood protection el- evations shall be at or above the water surface eleva- tions of the regulatory flood. Section 36-12. Construction Plans Procedure Preparation of Construction Plans Following approval of the preliminary plat (and issuance of development order for development of regional impact when applicable) the subdivider shall submit construction plans and specifications for all proposed subdivision im- provements. These construction plans must be prepared in conformance with these regulations by a professional en- gineer registered in the State of Florida. Submission and Review of Construction Plans The subdivider shall submit four (4) sets of prints approv- ed by all interested agencies of the completed construction plans and the approved preliminary plat to the Department of Public Services along with a fee of $150.00 to defray the processing cost. In addition, the subdivider shall pay a fee of one-half of 1% of the estimated cost of construc- tion of all the improvements required by this ordinance to defray the cost of the administration of the subdivision. Following review, if the construction plans are consistent with the approved preliminary plat and comply with all standards and specifications, the Village Engineer shall notify the subdivider and the Department of Public Services of construction plan approval. If the construction plans are not consistent with the approval preliminary plat or do not comply with all standards and specifications, the Village Engineer shall notify the subdivider and the Depart- ment of Public Services: a. Conditional construction plan approval, subject to any necessary modifications which shall be indicated on the plans or attached to it in writing; or b. Disapproval of the construction plans or any portion thereof, indicating in writing the reasons for such disapproval. 3. Posting of Surety Device 1 Approval of the construction plans is authorization to pro- ceed with installation of any improvements required, sub- ject to the approval of agencies having proper authority, and the preparation of the final plat or unit division there- of, and in certain instances as specified herein, subject to the posting of a surety device as follows: a. If the final plat is to be recorded prior to in- stallation of improvements, a surety in the form of a performance bond, trust deed, or escrow agree- ment, approved by the Village Attorney, shall be filed with the Village Clerk. Sucii surety shall cover at least one hundred ten (110) percent of the cost of all required improvements, such as streets -g- and drainage, water, sewerage, gas and electric- al distribution systems, with estimates provided i by the subdivider approved by the Village Engineer. I The surety shall be conditioned upon the faithful performance by the subdivider of all work required ~ to complete all improvements and installations for i the subdivision, or unit division thereof, in com- pliance with these rules and regulations within a period of one (1) year and shall be payable to, and for the indemnification of the Village. b. If improvements are installed prior to final plat approval in accordance with the specifications of these regulations and such improvements have been ~ inspected and approved by the Village Engineer and the subdividers engineer, the following certifica- '~ tion shall be substituted for a surety device; I I hereby certify that I have inspected the streets, i utilities, monuments and other improvements shown on the plat of subdivision and to the best of nU' now a ge ind that the same have been constructed and installed in accordance with prescribed specifications and a maintenance bond in the amount of $ posted and find that there are no vis a efects in the materials and ~ workmanship apparent in said improvements. Approved: ~ Village Engineer Subdividers Engineer 4. Posting of Maintenance Bond A maintenance bond in the amount of ten (10) per cent of the total cost of all required street and drainage im- provements shall be posted as a condition to final plat approval by the Village. Such maintenance bond will be returned to the subdivider at the end of one year from the time of final plat approval, provided that all re- ~I quired improvements have been properly maintained, as approved by the Village Engineer. i Section 36-13. Construction Plan Specifications Plans for the required improvements shall be prepared for the ap- proval of the Village Engineer prior to construction and only after approval of the preliminary plat. Such improvement plans shall show the proposed lo- cations, sizes, types, grades, and general design features of each facility, and shall be based upon reliable field data. These drawings shall include the following information: 1. A topographic map of the subdivision as required by the Villa a Engineer with a maximum contour interval of one (1~ foot where overall slopes of 0% to 2%, two (2) feet where slopes are over 2% but less than 10%, or five (5) feet where slopes are over 10%, based on U.S. Coast and Geodetic Datum. Such map shall be pre- pared by a land surveyor. 2. A drainage map of the entire basin or basins within which the subdivision lies. This map may be combined with the above topographic map, including all ridges outlining the basins and the sizes of the basins in j acres, of all existing and proposed drainage areas of flow concentration. Flow paths shall be indicated throughout, including final outfalls from the sub- division and basins. 3. Improvement Construction Drar~ings - Three ;3) blueprints ' of these drawings shall be submitted, and the sheet size ~ shall be 24" x 36" unless another size is approved by the staff. The drawings shall be referenced to the name and unit number of the proposed subdivision, shall show -10- 1 elevations based on mean sea level datum plan approved by the Village Engineer, and shall show the following information: a. Street Profiles - Plans for street construction shall consist of a plan view showing PI eleva- tions and percentage grade slopes between PI 's on the plan sheet. b. Street Cross-Sections - A cross-section of each proposed street, at a scale of ten (10) feet or less to the inch, showing the width of pavement, the location and width of sidewalks, where re- quired, and rights-of-way. c. Water Supply, Sewers, Storm Water Drainage, Gas S stem CATV Tele hone S stem and Electrical Distribution ystem - e p ans an profiles of proposed water distribution systems, sanitary sewers, storm water drainage sewers, other drain- age ways, Gas System, CATV, Telephone System and Electrical Distribution Systems, at a horizontal scale equal to the horizontal scale of the sub- division plan and a vertical scale of 1/10th of the horizontal scale, with grades and sizes in- dicated. 4. Minimum construction specifications shall be as specified herein. Section 36-14. Final Plat Procedure 1. General u No lots shall be sold and no street accepted and main- tained by the Village, nor shall any permit be issued by the Building Official for the construction of any permanent building within such subdivision unless and until the final plat has been approved by the Planning Commission and the Village Council and duly recorded by the Clerk of the Circuit Court. The final plat shall conform substantially to the preliminary plat as approv- ed by the Village Council and shall incorporate all mod- ifications and revisions specified in the approval of the preliminary plat. A final plat may constitute only a portion of the approved preliminary plat. After com- pletion of the required improvements of the subdivision or the posting of a surety bond the subdivider shall sub- mit to the Department of Public Services a final plat in accordance with the following procedure: 2. Application for Final Plat Approval 1 After the preliminary plat of a proposed subdivision has been given approval by the Village Council, the subdivider shall, within twelve (12) months or such additional time as may be granted by the Village Council, submit to the Department of Public Services at least forty-five (45) days prior to the meeting of the Planning Commission at which it is to be considered,-the following: a. A letter requesting review and approval of the final plat. b. The original linen or n~ylar tracing of the final plat and two (2) reproducible linen or n~ylar copies. c. Five (5) printed copies of the final plat with sign- ed certification and other documents as specified herein. -11- Planning Commission Review 1 The Planning Commission shall review and make its final recommendation on the final plat within forty-five (45) days after the plat is submitted to the Department of Public Services. Failure of the Planning Commision to make a recommendation within forty-five (45) days of sub- mittal, shall give the applicant the right to appeal directly to the Village Council for action, unless the applicant agrees to an extension of time. Before submis- sion of the final plat, the Planning Commission shall receive a written report from the Village Engineer certifying compliance with or noting deviations from the approved preliminary plat and the requirements of these regulations. When substantial errors are found in the accuracy of the final plat, the subdivider shall be res- ponsible for correction in the survey or the final plat. 4. Planning Commission Action If the final plat meets atl requirements of these regula- tions and complies with the approved preliminary plat, the Planning Commission shall recommend approval of the final plat and indicate its recommendation on each copy by signature of the Planning Commission Chairman. If the final plat is recommended for disapproval by the Planning Commission, the reason for such action shall.be specified in writing. One (1) copy of such reasons shall be trans- mitted to the Village Council and to the subdivider. The sub- divider may make the recommended changes and resubmit the final plat to the Planning Commission. Village Council Action If the final plat meets all the requirements of these reg- ulations and complies with the approved preliminary plat, the Village Council shall approve the final plat and in- dicate its approval on each copy by signature of the Mayor as attested by the Village Clerk. If the final plat is disapproved by the Village Council, the reasons for disapproval shall be stated in writing. A copy of such reasons shall be sent to the subdivider. The subdivider may make the necessary changes and resubmit the final plat to the Village Council. Recording of Final Plat 1 Upon approval of the final plat by the Village Council, the original linen or rgylar tracing of the final plat shall be recorded with the Clerk of the Ciruit Court by the Village Clerk with all recording fees paid by the subdivider. The final plat shall be recorded prior to the sale of any lot within the subdivision. Upon recording the approved final plat, a copy of arty private covenants or deed restrictions shall be provided by the subdivider for the records of the Department of Public Services. One (1) reproducible copy of the final plat shall be retained by the Department of Public Services and one (1) copy by the Village Engineer. Section 36-15. Final Plat Specifications The final plat shall be drawn clearly and legibly at a scale of at least one (1) inch equals one hundred (100) feet using a sheet size of twenty- four (24) inches by thirty-six (36) inches, reserving a three (3) inch binding margin on the left side and a one (1) inch margin on the other three sides. If more than one sheet is required, an index map relating each sheet to the entire subdivision shall be shown on the first sheet. The final plat shall conform to Chapter 177, as amended, Florida Statutes, and contain no less than the foiiowiny information: -12- 1. Name of subdivision. 2. Name and address of subdivider. 1 1 1 3. North point, graphic scale and date. 4. Vicinity map showing location and acreage of the sub- division. 5. Exact boundary tine of the tract, determined by afield survey, giving distances to the nearest one-hundredth (1/100) foot and angles to the nearest minute, shall be balanced and closed with an apparent error of closure not to exceed one (1) in five thousand (5,000). 6. Legal description of the tract. 7. Bearing and distance to permanent points on the nearest existing street lines of bench marks or other permanent monuments (not less than three) shall be accurately des- cribed on the plat. 8. Municipal and county limit lines shall be accurately tied to the lines of the subdivision by distance and angles when such lines traverse or are reasonably close to the sub- division. 9. The closest land line or section corner shall be accurate- ly tied to the lines of the subdivision by distance and angles. 10. Location, dimensions, and purposes of any land reserved or dedicated for public use. 11. Exact locations, widths, and names of all streets and alleys within and immediately adjoining the new subdivision 12. Street right-of-way lines shall show angles of deflection, angles of intersection, radii, and lines of tengents. 13. Lot lines shall be shown with dimensions to the nearest one-hundredth (1/100) foot and bearings. 14. Lots shall be numbered in numerical order and blocks let- tered alphabetically. 15. Accurate location and description of monuments and markers shalt be described on the plat. 16. Minimum building front yard setback lines. 17. Reference to recorded subdivision plats of adjoining plat- ted land shall be shown by record name, plat book and page number. 18. Covenants and Restrictions shall be filed for record with the Clerk of the Circuit Court and the recording informa- tion shown on the plat. 19. Signed Certificates - The following certificates shall appear on the final plat. Certificates a, b, shall be properly signed before the final plat is submitted to the Planning Commission. a. Certificate of Surveyor. b. Certificate of Ownership and Dedication. c. Certificate of Recommendation by Planning Commission. d. Certificate of Approval by the Village Council. -13- Section 36-16. Reversion of Subdivided Land to Acreage 1. As provided for in Chapter 163 of the Florida Statutes, an applicant of any subdivided land may file a final plat for the purpose of returning the land to acreage. The applicant shall conform to the standard proceudres of filing a final plat as described herein. 2. The Village. Council may order the vacation and reversion to acreage of all or part of a subdivision within its jurisdiction provided that: a. The plat was lawfully recorded not less than five (6) years before the date of action; b. No more than 10% of the total area of such subdivision has been sold as lots by the original subdivider or successor to his title. 3. As per the requirements of Chapter 163, Florida Statutes, a public hearing shall be held on any proposal for vacation and reversion of land to acreage. 4. No owner of any parcel of land in the subdivision shall be deprived of reasonable access to such parcel as a result of reversion to acreage. ARTICLE III DESIGN STANDARDS Section 36-17. General All lands included within the subdivision shall be suitable for the various purposes proposed in the request for subdivision approval. Further, . no subdivision plan shall be approved unless the Village Council finds, after full consideration of all pertinent data, that the subdivision can be served adequately and economically with such normal public facilities and services as are suitable in the circumstances of the particular case. 1. Conformity with Comprehensive Plans The subdividing and development of any areas subject to these regulations shall be in conformity with the general goals and objectives of the Village with respect to the officially adopted Comprehensive Plan; the official map which depicts the thoroughfare plan; existing zoning re- quirements, including all amendments thereto; policies and plans established by the Village with respect to lake levels, navigational requirements and policies, water supply, waste disposal and other essential utilities; the overall drainage plan; and policies for development in any special improvement districts. 2. Consideration of Soil and Flood Hazards 1 A subdivision plat shall not be approved unless all land intended for use as building sites can be used safely for building purposes, without danger from flood or other in- undation or from adverse soil or foundation conditions or from any other menace to health, safety, or public welfare. All subdivisions located within a flood hazard zone shall meet the requirements of Section 36-31 of these regulations. Section 36-18. Lots and Blocks Lots and blocks shall be designed according to acceptable practice for the type of development and use contemplated so as to be aesthetically acce~ta.ble; in keeping with thr. +,nponraphy and other site conditions and to provide adequate traffic and utility access and circulation; acceptable use of space; provide privacy, adequate drainage, and protection of property. -14- 1. Lot Size The lot size, width, depth, shape, and orientation, and the minimum building setback lines shall be appropriate for the location of the subdivision and for the type of development and use contemplated. Lot dimensions and all building setback lines shall not be less than the minimum standards established in the Zoning Ordinance. Residence Lots - Minimum 1 a. Lots zoned, restricted, used or intended for use for residences shall have a width of not less than eighty-five (85) feet at the setback line and an area of not less than 10,500 square feet. b. Corner lots shalt have a width of not less than ninety (90) feet at the setback line and an area of not less than 13,000 square feet. 3. Access Each lot, for a minimum frontage distance. of fifty-seven (57) feet, shall abut on a public street. This require- ment shall not be construed to prohibit private streets within developments where the land remains under one ownership. The subdivision shall be so designed that remnants and land-locked areas shall not be created. 1 4. Lot Lines Side lot lines shall be, as nearly as practical, at right angles to straight street lines and radial to curved street lines. No lot shall be divided by a municipal boundary. 5. Double Frontage Lots Double frontage, and reverse frontage lots, shalt be avoided except where essential to provide separation of residential development from traffic arteries or to overcome specific disadvantages of topography and orientation. A planting screen easement of at least twenty (20) feet, and across which there shall be no right of vehicular access, shall be provided along the line of lots abutting such traffic artery or other in- harmonious use. Block Lengths Block lengths shall not exceed fourteen hundred (1,400) feet or be less than three hundred (300) feet, as measur- ed between center lines of bounding streets. See Section 36-19(16) for streets ending in cul-de-sacs. 1 Section 36-19. Streets The arrangement, character, extent, width, grade and location of all streets shall conform to the Comprehensive Plan now in existence or as may hereafter be adopted, and shall be considered in their relation to existing and planned streets, to topographical conditions, to public convenience and safety, and in their appropriate relation to the proposed uses of the land to be served by such streets. Where such is not shown in the Comprehensive Plan now in existence or as may be hereafter adopted, the arrangement of streets in a subdivision shall either: a) provide for the continuation or appropriate projection of existing major streets in surrounding areas, or b) conform to a plan for the neighborhood or be aligned to meet a particular situation where topographical or other conditions make continuance or conformance to existing streets im- practicable. -15- All streets to be established within a subdivision shall meet the following minimum design standards: 1. Minor Streets Minor streets shall be so laid out that use by through traffic will be discouraged. 2. Subdivisions on Arterial Streets Where a subdivision abuts or contains an existing or pro- posed arterial street, the provision by the subdivider of marginal access streets, reverse frontage lots with planting screen contained in a non-access reservation along the rear property lines, deep lots with rear ser- vice alleys, or such other treatment as may be necessary, for adequate protection of residential properties and to afford separation of through and local traffic may be re- quired. 3. Subdivisions on Railroads or Limited Access Nighway Where a subdivision abuts or contains a railroad right-of- way or limited access highway ,right-of-way, the provision by the subdivider of a street approximately parallel to and on each side of such right-of-way, at a distance suit- able for the appropriate use of the intervening land, as for park purposes in residential districts or for commercial or industrial purposes in appropriate districts may be re- quired. Such distance shall also be determined with due regard for the requirements of approach grades and future grade separations.. 4. Intersection Design C Streets shall be laid out to intersect as nearly as possible at right angles and no street shall intersect any other street at less than sixty (60) degrees. Street jogs at in- tersections with center-line offsets of less than one hundred fifty (150) feet shall be prohibited. Multiple intersections involving the juncture of more than two (2) streets shall be prohibited. A minimum sight distance of two hundred (200) feet from any intersection shall be maintained on intersect- ing streets, however, this requirement shall not be construed as requiring an increase in the minimum allowable intersec- tion separation of one hundred fifty (150) feet. 5. Minimum Street Design Specifications All streets to be established in a subdivision shalt be des- igned in accordance with the following minimum specifications: Collector Local Marginal Street Street Access 1 Minimum right-of-way 80 ft. 60 ft. 40 ft. Percent grade of roadway centerline: Minimum 0.30% 0.30% _ 0.30% Geometric design shall comply with the latest AASHTO require- ments. 6. Cul-de-Sacs Cut=de-sacs shall be provided with a turn-around hav- ing an outside roadway diameter of at least eighty(80) feet, and a street property line diameter of a± least one hundred (100) feet. Cul-de-sacs shall have a min- imum length of two hundred (200) feet including the turn-around. -16- Dead-end roads and streets may be as long as necessary to properly serve narrow island or narrow peninsulas bounded by watercourses, canals, or other bodies of water the crossing of which would require a bridge; and dead-end roads and streets may be as long as necessary to properly serve other narrow land areas formed by such water or waterways in combination with permanent obstructions such as railroads, sewage treatment plants, limited access highways and the like. 1 7. Street Access to Adjoininy_Property Street stubs to adjoining unplatted areas shall be provided at intervals of not over one-garter (1/4) mile when required to give access to such areas or to provide for proper traffic circulation. Street stubs in excess of two hundred fifty (250) feet shall be provided with a temporary cul-de-sac turn-around. The developer of the ad3oining area shall pay the cost of restoring the street to its original design cross-section and extending the street. Half Streets Half streets shall be prohibited; except that where a prev- iously platted half street, improved or unimproved, abuts a tract to the subdivided, the second half of the street shall be platted within the tract being subdivided and the entire street shall be improved when and as required in Article IV of these regulations. 9. Street Names ~1 1 Street names shall not be used which will duplicate or be confused with the names of existing streets, except that new streets which are an extension of or in alignment with existing streets shall bear the same name as that borne by j such existing streets. The names of all courts and circles ~ shall not duplicate those of streets. i Section 36-20. Alleys In single family residential districts, alleys shall be discouraged When provided in any district, alleys shall have a minimum right-of-way width of twenty (20) feet. i Section 36-21. Sidewalks Where provided, sidewalks shall be designed as an integral part of the total circulation system and shall be located within the street right-of- way or common open areas. I ~ Section 36-22. Easements and Rights-of-Way Easements for utilities including water, sewer, electric, CATV, telephone, and gas, and drainage easements, shall be provided as follows: a. Utilities Utility easements centered on side or rear lot lines shall be provided where deemed necessary, and shall be at least fifteen (15) feet in width. Additional width may be required for sewer or drainage easements. Side lot line easements may be decreased to ten (10) feet in width when serving a single electric or tele- phone utility. b. Drainage Where.a proposed subdivision is traversed by or abuts a watercourse, drainage way, or streaa~, there shall be provided a storm water or drainage right-of-way which shall conform substantially with the limits of such watercourse, drainage way, canal, or stream, and -17- - 1 such further width or construction, or both, as will be adequate for the purpose. Where a drainage way or canal is required to be constructed, right- of-way approved as adequate by the Village Engineer shall be provided for maintenance purposes. Parallel streets or parkways may be required in connection therewith. No open drainage ditches shall be permit- ted within any subdivision boundaries. Storm sewers shall be covered and open ditches may be permitted across undeveloped land only as an outlet into an es- tablished watercourse, if a right-of-way is provided. See Section 36-31(e). c. Access Waterways Waterways which are constructed or improved for the purpose of providing access by water to lots within a subdivision shall have a minimum right-of-way width of eighty (80) feet. See Section 36-31(e). Section 36-23. Public Sites and Open Spaces Where a proposed school site, park, playground or other public area shown on the adopted Village plan is located in whole or part within the pro- posed subdivision,such sites shall be indicated on the preliminary plat. As a condition for the approval of the preliminary plat, the governing body shall require the dedication to the public of such reasonable portions of such public sites as are attributable by the Village to the demand created by the sub- division. In any event, a minimum of five (5) per cent of the gross land area of the subdivision shall be dedicated to public use. At the discretion of the Village Council, the developer may be required to pay in cash an amount equal to the fair market value of the required land said fair market value to be appraised on the basis of the value of platted land without improvements. Section 36-24. Access to Water Bodies Whenever a subdivision is situated with a property frontage of one thousand (1,000) feet or more abutting the shoreline of an ocean, gulf, lake, or navigable waterway, the subdivider shall provide adequate public access to the shoreline at intervals that average not more than one thousand (1,000) feet by designation of public access easements having widths not less than twenty-five (25) feet. These easements are to be im- proved by the subdivider as approved by the Planning Commission. b. The Village Council may require that the subdivider shall perpetually maintain said public access easements by the creation of a trust fund to bear cost of same or some other such provision assuming perpetual care. The Village Council may impose any condition or res- triction it deems in the public interest upon any public access easement it may require under this ordinance in- cluding restrictions of improvements placed thereon. 1 Section 36-25. Subdivision Entrances Areas for subdivision entrances may be permitted in all subdivisions whether residential, commercial, or industrial. In the event such entrance areas are authorized, the Village Council may require that the subdivider shal perpetually maintain said entrance areas by the creation of a trust fund to bear cost of same or some other such provision assuming perpetual care. The Village Council may impose any condition or restriction it deems in the public interest upon any entrance area it may authorize under this ordinance, includ- ing restrictions of improvements placed thereon. -18- ARTICLE IV REQUIRED IMPROVEMENTS 1 Section 36-26. General A Florida registered professional engineer shall be employed to design and inspect the installation of all required improvements such as street, drainage structures, bridges, bulkheads, and water and sewer facilities All plans for improvements shall be prepared by such engineer and approved by the Village Engineer prior to construction. The designated inspector of the Village shall receive notice in ad- equate time to arrange for inspection prior to beginning of construction and at appropriate staged intervals thereafter. The Village Engineer may require laboratory or field test at the expehse of the developer when appropriate. j Any failure of work or materials to conform with the plans and specifications or failure to notify the Village in time for indicated inspections may be cause'. for the Village Council to reject the facilities. Section 36-27. Monuments a. Permanent Reference Monuments Permanent reference monuments shall be placed as re- quired by Chapter 177, Florida Statutes, as amended. Monuments shall be set in the ground so that the tip is flush or no more than one (1) foot below the fin- ish grade. Permanent Control Points Permanent control points shall be set along the street right-of-ways or block lines at "PC's," "PT's," "PRC's," "PCC's," and other changes in direction, excluding those points located by "PRM's." 1 Section 36-28. Streets Street improvements designed in accordance with Section 36-19 of these regulations shall be provided as required by the following: a. Arterial and Collector Streets - Pavement design, lane widths and intersection details for all arterial and collector streets should conform to plans prepared by the developer and approved by the Village Engineer, after consultation with the regional traffic authorities, as to projected traffic flow, turning movements and other design details made available from the authorities. Collector streets which do not have a regional impact must be a minimum of 24 feet in width and include turning and storage lanes at all major intersections and conform to approved typical section. L b. Marginal Access Streets - Marginal access streets shall be 24 feet wide where adjacent parking is provided for access to commercial or institutional areas and may be reduced to 20 feet in width where no adjacent parking exists. c. Curb and Gutter - Standard curb and gutter may be utilized in the Village only where its use is justified on the basis of limited rights-of-way, steep grades preventing the use of grass swales or in commercial or institutional areas where the particular site plan lends itself to the use of curb and gutter. d. Swales - All standard street sections shall utilize grass swales adjacent to the paved area to receive runoff before conveyance to storm drainage systems. Swales shall be in accordance with approved typical sections. -19- e. Subgrade - Stabilization of subgrade may be required to meet existing soil conditions on a proposed site or may be waived if natural soil bearing values are sufficient to support the classification of street to be constructed. 1 1 Pavement Base - All collector, local and marginal access streets shall consist of an 8" compacted thickness of limerock or approved local shell rock. Equivalent base material may also be utilized as approved by the Village Engineer. g. Wearing Surface - All collector, local and marginal access streets shall consist of a 1-1/2" compacted thickness of Type I asphaltic concrete surface course or an equivalent as approved by the Village Engineer. Section 36-29. Sidewalks A system of sidewalks shall be provided by the subdivider to provide for safe movement of pedestrians separate from motor vehicle traffic. Except as provided below, sidewalks shall be provided along both sides of all streets, and along all streets where adjacent land is zoned or otherwise designated to be used for multiple family dwelling purposes, commercial, and/or office pur- poses. As an alternative, and as approved by the Village Council, sidewalks in residential areas may be provided within common open areas. Sidewalks shall be constructed per standards established by Chapter 35, Village Code. Section 36-30. Bridges Bridges shall be designed in general accord with current practices as established by the Village Engineer. Bridges shall be constructed with curbs, the required paving width, and, in addition, sidewalks at least five (5) feet wide on both sides. Guardrails or fences shall be provided as re- quired by the Village Engineer. (See Chapter 11, Village Code). Section 36-31. Storm Water Management - General The storm water management system shall be designed in accordance with accepted engineering principles for design floods resulting from rain- fall and tidal elevations experienced in the Intracoastal Waterway for storm frequencies as follows: Minimum street grade shall exceed calculated flood levels resulting from a ten-year frequency storm tide plus rainfall runoff. b. The finished floor of ail structures shall exceed the one hundred-year tidal flooding and rainfall runoff level, but in no case shall be less than 8.5 feet above mean sea level. 1 Storm drainage facilities, including swales, inlets and conduits shall be designed on runoff predicted from a three-year intensity rainfall curve in general use for this area. d. Roadside swales within street rights-of-ways shall be constructed in accordance with approved typical sections for the subdivision under consideration. Swale cross sections shall be designed to carry runoff up to the edge of pavement, or edge of improved property adjacent to the right-of-way. Surplus water from the swales shall be diverted into a closed storm drainage system or other approved means. -20- Open channels and outfall ditches for the purpose of conveying storm runoff within any subdivision develop- ment will not be allowed. However, open channels connecting to tidewater for the purpose of navigational access to existing or proposed waterways will be per- mitted provided they are protected by concrete bulk- heads and have a minimum width of eighty (80) feet and a minimum centerline depth of 8.0 feet. ii 1 (See Section 36-22). (See Chapter 11, Village Code). f. In order to minimize the degradation of water quality in receiving bodies, the proposed subdivision will be provided with landscaped areas, grassed areas or other natural vegetated areas to receive runoff from build- ings, pavement or other impervious areas to the degree that pollutants from these areas may be absorbed by the vegetation or percolated into the soil. No runoff from such impervious areas shall be discharged direct- ly into any inlet or storm sewer without first being given the opportunity to pass through a natural vege- tated area. All potential areas of soil erosion shall be protected to minimize siltation transport by flow- ing water. Section 36-32. a. b. c. d. Utilities Sanitary Sewer The subdivider shall provide sanitary sewer services to each lot within the subdivision. All sewer lines serv- ing lots within the subdivision shall be installed by the subdivider prior to the paving of the street and should be designed to operate on a gravity flow basis whenever possible. Water Supply The subdivider shall install or have installed a system of water mains and connect the system to each supply. The installation of such mains and connection to each lot shall be installed prior to the paving of the street. Water and Sewer Systems Water and sewer systems shall be designed for the proposed subdivision which meet the current requirements of all regulatory agencies having jurisdiction over water and sewer systems. Evidence of approval of those agencies shall be submitted prior to final plat approval and all construction certificates issued to any regulatory agencies shall become a copy of the permanent file of this subdivision with the Village. Fire protection shall be included in all water distribution system design and shall meet the latest standards of the National Board of Fire Underwriters or its successor agency. Underground Utilities Utility lines of all kinds, including but not limited to those of franchised utilities, electric power and light, telephone and telegraph, cable television, water, sewer, and gas, shall be constructed and installed beneath the surface of the ground .within new subdivisions, unless it is determined by the Village Engineer that soil, topographical, or any other compelling conditions make the installation of such utility lines as prescribed herein unreasonable or im- practicable. Both local transmission lines and individual service connection lines to buildings shall be installed underground. The underground installation of incidental appurtances such as ±ransfermer boxes, pedestal mounted -21- boxes for electricity, or similar service hardware necessary for the provision of electric and communica- tion utilities shall not be required. Nothing in this subsection shall be construed to prohibit any entity furnishing utility service within the Village from collecting, as a condition precedent to the installation of service facilities, any fee prepayment or contribution in aid of construction which may be required. Section 36-33. Screening Walls and Landscaping Screens separating residential lots from abutting arterial streets may be required in the form of maintenance-free walls, landscaping, or plant- ed earth mounds. Such screens should be at least four (4) feet in height and at least 50% opaque. When landscaping is used for screening, the height and opacity requirements should be attained within one (1) year after the issuance of the first letter of acceptance by the governing body. Such walls, landscaping, or planted earth mounds should be located on the abutting lots no nearer to the arterial right-of-way than one (1) foot. Section 36-34. Planned Unit Development Alternatives The standards and requirements set forth in these regulations may be ' modified by the Village Council in the case of a planned unit development j which in the judgment of the Village Council provides adequate public spaces and improvements for the circulation, recreation, light, air, and service needs of the tract when fully developed and populated, and which also provides such covenants or other legal provisions as will assure conformity to and ~ implementation of the plan. In granting such modification the Village Council ~ shall require such reasonable conditions and safeguards as will secure sub- stantially the objectives and standards of this ordinance and the comprehen- sive plan of the Village. Before granting such modifications, a public hear- i ing will be held by the Planning Commission. Section 36-35. Appeals Any person aggrieved by the Village Council's decision regarding a Preliminary or Final Subdivision Plat, or the Village Council's decision re- garding any allowed alternative, may file a petition fora Writ of Certiorari in the Circuit Court of Palm Beach County to review such final action as pro- vided by the Florida Appelate Rules. Such petition shall be presented to said court within thirty (30) days after the date of such final action of the Village Council. ARTICLE V ENFORCEMENT PROVISIONS 1 Section 36-36. General Within the jurisdiction of these regulations, no subdivision shall be made, platted, or recorded, nor shall any lot or parcel be sold nor any building permit be issued, unless such subdivision meets all the requirements of these regulations and has been approved in accordance with the requirements as herein provided. The Village Council or any aggrieved person may have re- course to such remedies in law and equity as may be necessary to insure com- pliance with the provisions of this ordinance, including injunctive relief to enjoin and restrain any person violating the provisions of this ordinance, and any rules and regulations adopted under this ordinance, and the Court shall, upon proof of the violation of these regulations hava the. duty to forth- with issue such temporary and permanent injunctions as are necessary to pre- vent the violation of the ordinance. Section 36-37. Required Improvements The Village Council shall enforce the improvement bond by resort to legal and equitable remedies if required improvements have not been satis- factorily installed with one (1) year after the final plat is approved, un- '.ccc extended by the Village Council e.nd provided the surety consents to the extension. Any owner or agent of the owner who falsely represents to a pro- spective purchaser of real estate that roads and streets, sewers, water syste or drainage facilities will be built, constructed, or maintained by the Villa shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor. _2P_ Section 36-38. Erection of Buildings and Issuance of Permits No permanent building shall be erected on a lot or parcel of land subject to these regulations nor shall any building permit be issued there- for unless one of the following conditions exist: Such a lot or parcel is within a subdivision for which a final plat has been approved and filed by the Village Council and the required improvements have been instal- led and accepted by the Village Council. 1 Such lot or parcel abuts a public street which has been dedicated to and accepted by the Village Council or such street is shown on a legally recorded subdivision plat. However, building permits may be refused if water manage- ment, soil characteristics, or other standards established in Articles III and IV are not met. Section 36-39. Violation Misdemeanor Any person who shall sell any lot, or layout, construct, open, or dedicate any street, sanitary sewer, storm sewer, water main, or drainage structure without having first complied with the provisions of these regula- tions, or otherwise violate this ordinance, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. Each day that the violation .continues shall constitute a separate violation. ARTICLE VI AMENDMENTS This ordinance may be amended by the Village Council provided, how- ever, that no amendments shall become effective until a public hearing by the Planning Commission has been held. Public notice regarding the time, place, and date of the hearing shall be published in accordance with Chapter 163, as amended, Florida Statutes. ARTICLE VII LEGAL STATUS 1 Section 36-40. Saving Clause If any section, part of a section, paragraph, sentence, clause, phrase, or work of this ordinance is, for any reasons, held or declared to be unconstitutional, inoperative, or void, such holding of invalidity shall not affect the remaining portions of this ordinance and it shall be construed to have been the legislative intent to pass the remainder of the ordinance, after the exclusion of such part or parts, shall be deemed to be held valid as if such part or parts had not been included therein, or if this ordinance or any of the provisions thereof, shall be held inapplicable to any person, group of persons, property, kind of property, circumstances, or set of circumstances, such holding shall not affect the applicability hereof to any other person, property, or circumstances. Section 36-41. Conflicting Regulations This ordinance shall not be construed to have the effect of repealing any existing ordinance concerning the subject matter of this ordinance, but the regulations established herein shall be supplemental and cumulative. How- ever, in the case of direct conflict with a provision or provisions of any ex- isting ordinance, the provision which is more restrictive and impose higher standards or requirements shall govern. Section 36-42. Effective Date This ordinance shall take effect immediately upon adoption. Sub- divisions for which preliminary or final plans or plats have been approved prior to the effective date may be developed and completed according to the pre-existing requirements for subdivisions. However, preliminary plans or final plats which have been approved prior to the effective date of this -23- 1 i ordinance shall not be substantially changed or amended after the effective date of this ordinance except to conform with the regulations established herein. 1977. I~ PLACED ON FIRST READING THIS 8 DAY OF DECEMBER PLACED ON PUBLIC HEARING THIS 9 DAY OF FEBRUARY 1978 ~' PLACED ON SECOND, FINAL READING AND PASSED THIS 25 DAY OF MAY 1978. i '/ I~ ~, ~. ~I ~, ATTEST: I VILLAGE CLERK ~Q ~~~- MAYOR n ~~ -24- 1 ec .9 g ) 1. Presentation to Village Council - Submit ten (10) copies 2. Village Staff - Technical Review and Comments 3. Other Agencies - Review and Comments P Sec Pg (Fee: X150 plus $200 per Lot Layout Plat Sheet) 1. Village Engineer - Technical Approval 2. Other Agencies - Technical Approval 3. Planning Commission - Public Hearing 4. Planning Commission - Recommendation 5. Village Council - Approval Sec 3 ~~~f9 !oJ (Fee: $150 plus 1/2 of l% of value of improvements) 1. Village Engineer - Technical Approval 1 I ~~ FSie6L.3b• 19 (P9 zt ) 1. .Village Engineer - Technical Approval 2. Planning Commission - Recommendation 3. Village Council - Approval COiy TR TION IF FINAL PLAT RECORDED PRIOR IF'CONSTRUCTION COMPLETED PRIG TO CON. ('T[ON T~FJNAI eJ AT REGORDING,_ 1. Post Surety Bond (110%) 1. Village Engineer & Developer Engineer Certify construction in accordance 2. Construct. ~•iith Plans 3. Post 10% taintenance Bond 2. Post l0i' Maintenance Bond 3. Record Plat 10/77